Allegheny County, PA

St. Barbara Cemetery

a.k.a. - St. Barbara Presto Cemetery

a.k.a. - Rosevale Church Cemetery

45 Prestley Road

Collier Township, Allegheny County, PA 15107

(partial survey)

A Project of Allegheny County PAGenWeb Archives

Copyright Information     Pennsylvania Tombstone Project

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this page was last updated 21 Aug 2019

Cemetery is administered by:

St. Barbara Church
45 Prestley Road
Bridgeville, PA 15107
(412) 221-5152

church established 1894

Tombstone Photos

(partial survey)

printer friendly text version of tombstone transcription

Steiner, Anna G., 1887 - 1957, (contributed by Rich Boyer)

Steiner, Samuel, 1881 - 1955, (contributed by Rich Boyer)

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Allegheny County PAGenWeb Archives File Manager Debra Crosby

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