James M. Swank
Copyright, 1907
A history of Cambria County and its people is an essential part of the progress of civilization in our country for two hundred and twenty-five years.
After its acquisition by William Penn it was at peace with the red man for a period of seventy years, followed by thirty years of cruel barbarism.
In the beginning its pioneers were with Washington in the struggle for independence; its rank and file have marched with Dearborn, Taylor and Scott, Grant, Farragut and Shatter, and gallantly sustained our government.
Its 666 square miles of land were richly endowed with the tall white pine and hemlock, and the forests are filled with hard wood, and its mountains are veined with the best quality of bituminous coal.
In the iron and steel industry it has created for itself an international reputation for excellent products, and in its fine arts its people have achieved a worthy place. In statesmanship and government, in the nation and state, the influence of its men has been wielded for the good.
It is worthy to modestly enroll the achievements of her people among the annals of our country.
In grateful acknowledgment of the invaluable assistance given in the preparation of this history by James M. Swank, George T. Swank and Anderson H. Walters of the Johnstown Tribune, John McCormick and other friends, the author desires to express his sincere thanks.
- John J. Boyle: A Sculptor.
- Jacob Miller Campbell: A General and a Statesman.
- George Fritz: An Inventor and Engineer.
- John Fritz: An Inventor and Engineer.
- Lawrence Francis Flick, M. D.: The Master of Tuberculosis.
- John Fulton: Geologist and Mining Engineer.
- Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin: A Pioneer Priest.
- John White Geary: A Major General and Governor of Kansas and Pennsylvania.
- Joseph Johns: A Friend of the Common Schools and Founder of Johnstown.
- William R. Jones: An Inventor, Engineer and Manager of Steel Works.
- George Shryock King: Founder of the Cambria Iron Co.
- Daniel Johnston Morrell: Iron and Steel Master; Author of and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Centennial Exhibition, and Commissioner to the Paris Exposition.
- Robert Samuel Murphy: Lieutenant Governor and President of the Pennsylvania Senate.
- Robert Edwin Peary: The Arctic Explorer.
- Cyrus Long Pershing: A President Judge and Member of the War Assembly; the Democratic Candidate for Governor, Supreme Judge and Congress.
- Robert Lees Phythian: A Commodore in the United States Navy and a Superintendent of the Naval Academy.
- Charles M. Schwab: A Steel Master.
- Powell Stackhouse: President of the Cambria Steel Co.
- James Moore Swank: An Editor, Statistician and Historian.
William Penn seeks to purchase title from the Susquehanna River -- Penn secures the Dongan title -- Penn's difficulties in England and in the province -- Treaties with the Indians -- French and Indian War -- Charles Campbell procures a warrant for the land on the Conemaugh and Stonycreek rivers at Johnstown |
1 |
The Revolutionary War period -- Meetings in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia -- Companies of Captain Robert Cluggage, Captain Richard Brown, Captain Andrew Mann, and Captain Jacob Hendershot -- The companies of rangers; Captain John Boyd and Captain Solomon Adams -- Mason and Dixon line -- The whiskey rebellion of 1794 -- The Forbes Road |
16 |
Organization of Counties -- Cambria county taken from Somerset and Huntingdon -- First townships in Cambria county |
29 |
Indian Tribes in the Conemaugh valley -- First white visitors |
46 |
Pioneer settlers -- Adams family -- Prince Gallitzin -- Captain Michael M'Guire -- Joseph Johns -- He lays out the village of Conemaugh |
67 |
Indian trails-Old roads |
91 |
A Political Review -- The politics of the county, state and nation from 1808 |
102 |
The Judicial District -- Jurisdiction of the courts, and legislation -- Special acts, the judges and lawyers -- Incidents |
143 |
Anti-slavery Sentiment -- The underground railroad -- "Abraham" and "Patrick" shot at by a slave hunter -- Arrest of Henry Willis and others for aiding the slaves |
186 |
First Settlements |
193 |
The Rivers, Creeks and Rivulets -- Saw and grist mills, and rafting |
211 |
The City of Johnstown |
240 |
Land Titles |
290 |
The Rivers at Johnstown |
311 |
The Pennsylvania Canal |
330 |
Old and New Portage Railroads |
347 |
Newspapers and Periodicals |
367 |
Cambria Steel Company -- Origin and early history of the present great corporation |
400 |
Fall of the Pennsylvania railroad platform |
448 |
The Great Flood of May 31, 1889 |
457 |
The Medical Profession |
509 |
Old Families in the County |
535 |
Coal, coke, railroads and lumber |
573 |
- Adams, Ann, Rachel, Samuel and Solomon. 22. 67, 71, 94, 193, 535.
- Adams Township, 39.
- Addison, Judge Alexander, 145.
- Allegheny Portage Railroad, 348.
- Allegheny Township, 36, 120.
- Amsbry, 218.
- Aqueduct, 340.
- Ashville, 41, 218.
- Associate Judges, 140.
- Attorneys, 141, 156, 174.
- Baltimore & Ohio R. R., 464, 471.
- Barker. A. A., 112, 129, 130, 188, 191, 386.
- Barter, A. V., 154.
- Barnesboro. 42.
- Barnes, John F. 163, 172.
- Barr, William, 573.
- Barr Township, 39.
- Barton, Clara, 472, 532.
- Basin, Canal, 332.
- Bell, Smith & Co., 284, 414.
- Beaver Dam Run, 219, 226, 230.
- Beaver, Gov. James A., 125, 252, 292, 472, 485.
- Bedford County, 29.
- Bedford Road, 93.
- Bedford and Somerset Pike, 98.
- Bedford and Stoyestown Pike, 98.
- Beech Creek R. R., 589.
- Benscreek, 235.
- Berwind-White Mine, 585.
- Bessemer Steel, 426.
- Beula, 97, 204.
- Beula Road, 97.
- Blacklick Creek, 215.
- Black, Judge J. S., 147, 181.
- Blacklick Township, 39.
- Blubaker Creek, 215, 579.
- Board of Inquiry, 481.
- Board of Trade, 247, 323.
- Boroughs, 41.
- Braddock, General, 13.
- Brazilian Expedition, 539.
- Bridges. Conemaugh River, 224, 225, 316, 318, 320, 321, 422, 466, 470.
- Bridges. Stonycreek River, 312, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321.
- Brothers' Valley Township, 29, 33.
- Burgeon's Gap, 92.
- Burrell, Judge J. M., 147.
- Cambria Borough, 42, 258.
- Cambria & Clearfield R. R., 575.
- Cambria County, 34. 576.
- Cambria Iron Company, 400, 418, 465.
- Cambria Steel Company, 437, 581.
- Cambria Township, 31, 39, 120.
- Campbell, Charles, 14, 94, 302.
- Campbell, Gen. J. M., 112, 130.
- Canal, 330, 343, 346.
- Canan, Moses, 140, 184, 369, 377, 509, 537.
- Canoe Place, 92, 290.
- Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, 77.
- Carrolltown, 42.
- Carroll Township, 39.
- Charter of Johnstown, 252.
- Cherry Tree, 188, 290.
- Chest Creek, 214, 215.
- Chest Manor, 292.
- Chest Springs, 42.
- Chest Township, 39.
- Clear Fields, 55, 218.
- Clearfield Township, 39.
- Clearfield Creek, 214, 216, 220.
- Coal, 573. 575.
- Coke, 573, 579.
- Collins Family, 112, 135, 224, 381, 538.
- Colonial Currency, Value of, 173.
- Conemaugh Borough, 42, 241, 256.
- Conemaugh River, 38, 221, 237.
- Conemaugh Township, 36, 39, 120.
- Congressmen, 127.
- Conway, William B., 377.
- Coopersdale, 42, 260.
- Courts, 126, 143.
- County Seat Contests, 155, 157, 158.
- Cover, Adam, 304, 542.
- Cresson, 42, 222.
- Cresson Township, 39.
- Croyle's Mill, 99, 225, 543.
- Croyle Township, 39, 573.
- Dale Borough, 42.
- Daisytown Borough, 42.
- Dean Township, 39.
- Dean, Judge John, 151.
- Dibert, John, 308.
- Discovery of Coal, 573.
- District Attorneys, 141.
- District Court, 155.
- East Conemaugh Borough, 42, 467.
- East Taylor Township, 39.
- Ebensburg, 29, 43, 100, 204, 205.
- Elder Township, 40.
- Elder's Mill, 94.
- Elevations, 228, 315, 327.
- Explosion, 584.
- Fall P. R. R. Platform, 448.
- Farragut, Admiral D. G., 275.
- Ferndale Borough, 43.
- Flick, Dr. L. F., 511.
- Flood Commission, 474.
- Floods at Johnstown, 314, 345, 457, 527.
- Forbes Road, 26.
- Fort Hill, 220.
- Fort, Col. Boquet, 231.
- Fox's Fording, 101.
- Franklin Borough, 43, 468.
- Frankstown Road, 94, 98.
- Frankstown Township, 32.
- Fritz, George, 427.
- Fritz, John, 422.
- Fulton, John, 579.
- Galbreath, Robert, 94, 95.
- Gallitzin Borough, 43, 587.
- Gallitzin, Rev. D. A., 43, 72, 509, 535.
- Gallitzin Township, 40.
- Gautier Department, C. S. Co., 431.
- Geary, Gov. John W., 124, 159, 234, 244, 274, 318, 449.
- Goughnour Family, 70, 201, 544.
- Governors, 119.
- Grant, Gen. U. S., 275.
- Greeley, Horace, 275.
- Griffith, Thomas, 589.
- Grubbtown, 43, 256.
- Hamilton, Robert, 305.
- Harrison, Benj., 275, 496.
- Hastings Borough, 43.
- Hastings, Gov. D. H., 43, 125, 315, 396, 472, 502.
- Haynes, Joseph, 307.
- Hinckston's Run, 237.
- Hite, A. J., 283.
- Holder, Betsy, 177.
- Horner, John, 293, 301, 546.
- Hospitals, 532.
- Huntingdon County, 30.
- Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana Pike, 98.
- Indians, 2, 46, 51.
- Indians, Sha-wonese, 48.
- Indians, Susquehannagh, 9.
- Indian Trails, 91.
- Jackson Township, 40.
- Johns, Joseph, I, 79, 202, 240, 261, 302, 547.
- Johns, Joseph, II, 84.
- Johns, Joseph, III, 86.
- Johnstown, 43, 240, 248.
- Johnson Street Steel Railway Co., 465.
- Johnson, Tom L., 310, 482.
- Johnston, Judge R. L., 112, 129, 138, 153, 156, 179, 255, 376, 381, 455.
- Jones, William R., 428.
- Judges, 126, 144, 173.
- Judicial Districts, 143, 173.
- Kernville Bridge, 317.
- Kern, George W., 246, 282, 283, 307.
- Kickanepaling, 60, 93.
- Kittanning Trail, 92.
- King, George S., 135, 246, 247, 278, 308, 400.
- Kopelin, Abraham, 156, 180, 179, 247, 440, 455.
- Knox, Judge John C., 149.
- Knox, Philander C., 259.
- Land Titles, 290.
- Laurel Run, 219, 237.
- Lee, Benjamin, 469, 495.
- Levergood, Peter, 129, 133, 134, 246, 302, 304, 357, 548.
- Lilly Borough, 43.
- Linton, Ann, 573.
- Linton, John, 134, 138, 171, 281, 283, 340, 550.
- Linton, Col. John P., 112, 129, 135, 156, 287, 551.
- Lloyd, Rev. Rees, 205, 549.
- Locks on Canal, 343.
- Lorain Steel Company, 465.
- Loretto, 43, 209.
- Lower Yoder Township, 40.
- Loyalhanna River, 194.
- Lumber, 573.
- Maclay's, Samuel, diary, 194.
- McConaughy, James P., 305.
- McGuire,Captain Michael, 73, 78, 94, 95.
- McGuire, Captain Richard, 79.
- McLanahan, James, 304.
- Maps, Chest Manor, 292.
- Maps, Howell's, 25.
- Maps, Hudson and Morrison, 37.
- Maps, Indian Purchases, 15.
- Maps, Johnstown, 242, 253, 261.
- Maps, Joseph Johns' Plot, 242.
- Maps, Scull's, 7, 10.
- Maps, Township, 40.
- Magehan, Michael Dan, 114, 377.
- Marshall, Judge John, 183.
- Market House, 272.
- Mason and Dixon's Line, 23.
- Medical Profession, 494, 509, 530.
- Memorial Hospital, 532.
- Millville Borough, 43, 257.
- Miller Seam of Coal, 577.
- Mill Coal Mine Disaster, 581.
- Miners' Strike, 429.
- Morrell, Daniel J., 43, 112, 129, 259, 305, 415, 432.
- Morrellville Borough, 43, 258.
- Moxham, 258.
- Moxham, A. J., 248, 309, 464, 469.
- Municipal Building, 272.
- Munson, George W., 587.
- Munster, 210.
- Munster Township, 40.
- Murray, Charles, 573.
- Murphy, Robert S., 142, 248.
- Myers, Matthews, 573.
- Myers, Michael, 573.
- National Guards, 473.
- National Pike, 98.
- Navigable Streams, 180.
- Newspapers, 367.
- O'Connor, Judge F. J., 155.
- Officers, Executive, Johnstown, 246, 264.
- Old Families, 535.
- Paint Creek, 235.
- Patton Borough, 43, 215.
- Penn, William, 1.
- Pennsylvania Canal, 330.
- Pennsylvania Railroad, 357, 465-471, 575. 586.
- Pershing, Cyrus L., 124, 135, 156, 163, 179, 285, 287, 384, 455, 515.
- Phillipsburg Road, 99.
- Physicians, 494, 509, 530.
- Platform, Fall of, 448.
- Political Review, 102.
- Pontoon Bridges, 470.
- Population, 265, 279.
- Poplar Street Bridge, 318, 457.
- Portage Borough, 44.
- Portage Railroads, 331, 347.
- Portage Township, 41.
- Postmasters, 207, 283.
- Post Office, 281.
- Potts, Judge James, 156, 159, 162, 169, 171, 377, 440.
- Presidents, 103, 275.
- Proctor, Jesse, 556.
- Prospect Borough, 43, 257, 419.
- Prothonotaries, 138.
- Public Square, 271, 272.
- Purchase, Susquehanna, 8.
- Quemahoning Trail, 93.
- Quemahoning Township, 30.
- Quemahoning Run, 233.
- Rafting, 211.
- Railroads, 573.
- Reade Township, 41.
- Ream, Garrett, 100.
- Recorders, 139.
- Red Cross Association, 472, 532.
- Registers, 139.
- Representatives, 132.
- Removal Contests, 155, 157, 158.
- Rhey & Matthews, 289, 307, 418, 419.
- Rhys, Rev. Morgan John, 204, 535.
- Richland Township, 41.
- Rivers at Johnstown, 311, 324.
- Rivers and Rafting, 211.
- Roads, 26, 98.
- Roberts, George, 140, 185, 206, 558.
- Rockingham Furnace, 235.
- Rosedale Borough, 44.
- Rose, Wesley J., 287, 561.
- Rose, William H., 135, 141, 156, 158, 247, 252, 254, 390, 516, 561.
- Roxbury, 44.
- Sankertown Borough, 44.
- Scalp Level, 44.
- Schwab, Charles M., 424.
- Scott, James B., 472.
- Scott, Winfield, 275.
- Senators, State, 130.
- Settlements, First, 193.
- Seward, William H., 275.
- Shade Furnace, 234.
- Sharpsburg, 305.
- Sheriffs, 137.
- Shoenberger, Peter, 403.
- Shryock, John K. and William L., 171, 403.
- Smith, George Nelson, 112, 135, 377, 382.
- Slavery Days, 186.
- Somerset County, 30.
- Somerset & Conemaugh Pike, 98.
- South Fork, 44.
- South Fork Dam, 226.
- Spangler Borough, 44, 211.
- Special Legislation, 176.
- Stineman, J. C., 132, 136, 138, 567.
- Stonycreek River, 229.
- Stonycreek Township, 41.
- Storm's Mill, 208.
- Stoyestown & Greensburg Pike, 98.
- Streams, Navigable, 180.
- Summerhill Borough, 44.
- Summerhill Township, 36.
- Summitville Borough, 44.
- Suppes, Conrad, 306.
- Surveys, 269.
- Susquehannagh Indians, 9.
- Susquehanna River, 2, 211.
- Susquehanna Township, 41.
- Suter, John P., 115, 449.
- Swank, George T., 159, 283, 372, 431.
- Swank, James M., 112, 201, 236, 288, 371, 383.
- Taylor, Judge George, 150, 156, 179.
- Terry, Rev. S. H., 164.
- Thomas, Daniel, 586.
- Tiley, William, 573.
- Titles to Land, 291.
- Tunnelhill Borough, 44.
- Tunnel on Portage Railroad, 361.
- Underground Railroad, 186.
- Upper Yoder Township, 41.
- Viaduct, 361, 466.
- Vickroy, Edwin A., 112, 568.
- Vickroy, Thomas, 43, 69, 309.
- Von Lunen, Carl, Sr., 309.
- Von Lunen, Louis, 573.
- Wages on Portage Railroad, 354, 366.
- War, Revolutionary, 16.
- Washington Grays, 171.
- Washington Township, 41.
- Weiser, Conrad, 11, 55.
- Westmont, 44.
- West Taylor Township, 41.
- Whiskey Rebellion, 24.
- White, Judge Thomas, 147, 177.
- White Township, 41.
- Wilmore, 44.
- Wipey, Joe, 65.
- Wood, Morrell & Company, 414.
- Woodvale Borough, 45, 257.
- Young, Judge John, 146.
- Zouave Hall, 276.
This book was OCR'd and contributed by Martha Humenik. Illustrations scanned and contributed by Dave Ruckser.
There is a transcription, with images of each book page at the Cambria County web site at: http://www.camgenpa.com/books/Storey/v1/