Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives


The City of DuBois


William C. Pentz



Press of Gray Printing Co.




Digitized and transcribed for the Clearfield County PA USGenWeb by

Ellis Michaels



This page was last updated on 06 Jan 2014

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The City of DuBois

Chapter 24

Page 118



Page 118


     IN 1872 the center of population of Brady Township was around Luthersburg. All of the officials of the township, viz: justice of the Peace, Tax Collector, School Directors, Overseer of the Poor, Constable and the Election Board, resided either at Luthersburg or very close to it. Luthersburg was the commercial center of the western end of Clearfield County, and the merchants of Luthersburg looked upon that territory as their legitimate field of trade. The people in this locality regarded the persons from the northern end of the township, in and around DuBois, rather crude and not entitled to anything except the few crumbs that they might let slip from their table. Not even a member of the school board was elected from this section. Intermarriages took place outside of what was known as the "north country." In fact, the population around Luthersburg were rather snobbish, and gave the "backwoods" the cold shoulder.

     In 1872, when this infant commenced to bawl for its rights, the other end of the township looked upon them with contempt and decided they had no rights. It did not occur to the inhabitants of DuBois that they could go to the elections in a body and elect the officials, if they wished to do so. The old settlers of Brady Township complained bitterly that to get more and better schools would increase the tax rate. If there were any poor around DuBois they were shunted off, if possible. The Supervisors likewise were from Luthersburg. This was a time when people worked out their road tax. Of course, it did not suit the working men of DuBois to leave their work for a day and work out their taxes on the roads, and they paid the tax in cash. The result was that the roads in the locality of the Supervisors and the "old timers" were well cared for, and little attention paid to the roads in and around DuBois. This was a tax that the older inhabitants expected to be very materially increased on account of the muddy conditions of the DuBois roads. There was a great deal of discontent in the vicinity of DuBois.

     The matter took shape about the last of August, 1877. From an old newspaper published at Reynoldsville on the 4th. of September, 1877, under the title "DuBois City Star," the following appeared:

     "There was a meeting of the citizens on last Tuesday evening for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of incorporating our town. There was quite a large attendance of the property owners, but not so large as should have been, as it is a matter that they are directly interested in. We hope all property holders will make it a point to be there on Thursday evening as the committee will have their report ready,********





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