Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 395] It is a pleasant thing
to be able to trace one's family record through
long years of change and struggle, and it is
doubly pleasant when this record presents the
lives of honest men and good women. Some of
the old families of Pennsylvania go back easily
to events in the middle of the last century, thus
connecting the past with the present, and making
our Republic seem young indeed when compared
with the Old World governments that
have existed for centuries. One of the oldest
families in Lawrence County, whose history is
closely interwoven with the history of the county,
is the Cole family, and among its more prominent
members is the subject of this sketch, Andrew
C. Cole, who is one of the leading business
men and citizens of Ellwod City.
Living in easy circumstances, surrounded by a bright and popular family, Mr. Cole has reached the point when he can take life as it comes, without a thought of the morrow's toil. Mrs. Cole is qualified in every respect to be the head of a household, for besides being versed in the womanly arts pertaining to housekeeping, she has evinced some literary taste; she has been an interesting contributor to newspapers, her writing showing a refined and discriminating touch. Mr. and Mrs. Cole have a promising family, the members of which are reflecting honor on their parents and credit on their bringing-up. William Hamilton Cole, born June 4, 1863, is a resident of Hazel Dell; he married Theresa Tillia, and they have three children: Clara E., John H., and Frank. John Witherow, who was born Dec. 18, 1865, lived through a pleasant youth to pass away from life's scenes, Dec. 9, 1885. Frank Edward, who was born March 18, 1868, has followed agricultural pursuits, and is living on the home farm; he married Estella Parker, and they have a son, Andrew J. Twins came to the home Nov. 12, 1870, they were girls and were named Lizzie Suella and Jennie Izora; the former became the wife of Harry McGowan, and went to live in Carnegie, Pa., where she has had one child, Harrison K.; the latter married William Buguo of Hazel Dell, and they have two daughters, Eleanor and Catherine E. Thomas James was born April 9, 1873, and married Elizabeth J. Hamilton. Karl Hayes was born Nov. 15, 1875, and passed over the river of death Aug. 24, 1896. A. Thurman and Kittie Marie were born Jan. 29, 1879, and Nov. 16, 1881, respectively.
On April 1, 1893, the firm of Cole Brothers, which comprised the three younger sons of our subject, Thomas, Karl, and Thurman, went into mercantile business at Hazel Dell; being men of pleasing address and excellent business methods, they soon built up a lucrative trade. Their family standing and connections stood them in good stead; but nothing could ward off danger and loss incurred, when fire threatened to sweep the village out of existence. Deciding to change their location, the brothers removed to Ellwood City, took possession of the store in the C. F. Eldridge Block, and again embarked in the world of trade, confining their efforts to dealing in groceries and provisions. By attending strictly to business and being straight-forward and trustworthy in every respect, the Cole firm has made an enviable reputation, and established a paying business.
In regard to Mr. Cole's personal history, he was born April 26, 1840. There is an odd coincidence of little moment, yet interesting of itself, in the fact that Mr. Cole's earlier life was spent in the same manner as was his father's before him; each was the youngest son, and each fulfilled the duty that devolved upon him to stay at home and care for his parents in their declining years. To carry the similarity to completion, each one inherited the homestead, and made it a happy, busy home. Year after year the sowing and reaping have gone on, and harvest succeeding harvest has rewarded the toil of the workers. The place has been gradually improved and has lost none of its virgin fertility, so that aside from keeping the land in the possession of the family, Mr. Cole has the further incentive of deriving a goodly revenue from it. Our subject was postmaster at Hazel Dell, being the immediate successor of his father-in-law, John H. Marshall. That Mr. Cole was popular and efficient in that position goes almost without saying, for at the end of nine years service, only a slight change was made; the commission bore the name of Mrs. Cole, and the office still continued in their care for five more years. That, however, is only one instance of the esteem cherished for the Coles; many others might be mentioned showing fully as well their position.
As he has been otherwise occupied, Mr. Cole saw fit to place his son, Frank Edward, in charge of the homestead, while he, himself, devoted his time and attention to other matters. Our subject is a man of strong constitution, who has seen good, hard work in his day, and is now enjoying the fruits thereof. His life has been too busy to allow him to be a rolling stone, nor in our subject's prosperity is there cause for regretting his quiet life.
In his life as a citizen, Mr. Cole has followed the teachings of the Republican party, not only because that party was in power for years, but because his intellectual perceptions told him that those principles were logical and true. He has been active in educational affairs, always displaying a laudable zeal to make the public school what it ought to be.
Andrew C. Cole was united in marriage to Mary E. Marshall on July 24, 1862. Mrs. Cole's parents, John H. and Susan S. (Marshall) Mar- shall, were natives of Washington Co., Pa. They settled in Lawrence County, and soon became well liked there; for some time they kept a hotel at Bridgewater, removing thence to Hazel Dell, where Mr. Marshall had the distinction of being the first postmaster in 1872. He lived to number seventy-seven years, while his wife attained the age of sixty-nine. Their children grew to be sober, industrious citizens of the kind highly prized in every community; their names were: Marguerite, Thomas J.; Rebecca J.; Mary E.; William B.; Enoch H.; Deomides; Izora; Lovega; John F.; and Florence.
Andrew C. Cole was a son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Smith) Cole, the former a native of Wayne township, Lawrence Co., Pa.; and the latter of East Liverpool, Ohio. They were quiet, farming people, little inclined to leave home and spent the greater part of their lives on the Cole homestead. Years were marked by events of especial interest, the birth of the children. Mary J. was born Dec. 15, 1823; Elizabeth, Sept. 25, 1830; John S., Oct. 5, 1833; Daniel, May 8, 1836; Charlotte, Dec. 11, 1838; Andrew C., the, subject of this sketch, April 26, 1840; and Margaret J., April 23, 1843. The grandparents of our subject were Isaac and Elizabeth (Depew) Cole. They were pioneers of the early day, settling in Lawrence County when it was a wilderness that gave no evidence of ever having been trodden by the foot of man before their appearance. Their efforts were not destined to go unrewarded, and their 150 acres proved to be very desirable land, when cleared. Various improvements were made by each succeeding owner, and the present proprietor saw a chance to dispose of a portion of it at a good return, so he laid out thirty acres in building lots, thus making an addition to Hazel Dell. The farm-house dates from 1879, and the barn was built in 1889. Isaac Cole was born Dec. 5, 1776, and his marriage occurred Nov. 13, 1793. His wife succumbed to the fatal inroads of disease and died Feb. 10, 1803, when thirty-one years of age, leaving three children motherless, as follows: Andrew, who was born Feb. 2, 1795; Daniel, June 30, 1797; and Abraham, May 1, 1800. The father did as well as he knew how in bringing up his children, and in providing them with a Christian home. On March 22, 1808, he re-married, his second wife being Jane Lytle. Isaac Cole was finally laid to rest after a long and singularly useful life, Feb. 27, 1857.
There is one more point in connection with the family history of the Coles that needs to be brought out: Isaac Cole, the grandfather of our subject, was a Presbyterian elder, and so faithfully did he admonish and train his children that they followed closely in his footsteps, and in turn led their children to believe and practice the rules of life, as laid down by the Presbyterian Church; not that the sect makes the difference, but the Christian life, one generation after another, shows what nobility may be in plain, every-day lives. Mr. and Mrs. Cole have many friends to hope that happiness and peace may crown their days, and that prosperity may continue to attend them. In this connection it is but appropriate, since our subject and his excellent wife have such a wide acquaintance, that their portraits appear in conjunction with this sketch, and it is a pleasure to us to announce that very good likenesses from photographs recently taken may be found on a page in proximity.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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Updated: 1 June 2001