Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 284] deceased, an ex-soldier of the late war, was born in Richland Co., Ohio, Oct. 19, 1823, and was a son of Henry and Barbara (Book) Cline, natives of Essex Co., N. J., and Washington Co., Pa., respectively.
The father of our subject was a farmer by occupation, and spent his whole life on the farm, engaged in agricultural labors; he was very successful in his chosen occupation, and was considered to be one of the leading men of his neighborhood. His wife, Barbara, a daughter of Jacob Book of the State of Pennsylvania, bore him the following six children: Mary; Jacob; Eliza; Maria; Conrad, the subject of this sketch; and Sarah. Henry Cline departed this life Sept. 15, 1866, his death following that of his wife by some three years, her death having occurred Dec. 31, 1863.
Conrad Cline early in life learned the trade of a plasterer, and worked at the trade a number of years, relinquishing it at last to engage in shoemaking, an occupation he followed until his enlistment in 1863 in the United States service, in which he remained until the close of the war that decided that the South had espoused a "lost cause." He was firm in his allegiance to the political principles and dogmas of the Republican party. In the matter of his religious preferences, he was a member of the United Presbyterian Church.
On Dec. 16, 1847, he was joined at the altar of Hymen with Mary Harbison, daughter of William Harbison of New Castle, Pa., and by their union they became the proud parents of three children: Margaret E., deceased; Sarah J., deceased; and Eliza A., who married John C. Houk of Shenango township, and presented him with nine children: Jennie E.; Margaret A.; Mary A.; Sarah E.; Edith; Conrad C.; Samuel R.; Edna; and Hazel. Our subject's first wife died Oct. 2 , 1865. He afterwards formed a second union with Nancy Burton, Jan. 3, 1867. Mr. Cline departed this life Jan. 20, 1892, mourned by many friends and the best citizens of New Castle, for he had firmly established himself in their regard as a man of strict integrity, and disposed to many kindly actions.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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Updated: 18 May 2001