of the persons who purchased the Electric Light, Power and Heat
Company, and was re-organized on a different basis. The service out
Main Street was discontinued until about 190o. A new company called
the DuBois Electric and Traction Company then got control of it and
got the right to build a line through to Falls Creek. It did not
have money enough to go over the railroad at Falls Creek, and after
one got off the cars on the east bank of Falls Creek he had to walk
a half mile to get into the town. Subsequently the line on South
Main Street was restored and carried out South Main Street to Brady
Street and the B. & S. Railroad. Later on, another passenger
railroad was chartered to build a line from the B. & S. Crossing to
Big Run. It secured the right to use the tracks of the DuBois
Traction Company to the corner of Brady Street.
However, when automobiles came into use and good roads
were built, street railroads went into the discard in the same
manner as the old bus line, and the street railroad had to be given
up. Within the last few years all of the street cars operated by
these concerns have been abandoned, and the tracks largelytorn up,
and this mode of travel in the city has become a memory.