Education: 1930 Horseshoe, Altoona High School, Altoona, Blair, PA - Administration


Selections contributed and transcribed by Judy Banja


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AS THE world is wide, so wide and scattered are the devious ways that we, the Seniors of 1930, shall follow.  In the stress of life, when "auld acquaintance" will have been forgotten, may this book be as the stirring of an old memory, the reviving of those days before yesterday, a reunion of acquaintances and recollections of dear old A. H. S.  Behold the shrunken petals of a long neglected bloom!




TO ONE who is responsible in no small measure for the greatest athletic teams Altoona High ever had, whose ideals of clean sportsmanship have endeared his name to all, we affectionately dedicate this volume.


Edward F. Emanuel



Alma Mater


Blow, oh gentle mountain breezes,
From the golden west;
Breathe thy peaceful evening tidings,
To the A. H. S.
Whisper to us words of pleasure,
As the dim twilight
Softly gathers round our colors,
Dear Maroon and White.

Now the shades of night grow darker;
Birds have gone to rest,
But our colors shine the brighter
Of the A. H. S.
Sinking sun behind the hilltops,
Sighs a soft good night
To the colors waving o'er us,
Dear Maroon and White.

Night has slowly crept around us,
Stars are shining bright,
Waving, oh so calm and peaceful,
Dear Maroon and White.
We shall always sing thy praises,
Work for thy success;
Hail to noble ALMA MATER,
Hail to A. H. S.



The regal beauty of your brownstone front,

The pillars with their lofty heads held high

Diffuse a quiet dignity and peace

Found in the vast calm of an evening sky.



Massive iron-clad monster breathing fire

Spurt forth your flames and let your smoke curve higher;

For well I know you wait but my command

To carry me to some far distant land.



High above three glittering pools of blue

And nestled close in Allegheny's curve

Lies a narrow ribbon cast from iron.

Upon it massive engines dip and swerve.



The myriad bits of yellow sunlight gleam
And glitter on the windows row on row;

The entrance stands imposing to the sight

Its railings gilded with the sun's first glow.



To the Class of 1930:

  For the past several years I have been asked to express some message to the graduating class through the pages of the Annual.  The most helpful message that I know of for young people leaving the High School, is one by Dr. N. C. Shaeffer, a former State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

  "At the close of life the question is not, how much have you got, but how much have you given; not how much have you won, but how much have you done; not how much have you saved, but how much have you sacrificed; how much have you loved and served, not how much you were honored."

  With highest personal regards,






Board of Directors

  Joseph C. Mc Kerihan

  John W. Lees

  Harry A. Brenaman

  J. Foster Meck

  Robert D. Elder

  William F. Sellers

  H. King MacFarlane

  Dr. Guy S. Tippery

  Lynn McG. Moses


Officers and Committees

  J. C. McKerihan - President

  M. M. Morrow - Solicitor

  M. G. Smith - Treasurer

  W. N. Decker - Secretary

  Robert L. Thompson - Assistant Secretary


Superintendent of Schools

  Robert E. Laramy


Assistant Superintendent

  Charles S. Kniss


Attendance (High School Building)

  L. C. Smith - Director

  H. W. Shiplett - Officer

  B. N. Lukens - Officer


Altoona High School Faculty


Principal - George D. Robb, Pd.D.

Assistant Principal - Joseph N. Maddocks, M.A.

Attendance Director - Paul A. Zetler, B. S.

Assistant Attendance Director - Rena Lauver, B. A.

General Assistant - E. C. Hare, B. A.




English - Annie C. Campbell, M.A.

History - E. Marie Lentz, M.A.

Mathematics - George B. Williams, Ph.B.

Latin - Minnie F. Stockton, B.A.

Science - Carl E. Whipple, B.S.

Modern Language - Charles M. Grimminger, M.A.

Commercial - Herbert E. McMahan, B.S.

Vocational - Charles G. Sadler

Music - Howard W. Lindaman

Art - Mary A. Tressler

Home Economics - Zitella Wertz

Physical Director, Boys - Robert H. Wolfe, G.G.

Physical Director, Girls - Elizabeth K. Eyre



First Row - Mr. Zetler, Miss Campbell, Miss Wertz, Miss Stockton, Mr. McMahan,

Mr. Lindaman, Mr. Wolfe, Miss Eyre.

Second Row - Mr. Hare, Mr. Maddocks, Mr. Robb, Miss Lauver, Mr. Sadler, Miss Lentz, Mr. Williams.




Head, Annie C. Campbell, M.A.


Margaret J. McCauley, B.A.

Marian R. Bancroft, B.A.


Fannie E. Magee, B.A.

Helen M. Bowser, B.A.


Hilda M. Orr, B.A.

Jennie R. Brennecke


M. Florence Rollins, Ph.B.

Edith G. Frederick, B.A.


Norma G. Swayne, B.A.

Elizabeth V. Holley, B.A.


Mary V. Turner, B.A.

Anne E. Krick, B.A.


Mildred L. Wieland, B.A.

R. Eleanor Krick, B.A.


Gertrude Wray, B.A.

Rena Lauver, M.A.






Head, Carl E. Whipple, B.S.


W. H. Hoffman, B.S.

Edward G. Ankney, Jr., B.A.


Helen K. McCartney, B.A.

Kenneth R. Bashore, B.S.


William H. Peters, M.A.

Leah S. Decker, B.S.


Leah Weisman, B.A.

Verna Faust, B.A.


Harold C. Wimmer, M.S.



First Row - Mr. Peters, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Ankney, Mr. Whipple, Mr. Wimmer, Mr. Bashore.

Second Row - Miss McCartney, Miss Frederick, Miss Krick, Miss Faust, Miss Holley, Miss Bancroft, Miss Magee, Miss Krick, Miss Weisman.

Third Row - Miss Wray, Miss McCauley, Miss Decker, Miss Morrison, Miss Campbell, Miss Bowser, Miss Baird, Miss Rollins, Miss Wieland.




Head, George B. Williams, Ph. B.


Irene J. Sauserman, B.A.

Grace E. Allen, B.A.


Bertha A. Swartz, B.S.

Ella G. Burley, B.A.


Elizabeth E. Taylor, M.S.

Edward F. Emanuel, B.S.


Nell J. Thomas, M.A.

Walter H. Passmore, B.A.


Carrie F. Waite

Mary G. Ross


Paul A. Zetler, B.S.




Director, Charles G. Sadler


Ceylon S. Romig

William A. Fickes


James C. Ross

Walter H. Grove


Henry F. Selwitz

Stephen W. Hoover


Samuel B. Smith

Carl O. Lundegren


Clyde N. Snyder

Jacob C. Miller


Charles C. Caveny, B.S.

Joe Miller


Charles S. Fleck

Charles G. Plummer





First Row - Mr. Fleck, Mr. Ross, Mr. Smith, Mr. Caveny, Mr. Snyder, Mr. Plummer.

Second Row - Mr. Romig, Mr. Lundegren, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Grover, Mr. Passmore, Mr. Miller,

Mr. Hoover, Mr. Fickes, Mr. Miller.

Third Row - Miss Ross, Miss Waite, Miss Sauserman, Miss Allen, Mr. Williams, Mr. Sadler, Miss Burley,

Miss Swartz, Miss Thomas, Miss Taylor.




Head, E. Marie Lentz, M.A.


William L. McCreight, B.S.

Earl W. Dickey, B.S.


Nelda Miller, M.A.

H. Marjorie Downes, B.S.


Robert Patrick, B.S.

Emma C. Eberle, B.A.


Harold J. Pegg, B.A.

Irvin S. Gress, B.A.


Herbert S. Sheetz, B.S.

Virginia Gwin, B.A.


Jeanette Stevens, M.A.

Ethel M. Henry, M.A.


Angella Unverzagt, B.A.

Marie N. Lauver, B.A.






Head, Charles M. Grimminger, M.A.


Edith R. Fleck, B.A.

Ella M. Deetz, B.A.


Lynwood S. Lingenfelter, B.A.

Mary e. Dunbar, B.S.


M. Marie Ritts, B.A.




Head, Minnie F. Stockton, B.A.


Una E. Small, B.A.

Perilla R. Harner, M.A.


S. Edith, White, B.A.




Head, Howard W. Lindaman


Alma M. Eberle



First Row - Mr. Lingenfelter, Mr. Dickey, Miss Miller, Miss Dietz, Mr. McCreight, Miss Gwin,

Miss Downes, Mr. Pegg, Mr. Sheetz.

Second Row - Miss Lauver, Miss Unverzagt, Miss Henry, Miss Lentz, Miss Eberle,

Miss Dunbar, Miss Stevens, Miss Ritts.




Head, Herbert E. McMahan, B.S.


Helen Orton, B.A.

Sarah E. Duncan, B.S.


Addison E. Pohle, B.S.

Carl E. Graf, B.S.   Naomi Thurston
J. L. Hoover, B.S., A.B.   Mary Unikel
Joseph M. McBrier, B.S.   Marian Hedden, B.S.




Head, Zitella Wertz, M.S.


Miriam A. Salter, B.S.

Myrtle Gould, B.S.


Grace M. Swan, B.S.

Florence E. Gray, B.S.


Anna M. Young

Alberta Johns






Director, Boys, Robert H. Wolfe, G.G.


Director, Girls, Elizabeth K. Eyre

Benjamin Weinstein, B.A.


Frances E. Hicks




Head, Mary A. Tressler


Edna A. Bottorf

Elsie Weiss



Maud Minster



First Row - Mr. Graf, Mr. Hoover, Mr. Pohle, Mr. Weinstein.

Second Row - Miss McBrier,, Miss Unikel, Miss Orton, Miss Gould, Miss Thurston,

Miss Duncan, Miss Minster, Miss Bottorf.

Third Row - Miss Gray, Miss Johns, Mr. Wolf, Miss Wertz, Miss Tressler, Mr. McMahan, Miss Swan, Miss Salter.


Special Information


Enrollment - 2696 students

  Seniors - 733

  Juniors - 857

  Sophomores - 1106


Faculty Changes:

  Mr. McMahan left Altoona High School.

  Mr. Hoover assumed Mr. McMahan's duties.

  Miss Weiss became a new Art teacher.

  Mr. Harris left Music Department.

  Miss Hedden entered Commercial Department.

  Mr. Passmore was granted leave of absence.


Special Courses:

  English:  Newswriting, Dramatics, Modern Literature, and Commercial English.

  Science:  Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Astronomy.

  Mathematics:  Trigonometry, Algebra, Plane Geometry, Solid Geometry.

  History:  Problems of Democracy, U. S. History

  Modern Language:  German, French, Spanish, Italian, Mythology.

  Music:  Elementary Harmony, Music Appreciation, Glee Club, Band, Orchestra.

  Latin:  Vergil, Cicero, Caesar.

  Physical Education:  Personal Hygiene, Gymnasium.

  Art:  Dynamic Symmetry, Commercial Art, Advanced Art, and Art Appreciation.

  Home Economics:   Clothing, Nutrition, Sewing.

  Commercial:  Bookkeeping, Secretarial Practice, Commercial Law, Typewriting, Salesmanship, Arithmetic, Shorthand.


Altoona High School Class of 1930 - Seniors 1

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