Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives


The City of DuBois


William C. Pentz



Press of Gray Printing Co.




Digitized and transcribed for the Clearfield County PA USGenWeb by

Ellis Michaels



This page was last updated on 02 Jan 2014

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The City of DuBois

Chapter 15

Page 065



Page 65


     EVERY COUNTRY has its unexplained tragedies, and Brady Township was no exception. How and when these tragedies occurred was never explained, and they were only known when the skeletons were found.

     Some time after 187o, a human skeleton was found buried in the woods on Luthersburg branch near the Thomas Keene farm, by men building a log road. The only answer was, "he must have been a peddler murdered for his pack." Another skeleton was found up Pentz Run at the root of a stump, about three and a half miles from DuBois. Of course this was an unsolved mystery. Later, in the vicinity of Troutville, the bones of a human being were found.

     A Coroner had been elected from DuBois, and he did not propose being in the same class with the man who had been elected many years before, who wrote a lawyer in Clearfield as follows "Dear Sir: I have been elected Coroner of Clearfield County and I wish to know what the emoluments and honors of the office are." The lawyer wrote below "emoluments nothing, honors a damned sight less." The. Coroner immediately got some of his friends from DuBois for a jury, and called them into the woods below Troutville to view the skeleton. Of course the only verdict of the jury could be that it was the remains of an unknown human being, and no way to account for the death. But the poor Coroner, when he tried to collect his costs for himself and his jury from Clearfield County, bumped up against a set of hard headed County Commissioners who refused to pay, and he likewise found "the emoluments of the office as nothing."

     The greatest cyclone that ever visited the country passed over on the 4th day of July, 1860, and it is best described by George C. Kirk as follows :— "I have your letter of the 18th instant, making inquiry about the cyclone that passed north of where the City of DuBois is now located. I remember this storm very well, being a little more than twenty three years old, when this great storm passed through what was then known as the northwestern part of Brady Township, crossing Narrows Creek, about one-half mile above the present location of the park on said creek.

     "This cyclone passed through the townships named on July 4th, 1860, and started in Armstrong County, where it had done an immense amount of damage to property. In the eastern part of Jefferson, and the northern part of Clearfield Counties, the course of the storm was through a vast forest of virgin timber, and everything in the path of the storm was leveled to the ground.

     "This storm crossed the Erie Pike, at the top of the hill west of what is now known as Reynoldsville. From thence it dropped down





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