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Township Maps


A modern map of Berks County.



Berks County - 1876

Township maps are from the 1876 Atlas of Berks County.

Atlas Title Page - 234kb

Townships Settled Incorporated
Berks County about 1700 1752
Second Class Townships
Albany 1743 1752
Alsace 1735 Mar. 4, 1745 or 1744 while part of Philadelphia Co.
Amity about 1693 Mar. 3, 1744 while part of Philadelphia County. In 1719, a petition was made to the Court to erect Amity Twp. and the Court granted the petition. However no record was made of the proceedings and the petition was renewed 25 years later in 1744.
Bern about 1734 1738 while part of Lancaster Co.
Bethel 1735 May 1739 while part of Lancaster Co.
Brecknock 1729 1741 while part of York Co.
Caenarvon 1700 1729 while part of Chester Co.
Centre   Jan. 2, 1843 from Bern, Upper Bern & Penn Twps.
Colebrookdale 1720 Sept. 7, 1741 while part of Philadelphia Co.
Cumru 1732 1737 from Lancaster Co.
District   1759 from Oley & Colebrookdale Twps.
Douglass 1720 June 7, 1736 while part of Philadelphia Co.
Earl   Nov 1781 from Oley Twp.
Exeter 1718 Dec. 7, 1741 while part of Philadelphia Co.
Greenwhich 1749 1755 from Albany Twp.
Heidelberg 1723 1734 while part of Lancaster Co.
Hereford 1732 Feb. 1, 1753 from Colebrookdale Twp.
Jefferson about 1723 Jan. 28, 1852 or 1851 from Upper Tulpehocken Twp.
Longswamp 1734 May 1761 from Rockland Twp.
Lower Alsace 1714 1888 from Alsace Twp.
Lower Heidelberg 1730 Sept. 15, 1842 from Heidelberg Twp.
Maidencreek 1732 Dec. 1746 or 1748 while part of Philadelphia Co.
Marion 1723 Apr. 6, 1844 or 1843 from Tulpehocken & Heidelberg Twps.
Maxatawny 1732 Sept. 6, 1742 while part of Philadelphia Co.
Muhlenberg   Feb 10, 1851 from Alsace Twp.
North Heidelberg about 1736 Jan. 9, 1845 from Heidelberg Twp.
Oley 1700 Sept. 1, 1740 while part of Philadelphia Co.
Oley 1710-1740
Original Plat owners
Composite map by Phoebe Hopkins from an actual survey by Arthur Haas. Area is roughly present day Oley Twp.
Ontelaunee about 1721 1849 from Maidencreek Twp.
Penn 1735 Nov. 5, 1841 from Bern & Upper Bern Twps.
Perry 1735 1852 from Windsor Twp. made a separate election district in 1821.
Pike   Aug. 1813 or 1812 from Earl, Oley and Rockland Twps.
Richmond 1720 1752 or 1755.
Robeson 1720 Aug. 1729 while part of Lancaster Co.
Rockland   1758 from Oley Twp.
Ruscombmanor 1749 1752 or 1759.
South Heidelberg - Included with Lower Heidelberg Twp about 1730 June 20, 1914 from Lower Heidelberg Twp.
Spring about 1728 Nov. 23, 1850 from Cumru Twp.
Tilden - Included with Upper Bern.   1887 from Upper Bern Twp.
Tulpehocken about 1707 1729 while part of Lancaster Co.
Union 1684 1752 or 1753 from Coventry Twp.
Upper Bern/Tilden about 1730 1789 from Bern Twp. Upper Bern Twp; did not operate as a separate township until 1820.
Upper Tulpehocken about 1730 Nov. 6, 1820 from Tulpehocken Twp.
Washington 1736 1839 from Hereford & Colebrookdale Twps.
Windsor 1740 1752.

County File Manager - Mary Ann Lubinsky



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