Fiftieth Anniversary
of the
Frohsinn Singing Society
February 20, 21 and 23, 1914
Altoona, Pennsylvania
1864 - 1914

The Golden Wreath of German Song
While fifty years of time have sped,
We cheerfully our path have tread;
Though many joyous songs were sung,
And singers dear from us were wrung,
We've tried our best; - God's will be done -
To do our duty - one by one. |
THE FROHSINN SINGING SOCIETY is this day celebrating the Fiftieth
Anniversary of its founding. Fifty years! A half century; only a drop in
the ocean of time - appearing almost endless in the life of man, yet, like
the destiny of man, seems to us the origin and growth of the society
today. In reflection upon the past the members will remember the ups and
downs passed through by the society-they can exclaim with pride and joyful
hearts: "IT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED." Though the road from the modest room,
where the first rehearsals were held, to the present mansion, has been
long and weary, all this has long since been forgotten. After a long
journey we rest at the fiftieth milestone - contented, and yet looking
back with silent sorrow into the past - but with a cheerful trust and hope
can we look into the future. The twelve apostles of German congeniality
who fifty years ago proclaimed in Altoona the gospel of German song
certainly never anticipated from this small number such a large
membership, the object of their founding the society being simply
amusement, like in any other place of the earth, for where our Germans
settle even in the remotest part of the world, they organize a singing
society. This well known tendency of the Germans is often ridiculed; yet
the German song - together with the German press - is the strongest factor
of Germanic civilization.
The trifle yet remaining in this classical country of Puritanism - of
German customs and language - is the German song. The crude materialism of
our dear cousins is bearing more luxuriantly its evil fruit, threatening
to crowd out German idealism. This noble plant, transplanted to a foreign
soil, requires a firm support; thus this tender plant, seeking and finding
protection, will romp upon the columns of German song; against the billows
of hatred to aliens and hypocrisy the German song still stands like a rock
in the sea. The existence and growth of the German song could not be
doubted, were it not for the decrease of the German immigration. Our kind
mother Germania now has need for all her children at home, and with
renewed tenderness she keeps all her sons and daughters on her native
soil. With tearful eyes GERMANIA had to see her flaxen-haired sons
emigrate by the 100,000 from their native land, never to return again.
We do not grudge Dame Germania, the noble sufferer, for having all her
children around her, but to us this decrease of German immigration is a
great loss, a fact with which the Frohsinn must reckon even at this day.
We have frequently been reproached for having too many non-German members,
but we fear that ere long many other societies will have to share this
reproach. In order to illuminate the course made by this society since its
organization we would be obliged to write a book; such a book, a biography
of the Frohsinn Society, would simultaneously contain the history of our
local German population, which was formerly most closely in touch with our
social life, but we must limit our description to most important dates and
The natal day of the society - figuratively speaking - was the 22nd day of
February, 1864. On this day echoed for the first time in our sylvan
bordered town the German glee. Twelve men, teeming with enthusiasm for
song, assembled at the school house of the German Catholic church with the
laudable object of fostering sociability and the German Folk Song. They
resolved upon organizing a society and "christened" it, giving the young
scion of German poetry, the beautiful and euphonious name "Frohsinn"
(cheerfulness), but whether the scion was christened with water or wine is
not mentioned in history. Of only one thing we are informed - that the
rejoicing was of brief duration.
The goddess of war entered into our peaceful valley, dispersing the bards.
The country - their second home - called them to arms, and being good,
brave German-Americans, they responded to the call. Thus the young
society, aroused by the RUMORS OF WAR, temporarily ceased to exist, and
was dormant.
Two years later energetic men revived it, but only after many
disappointments and ten years of battling and struggles these new men
succeeded in building a home of their own. In this home, the old FROHSINN
HALL, they sang, played, danced, laughed and - probably WEPT; for
notwithstanding its merrily sounding name the Frohsinn has likewise seen
gloomy days. In the place dedicated to mirth often Dame Care showed
herself immoderately bold.
On the 10th of August, 1891, the hall of the society became a prey of
fire. Steps were immediately taken for the rebuilding of the hall and in
the following year the society could move into its new building. Not
taking into account the possession of a spacious hall and the number of
members, if we measure the efficiency of a society from an ethical
standpoint, we come to the conclusion that the Frohsinn Society has
reached and passed its climax in the 80's. The then numerous immigration
was keenly felt by us, new blood reinforced our singers, and we made great
exertions to bring the song to a higher standard. A dramatic section was
formed, the stage enlarged and for four successive winters performances
were given. Today the stage is deserted, sadly Dame Thalia departed from
the space dedicated to her.
Immigration had ceased. Members came and left, some remained, others
moved farther away, eternally seeking their fortune. It is the, old song
of the heritage of our ancestors, the German WANDERLUST!
There are good and bad people in every society, and the singing society
is no exception to it. The Society Frohsinn - alas - suffered much by the
only too drastically existing disharmony of the Germans. There were
kickers and dissatisfied members; twice these quarrels led to separations
of members from the society, but it kept on its march of progress quietly
and without malice to others, surmounting all the crises and obstacles,
following the order of the day. May it ever flourish and thrive.
The society this day is celebrating its birthday; on this occasion it
beseems all members to remember with gratitude and veneration those who
fifty years ago founded the society, but the others, too, who were
supporting the society twenty and thirty years ago, should be preserved
and held in grateful memory - passive members who were ever ready to
sacrifices and active members who upheld the German song, but are now
silent for ever.
The names of members no longer dwelling amongst us are: Christian
Hauser, Sr., Jacob Rink, --- Olmes, L. Plack, C. Stahl, J. B. Hickey, Sr.,
Gust Klemmert, Martin Hoelle, Phillip Wolf, Ed. Zemsch, Stephan Raible,
Jacob Faist, David Koch, Carl Metzger, Leopold Ingold, Albert Schult,
Reinhold Schimminger, Lawrence Epple, Jacob Oeffinger, Adam Seitenspinner,
Jeremiah Laubs, Wolfgang Huber, Ernest Ibsen, Emil Thieme, E. Pietsch,
Herman Siegel, Jacob Gruhler, Ignaz Brunner. They all rest in the
hospitable soil of the county which had become their second home, far away
from the forests and haunts of their native land - where they had spent
their early life.
Who knows when the last of these bards - arriving at the end of his
earthly pilgrimage - will lay down his wandering staff! and what then?
Then it is the place of our young generation to preserve and continue
rearing what the father's had accomplished, and when some day immigration
will be revived, there might be a possibility of the Frohsinn celebrating
its hundredth anniversary; then would be brought to light once more all
the events attending this day's festivity; then would a coming generation
remember us with veneration, just as we think today of those who were the
supports of the society.
The Frohsinn Singing Society was founded on the 22nd day of February,
1864. The names of the founders are: Rev. Father Kirchner, Carl Hauschel,
John Stehle, Casimir Riegel, Albert F. Hess, Conrad Kiesel, Paul Hurm,
Peter Vetter, Magnus Bender, Michael Fischer, Fr. Flach, Phillip Faddle.
In the year 1864 the society numbered twelve members - today - after 50
years, it has 650.
The society was incorporated in 1883, the charter being signed by the
following officers:
President - Oscar W. Hanson.
Vice President - Max Schlegel.
Secretary - Carl Glock.
Treasurer - Carl Ingold.
Trustees - Casimir Riegel, Christ. Hauser, Sr., Peter Moore, A. Scheeline,
Ignaz Brunner.
The first president of the society was Rev. Father Kirchner - his
successors in office were Louis Kiefer, C. J. Stahl, E. Zemsch, M.
Schlegel, O. W. Hanson, H. Sabathne, H. Kunzig, Stephan Raible, Jacob
Faist, H. Sabathne, Chas. Wiesingsr, John Marx, H. Sabathne, Albert
Pietsch, H. Kunzig, H. Sabathne, J. Marx, William Reifsteck, John Steindel,
the present incumbent.
The first director (vocal) was Carl Hauschel - his successors were
Joseph Knoellinger, E. Bauer, Fr. Falkenstein, Fred. Maeder, A. Fasolt,
Fred. Ehredt, O. W. Nelson, Julius A. Tetsch, H. Faber, William Schoeb,
Fr. Herkert, C. W. Clouck, O. W. Nelson, O. Kochenbach, Christ. Clemens,
William Schoeb, F. Gipprich, Gottleib Baer, J. Baer, Alfred Koller.
The first secretary of the society was the president, Rev. Father
Kirchner - his successors were: A. F. Heess, Max Schlegel, George Lehrsch,
Fr. Maeder, H. Runzig, G. Hausser, C. Wolfsberger, C. Glock, And. Gruhler,
H. Sabathne, Max Schlegel, J. Marx, L. Epple, Leonard Gieg, John
Schimminger, Karl Kaltschmitt, J. Marx, Clemens Mauch, Fr. Schlatter,
Clemens Mauch, the present incumbent.
The treasurers of the society were: Rev. Father Kirchner, John Stehle,
C. Riegel, Jacob Rink, C. J. Stahl, L. Ingold, Jacob Gerhardt, A.
Stolzenfels, Reinhold Schimminger, M. Furrer, A. Pietsch, Math. Stehle and
John Marx, the present incumbent.
1. Overture, Lucia di Lammermoor by DONIZETTI
Address in German
2. a. Star Spangled Banner by VALENTINE FRANK
b. Wacht am Rhein by KARL WILHELM
Chorus with Orchestra
3. Address in English
4. Waldmorgen by F. KOLLNER
6. Die Ceiden Zeiserl
6. a. Lied Margaretta's
b. Lied Werner's by W. PETERSEN
7. Clarinet Solo, Valse Caprice by MAYEUR
T. W. Findley
8. Fruehling du gold'ne Zeit by P. ENGELS KIRCHEN
9. Overture Il'Travatore by VERDI
10. Gondellied by F. SCHMOELZER
11. Baritone Solo
S. B. Hare
12. Unterm Lindenbaum by W. STURM
13. Trombone Solo with Orchestra
Evening Star from Tanhauser by WAGNER
14. Waldgesang by F. SCHNEEBERGER
16. March - Echoes from the Fatherland by HENNEBERG
Frohsinn Society Singers.
Fuenfschilling, Fred.
Klausmann, Franz.
Kazmaier, John.
Koelle, Ed.
Furrer, Ed.
Conrad, A. M.
Steckeler, Ant.
Gressler, Michael.
Limber, C.
Mann, Carl.
Nickola, Fred.
Schillig, Aug.
Greiner, Ant.
Vetter, Adolf.
Ehret, Ed.
Mlekus, L.
Kuhn, Georg.
Muller, Fred.
Koller, Alf, Jr.
Bollenbaker, Otto.
Dangel, Carles A.
Wertzberger, W. Ludg.
Huber, Ferd.
Ehret, Georg.
Nicola, Alb.
Rossler, Martin.
Keller, John.
Schlatter, Fred.
Schomberg, John.
Frohsinn Aid Society
Founded July, 1884 with 100 members
Benefits Paid $10,526.00
In Treasury $475.00
Present Officers
N. S Schuh, President
C. Schmauder, Vice-President
O. W. Hanson, Secretary
M. Schlegel, Treasurer
G. Breisacher
Ph. Dosch
M. Roessler
Officers of the Society
John A. Steindel, President
Phillip Klobetanz, 1st Vice-President
August Schillig, 2nd Vice-President
John Marx, Treasurer
Vince Foster
Harry Braunlinger
Martin Roesch
Nick Langguth
John Geisler
Joseph Hammers
Phillip Dosch
Leonard Geig
Photos are presented in alphabetical order by last name, not
as they appear in the book.
V. A. Oswald Brewery, 4th Avenue and 13th Street,
Home of "Old Bull Stout"
Schmitt House, Fred K. Thieme, Proprietor, Thirteenth Street,
Near Pennsylvania Railroad Station
The Colonnade, Wm. S. Shelly, Proprietor, 924 Chestnut Ave.
Charles W. Filer, Drayman, 1810 Fourth Avenue
The Shaeffer Studio, Photo Studio, 1117 Eleventh Avenue
Wm. J. Friday & Co., Fine Whiskies
Brant House, John Schenk, Proprietor
Henry Doerr, Butcher, 407 Fifteenth Street
Wurttemberger Hof, Gust Hirt, Proprietor, Nos. 503 and 507 Fourth
Styleplus Clothes, Goldschmid Bros., Goldschmid Building, 11th
Avenue and 12th Street
Hotel Bingham, W. P. Schenk, Prop.
Mathias Orffinger, Foreign and Domestic Groceries, 1310
Thirteenth Street
Kazmaier Brewery, John Kazmaier, 1808-12 Ninth Avenue
Meet "Ed" at the United States Hotel, Hollidaysburg
Aldine Hotel, Louie Keller, 11th Street next to Orpheum
Gamble Theater, Finest Moving Picture Theater in the City, Ask
Baldy - Who Knows
A. Abelson, Scrap Iron, Steel and Metals, 1713 Margaret Ave.
United States Hotel, J. W. Gromiller, Proprietor, Hollidaysburg
Louis Lippman, Jeweler and Optician, 11th Avenue and 13th Street
G. L. Dwyer, Registered Plumber, 609 Twelfth Street
Monarch Sanitary Dairy, J. W. Bardsley, 316 Eleventh St.
Victoria Hotel, P. F. Burke, Proprietor, Corner 15th Street and
9th Avenue
N. A. Stevens, Funeral Director, 1619 8th Ave.
Bavarian Hof, Gustave Fischkorn, Propriator, Corner 2nd Ave. and
16th St.
H. W. McCartney, Stationery, Wall Paper and Blank Books, 1107
Eleventh Ave.
Waldorf Hotel, Jacob Ackers, 1819 Eighth Ave.
John Haller, Kleen-Maid Bread, 1208 Fifth Avenue
J. W. Elder, Electrical Contractor, 406 26th Street
Logan Laundry, 1419 4th Ave.
John Dughi, Confectioner, 9th Ave. and 12th St.
Hotel Phoenix, Paul Just, Prop., 4th Avenue and 3rd Street
Blair House, Wm. F. Reifsteck, Prop., 1804 and 1806 Fourth Ave.
Crystal House, Formerly Magee Hotel, Jacob Lusch, Jr.,
Proprietor, 1023-25-27 Green Ave.
Mulch Brothers Contractors, Hollidaysburg
Boyd Glenn Co., Rugs, 1210 Eighth Ave.
New LeRoy Hotel, Opposite Poste Office, Keane
W. B. Hicks, Insurance and Steamship Agency, Orpheum Theatre
Building, Second Floor
Hotel Belmar, S. A. McGough, Prop., 1501 Fourth Ave.
Wilhelm, Schimminger & Ramsey, Brewers
Altoona House, Adolph Koehle, Proprietor, 1001-1003 Bridge St.
Hickey & O'Neill, Funeral Directors, 1122 Eleventh Avenue
H. M. Singiser, Cor. 4th Ave. and 17th St.
Altoona Feed Mills, S. O. Adler & Sons, Proprietors, 6th Avenue
and 31st St.
Commercial Hotel, Chas. E. Ehret, Prop., 912 Eighth Avenue
Hotel Schilling, Henry J. Gleichert, Prop., 7th Avenue and 10th
Merchants' Hotel, G. P. Ramsey, Prop., 1320-22 Tenth Avenue
Sixth Ward Dairy, J. W. Wood, 1801 First Ave.
Hotel Savoy, J. T. Malligan, Proprietor, 5th Ave. and 7th Street,
Greg Cockerille, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Etc., 1111 Eleventh St.
Herman Schmidt, Butcher, 903 Fifth Avenue
F. Pross, Merchant Tailor, 520 Fourth Street
Otto Kampmann, Butcher, 1524 Second Avenue
Anton Steuer, Butcher, 1810 Fourth Ave.
Philip Klobetanz, General Contractor and Builder, 1928 Fifteenth
W. J. Degenhardt, Roofing, Heating, 1031 Second Avenue
Paul Vetter, Lauter Piano Agent, 1206 Eighth Ave.
R. W. Nash, Fine Groceries, 400 Cherry Avenue
John Hauser, Butcher, 606 Seventh Ave.
H. Sabathne, Tinner, Heating, 708 Eighth Avenue |