1770 - 1877 History of Lawrence County by S. W. and P. A. DURANT.
TRANSCRIPTION: While the transcribers have attempted to faithfully reproduce the original text, be aware that any transcription may include errors. If you find a typographical error, please send an e-mail to the transcriber, if known, or to the Lawrence County Pennsylvania USGenWeb Coordinator.
SURNAME SEARCH: Use your browser's "search" or "find" capability to search for surnames in the text.
FOOTNOTES: The original 1877 History includes footnotes that were indicated with an asterisk and printed at the bottom of the column and page on which they occurred. In this web version, they have been indicated with an asterisk [*] immediately after the paragraph to which they refer.
ABBREVIATIONS: These old histories include many abbreviations that are no longer familiar. Go to this page to see a list of abbreviations, some of which are still not defined.
ADDITIONS AND ERRORS: The rare additions to the original text are clearly indicated by being enclosed in square brackets. These include pages numbers, such as [p. 163] to indicate where a new page begins in the printed version. Where it seems that there is a typo in the original text, [sic] has been added immediately afterward to indicate that the suspected error is in the original text. Occasionally, correction of known errors may be shown in brackets.
ILLUSTRATIONS: The book contains many illustrations--some of people and some of residences or hotels. The illustration pages are not numbered but have been given a file number such as "p. 132a" indicating that the illustration is on the unnumbered page before or after page 132.
GENEALOGICAL ACCURACY: Please remember that these old histories, while an invaluable resource, are secondary sources and are known to include many mistakes. Information in them should always be confirmed by checking primary sources (wills, deeds, censuses, etc.) if possible.
Transcribers: Ed McClelland and Tami McConahy