Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 544] master mechanic of the New Castle Electric Light Co., was born in Arbroath, Scotland, Sept. 15, 1867, and is a son of James F. and Helen (Wilson) Christie, who were natives of that place.
Our subject's father was a machinist by trade and worked in the manufacture of locomotive engines, serving his apprenticeship in Scotland. He was an expert workman, and when he came to this country with his family he easily found work in the engine shops of Buffalo and Rochester, N. Y., but being seized with an attack of malaria, and not liking this climate as well as that of his own bonnie Scotland, he returned to his former home with his family, and has lived there since.
Of a family of ten children, nine of whom are now living, our subject was the eldest son. Following is the record: Helen; Betsey; Mary; David W.; James.; Lizzie, who died young; Theodore; George; Alexander; and Minnie. David W. served his apprenticeship and learned his trade thoroughly in Scotland, and in 1886 returned to this country, arriving in Boston and worked in the Atlantic Works a short time, then in New York City, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg, being employed in the latter place in the Carnegie works. He then settled in New Castle, and served as master mechanic a few years for the S. V. Steel Co., and then obtained his present situation with the New Castle Electric Light Co.
Mr. Christie married Miss Catherine Ann Jones, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Jones, and born in Wheatland, Mercer County. They have two children: Frank and Helen. Mr. Christie is a Republican, a member of the K. of P. Lodge, and an attendant of the United Presbyterian Church.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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