each month the current bills of the Borough were paid by the Borough
By the first of the year the Council seemed to be
running smoothly.
J. M. Corbett had been elected Secretary of Council,
but he became weary of his job and on the 19th of October he
resigned and John M. Raught, one of the Council, was elected
Secretary pro tern, serving until January 2, 1882, and Truman Ames,
Esq., one of the first lawyers to located in DuBois, was elected
Secretary of Council. George D. Hamor, another lawyer, was elected
to the office in March, 1883, serving until March, 1884.
One remark may be pertinent here and that is that the
Borough and City of DuBois evidently regarded a "public debt" as a
"public blessing," for from the time of the first bond issue in
July, 1881, the Borough and City has paid interest on borrowed