Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897


[p. 447] secretary of the Lawrence County Medical Society, and a leading, member of the medical circles of New Castle, was born in Washington township, this county, Oct. 7, 1855, and is a son of John and Ellen (Guildoo) Blair of Mercer Co., Pa.

James Blair, the grandfather of Dr. Blair, was a native of Pennsylvania, and followed the honorable calling of an agriculturist all the years of his life that he was engaged in laboring. To him and his wife were born the following children: Robert; James; Irvin; Alex.; William; Margaret; and Polly. In their religious belief they were Methodists.

John Blair, Jr., was also a farmer by occupation, as was his father before him, and followed it the latter part of his life; his younger years being spent at the trade of a cabinet-maker; his death occurred March 9, 1891, when he was aged sixty-seven years. He was a Methodist in his religious attachments. There were given to him and his wife the following children: Martha; Lovina; John A., our subject; Emma; Lorendo; Mary; and Joseph. Martha married Robert Ryhal and has one child, Maud. Lovina married John Phillip of New Castle, Pa. Emma married John Dann. Mary became the wife of John Ward.

John A. Blair received his early mental training in the schools of Pennsylvania and Missouri, in which States his parents had been residents at various times in his boyhood. When he became a young man, he returned to Pennsylvania and entered the State Normal School at Edinboro, Pa., and, after receiving a thorough training in that institution, he taught in the district schools for four years, and in 1881 read medicine with Dr. Mont Linville, the well-known physician of New Castle, for one year. He then became a student in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Pa., and graduated from that excellent medical school in 1890. He also took a special course in the treatment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat at the same college, remaining there one year for that purpose. In February, 1891, he located in New Castle, Pa., where he has met with commendable success in his practice, which he has taken great pains to extend. His office practice is large and lucrative and claims a considerable share of his time. After two years' practice he spent some time in the hospitals in London and Liverpool, England. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical Society, and is at present its secretary. He is a firm Republican. Socially, he is a member of Shenango Lodge, No. 195, I. O. O. F.; Knights of Pythias, New Castle Lodge, No. 404; Protected Home Circle, New Castle Circle, No. 5; Knights of the Maccabees, New Castle Tent, No. 230; Sons of Veterans, Oscar L. Jackson Camp, No. 249; and is also a member of the tribe of Ben Hur.

In 1891, Dr. Blair united his fortunes with those of Luella Muntz, daughter of Jacob Muntz of Centerville, Butler Co., Pa., and to them have been given to rear two children: C. Hugh and Victor J. Dr. and Mrs. Blair are members of the M. E. Church, and are held in high esteem in that organization as efficient workers.

In 1897, Dr. Blair spent two months traveling, through the Western States, to the coast in California up to Washington. He came home by the way of Nebraska, where he purchased a ranch and herd of cattle, which he left in the charge of his brother Lorendo, who is living there.

Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897

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