
Allegheny County
Diamond Jubilee
1863 - 1938
Saint Augustine Church
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Transcribed and contributed by
Nan Smith
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St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
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Chapter 10
Societies of St. Augustine's Church
A history of a parish cannot pass by the
societies which do an incalculable amount of good in every parish, and to a
certain extent are a safe indicator of the spirituality pulsating in every
portion of the Church Universal. It is but too true that the societies, be
they ever so numerous, will not gather in all members of the particular
congregation, since a goodly number of parishioners will always stay aloof
from those associations, sometimes for no reason whatsoever. Yet on the
other hand there always will be found a certain number of parishioners who
join various societies at the same time, multiplying thereby their efforts
in mutual assistance at the edification and personal sanctification of the
body of co-parishioners.
I. Religious Societies.
The Third Order is, what the name expresses, a
veritable Religious Order and as such ranks higher than any confraternity,
society, association, and pious union. The history of the particular
congregation of the Third Order established at St. Augustine's Church makes
part and parcel of the history of the whole parish.
Isolated Tertiaries had been living in St. Augustine's
parish prior to the coming of the Capuchin Fathers. These Tertiaries had
been received into the Order in Europe and continued to observe the Rule as
best as they could in this country. Yet a corporate activity became a
reality only after the Capuchin Fathers had taken charge of St. Augustine's
parish. This was done in 1874. The first meeting was held on the third
Sunday of May, on May 17, 1874. At first only one Congregation was
established, that of the German speaking Branch. Although the sermons and
prayers were in German at the earliest meeting, yet before long English
prayers and English addresses were joined to the German, for the benefit of
the English speaking members. Yet as early as September 30, 1883, separate
meetings were kept for the English speaking members with English sermon and
prayers. Finally in 1886 the English speaking members were established as an
independent branch and ever after two congregations of Tertiaries have been
flourishing at St. Augustine's. Naturally for many years the German branch
proved the stronger of the two. In 1907 the German branch counted as many as
one thousand members, whilst the English branch counted only half that
number. From September 17, 1887, till 1925 the German branch has expended
$5,550.50 for Masses for the living and deceased members of its branch,
$1,733.50 for the relief of the poor members of its branch and other poor
people, $1,818.75 to the Seraphic Work of Charity and the Toner Institute to
care for dependent and neglected boys, $1,040.25 contributed to various
churches, $742 for vestments and various church articles, $375 for retreats
and funded Mass, $320.50 to the Pope, $155.27 to poor Sisters in Rome, $220
for Missions, $213 to St. Augustine's School, $413.81 on the library which
they have established, $180 for various charitable purposes not included in
the above figures, $152 to defray the expenses of their Convention in 1921.
The German branch counts from 1874 till 1925 deceased members, 941 (4
Priests, 119 men, 818 women). In 1925 this same branch counted 683 active
members (3 Priests, 43 men, 637 women) and 419 inactive members (7 Priests,
52 men, 360 women). The Rt. Rev. Regis Canevin, late Bishop of Pittsburgh
(died 1927), has been the most prominent member of the English Congregation
established at St. Augustine's. From St. Augustine's the Third Order was
introduced into several other parishes of the city.
Up to the present time 2436 members have been invested
in the English Branch and 2,193 members in the German Branch. There are
about 500 active members who attend the meetings regularly since June when
both branches were united into one fraternity. The more recent directors of
the Third Order are Fathers Paul, Clement, Cassian, Angelus, Sigmund,
Gregory, Albert, Theodore, Florence and Rupert.
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The Third Order also has charge of the St. Elizabeth
Retreat House at Herman, Pa. On September 24, 1933, the formal opening of the
house took place. About 800 people attended. The Most Rev. Bishop Boyle was
present and encouraged the tertiaries in the retreat movement. Fathers Delaney
and Sigmund also spoke. About 45 retreats have been conducted since and about
500 women attended.
The first Tertiary Provincial Convention was held in
Pittsburgh in 1926 on September 19, 20, 21. Delegates from Wheeling, Cumberland,
Dover, Washington, Rochester and Butler attended. The religious services were
conducted at St. Augustine Church while the business sessions were held at the
Harris theater. Bishops Boyle, Swint, Keneally and Tief and also Archabbot
Aurelius were present at the convention. Many secular and religious priests
The Third Order has also been very busy conducting Days
of Recollection during the past year. At the Ursuline Academy 123 women
attended, at Mt. Alvernia 197 attended and again at Mt. Alvernia 215 women were
present. The fraternity has done much to support the St. Elizabeth Retreat
House, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Maternity Guild, the Confraternity
of Christian Doctrine, the Puerto Rican and China Missions, the Seraphic Home
and the House of Hospitality.
Since the tertiary province is affiliated with national
Third Order organization and since a national convention is held every five
years the St. Augustine tertiary province has been asked to hold the fifth
quinquennial convention in Pittsburgh in 1941. The other conventions were held
in Chicago, New York, San Francisco and Louisville.(1)
highest among the Religious societies established at St. Augustine's. It was
first established in March, 1875, as a confraternity affiliated to the archconfraternity at Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, but in 1877 was canonically erected
as a confraternity and finally on January, 1881, raised to the rank of an
archconfraternity with the right to affiliate similar confraternities. In the
course of time this archconfraternity has spread far and wide. At the beginning
of 1907 it counted 631 aggregated confraternities in the United States and
Canada with a membership of more than 50,000. These confraternities were
established in churches of various nationalities: Americans, Germans, Poles,
Bohemians, Italians, French, and Slavic, where according to the rules of the
archconfraternity monthly meetings are kept. By the year 1938 the number of
aggregations amounted to 1,180 with a membership of 90,000.
The archconfraternity maintained a special monthly
periodical which was issued under the title: Die Christliche Mutter : eine
katholische Monatsschrift fuer haeusliche Erziehung. Organ der Erzbruderschaft
christlicher Muetter in Amerika, vol. I—XXXII. No. 8. New York, January,
1897—August, 1928, but at the latter date ceased publication. The English
periodical: The Christian Mother: a Catholic Magazine for the Improvement of
Home Education. Organ of the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers had a
shorter span of life. It was issued monthly from April, 1903, till March, 1907.
The general director of the archconfraternity has always been a Capuchin Father
of St. Augustine's Monastery in Pittsburgh who at the same time is director of
the local confraternity at St. Augustine's. In 1907 the local confraternity had
a membership of 690 but at present the membership has dropped to 457 active
members, not counting the inactive.(2)
(1) Cyprian Gehriing, O.M.Cap. Kurze Geschichte des Deutschen
Dritt-Ordens-Zweiges in der St. Augustinus Kirche, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1874-1925,
pp. 30. The same wrote: A short sketch of the Third Order in St Augustine's
Church, in: St. Augustinus, August, 1924, p. 178. Hyacinth Epp. O.M.Cap. In:
Seraphischer Kinderfreund, vol. IX, Pittsburgh, 1907, pp. 201. 203. Lenhart
John, O.M.Cap.. De Historia Congregationis Tertiariorum Pittsburgensis, in:
Analecta, O.M.Cap., vol. XLI, Romae, 1925, pp. 208, 211.
(2) Epp, op. cit., p. 203; Gehrling in: St. Augustinus, July. 1921, pp. 2-3;
Analecta, O.M.Cap., vol. II, Romae, 1886, pp. 54-59; Annales Capucinorum
Provinciae Pennsylvanicae, MS., pp. 16, 353-355. Seeberger. Cosm. Key to
Spiritual Treasures. Collegeville, Ind., 2d. ed., 1897, pp. 270-277; 442-445,
524-529: Beringer, Fr. Die Ablaesse, vol. II, 14th edit., Paderborn 1916. pp.
317-320. Fr. Cyprian Gehriing printed the names of the 482 active members of
1926 in: St. Augustinus, December, 1926, pp. 237-239, 241.
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Ushers' Club
Top Row: Joseph Steinkirchner, Joseph P. Uhrin, C. L. Hook, William J.
Elsesser, Bernard Fellinger,
Louis Dadowski, Jr., Bernard Stadelman, Louis Reith, Front Row: Albert
Henning, Edward Goetz, Michael
Rixner, Francis Dadowski, Ralph Dadowski, Anthony Orga, Charles Bentz.
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MEN, locally called THE MEN'S CONFERENCE, was established at St. Augustine's
on January 2, 1876, and aggregated to the Archconfraternity of the Holy
Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph at Liege in Belgium. The latter was
established in 1845 and is under the direction of the Redemptorist Fathers
"That the establishment of the Men's Conference was a great success," writes
Fr. Cyprian Gehrling (St. Augustinus, May, 1926, pp. 82-83), "cannot be
doubted, because to this day it has preserved its innate vigor. The chief
success attained by it has been a close touch with the trials and triumphs
of Mother Church and a special instruction in their duties. Another gain was
the round of general communions during Eastertime and Forty Hours' devotion.
Furthermore the Conference kept alive in the parish the devotion to the Holy
Family and by the numerous Masses ordered by it was instrumental in drawing
down God's blessing on their homes and their parish. Finally the Conference
lent its powerful aid to works of charity sponsored by the parish." The
Redemptorist Fathers have published for the members of the archcon-fraternity
in German as early as 1861 the rules: Die Regeln der Erzbruderschaft der
heiligen Familie, Baltimore, Murphy, 1861, and as early as 1864 a manual:
Handbuechlein der Erzbruderschaft der heiligen Familie. New York, 1864.
These booklets passed through numerous editions in the course of time, and
were translated into English time and again. By January, 1924, the Men's
Conference at St. Augustine's counted 199 active members, 229 deceased
members and 210 members who dropped out for one reason or another.
Accordingly the sum total of membership from 1875 till 1924 was 638.(3)
YOUNG MEN'S CONFERENCE, was established at St. Augustine's prior to the
Men's Conference on November 7, 1875, and was likewise aggregated to the
Archconfraternity of the Holy Family at Liege. It flourished for some years
and then worldliness reduced the number of members considerably, so that it
was reorganized on February 1, 1885. In February, 1902, the confraternity
counted 110 members. Again in the course of time the number of members
dropped so, that since July, 1923, it practically ceased to exist. Efforts
were made to revive the society but they proved futile. All that is left of
the once flourishing confraternity of young Men is the custom that since
November 1, 1925, all young men of the parish receive Holy Communion in a
body with the members of the Men's Conference. Certainly many young men
joined other Religious societies, yet they did not relish the arrangement
that they were supposed on certain Sunday afternoons to attend a special
conference with a round of prayers.(4)
The CONFRATERNITY OF YOUNG LADIES, locally first called
established simultaneously with the Young Men's Conference on November 7,
1875, with aggregation to the Archconfraternity of the Holy Family at Liege.
However, on March 27, 1886, it was also aggregated to the Congregation of
the Blessed Virgin of the Annunciation established since 1564 in the College
of the Jesuit Fathers at Rome. Since this congregation bears also the second
title of "Sodalitium," it is generally called "Sodality of the Blessed
Virgin." From 1889 till 1925 at least 836 girls have been received into the
Sodality. Forty-one of the Sodalists have entered Sisterhoods during the
same period. Monthly Holy Communion in a body and two solemn annual Holy
Communions has been a custom which was upheld all these years. From 1877
till 1887 the members of the Sodality formed part of the sacramental
processions in church and in many a case furnished the singing during those
functions. Besides they would take active part in all parish activities,
entertainment and picnics. During the
(3) Epp, op. cit., p. 203; Cyprian Gehrling, in St. Augustinus, July, 1921,
pp. 1-2; November. 1923, pp. 182-183; December, 1923, pp. 205-207; January,
1924, pp. 12-13; May, 1926, pp. 81-87, 90-92. About the confraternity in
general see: Beringer, op. cit., pp. 130-133.
(4) Fr. Cyprian H. Gehrling, in: St. Augustinus, July, 1921, pp. 1-2 and May
1926, pp. 81-82, and especially: Chronicle of the Young Men's Conference by
the same writer in: St. Augustinus, May, 1926, pp. 92-97, where the
spiritual success and the social activities of this society are described in
detail. Fr. Hyacinth Epp has a short notice of the society in: Seraphischer
Kinderfreund, vol. IX, 1907, p. 203, and St. Augustinus, February, 1902,
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twenty-four years, 1902 till 1925, the Sodality expended
$3,258.35. The principal items were for masses, $997, library, $773.15,
$232.05 donations to St. Augustine's Church, $112 to St. Augustine's School
founding scholarships and furnishing medals, $52.40 alms, $50 to Foreign
Missions, $39.35 for distribution of pamphlets, $47.85 to Catholic
societies. These monies were disbursed directly from the treasury of the
Sodality. The donations to the church in the guise of euchres and
entertainments are not counted; they were considerable. In May, 1910, the
euchre for St. Augustine's Church netted about $650. The Thanksgiving
Festival in November, 1910, netted $404.65. The Sodality kept a separate
library from about 1895 till 1918, when their library was merged with those
of the Third Order and the parish school to form the present St. Augustine's
Parish Library. In 1904 the Sodality counted about 307 members, in 1907
exactly 335 members, in 1921 in all, 270 members, in 1925 as many as 294 and
in 1938 as many as 340.
The election of officers takes place every year. The
officers of the present year are Cecilia M. Dadowski, President; Margaret
Becker, First Assistant; Mary Raffel, Second Assistant. The Prefects are the
following: Aurelia Conrad, Gertrude Conrad, Anna Mary Fasel, Mary Closs,
Cecilia M. Dadowski, Margaret Smith, Marcella Leber, Mary Schmolder,
Margaret Becker, Elizabeth Raible, Elizabeth Suewer, Ida Zinsmeister, Clara
Schmidt, Anna Haas, Minnie Besselman, and Bertha Kalchthaler. Assistant
Prefects are: Anna Becker, Louisa Melchior, Anna Schmolder, Alary Raffel,
Mary Leah Stadelman, Helen Zinsmeister, Margaret Haas, and Caroline Sauers.(5)
The APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER was instituted at St.
Augustine's on November 17, 1877. This society was originally founded in
1844 at Vals in France. At St. Augustine's the members pursue also the
particular aim to spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by
distributing the monthly leaflets explaining the monthly intention to the
members of the Sacred Heart League. The promoters supervise the distribution
of the leaflets, report the deaths of deceased members and gather in new
members. Once a month these promoters meet to conduct their business and a
special Mass is offered up for them on that day. In 1921 no less than 43
promoters would distribute 1,400 leaflets to their respective bands. In 1902
more than 1,500 members belonged to this society.(6)
introduced at St. Augustine's on January 16, 1888, and was aggregated on
February 15, 1888, to the Archconfraternity of the Sacred Heart established
in St. Bonaventure's Church in Detroit, Michigan. The purpose of this
confraternity is to promote devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus by
appropriate prayers and reception of the sacraments of Penance and Holy
Eucharist. This confraternity was at one time very flourishing. "That the
Apostleship of Prayer and the Confraternity of the Sacred Heart flourish
well is best attested by the large number of Holy Communions on the First
Fridays and First Sundays of the month." Thus Fr. Hyacinth Epp in 1907. In
July, 1927, this confraternity counted 72 active members besides a number of
inactive ones. Local benefits have been for many years participation in a
funded Mass on every First Friday of the month, in a solemn High Mass on the
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and a Requiem High Mass for every
deceased member. The High Mass on the First Fridays has been chanted since
January, 1878. The members are supposed to contribute sixty cents a year
towards the fundation of those masses. In 1921 this confra-
(5) Fr. Cyprian Gehrling published a detailed history of this confraternity
in 1925 entitled: Golden Jubilee of the Young Ladies' Sodality of St.
Augustine's Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1875-1925, pp. 40. The same writer
published shorter sketches in St. Augustinus, July, 1921. pp. 1-3, and July,
1927, p. 142. A short note by Hyacinth Epp. in: Ser. Kinderfr. vol. IX, p.
203. On the Sodality in general see: Seeberger', op. cit., pp. 159-166,
417-421, 479-482, and Beringer, op. cit., pp. 169-178.
(6) Cyprian Gehrling, in St. Augustinus, July, 1921, p. 3, and July, 1927.
p. 142. Annales Capucinorum Provinciae Pennsvlvanicae, MS., vol. I, pp.
358-360. See about his society in general Seeberger, op. cit., pp. 63-76.
and Beringer, op. cit., pp. 114-121. See also: St. Augustinus, February,
1902, p. 7.
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ternity counted yet 111 members, and 1902 as many as 258 in twenty
PURGATORY, generally called THE PURGATORIAL SOCIETY, was established at St.
Augustine's as a simple society on January 1, 1888, was raised to the rank
of a confraternity by Bishop Tuigg on April 2, 1890, and on April 23, 1890,
was aggregated to the Archconfraternity in Relief of the Suffering Souls
established in 1841 at the Church of the Blessed Lady in Monterone at Rome.
The members have to say certain prayers for the relief of the suffering
souls and contribute annually 25 cents and at the death of each member
besides ten cents to a fund which is expended in having one Requiem High
Mass and one low Mass celebrated every month for the relief of all deceased
members of the society. Moreover, at the death of every member three Requiem
High Masses and twenty low Masses are celebrated for the relief of the
particular deceased member. The age limit for enrollment into the society is
extended to seventy years. From 1888 till 1925 no less than four hundred and
eight members have died and received the benefits of the confraternity. In
1902 the confraternity had a membership of 450. In 1927 membership of the
confraternity amounted to 364 active members, not counting a number of such
which had neglected for some time to pay their dues. The members of the
confraternity would meet four times a year (Sundays of Ember weeks)
attending a special devotion with sermon and prayers in relief of the
suffering souls. Of late this devotion is not kept up so regularly as
established at St. Augustine's by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Pehlan of Pittsburgh
on April 8, 1895, by virtue of the faculty granted by the Very Rev. General
of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity under date of December 12, 1894.
According to the rules of the confraternity the names of the members are
recorded in a special book which is kept in the parish office. A
considerable number of persons have been enrolled but of late the
confraternity has shown little life.(9)
CARMEL was established about 1880. The late Father Pius Reinhold, O.M.Cap.
(died in 1916) was a great promoter of this confraternity. In 1886 he
published: Skapulier-Buechlein at Einsiedeln, New York & Cincinnati (12mo.,
pp. 446) and about 1890 he published at Cumberland, Md. a Modus Brevior
induendi Scapulare Ouintuplex, printed by our Brother Arsenius on the press
of the St. Peter & Paul's Monastery. In 1921 this confraternity had become
almost unknown at St. Augustine's but it was still kept up by having the
First Communicants enrolled every year. This custom of having the First
Communicants enrolled every year dates back to June 28, 1885, when it was
done for the first time.(10)
established at St. Augustine's on April 3, 1903, at the Blessed Virgin
Altar. The members oblige themselves to pray the fifteen decades of the
Rosary every week in addition to a short meditation on the respec-
(7) Cyprian Gehrling, in St Augustinus, July, 1921, p. 3, and July, 1927, p.
143. Hyacinth Epp, op. at., p. 204. Annales Prov. Pennsylv. MS., pp.
364-366. On the confraternity in general see Seeberger, op. A., pp. 46-52,
383-387 and Beringer, op. cit., pp. 102-116. See yet St. Augustinus,
February, 1902, p. 7.
(8) Cyprian Gehrling published "An Historical Sketch of the Purgatorial
Confraternity" at St. Augustine's Church, in: St. Augustinus, October, 1923,
pp. 163-166, and shorter articles in: St. Augustinus, July, 1921, p. 3, and
July, 1927, p. 143. Hyacinth Epp has a short note in:
Seraph. Kinderfr., vol. IX, p .204. The documents are written in: Annales
Prov. Pennsylv. MS., pp. 367-373. See on the archconfraternity in general
Seeberger, op. cit., pp. 292-300. 447-450, 529-531 and Beringer, op. cit.,
309-313. See also: St. Augustinus, February, 1902, p. 7.
(9) Cyprian Gehrling, in: St. Augustinus, July, 1921, p. 3, and July, 1927,
p. 143. Annales Prov. Pennsylv. MS., pp. 314-317. See on the confraternity
in general Beringer, op. cit., pp. 58-62.
(10) Hyacinth Epp, op. cit., p. 204. Fr. Cyprian Gehrling, in St. Augustinus,
July, 1921, p. 3; July, 1S04, p. 6; July, 1925, pp. 131-173.
Announcement-Books, MS., June 28, 1885. On the confraternity in general see:
Seeberger, op. cit., pp. 187-192, 429-431, 485-487, and Beringer,. op. cit.,
pp. 153-164.
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Altar Boys
Bottom Row: Left to right: Edward Fitzpatrick, William King, Stanley
Pupinski, Robert Celender, Bruce Hook, Raymond Kosinski, Raymond Ostrowski,
Joseph Grimm, Richard Bevilacqua. Second Row: Joseph Stein, Gerard Krebs,
Ralph Bevilacqua, Chester Pupinski, Peter Uranker, Joseph Vuljanic, Edward
Holliday, Joseph Frueh, Third Row: Robert Felich, George Sufak, Earl Stehle,
William Sufak, Norbert Dobrowolski, Robert Herbert, Marion Ziecina, Henry
Treu. Top Row: Michael Kowalewski, Joseph Chraska, Peter Stajduhar, Stanley
Jastrzebowski, Leonard Ostrowski, Stanley Schultz, Richard
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tive mysteries. Moreover, the members of the confraternity must arrange
and take part in a solemn procession on the first Sunday in October in the
open air. In case of hindrance this procession must be transferred to the
next following Sunday. In 1921 this confraternity had 386 persons enrolled
and new members were coming in every year. The interest in the confraternity
is kept alive by the annual solemn procession. Fr. Hyacinth Epp wrote in
1907: "The processions at the beginning and close of the Rosary devotions in
the month of October must be classed among the most beautiful, most
devotional and most inspiring solemnities at St. Augustine's Church."(11)
The SOCIETY OF THE LIVING ROSARY was introduced at St.
Augustine's as early as the year 1880, if not earlier. It is no
confraternity but a simple union or informal society of fifteen persons who
band together with the purpose of reciting daily one decade of the Rosary;
every month they distribute the fifteen decades among themselves. Since this
society does not keep a record like the confraternity, the exact date of its
establishment at St. Augustine's cannot be ascertained. At St. Augustine's
the society of the Living Rosary was changed at an early date into a sort of
Mass Association of a private character. The members pay annual sixty cents
into a common fund which is used to have a solemn High Mass chanted on the
Feast of the Most Holy Rosary every year, and at the death of a member a
Requiem High Mass chanted and thirteen low Masses said in accordance with
the particular rules of this society. During the first years of its
existence at St. Augustine's a great number ofpersons had joined the
society. In 1927 this society as constituted as a private Mass Association
counted 260 paying members besides a number of irregularly paying members.
In February, 1902, as many as 517 members had been actively belonging to the
society who were divided into 38 divisions.(12)
was first established at St. Augustine's on March 21, 1879, in virtue of the
grant issued by the Most Rev. Antonio M. Adragna, General of the Friars
Minor Conventual. Later, however, doubts arose about the validity of
erection, because apparently the consent of the diocesan bishop had not been
obtained. For many years numbers of members had been enrolled. Fr. Hyacinth
Epp apparently had no doubts about the validity of erection. In 1921 Fr.
Cyprian Gehrling wrote that the confraternity by that time had become almost
unknown. He began to take interest in the confraternity and worked for a
revival. In studying the past history of the confraternity he came across
the remark entered into the Annales that the confraternity seemingly was
erected invalidly. To settle all doubts the confraternity was newly erected
on November 20, 1926, in virtue of the faculty granted by the Very Rev.
Provincial of the Capuchin Province of St. Augustine's, Henry Kluepfel, by
the diocesan bishop, His Excellency Hugh Charles Boyle. May be that the
confraternity had been erected validly in 1879 and that the document like
other documents of a similar nature had been lost. In 1927, Fr. Cyprian
Gehrling wrote: "In the last year most of our school children and a number
of children of (Missionary) Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (who go to
the public school) and also some children of the Tertiaries were invested
with the Cord of St. Francis. This was done to comply with the wishes of the
Holy Father Pope Pius XL who desires that those young persons who cannot yet
join the Third Order on account of their minor age, be invested with the
Cord of St. Francis in preparation to their future entrance into that Order.
Adults, however, may also join the Cord-bearers. The only essential
requisite for membership is wearing of the cord or girdle which is bestowed
upon the members on the day of investment with appropriate prayers
(11) Hyacinth Epp, op. cit., p. 204. Cyprian Gehrling, in: St. Augustinus,
July, 1921, p. 3. On the confraternity in general see: Seeberger, op. cit.,
pp. 109-133, 396-414, 475-478. Beringer, op. cit., pp. 135-147.
(12) Hyacinth Epp, op. cit., p. 204. Cyprian Gehrling, in: St. Augustinus,
July, 1927, p. 143. St. Augustinus, February, 1902, p. 7. On the society in
general see: Beringer, op. cit., pp. 149-153.
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and ceremonies and besides entering of their names on the
book of the confraternity."
Naturally the confraternity at St. Augustine's is
aggregated to the Archconfraternity of the Cord of St. Francis of Assisi
established by Pope Sixtus V., on November 19, 1585, in the Sacro Convento
of the Friars Minor Conventuals at Assisi. At places where there is no
monastery of the Minor Conventuals, the other branches, Friars Minor and
Capuchins, have by papal privilege the power to erect such confraternities
at their churches with the consent of the diocesan bishops.(13)
St. Augustine's as at other German Catholic parishes some time about 1880.
The aim of the association is to enroll children into the society of
Propagation of Faith. Members of the association may be all children up to
twelve years. Obligations are some short prayers and small contributions to
the missionary association: one cent monthly. This association had been very
popular in Germany and naturally it was introduced in the United States in
German churches at an early date. At St. Augustine's the association was at
first only a school affair. On Easter, April 25, 1886, it was announced that
on the following day a High Mass will be chanted for the members of the
Association of the Holy Childhood and the children would be blessed after
Mass and Procession of the children would follow. On Christmas, 1892, it was
announced in church for the first time that on Holy Innocents Day, December
28, a solemn High Mass will be chanted for the members and benefactors of
the Association of the Holy Childhood and the children shall attend with
their badges. On May 22, 1893, the Association of the Holy Childhood
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation. The children went in
procession from the school to the church and attended a special High Mass
with sermon. After the High Mass a special blessing was given the children
who belonged to the association and benediction with the Blessed Sacrament
closed this ceremony. On December 28, 1893, for the first time a solemn High
Mass was chanted for the children belonging to the Association of the Holy
Childhood followed by devotion, sermon, procession of the children in church
and Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament. This solemnity became an annual
custom which on January 6, 1901, was transferred to Epiphany Day, when also
the contributions for the support of the Foreign Missions will be collected.
On January 6, 1921, the collection amounted to $66.75. Over five hundred
children were marching; the first time that the higher grades also marched
in line. Fr. Hyacinth called this children's procession in 1907 "one of the
most devotional ceremonies" at St. Augustine's.(14)
introduced at St. Augustine's on January 2, 1910, in accordance with the
command given by the diocesan bishop. No less than 250 men and young men
were enrolled at that occasion. In February, 1915, it was united with the
Volksverein. In September, 1916, the members of the Men's Conference were
also made members of the Holy Name Society. The members took part in several
of the Holy Name Parades held in the city. On October 14, 1917, they made
their last colorful appearance at the Rally held at St. Mary's on
Forty-sixth Street. By the middle of 1918 the Holy Name Confraternity at St.
Augustine's had ceased to exist as a society of the parish and also as a
(13) Cyprian Gehriing, in: St. Augustinus, July, 1921, p. 3, March, 1924, p.
51, and July, 1927, p. 144. Hyacinth Epp. op. cit., p. 204. Annales
Capucinorum Provincial Pennsylvanicae, MS., pp. 28, 29. On the confraternity
in general see: Seeberger, op. cit., pp. 243-244, 440-441, 520-521. Beringer,
op. cit., pp. 237-239. And the pamphlet: The Archconfraternity of the Cord
of St. Francis: an Explanation, Philadelphia, McVey, 1918, pp. 18. Cyprian
Gehriing, in: St. Augustinus, November, 1926, pp. 218-220.
(14) Hyacinth Epp, op. cit., vol. IX, p. 204. Cyprian Gehriing in: St.
Augustinus, January, 1921, p. 10; July, 1921, p.3; September, 1926, p. 175;
November, 1926, pp. 227-228; January, 1927, p. 14; January, 1909, p. 8;
1925, p. 37; January, 1900, p. 7; January 1904, p. 4; 1905, p. 6. On the
Association in general see: Seeberger, op. cit., pp. 261-269, 442, 522-524,
and Beringer, op. cit., pp. 278-284, and Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. VII,
pp. 399-400. Association of the Holy Childhood: History and Indulgences,
Pittsburgh, Pa., 1891, p. 16, a pamphlet, and a later edition.
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a unit of the Pittsburgh Diocesan Union of the Holy Name
In March, 1910, the Holy Name Society was also
introduced among the boys of all grades of the parochial school.
The confraternity was resurrected in 1921 in view of
the great Holy Name Parade. In September of 1921 the confraternity was
reorganized at St. Augustine's and the members took part in the parade on
the second Sunday in October, October 16, 1921. On January 8, 1922, a
meeting was held and election of officers took place with a fairly good
attendance. Again on October 15, 1922, the confraternity took part in the
Holy Name Parade attending in full numbers and making a very good
Likewise the members of St. Augustine's Holy Name
Society took part in the Holy Name Rally held on April 1, 1928, in the
Arsenal Theater. The theater was filled to its utmost capacity and the Rt.
Rev. Bishop Hugh C. Boyle expressed his genuine pleasure in reviewing those
large crowds of men and young men.(15)
into the diocese of Pittsburgh by Bishop Canevin on October 6, 1907, in
compliance with the command given by Pope Pius X. in the encyclical letter
of April 15, 1905, which had enjoined upon all bishops the obligation to
introduce this confraternity into every parish. This confraternity is a
society of lay persons who assist the pastor in the work of giving
catechetical instruction. To guide the pastors in their efforts of
introducing this confraternity Bishop Canevin issued a Manual of
Confraternity (published at Pittsburgh in 1907 and reprinted several times).
To cover incidental expenses every member of the confraternity was supposed
to pay annually twenty-five cents. As the book of the diocesan treasurer of
the diocesan confraternities shows, St. Augustine's parish paid the dues for
two years. But that it is all what was done at St. Augustine's; the
confraternity was never introduced according to the laws prescribed by the
Manual and lay persons were never employed to assist in the work of
catechetical instruction to this day. The priests gave catechetical
instruction twice a week in all grades and on Sunday afternoons the pastor
gave a catechetical instruction to the graduates in church which was
attended by the boys and girls up to sixteen years of age. Accordingly the
aid of lay persons was thought to be unnecessary. On Sunday, September 23,
1923, Fr. Philip Knupfer discontinued the catechetical instruction on Sunday
afternoons in church and entrusted such instruction to the Sisters in
school; this was to become the present custom.(16)
The SCAPULAR OF ST. JOSEPH was introduced into St.
Augustine's parish on April 15, 1894, when enrollment was given after High
Mass and Vespers in the afternoon. To spread the devotion more enrollment
took place every Tuesday after the St. Anthony's devotion in the evening. In
succeeding years larger enrollments were made on St. Joseph's Feasts. On
March 19, 1922, about 90 persons were enrolled and on the Feast of St.
Joseph's Patronage, May 7th, 1922, over 90 persons were enrolled. Larger and
smaller groups of people were enrolled up to our days (April 22, 1923).
The purpose of the scapular is a threefold: devotion to
St. Joseph, sanctification of life, and protection of St. Joseph in the hour
of death. The blessing and enrollment of St. Joseph's Scapular is a
privilege of the Capuchin Fathers, so that in places where there
(15) Fr. Godhard Friedmann, O.M.Cap. in: St. Augustinus, January 1910, pp.
5-6; March, 1910, p. 8. Cyprian Gehrling, in: St. Augustinus, July, 1921, p.
3; April, 1928, p. 68. On the confraternity in general see: Seeberger, op.
cit., pp. 101-102, 391-394. Beringer, op. cit., pp. 66-68.
St. Augustinus, Sept., 1921. p. 9: January, 1922. p. 8; April, 1922. p. 8:
September. 1922. p. 9; October, 1922, p. 8; January, 1916, p. 12; December,
1916, p. 1- January, 1917. p. 8: October, 1917, p. 8; October, 1911, p. 8;
November, 1911, p 8; April 9, 1905, pp. 1-2; May, 1905, p. 5.
(16) Cyprian Gerhling in: St. Augustinus, July, 1921, p. 3. Philip Knupfer,
in: St. Augustinus, October, 1923, p. 160. On the confraternity in general
see: Beringer, op. cit., pp. 210-213.
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St. Augustine's Church Committee
Joseph H. Reiman, 1909 - 30
Frank X. Fuchs, 1912 - 39
Mathias N. Werrier, 1918-39
Lawrence J. Fey, 1921 - 39
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is a Capuchin house, no other priests have the faculty to
bless it.(17)
The ALTAR SOCIETY was founded in January, 1902, at the
request of a group of parishioners. This society is a purely local
institution. The rules printed for the new society comprise twelve points:
promotion of the devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, furnishing necessary
church goods for St. Augustine's and other churches in need, payment of one
dollar or more annually to the treasury of the society, benefit of a High
Mass for all living and deceased members, benefit of a Requiem High Mass for
all deceased members, benefit of a Requiem High Mass for every newly
deceased member, thirty dollars constitute perpetual membership. Donations
in money as well as in kind were solicited and a number of zealous promoters
succeeded to have a considerable number of members enrolled. In December,
1903, membership was 220, among them 3 perpetual members. In 1921 the
society counted besides several perpetual members about one hundred
sustaining members. In July, 1927, however, Fr. Cyprian Gehrling complained
that "the Altar Society is at present not in a flourishing condition due to
the remissness of the promoters who lost much of their interest. Yet the
spiritual benefits as well as the good work should attract the
The MASS-ASSOCIATION,, established since 1727 at the
church of the Friars Minor at Ingolstadt in Bavaria, also called MARIAN
MASS-ASSOCIATION, was promoted by the Fathers at St. Augustine's Monastery.
The first enrollments were made about 1885 and the society was promoted by
several Fathers during the succeeding years. The late Fathers Joseph Anthony
Ziegelmayer and Godhard Friedmann were the last promoters. In June, 1916,
the St. Augustinus carried an article recommending this society and
accordingly a larger number of parishioners were enrolled. Yet in 1919 both
Fathers died and apparently no one continued their good work. The
obligations of the members are to have one Mass said every year for the
living and dead members of the society and to pay twenty-five cents on the
day of enrollment for diploma; no other charges are made or demanded. More
than 800,000 members are enrolled into the society, so that actually more
than 2,000 Masses are said for the living and deceased members of the
society, on every day of the year except the three last days of Holy Week.
This Mass-Association was never an organized society of the parish.(19)
into St. Augustine's parish in 1897. On May 30, 1897, as many as 1,029
members were counted. In October, 1899, it was counted among the twenty
flourishing societies established in the parish. Later, however (after
1919), none of the Fathers promoted the society. Yet there are some lay
members still actively promoting the work among the laity. The members
enrolled into the association were never properly organized into a separate
branch-society, but in smaller or larger groups, or even singly, have been
promoting the work of supporting the missions in the Holy Land, rescuing the
Holy Places from the hands of the Moslems, and caring for the Pilgrims who
visit the Holy Sites. The association was first founded in 1855 at
Aix-la-Chapelle in Germany and was introduced into the United States in
1882, when the Commissariat of the Holy Land was established in New York
City; since November 23, 1897, it is established in Washington, D. C. The
name of the society was changed into "THE CRUSADE or THE HOLY LAND." The
Crusaders collect alms for the Holy Land and share in
(17) Cyprian Gehrling, in: St. Augustinus, May, 1922, p. 8, April, 1923, p.
56, and May, 1927, p. 95. Annales Prov. Pennsylvanicae, MS., pp. 297, 327.
On the Scapular in general see: Beringer, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 517-519.
Analecta O.M.Cap., vol. IX, Rome, 1893, pp. 161-167, 201-202. Pius Reinhold,
O.M.Cap. St. Joseph's Skapulier, Pittsburgh, ca. 1894, p. 4, and St.
Joseph's Scapular Pittsburgh, ca. 1894, p. 4.
(18) St. Augustinus, February, 1902, pp. 4-5; December 25, 1903, p. 2-3;
May, 1904, p. 4; September, 1904, p. 4; February, 1905, p. 5; February,
1906, p. 9; July, 1921, p. 3; January, 1924, pp. 9-10; July, 1927, pp.
142-143; January, 1929, p. 7.
(19) St. Augustinus, June, 1916, pp. 1-2. On the society in general see:
Beringer, op. cit., vol. II, pp. 92-94.
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many spiritual privileges. The Fathers Gregory Autsch
(died 1902) and Godhard Friedmann (died 1919) were the great promoters of
this association.(20)
At St. Augustine's Church as early as 1864 a Society
for married women and another for young ladies were established canonically
by the diocesan bishop M. Domenec. In 1869 the SOCIETY OF THE SACRED HEART
was likewise established by the bishop. Besides the ST. MARY'S SOCIETY for
married women and the ST. ROSE of LIMA SOCIETY for young ladies, a ST.
ALOYSIUS SOCIETY was established for the benefit of the young men about
1865. These Religious societies were restored later by the Capuchin Fathers
and merged with the various confraternities which were introduced by them
after 1874.(21)
II. Beneficial Societies.
At an early time some
semi-religious societies were established at St. Augustine's Church which
besides practice of the Catholic Religion promoted also temporal welfare in
the shape of financial aid.
The oldest of those beneficial societies was the St.
Augustinus Verein which was founded on March 1, 1863, and legally
incorporated on June 8, 1863. The original charter is still preserved in the
parish archives. The society was chartered under the title of "GERMAN ROMAN
CATHOLIC ST. AUGUSTINE'S AID SOCIETY." The charter members were the
following men of the parish: Anton Happe, President; Thomas Lindenfelser,
Vice-President; John Kraus, Secretary; Gabriel Weisser, Treasurer; Peter
Gudenbur, Leonhard Vogt, George Baust, John Frauenholz, John Adam Hofmann,
Xavier Burkhart, John Schoepf, Michael Helbling, John Elsesser, Jakob
Elsesser, Alexander Wirth, Jacob Dietz, Jakob Helbling, Jakob Wagner,
Hermann Niehaus, Jakob A. Fuhrer, Peter Schrankel, John Wirth, Karl
Geiselhart, and Joseph Hart. From 1871 this society met in the school-hall
and paid annually $36 rent for the use of the hall. In 1874 this meeting
room had to be evacuated and the members had to meet elsewhere. Certainly
this society like similar ones which were established at St. Augustine's in
the course of time was not strictly speaking a Religious society because its
primary aim was a worldly one, mutual aid to the sick and the families of
deceased members. Moreover, this like similar beneficial societies was
independent of the parochial clergy in their social affairs and formed a
legal corporation governed by the laws of the State. Yet on the other hand
all the members were Catholics in good standing who would receive the
sacraments in a body during Lent and several other occasions. The society
was placed under the patronage of St. Augustine and celebrated his feast
with great external solemnity every year. Moreover the society took part in
a number of solemnities as dedication of church and school and contributed
considerable donations of money to the church fund. And for these reasons we
must class it among the semi-religious societies. For twenty-five years the
members would at stated times receive the sacraments in a body, would attend
High Masses and Requiems in a body and these functions were always announced
in church during the Masses. On July 4, 1875, the members of the society
together with members of other Catholic societies escorted the Rt. Rev.
Bishop Domenec from the Cathedral to St. Augustine's Church for the purpose
of re-dedicating that church. On March 4, 1888, the society celebrated its
twenty-fifth anniversary of its foundation, attending a solemn High Mass and
receiving Holy Communion in a body. This was the last official function. The
society disappears from the announcements made in church, because it soon
after had broken up owing to financial difficulties caused by having been
placed upon an unsound financial basis, so that the stipulated rates could
not be paid in full. The society had procured a beautiful banner from Anton
Iske on January 5, 1865, at the price of $213.95.(22)
(20) St. Augustinus, October, 1899, p. 2; November, 1899, p. 5; April 1928
p. 73.
On the Association in general see: Seeberger, op. cit., pp. 338-343,
453-454. Beringer, op. cit., pp. 97-98.
(21) Cyprian Gehrling, in: St. Augustinus, August, 1922, p. 2; November,
1922, p. 7. Annales Prov. Pennsylv, MS., p. 16.
(22) Cyprian Gehrling in: St. Augustinus, August, 1922, p. 2; December,
1922, p. 2; 1923. pp. 5, 20, 34, 35, 49, 84, 86. 101, 130. 131, 155, 196;
1924, pp. 6, 30; 1925, pp. 13, 67, 73, 127.
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beneficial or aid society which was founded about 1865; the exact date of
foundation cannot be ascertained. This society met from 1871 till 1874 in
the school hall, paying annually $36 rent like the St. Augustinus Verein.
The members for many years received their Easter Communion in a body
together with the members of the St. Augustinus Verein during the same High
Mass. On July 4, 1875, the members were in the escort formed by the
different Catholic societies in conducting Bishop Domenec from the cathedral
to St. Augustine's. They marched under their own banner like the other
societies and under the strains of their own music band, despite the heavy
rain. On November 7, 1876, the members attended a Requiem High Mass for the
repose of the deceased members of their society. This is the last
announcement made in church about the St. Lawrence Verein. Shortly after the
society disbanded for the same reason as the St. Augustinus Verein, viz.:
unsound financial basis. On August 24, 1873, the society marched in parade
from St. Augustine's to Old St. Philomena's Church to grace the celebration
of the patronal feast.(23)
The ST. RAPHAEL'S VEREIN was founded on December 3,
1869, and is still in existence. It was chartered as GERMAN ROMAN CATHOLIC
encouragement of the members for better practice of their Catholic Religion
besides aid to sick and needy members and in case of death aid of the widows
and children according to the Constitution of the society. Since these aims
may be obtained without demonstrative pomp, the society shall turn out in
gala only on its patronal feast, on the day of the Easter Communion and at
funeral of one of its members. Habitual missing mass on Sundays and sending
of children to the public school will be punished by expulsion of those
members. The constitution of the society was printed in 1869 at Pittsburgh,
Pa. (pp. 16) and comprises 24 articles with many paragraphs. A copy is
preserved in the parish archives. On November 24, 1877, the society received
a charter and a revised edition of the constitution was printed at
Pittsburgh in 1878 (pp. 26). This revision was necessitated by the extension
of the work of the society.
In an additional article (No. 25) the duties of the
committee for relief of needy persons are detailed in five points. Four
other additional articles (nn. 26-29) describe in 23 points the duties of
the librarian. On September 26, 1877, the priests announced in church that
the St. Raphael's Verein had established a library in the upper floor of the
school and would lend books to everyone. This library was to form the
original stock of the present splendid parish library. A copy of the revised
constitution of 1878 is likewise preserved in the parish archives. The late
Mr. Titus Berger, the founder, (died March 11, 1909) was the first President
of the society and was continued in office for over thirty-eight years. The
society was founded with twenty-four charter members in 1869. Up to December
1, 1875, no less than 199 members were received, including the original
charter members. During that time 8 members died and 79 were expelled for
neglect of their duties, so that on December 1, 1875, a total of 112 members
were counted. In 1899 the society had a membership of 180, in 1902 had a
membership of 216, and in 1938 of 55. Up to 1925 at least 500 unworthy
members were expelled.
When on December 2, 1894, the society celebrated its
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of foundation the secretary reported that up to
that date as many as 474 members had been received, of whom 27 died. The
receipts of the society during the. twenty-five years amounted to
$23,454.21, and the expenses to $18,898 and some cents. Their library
contained 326 books. Mr. Titus Berger had been President all these years
with the exception of one. At the Golden Jubilee on October 26, 1919, the
secretary reported that the society had during the fifty years of its
existence paid out $64,832.45 for sick and death benefits and for other
charitable purposes. On September 5, 1938, the secretary submitted the
following figures: Paid out for sick relief, $43,621.00; for death benefits,
(23) Cyprian Gehrling, in: St. Augustinus, August, 1922, p. 2; 1923, pp. 5,
20, 33. 4-9, 84, 101, 131: 1925, p. 13.
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St. Augustine's Church Committee
Edward D. Eichenlaub, 1927-39
Edward J. Vogel, 1927-39
Clement R. Burlett, 1930-39
Joseph T. Peoples, 1936-39
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$20,948.25; for the poor, $1,714.35. In these figures the charitable
other works are not counted, as contributions to St. Augustine's and other
churches, missions, hospitals, etc. This society always took active part in
promoting the welfare of St. Augustine's. As early as January 1, 1874, the
three beneficial societies, St. Augustinus Verein, St. Lawrence Verein and
St. Raphael's Verein gave a social for the benefit of St. Augustine's
Church. During the first six years (1869-1975) this society donated to St.
Augustine's Church $252 and to the St. Francis Hospital $88.50 ($18.50
payment for nursing the sick members and $70 free donations) and expended on
the ecclesiastical festivities $287.The present officers are: Lawrence J.
Fey, President; John Zawart, Vice-President; Peter A. Halli, Secretary; Leo
Hungerman, Treasurer; W. A. Terheyden, M.D. The Finance and Appeal Committee
is composed of: George Doemling, Philip Kreckler, John Zawart, and Philip J.
Zeus. This society spread to many other parishes of Pittsburgh, Pa.(24)
The ST. FIDELIS VEREIN is another beneficial society
established at St. Augustine's Church which was to replace the society of
Brethren (or sons) of St. Joseph. The latter society, called by Fr. Maurice
Greck "of dubious fame", is never mentioned in the pages of the announcement
book save once when it was announced on August 6, 1876 that the St. Fidelis
Verein would replace it. The St. Fidelis Society was constituted at a
meeting on April 7, 1876, and its constitution and by-laws were printed soon
after in German under the title of: Constitution und Nebengesetze des St.
Fidelis Roemisch-Katholischen Unterstuetzungs-Vereines der St. Augustinus
Kirche zu Pittsburgh, Pa. (Pittsburgh, Hugh Hagan, 1876, pp. 26). These
constitution and by-laws differ only slightly from those of the other
beneficial societies. The society celebrated its patronal feast with
attending a High Mass and receiving Holy Communion (Easter Communion) .in a
body. The monthly meeting was placed on the first Monday evening in the
school-hall. A copy of the constitution and bylaws is preserved in the
parish archives. In 1885 Fr. Maurice Greek wrote about this society that its
"financial standing is fairly good, but a great number of its members are
somewhat easy going. An example of their levity is the "Fair" of the year
1881 which realized $2,200". However, on August 20, 1893, it was announced
in church that the St. Fidelis Society had ordered sixty Masses to be said
for the living and deceased members of the society. A few days before the
society had ceased to exist. Of all the beneficial societies the St.
Raphael's was the only one which continued its work.(25)
The sad failure of the parochial beneficial societies
gave rise to the foundation of inter-parochial societies. In every German
Catholic parish were established several parochial beneficial societies
which in the course of time were doomed to failure or could hold their own
only in a precarious way. The danger was great that the Catholic men would
join non-Catholic beneficial societies, having been sadly disappointed in
the Catholic institutions. To remedy these evils in June, 1880, a number of
Catholic men who mostly belonged to the parochial societies sent out an
appeal to recruit members for the proposed inter-parochial beneficial
society. This first society was established under the name of: THE ORDER OF
and received its charter on January 10, 1881. One of the thirteen charter
members was Michael Limpert, a member of St. Augustine's parish. The Order
spread rapidly. On May 7, 1881, as many as 391 members had joined it, and on
August 6, of the same year, well nigh one thousand members were counted. The
Constitution und Nebengesetze, first printed in 1881, were reprinted with
additions in
(24) Handbuck des Pittsburger Beobachter, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1899, p. 36. St.
Augustinus, February, 1902. p. 2: November, 1919, p. 6; October, 1922, p. 3;
December, 1922, p. 7; January, 1923, p. 5; March, 1923, p. 34; June, 1923,
p. 86; August, 1923, p. 131; 1925, p.. 13. Bericht ueber die Wirksamkeit des
St. Raphaels Wohltaetigkeitsvereins von Dezember, 1869 bis Ende November,
1875. Annales Provinc. Pennsylvanicae, MS., p. 314.
(25) Cyprian Gehrling, in: St. Augustinus, 1923. pp. 130, 155, 195, 196;
1924, pp. 31, 99, 145, 170, 224, 263; 1925, pp. 13, 31, 150, 173, 233; 1926,
pp. 55, 155, 227, and 245. Annales Provincae Pennsylv, MS., pp. 152, 292.
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 142
(Pittsburg. p. 33) and in a revised edition at Pittsburg in 1894.
Originally the Order was restricted to the dioceses of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny but in 1907 the charter was amended to establish branches outside
those dioceses in the State of Pennsylvania and elsewhere. (Charter,
Constitution and By-Laws, Pittsburgh, 1907. pp. 97, also German edition). In
1906 the Order counted in 64 branches about 7,500 members and had paid out
during the twenty-five years of its existence $1,300,000 in sick and death
benefits. On January 1, 1938, the Order had established 361 branches with a
membership of 18,540 in the seven states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey,
West Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, and Maryland, and carried an insurance of
$12,878,552.50. The Past Supreme President of the Order, Honorable Mr.
Joseph H. Reiman, is a member of St. Augustine's parish.
The first three branches were established on January 8,
1881, at Old St. Philomena, St. Michael's, South Side, and St. Mary's, North
Side. The fourth branch was established at St. Anthony's, Millvale, and the
fifth at St. Augustine's on July 3, 1881. Before the establishment of a
separate branch many members of the parish had joined the Order in those
recently established branches of those parishes. On April 17, 1881, it was
announced in church that the members of the Order of Knights of St. George
were invited to attend the celebration of the pattronal feast of the Order
in St. Michael's Church, South Side, on April 21st. Two months later, on
June 26th, it was announced in church that the Knights of St. George will
have a meeting next Sunday in the school-hall at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
At that meeting, on July 3, 1881, Branch No. 5 of the Order of the German
Catholic Knights of St. George was established at St. Augustine's. On August
7th a meeting of the Knights of St. George's was announced for the following
Sunday. Ever after every month the meeting of the Knights was announced in
church to this day. On February 9, 1902, the Branch 5 of the Knights of St.
George had a membership of 400. President of the branch was Charles J.
Jaegle and the meetings were conducted on the second Sunday of each month up
to date. On September 14, 1938, the membership of the branch was 400. The
officers of the branch were then: D. R. Rolling, President; A. J. Boberg,
Vice-President; N. L. Martin, Recording Secretary; John J. Rodgers,
Financial Secretary and Treasurer; Messrs. Frank X. Fuchs, John J. Link, and
Louis P. Seemiller, Trustees; Louis Roth, Marshall, Joseph 0. Grimm, Captain
of Cadets.(26)
was established in Kunkel's Hall on Josephine Street, South Side,
Pittsburgh, on March 11, 1883, to grace the solemnities of the various
churches and to attend in full regalia the funerals of deceased members of
the Order. Besides, the family of a deceased Uniform Knight receive a
certain sum of death benefit. In 1899 the Regiment was composed of 140 men
who were divided into seven companies. Company C was established in St.
Augustine's parish meeting every third Sunday in the month in Frecker's Hall
on Butler Street. Major of the company was then Mr. Leo Jost and Sergeant
Mr. Albert Sauer. These uniformed Knights graced the various solemnities of
St. Augustine's parish, as dedication of school and church, Easter Communion
of the Company, jubilees of the Order, First Masses of newy ordained
priests, and obsequies of deceased members at stated times up to our times.
Sometimes they received also their Easter Communion in a body and with full
regalias. (27)
organized at Niagara Falls, N. Y., in December, 1876, with a view to furnish
cheap life insurance without joining secret societies condemned by the
(26) Cyprian Gehrling in St. Augustinus, 1924, pp. 99, 106, and Charles
Speckert in St. Augustinus, 1902, February, 1902, p. 2. On the Order in
general, a rather extensive literature is extant. We quote only: Handbuch
des Pittsburgh Beobachter, pp 31-32, and the files of: The Official Organ of
the Catholic Knights of St. George, published monthly since January, 1907,
which contains regular reports on the branch established at St. Augustine's.
(27) Handbuch des Pittsburgh Beobachter, p. 32. St. Augustinus, November,
1899, p.7; April, 1900, p. 4. St. Augustinus, July, 1919, p. 9; 1925, p.
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 143
The society was incorporated under the laws of
the State of New York on June 9, 1879. The object of the Association as set
forth in the Act of Incorporation is: To improve the moral, mental, and
social condition of its members, to aid and assist its members and their
families in case of sickness and death. About the year 1882 the Association
estabished its first branch, Branch 26, in the State of Pennsylvania at
McKeesport. In 1888 as many as fifteen branches had been established in
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, which founded an Advisory Council to unite
those branches more closely and to provide for employment for its members in
times of unemployment. On January 1st, 1889, the total membership of the
Association was about 20,000 of whom about 3,000 were in the State of
Pennsylvania. Up to that time the Association had paid to the beneficiaries
of deceased members upwards of $1,650,000. In 1899 the Advisory Council of
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, had under its jurisdiction a total of
fifty-five branches of which 18 were established in German parishes, and a
total membership of well nigh 6,000 members. At that time (1899) the total
membership for the State of Pennsylvania was over 10,000. A revised edition
of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association
was printed at Buffalo, N. Y., 1912. pp. 122, XV. An older edition in German
was printed at Buffalo, N. Y., 1886, pp. Ill, III.
Branch 45 of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association
was established in St. Augustine's parish some time in 1888 or 1887. Mr.
Martin H. Hager was its first President; Charles M. Risacher, Treasurer;
Jacob L. Zinsmeister, Secretary. At first the Branch met in some hall.
However, on July 7, 1889, it was announced for the first time in church that
the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association would meet in the school hall every
second and fourth Wednesday of the month, later changed to second and fourth
Tuesday. In February, 1902, Branch 45 of the Catholic Mutual Benefit
Association had a membership of 195 and met every second and fourth Tuesday
in the month. Mr. J. B. Limpert was Chancellor; J. G. Lauer, President,
Joseph Irlbacher, First Vice-President; Ed. Vilsack, Second Vice President;
Phil. J. Scholl, Financial Secretary; A. Green, Recording Secretary; John
Fink, Treasurer. Too low rates of assessment carried finally the mighty
organization upon the rocks of destruction and Branch 45 had to disband. The
members of Branch 45 met regularly up to December 23, 1919. On December 21,
1919, the meeting of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association was announced
for Tuesday, December 23, 1919. This is the last announcement made in church
about this society and hereafter they disappear from the church records of
St. Augustine's.(28)
founded on April 27, 1884, in the hall of the South Side Turner (Athletics)
on South Fourteenth Street. Three companies were organized within the same
year, four more followed, so that the Verein had in 1899 a membership of
500. Chief purpose of the society was mutual support in cases of sickness
and death or other calamities. Another aim of the society was sociability
and culture of German language and customs. The 5th Company of this society
met every fourth Sunday of the month in Frecker's Hall on Butler Street. In
1899 Mr. Felix Fey was Major and Mr. Louis Theilig Secretary of this company
located in St. Augustine's parish. Naturally also this society came to an
untimely end before long.(29)
founded in the Fall of 1894 as the result of several preparative meetings.
On November 1, 1894, the society received a charter and was called Deutsche
Roemisch-Katholische Ritter von Pennsylvania. About the same time it
received also the approval of the diocesan Bishop Richard Phelan. The
purpose of the organization was to grant a death benefit to the families of
deceased members, to keep Catholic men and
(28) Handbuch des Pittsburger Beobachter, p. 38. St. Augustinus, February,
1902, p. 2. St. Augustinus, November, 1912, p. 16; February, 1913, p. 16;
March, 1913. p. 16: April, 1913, p. 16: July, 1913, p. 16; August, p. 16;
February, 1915, p. 16; March, 1915, p. 16; May, 1915. p. 16: July, 1915, p.
16; September, 1915, p. 16. Announcement Book, MS., on December 21, 1919.
(29) Handbuch des Pittsburger Beobachters, pp. 38-39.
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St. Augustine's Church Committee
Christian J. Kolling, 1936-39
George J. Bich, 1936-39
Frank J. Dufner, 1937-39
Paul J. Lakits, 1938-39
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young men from joining non-Catholic societies, to care for
unemployed members, and to have certain Masses said. This society made rapid
progress, so that within four years it established twelve divisions with a
membership of approximately 600 in the city of Pittsburgh and vicinity.
Death-benefits were paid in 1899 for the families of deceased members to the
number of eighteen since the foundation of the society. About 1888 Division
8 of this society was established at St. Augustine's Church. In February,
1902, this division had a membership of 85 and met every third Sunday of the
month. Directors of this division were in 1902: John J. Gerlach and E.
Weismuller; Mr. Martin Buster was President; Michael Deininger,
Vice-President; M. N. Werries, Secretary and Treasurer. Naturally this
society shared the sad lot of so many others. Within some years it was
broken up. For many years the society met elsewhere. On May 16, 1897, the
meeting of this society was announced in church and it was regularly after
announced for the third Sunday of the month.(30)
at Titusville, Pa., on April 9, 1890, and incorporated under the laws of the
State of Pennsylvania on the same day. The constitution and by-laws were
later revised in July, 1910, and printed at Erie, Pa., in 1910 (pp. 127).
This benevolent society spread rapidly. On January 7th, 1894, Branch 103 of
this society was established at St. Augustine's and is still in a
flourishing condition. In February, 1902, this branch had a membership of
196. The officers at that time were: Mrs. M. C. Frecker, Past President;
Mrs. B. Vilsack, President; Miss T. Schiffhauer, First Vice-President; Miss
M. Dietz, Second Vice-President; Miss Minnie C. Berger, Recorder; Miss C.
Lackner, Assistant Recorder; Miss A. Besterman, Financial Secretary; Miss
Cath. Fey, Treasurer; Miss A. Gudendorf, Marshall; Miss A. Gerlach, Guard.
This branch met every first and third Friday in the month. All these many
years this branch was active in raising funds for St. Augustine's Church and
took part in all social works carried on in the parish. The present officers
(1938) of the branch are: Mrs. Catherina Limpert, Past President; Mrs.
Mathilda Kalchthaler, Acting President; Miss Minnie Besselman, First
Vice-President; Mrs. Dorothy Cooke, Second Vice-President; Mrs. Lidwina
Fogerty, Recorder; Miss Minnie Berger, Financial Secretary; Miss Catherine
Fey, Treasurer; Miss Mary Fey, Marshall; Miss Elizabeth Raible, Guard.
Actual membership of the branch is 197. The branch meets now every first and
third Tuesday of the month in St. Augustine's parish-house.(31)
first organized at St. Augustine's as early as February 10, 1864, and must
have existed some time before that date. On November 23, 1864, this society
loaned sixty dollars to the church of St. Augustine's. How long it existed
cannot be ascertained. Probably this society was merged in 1875 with the
confraternity of Christian Mothers. In 1913 the Catholic Women's League of
Pennsylvania (Katholischer Frauenbund von Pennsylvania) was founded with the
avowed purpose to unite the Catholic women and women's organization for
united action, to inform the Catholic women about the problems facing them,
and to do social and charitable work in a Catholic spirit and to defend
Catholic principles against the modern secular women's organizations. The
statutes of this new organization were printed in German at Philadelphia in
1913 (pp. 20). This society was introduced at St. Augustine's in February,
1915, and the meetings were arranged for every Thursday in the Casino Hall,
and later in the basement of the school. Naturally the members took part in
the social activities of the parish, they raised money for the St.
Augustine's church and charitable works. During Christmas season of 1915
they distributed gifts to needy families of the parish but after New Years
of 1916 they extended their work to other parishes. The members
(30) Handbuch des Pittsburger Beobachters, p. 35. St. Augustinus, November,
1899, p. 7; February, 1902, p. 2; January, 1928, p. 13. Announcement Book,
MS. on May, 1897, etc.
(31) St. Augustinus, October, 1901, pp. 1, 4; December, 1901, pp. 4, 5;
February, 1902, p. 2; 1924, pp. 101; 1927, pp. 14, 15, and at innumerable
places in the 38 volumes of the St. Augustinus.
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gathered and mended clothes to distribute to needy
persons, they went after the Catholic children who were neglected and had
them instructed in the Catholic Religion by the teachers of the Missionary
Confraternity. The first officers of the Frauenbund were: Mrs. Harry Acker,
President; Mrs. Frank Schultz, First Vice-President; Mrs. Koebert, Second
Vice-President; Mrs. Walz, Secretary; Mrs. A. Stehle, Treasurer, Mrs. Speth,
Marshall. The present officers are: Mrs. Anna Gauscheman, President; Mrs.
Frances Berry, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership is at present 65. The
meeting is placed now on the fourth Tuesday of the month and is held in St.
Augustine's Hall.(32)
The ORDER OF CATHOLIC FORESTERS was incorporated on May
24, 1883, at Springfield, Illinois, under the laws of the State of Illinois,
as the Illinois Catholic Order of Foresters. However, on June 4th, 1889, the
name was changed to Catholic Order of Foresters. The original constitution
and by-laws were revised and changed on August 11-14, 1903, and printed in a
German edition at Chicago, 1903, (p.131). On April 8, 1916, however, the
Order of Catholic Foresters was reorganized, taking the name of The Catholic
Knights of America. Its laws were printed at St. Louis, Mo., in 1916 in an
English edition (pp. 122). The object of the Order is fraternal union, sick
benefits and widows' and orphans' benefit fund. Up to December 31, 1923, the
Order had paid in death benefits $36,100,000. The total amount of the
reserve fund was thirteen millions and total membership 130,000. In
November, 1927, the Order had etablished 1,644 branches or Courts in
twenty-nine states and in eight provinces of the Dominion of Canada with a
membership of 122,589 and a reserve fund of $20,266,509.46. In 1938 it had a
reserve fund of over thirty-six million dollars and a membership of 138,276.
The Branch established at St. Augustine's is Court No. 1201. It was
established on April 20, 1901, and the members have regular meetings in the
Casino from June, 1904, to date. At first the meetings were held on every
second Friday of the month; now they have their meetings on every second and
fourth Friday of the month. The Charter Members initiated on the day of
foundation, April 20, 1901, were the following: John B. Limpert, Lawrence A.
Schott, John P. Schmitt, Arch. H. Gribbin, Patrick J. Galvin. Will. Glenn,
John McCusker, Will. Heilman, Thomas E. McGee, John Quinlan, Charles F.
Schaffer, Leo H. Schott, Patrick G. Salmon, E. J. Glenn, J. J. Bayer, August
Friedrich, F. J. Frank, John Hisdorf, Edward T. Miller, Edw. Murphy, James
McAllister, Edward T. O'Connor, J. Schmitt, Jr., and Peter P. Yeager. Mr.
Arch. H. Gribbin is at present the only living member of the original Court.
The officers for the year 1915 were the following: S. L. Schaffer, Chief
Ranger; Ed. J. Vogel, Vice-Chief Ranger; Arch. H. Gribbin, Recording
Secretary; A. Marchlewitz, Financial Secretary; C. F. Schaffer, Treasurer.
The officers for 1938 are: Edw. J. Vogel, Chief Ranger; Will. Speth,
Vice-Chief Ranger; S. Leo Schaffer, Past Chief Ranger; Will. J. Schaffer,
Recording Secretary; Francis E. Vogel, Financial Secretary; Francis A.
Vogel, Financial Secretary; Oskar N. Vogel, Speaker. Trustees are: George
McKinzie, Frank J. Schaffer, and Charles J. Kelly. St. Augustine's Court has
at present a membership of twenty-five men.(33)
incorporated under the law of New York State on January 31, 1893, to
maintain a sick fund and establish a relief reserve fund to pay sick and
death benefits. The constitution of the association was printed in 1915 (pp.
141). At St. Augustine's is established branch No. 124. St. Leo's Church
since February, 1910, and meets every second and third Thursday of the month
in St. Augustine's Hall. The branch was still meeting there on June 9, 1925,
but later ceased to exist.(34)
(32) St. Augustinus, February, 1915, p. S; August, 1915, p. 10; January,
1916, pp. 8-9, 12; August, 1922, p. 2; November, 1922. p. 6, and at many
other places in the volumes of this monthly, and report of the Secretary.
(33) St. Augustinus, June, 1904, p. 3; January, 1915, p. 9; May, 1924, p.
100; November, 1927, p. 220; February, 1928, p. 22; March, 1928, pp. 48-49.
Report by the Secretary. MS.
(34) St. Augustinus, February, 1910, p. 13; March, 1910, p. 13; April, 1910,
p. 13, etc. Announcement-Books, MS. on the respective Sundays.
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ST. JOHN established St. Mary's Ann Branch No. 86, of the First District of
Western Pennsylvania at St. Augustine's in September, 1903. This branch met
in St. Augustine's Casino Hall every first and third Friday of the month
from the beginning of 1919 till February 20, 1925, when they moved their
headquarters into a house on Bandera Street. However, on January 15, 1926,
they returned to their former meeting room in St. Augustine's Hall, and at
present Library, where they still keep their meetings. On January 1, 1921,
this branch reported a balance of $849.85 for the sick fund and cash
receipts during 1920 of $164.25. In 1920 sick benefits were paid to the
amount of $162. Expenses during 1920 amounted to $177.91. On December 3,
1927, these officers were elected: Miss M. Eichenlaub, President; Mrs. D.
Cook, First Vice-President; Mrs. M. Speth, Second Vice-President; Mrs. M.
Melchert, Recording Secretary; Mrs. F. Berry, Financial Secretary; Mrs. M.
Kline, Treasurer; Mrs. R. Kress, Messenger; Mrs. M. Marchlewitz, Sentinel;
and Miss A. Overington, Guard. The officers for 1938 are: Mary Eichenlaub,
President; Mrs. Frances Berry, Secretary; Mrs. Mary Klein, Treasurer.
Membership at present is 29 in all.(35)
In 1902 the movement grew strong to have all Catholic
societies federated into one or more larger organizations. Bishop Canevin
advocated it. According to his wishes Diocesan organizations united
different groups of societies. In 1904 the PITTSBURGH COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC
WOMEN was established. In 1923 this organization had affiliated one hundred
forty women organizations of the diocese with an aggregate membership of
40,000. All the women societies at St. Augustine's joined the Pittsburgh
Council at one time or another, but not all did keep up their
affiliation.(36) In 1876 some members of St. Augustine's belonged to the ST.
JOHN SOCIETY, but this society was never established in the church.(37)
organized on March 26, 1935. The credit union system is a cooperative
organization to furnish money at cheap rates. This cooperative banking
system originated in Germany. Victor Aime' Huber (died in 1869) was the
first man to explain theoretically the system. Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch and
Frederick William Henry Raiffeisen formulated the methods by which this
cooperative banking system has attained success. In 1850 Schulze-Delitzsch
established the first credit association which grew into a regular
cooperative bank. The system of Schulze-Delitzsch aims to stimulate thrift
and help artisans and farmers with credit. Raiffeisen in 1869 organized a
society to provide rural credit based on mutual aid among neighbors. The
Raiffeisen banks developed especially in rural districts. From these
beginnings has grown the cooperative banking movement that is to be found
now in every country: since 1900 in Canada and since 1905 in the United
States. The first credit Union law was enacted in Massachusetts in 1909, and
followed by most states. A federal law was enacted in 1933, and a national
federation of credit unions is now in operation. The first credit unions
were Parish Credit Unions organized by French Canadians since 1905. The
first Federal Credit Unions were St. Boniface Parish Credit Union, New Haven
and St. Mary's Credit Union, Meriden, Conn, which both received their
charter on November 15, 1934. St. Augustine's Federal Parish Credit Union,
Pittsburgh, Pa., is one of the first three organizations of the Pittsburgh
district. On December 31, 1936, as many as 33 such Federal Parish Credit
Unions were in operation in the United States. Five of them had not reported
but the remaining 28 counted 2,305 members with a share balance of $52,662;
1,127 loans for a total of $104,593 had been authorized within the short
span of two years. The Parish Federal Credit Union at St. Augustine's,
Pittsburgh, has made since its organization on March 26, 1935, up to
September 16, 1938, 199 loans to the amount of $22,978.25.
(35) St. Augustinus, March, 1921, p. 8; March, 1923, p. 42; May, 1924, p.
101; March. 1925, p. 48; January, 1926, p. 10; December, 1927, p. 246.
Announcement-Books, MS., 1919 to date. Report of the Secretary for 1938.
(36) St. Augustinus, May, 1923, p. 76-77.
(37) St. Augustinus, August, 1923, p. 123.
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Choir Boys
Bottom Row: Left to right: Francis Jans, Leonard
Quering, Earl Barbour, Richard Marino, John Kozub, William Rotella, William
Zukowski, Edward Senge, John Baj, Joseph Bruckner. Second Row: Elmer Rudzke,
Bernard Mizgorski, Raymond Pidorski, William Ashton, John Grubbs, Elmer
Siegle, Robert Balaski, Peter Chepponis, Joseph Carr, Gerard Staudt. Third
Row: Elmer Tenure, Anthony Schmeck, Robert Bich, Richard Irlbacher, Raymond
Fulton, George Bich, Walter Pawlak, John Krupa, William Reissmann, William
Pottmeyer. Top Row: John Gribben, Joseph Baj, Leon Borczyk, John Maier, Rev.
Fr. Ralph, Herbert Goetz, Charles Varasse, Robert Dedig, Russell Mikszan.
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The credit union numbers 173 members and meets every
Tuesday evening in the Parish Library. The officers are: Joseph G. Trakofler,
President; Joseph T. Kaduck, Vice-President; B. A. Stadelman, Treasurer; C.
R. Moffat, Clerk. Directors are: B. A. Stadelman, C. R. Moffat, J. T. Kaduck,
J. W. Penar, J. G. Trakofler. Credit Committee: F. Vuchmanic, J. T. Kaduck,
W. A. Hanna. Supervisory Committee: Dorothy Schumacher, Paul C. Lyden, C. J.
The late Fr. Maurice Greck, O.M.Cap. (died in 1898),
one time pastor of St. Augustine's, held a low opinion about the beneficial
societies established at St. Augustine's. In 1885 he wrote: "Although they
are known to me, I can say but little about them. I do not say that they do
harm to the church, yet they do not much good either. The men who join those
societies comply mostly with their Religious duties and none of those who
neglect them was ever converted to a better life. These societies are
organized to give sick and other benefits and keep men from joining secret
societies." (Annales Prov. Capucinorum, MS., vol. I, pp. 151-152; St.
Augustinus, 1925, p. 13). This opinion was based on the four parochial
societies then established at St. Augustine's. Three of them went upon the
rocks and the fourth was saved through the able guidance of its lifelong
president, Mr. Titus Berger (died 1909). If the good Father had witnessed
the good work done by the great diocesan and inter-diocesan organizations,
he would have been compelled to change his pessimistic view. As it is, the
societies, beneficial as well as Religious, are the mainstay of our
parishes; the pastor calls upon them first in every emergency and the
members cooperate most willingly in any parochial or diocesan undertaking.
Men who neglect their Easter duty are now impossible in our societies. On
February 21, 1875, the Fathers found themselves constrained to request in
church the Presidents of the different Catholic societies to exclude members
who neglect their Easter duty. (St. Augustinus, 1923, p. 84).
The beneficial societies made many gifts in money to
St. Augustine's Church and raised large funds by sponsoring various euchres,
dramatic plays and socials. Since the account books of those societies are
not accessible, we cannot give a full account of their work of cooperation
to parochial, diocesan and national affairs. We only record the few
incidental facts which their secretaries deigned to submit for publication.
Branch 5 of the Order of Knights of St. George presented to the new St.
Augustine's Church a painted window with the representation of their patron
saint, St. George. Moreover the same branch defrayed the expenses for
purchasing the large bell of the new church, costing $1,700, and weighing
5,500 pounds, which, by the way, is the largest bell in the city of
Pittsburgh. The President of the Order, Mr. Joseph Reiman, presented this
bell in the name of the Order, delivering a spirited address. The bell was
christened with the name of St. George and according to a written agreement
made with the pastor of St. Augustine's this bell is always tolled at the
notice of a death of a member of the branch and at the funeral services. On
February 27, 1889, the Knights of St. George donated the $100 Melodeon to
St. Augustine's Schools. (St. Augustinus, October, 1925, p.-94).
III. Charitable Organizations.
To a certain extent the
beneficial societies must be classed also among the charitable
organizations; yet charity is primarily, though not exclusively, dispensed
towards the members of the society. The Religious societies of Association
of Holy Childhood and St. Augustine's Altar Society apparently pursue
charitable aims only secondarily. We are considering here organizations
which primarily are instituted to promote charitable works, outside the
parish limits.
The MISSIONARY AID SOCIETY was introduced into St.
Augustine's in October, 1909, at the behest of the Rt. Rev. Bishop Canevin.
Its aim is to support financially poor parishes of our country and in
foreign mis-
(38) Report by the clerk of the Credit Union. On the general history see:
Warbasse, James Peter. Cooperative Democracy, 3rd. edition, New York, 1936,
pp. 72-76. Central-Blatt and Social Justice, vol. XXX, No. 3, June, 1937, p.
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sions. As Promoters were appointed the Messrs. Edw. Halli, Mat. Werries,
A. A. Kerner, Edw. Pottmeyer, Aloys. Nagel, and Miss Coletta Sohl. The Rev.
Pastor, Fr. Ignatius Weisbruch, wrote at that time that a congregation of
the size of St. Augustine's ought to furnish at least twenty-five promoters
and he urged all parishioners to join the society. This organization has
done good work all these many years. The annual reports issued by the
Director, Msgr. P. C. Banner, since 1909, list the contributions received
from the branch established at St. Augustine's year by year. Likewise the
annual financial reports printed in the January number of the St. Augustinus
since 1910, give also the contributions raised by the branch of the
Missionary Aid Society. In 1937 these contributions amounted to one hundred
thirteen dollars.(39)
Techny, Illinois, July 27 to 30, 1918. The movement aims at enlisting
Catholic Students in the cause of the missions. The programme includes
education in mission facts and ideals by means of lectures, correspondence
with missionaries, books and pictures on the missions and a periodical
besides promotion of regular prayers and personal sacrifices in behalf of
the foreign missions. The Crusade does not directly collect money for the
missions but leaves this part of the programme to the affiliated societies.
The founders of the Crusade expected to raise one million dollars by getting
the two to three million students interested in the movement. On January 3,
1921, Fr. Philip Knupfer had the children of the parish school affiliated
with the Catholic Students' Mission Crusade and the pupils who were actively
engaged in the work received the name of LITTLE MISSIONARIES. When Fr.
Agatho Rolf left for the distant mission of Kansu in northern China, January
1, 1922, the Little Missionaries presented him a purse of $420. The Little
Missionaries are still in the field.(40)
The KANSU MISSION CLUB was organized in October, 1922,
among the ladies of St. Augustine's to furnish the Kansu Mission with church
goods and money. The members met every Thursday evening after Holy Hour
devotion in the parish library. For the benefit of the Kansu Mission they
gave their first euchre party on October 24, 1922. Besides large sums were
collected by the members and their friends in 1923 and later years. Yet the
depression has of late dampened the missionary spirit of the club-members
very much, so that by this time the club has fallen into abeyance.(41)
The LITTLE FLOWER MISSION CIRCLE was established at St.
Augustine's by Fr. Agatho Rolf in March, 1916. The Circle was composed of
active and contributing members (ladies). They first contributed money and
work; they would work on altar linen and make articles needed in foreign
missions. The contributing members contributed money to buy the articles to
be worked up. Fr. Agatho wrote in the April number of the St. Augustinus,
1916, that "the issues of the St. Augustinus and the newly created 'Mission
Circle' are a consistent campaign to awaken interest in the work for the
support of the foreign missions. Of course we expect some adverse criticism
but this will only be a stimulus to the missionary circle. The work of such
a circle is an apostleship of its own." When Fr. Agatho left St. Augustine's
in July, 1918, the interest of the members began to slacken but it was
revived, when the founder of the Circle showed by his own example that he
meant what he had preached these many years: support of the work of foreign
missions needed him and he heeded the call and he was finally laid to rest
in distant northern China.(42)
(39) St. Augustinus, November, 1909, p. 9, and January, 1938, p. 1.
(40) The Fortnightly Review edited by Arthur Preuss, vol. XXV, 1918, p. 268.
St. Augustinus January, 1921, p. 8; January, 1922, pp. 8-9.
The missionary spirit was instilled into the hearts of the pupils by the
annual celebration of the Association of the Holy Childhood and since 1915
by spreading the missionary periodical "The Little Missionary" in St.
Augustine's School. See: St. Augustinus, August, 1915, p. 15; September,
1915, p. 9. Yet before 1921, the Little Missionaries were no organized
(41) St. Augustinus, October, 1922, p. 8-9; January, 1923, pp. 9; February,
1923, p. 1; June, 1923 pp. 93-94.
(42) St. Augustinus, March, 1916, pp. 9-10; April, 1916, pp. 10, 16; April,
1917, p. 2.
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However, the oldest charitable
organization of the St. Augustine's parish contributed to the support of an
institution nearer home, namely, the GERMAN ROMAN CATHOLIC ST. JOSEPH'S
ORPHAN ASYLUM on Troy Hill, now Pittsburgh. In the meeting of the Board of
Managers of that asylum it was decided on April 9, 1863, that "since the
Congregation of Lawrenceville has sent a delegate to the Board with the
request to be admitted as a Filial-Verein, it was unanimously decided that
such a Filial-Verein be organized and the officers be elected, so that their
officers can be elected into the Board of Managers in the near future."
Accordingly the FILIAL-WAISEN-VEREIN was established at St. Augustine's with
the election of a president, a vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and a
number of collectors. This was done some time before May 4, 1863. On that
date the Board of Managers recognized the Filial-Waisenverein of St.
Augustine's as duly organized and the Messrs. Jacob Dietz and John Elsesser
and Gabriel Weisser were elected as members of the Board of Managers, the
latter as treasurer of the Board of Managers. The pastor of St. Augustine's,
the Rev. Philip Francis Schmidt, was elected to serve on the committee of
schools. Ever since that time the Filial-Waisenverein of St. Augustine's has
contributed on the average from $200 to $300 to the support of St. Joseph's
Orphan Asylum on Troy Hill or a total of from $15,000 to $20,000. The
Filial-Waisen-Verein of St. Augustine's in 1936 was constituted with Peter
A. Halli, President; Messrs. Frank X. Fuchs, Adolph Jans and Frank Gronau,
Directors; Misses Cecilia Dadowski, Mary Schmolder, Mary Closs, Margaret
Haas, Elizabeth Suewer and Elizabeth Raible, Collectors. On July 1, 1938,
the St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum ceased to exist and accordingly the Filial-Waisen-Verein
of St. Augustine's came to a glorious end.(43)
IV. Educational and Literary Societies.
An educational society of a
general character was the VOLKSVEREIN (People's Union or Society) which was
established at St. Augustine's on October 27, 1912. The society was founded
in 1890 in Germany at the suggestion of the veteran leader, Louis Windthorst,
to educate the common people in the different aspects of the social question
and to enlist their cooperation in the great work of social reform, and the
repression of socialism. A staff of lecturers gave special courses of social
science to various classes of people to familiarize them with the true
Catholic principles of social reform. In 1907 the Volksverein had in Germany
a membership of 565,000. About this time the society was introduced into
some German Catholic parishes of the United States. By the year 1911 it had
been introduced into several German Catholic parishes in the diocese of
Pittsburgh. Finally on December 18, 1911, a mass meeting was called with the
view to establish it at St. Augustine's. The pastor, Fr. Ignatius Weisbruch,
urged the parishioners, men and women, to join this new society and to
sponsor an important cause which would unite the Catholics of this country
in defense of their rights and their Church. "Therefore, your pastor
invites, nay urges you, especially young men and ladies, to attend this
meeting." Yet the good people were slow in grasping the importance of the
movement. On October 27, 1912, again a mass meeting was held in St.
Augustine'.; Hall which finally resulted in the establish ment of this
society at St. Augustine's. The new society, called ST. AUGUSTINE'S
VOLKSVEREIN, met every fourth Sunday at 8 o'clock P.M. Thirteen promoters
were appointed to recruit new members. In the vestibule of the church
pamphlets were placed on a book-rack for free distribution. Seemingly the
bulk of parishioners was not prepared to get much benefit from the new
organization and many issues of the St. Augustinus during the years 1912 to
1914 carried articles in defense of the Volksverein. Up to February, 1915,
the society met regularly on the fourth Sunday. Yet on the fourth Sunday of
February, 1915, the Volksverein was united with the Holy Name Society,
another society which could not thrive at St. Augustine's. The two societies
met together for about two years and with the entrance of the United States
(43) Minutes of the Board of Managers (Protokolle des St. Joseph
Waisen-Vereins). M.S., April 9, 1863: May. 4. 1863. Finanz-Berichte der St.
Joseph Waisen-Anstalt, 1864-1937, annual reports printed at Pittsburgh,
1864-1937. The Pittsburgh Catholic, July 14, 1938.
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Laying of Cornerstone of New Church, October 29, 1899
Blessing of the Bells, December 2, 1900
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the World War the Volksverein at St. Augustine's died
The KNIGHTS OF ST. GEORGE CADETS, a semi-military
organization for young men, was founded in May, 1914. Catholic boys of
twelve years and over were banded together who upon reaching the sixteenth
year were to be initiated into the Order of Knights of St. George. The
Cadets receive drilling every week according to the Infantry Drill
Regulations of the United States Army and are otherwise trained along usual
Cadet lines enjoying also the advantages of lectures and practical
demonstrations given by business and professional men. Each branch of the
Order is qualified to establish such auxiliary branches in the form of
Companies under control of commissioned officers. Each company must have at
least twenty-four cadets. The companies are formed into regiments. Up to
April 1, 1916, two such regiments had been formed. In the Summer of 1916
were also printed the Constitution and By-Laws of the Knights of St. George
Cadets (Pittsburgh, 1916. pp. 16). Branch 5 of the Order of Knights of St.
George established the first company of Cadets, Company C, some time in Fall
of 1914, and ever since the Cadets have been part and parcel of St.
Augustine's and their "doings" are chronicled in the issues of the St.
Augustinus. The Cadets take part in the processions, parades, and other
public demonstrations; their parades at the annual picnic prove a great
attraction. The present officers (1938) are: Joseph O. Grimm, Captain; Edgar
Fry, Lieutenant; Gregory Gottschalk, Lieutenant; Jerome Scheirer,
Lieutenant; Theodore Lach, Lieutenant; Roy Ludwig, Corps Instructor. The
Cadets maintain a Summer Camp and Outing at the Knights of St. George's Home
at Wellsburg, W. Va. The Cadets took part in the Sesqui-Centennial Parades
of Allegheny County in 1938 and took part in the Memorial Services of the
Knights of St. George, November 6, 1938. St. Augustine's Company C is
composed of 32 men of the Drum-Bugle Corps and 75 men of the Infantry. The
Company has meetings and drillings on Wednesday and Friday of each week and
the Drum Corps disturbs the peace of the neighborhood many a time with their
The oldest literary society established at St.
Augustine's was the SAINT STANISLAS KOSTKA SOCIETY. It was a society founded
for the benefit of the young men of the parish. The exact date of its
erection cannot be ascertained but it was evidently established at the end
of the year 1863 by the pastor, Fr. Tamchina. On February 3, 1864, this
young men's society gave a dramatic and musical entertainment in the school
building. The tickets printed for that occasion read: "Unterhaltungsfest des
St. Stanislaus Costka-Vereins im Schulhause der St. Augustinus Kirche in
Lawrenceville, Mittwoch den 3. Februar 1864. Eintritt 10 Cents.
Fest-Committee: Adam Dietz, Titus Berger, George Hegner." (Tickets preserved
in the scrap-book of the late Titus Berger). This society existed -- yet in
1871 but must have gone out of existence some time after that year.(46)
A more pretentious literary society was formed in 1869,
or earlier, by a group of young men of St. Augustine's parish and called ST.
Augustine's parish which was opened at December 28, 1869, and closed January
9, 1870 this literary association staged two plays for the benefit of the
school. The program printed for that affair reads: "Grand Opening for the
St. Augustine Fair and Hall by the St. George's Literary Association for the
Benefit of St. Augustine's School. Play I. "The Peoples' Lawyer". Players:
Emmanuel Schillo, William Heyl,
(44) St. Augustinus, December, 1911, p. 9; October, 1912, pp. 24; November,
1912, pp. 9, 16; December, 1912, pp. 4-5; January, 1913. pp. 4-5; February,
1913, pp. 4-5, 16; March, 1913, pp. 4, 16; April, 1913, p. 16; July,
1913,'p. 16; August, 1913, pp. 9, 16; April, 1914, pp. 9-10, 16; June, 1914,
pp. 2, 4-5, 6, 16; February, 1915, pp. 5, 16; September, 1915, p. 16. On the
Volksverein in general see: Der Volksverein, New York, 1915, pp. 50, and
English translation, New York, 1915, p. 49, and Catholic Encyclopedia, vol.
XV, pp. 502-503.
(45) St. Augustinus, August, 1915, p. 8; February, 1916, p. 5; March, 1916,
p. 9; October, 1916, p. 9, etc., April, 1919, p. 9, etc., July, 1921, p. 8,
etc., April, 1922, p. 8, etc., etc.
(46) Cyprian Gehrling, in: St. Augustinus, August, 1922, p. 2.
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Joseph Rihn, James Voit, Frank Kuntz, William Hoeveler , William
Lindenfelser, Louis Urban, John Haas, Joseph Elsesser, Jacob Elsesser, John
Wurzel, John Yeaster, John Kloman. Play II. "Der Prozess". Players were: Ed.
Mulzer, Peregrin, Henry Averman, (Aloys.) Frauenheim, A. Schillo and E.
Schillo. In May 1870 the association staged again a play for the benefit of
St. Augustine's Church which netted $60.08. Towards the end of 1870 were
printed the: Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order of the St. George's
Literary Association of Pittsburgh, Pa., with the imprint of 1871. Yet the
copy preserved in the parish archives has the inscription on an inside page
by William Alexander Heyl, dated Pittsburgh, December 28, 1870. The officers
were: Henry Schmidt, President, William August Hoeveler, Vice-President,
Anton Carl Kloman, Secretary. A notable fact about this booklet of sixteen
pages is that it is printed in English, while all the other constitutions of
the parish societies had been printed in German up to that time. The purpose
of the association is defined in this constitution as "mutual improvement in
elocution, composition, and debate and enlarging our fund of general
information". The regular meetings were held on Wednesday evening (later
Thursday evening) at 7:30 of every week. The performances of the society
meetings consisted in "reading, essays, select reading, declamations,
orations, dialogues, and debating". "German performances were in order at
any time and had to be conducted solely in German. No person under eighteen
years was eligible to membership". The association had also been in
possession of a library and had appointed a librarian who had the duty to
"keep all books correctly numbered, and attend to giving them out". The
vice-president William Hoeveler attended St. Augustine's school in 1862. The
member William Heyl was a pupil of St. Augustine's school in 1863 and served
in 1888 and 1889 on the building committee of the new schoor building.
Likewise six other players had been former pupils of St. Augustine's school
between 1862 and 1868. A few of the remaining players may have attended St.
Augustine's school some time prior to 1862. Nothing is known of this
literary association after the year 1871.(47)
The literary association of 1869 was a spontaneous
effort on the part of the young men of St. Augustine's parish to which the
pastor, Fr. Kircher, owing to his deficiency in English had been a stranger.
It was different with the next following literary society established at St.
Augustine's. At a meeting of the young men of St. Augustine's parish, called
by the pastor Fr. Felix Lex, and presided over by Fr. Gregory Schneiders, on
January 25, 1885, it was decided that a literary society should be organized
among them. The organization was finally effected on February 9, 1885, by
the adoption of a constitution and by-laws and the naming of the society was
ST. AUGUSTINE'S YOUNG MEN'S LITERARY SOCIETY. The constitution and by-laws
were printed in English at Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1885 (pp. 18). All the members
of this society were at the same time members of the Young Men's Conference
of the parish. The officers were Director, First and Second Vice-Presidents,
Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian and Assistant Librarian. Meetings were held
every Monday evening. This society had organized at the same time an
orchestra and brass band which were open only to the members of the Literary
Society. These musical organizations were governed by special by-laws, each
being ruled by a Leader and Assistant Leader and an Instructor or Professor.
Besides the literary society had also organized a Singing Club from among
the members of the society, from which outsiders were excluded. The Singing
Club elected a Leader and appointed an Instructor or Professor and was
likewise governed by special bylaws. The Director and founder of this
multiform Young Men's Literary Society was Fr. Gregory Naziance Schneiders,
the best English scholar among the Fathers at St. Augustine's in his days.
He was ordained priest on August 30, 1873, at Trier in Germany, was
imprisoned during the Kulturkampf by the German government on November 1,
1874. When he was later released
(47) Cyprian Gehrling in: St. Augustinus, August, 1922, pp. 2-3, September,
1922, p. 1; December, 1922, p. 7. Constitution der Gemeinde zu Lawrenceville
und Finanzberichte, MS., Ill, p. 4.
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he went to Scotland upon the advice of his bishop, where
he stayed for three months with a noble family and mastered the English
language (September 2, till December 1875). He went to England and taught
for five months in St. Bede's College at Manchester. The Bishop of Salford
appointed him there upon as assistant priest at Farnworth, where he labored
for two and a half years till he was appointed pastor of Mount Carmel Church
at Salford. Here he remained for four and a half years organizing that
congregation and building a church. Finally he left England with the
intention of entering the Capuchin Order. On November 11, 1882, he entered
in the Bavarian Province, because the Capuchins had been still expelled from
Prussia. Finally on January 28, 1884, he landed at New York and a few days
later he arrived at St. Augustine's Pittsburgh. To distinguish him from the
older Fr. Gregory Autsch who likewise stayed at St. Augustine's, the people
nicknamed him "The English Fr. Gregory". At St. Augustine's Fr. Gregory
Nazianz made good use of his mastery of English by introducing more English
devotions and sermons. Knowing the needs of young men in English speaking
countries he organized the literary society and directed it for over four
years as none of the other Fathers could have done. Upon the advice of the
physicians he returned to his native country on May 2, 1889, and died there
on November 24, 1905. His memory is still fresh among the few remaining
former members of his literary society and others. Since Fr. Gregory's
literary society was without peer in the Lawrenceville district, a number of
young men of the English parishes joined it, as Len. B. Blanchard, Dan
Driscoll, John Collins, Henry Collins, John Lannigan of Millvale, J. P.
Reardon, Harry Toner, Owen Mooney, Austin McGrath, Charles McCarren, F.
McMullen, Shannon, Nick Liveo. Finally among the members was enrolled Mr.
Hardy Wall, a non-Catholic, who associated with the "boys" at that time and
despite the "constitution" he was made a member and as Mr. A. W. Liebler,
Past President of the Literary writes (under date of Sept. 17, 1938), "he
proved a good one". At present only three of the eighty and more members of
the one-time St. Augustine's Young Men's Literary Society are still living.
Len. B. Blanchard, a successful real estate agent (4506 Centre Ave.), John
Link, and Andrew W. Liebler, agent of the General Office Machines Corp. (719
Liberty Ave.). The Officers of the society for the term 1889-1890 were: Fr.
Gregory Nazianz Schneiders, Director. And. W. Liebler, First Vice-President
(the Director was also President), John J. Link, Second Vice-President, D.
A. Behen, Secretary, Will. J. Frecker, Assistant Secretary, Nich. Ulich,
Librarian, John Engel, Assistant Librarian. The Committeemen were: Henry
Werries, Jos. Nagel, John J. Schaffer, and Henry Uhte. On April 8, 1889, Fr.
Gregory Nazianz attended the meetings for the last time. On May 2,
following, he left and on May 6th his successor was introduced in the person
of Fr. Irenaeus Kolb, O.M.Cap., a native of Philadelphia (died May 10,
1936). The receipts of the society from January 31, 1888 till July 1, 1889
amounted to $341.42 and the expenses to $319.05. The Constitutions were
revised and Mr. A. W. Liebler was elected President of the Society in
January, 1890. On October 7th, 1890, the Brass Band was made an independent
organization. Yet the following month of November, 1890, the literary
society as founded by Fr. Gregory Nazianz came to an end owing to the
formation of the Jungmaenner-Verein, and the change of the Young Men's
Literary Society into a general LITERARY MUSICAL SOCIETY which was open also
to men as well as young men. St. Augustine's Young Men Literary Society
carried out the program outlined in the Constitution up to the beginning of
1890. Then we notice a remissness both in attendance as well as in the
performances. The society held also regular entertainments in St.
Augustine's hall charging entrance fees. On January 14, 1889, the society
had a public debate with the Young Men's Literary Society of St. John the
Baptist Parish upon the question Whether McClellan was a greater general
than Grant. The debate was carried through agreeably to both parties the
judges having decided it to be a draw. The Messrs. E. M. Behen and W. R.
Berger defended the affirmative for St. Augustine's and the Messrs. J.
Greegan and Walter McCormick the negative for St. John's. The judges were
Fr. Gregory Nazianz for St. Augustine's Mr. J. F. Miller for St. John's and
Wm. A. Golden, Esq., the third party.
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Cadets 1905 Members of St. Augustine Parish
in Holy Name Parade |
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This was to be the last public performance of
St. Augustin's Young Men's Literary Society under the direction of Fr.
Gregory Nazianz. This debate was announced in church.(48)
At the Katholikentag (Catholic Day) of the German Catholics of the United
States held at Pittsburgh, Pa., September 22-25, 1890, all German Catholic
Young Men's Societies were united into a Central-Bund (Central Union) which
embraced also the Young Men's Literary Society of St. Augustine's. However,
the Young Men's Societies of Pittsburgh were also formed into a diocesan
German-American Young Men's Societies of Pittsburgh). The first meeting was
held on November 9, 1890, in St. Michael's Hall, South Side and ten
societies were affiliated to the diocesan organization. Eight other
societies joined the organization later. St. Augustine's Young Men's
Literary Society of Lawrenceville was among the first societies which were
affiliated to the diocesan organization. The diocesan organization was
aggregated to the Central-Bund. The former held two mass-meetings every year
(April and October) and two general meetings (January and July). The
Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Order of this diocesan organization were
printed at Pittsburgh 1890 in German and English (p. 47). The officers of
the diocesan organization in 1899 were: Rev. Bernard Hehl, C.P., President;
Mr. Karl Wunderly, Vice-President; Mr. Joseph H. Reiman, Recording
Secretary; Mr. Henry Gensler, Financial Secretary; Mr. August Rausch,
Treasurer. The Board of Directors was formed by the Messrs. Nicholas J.
Kolling (Secretary); Bernard Hahn, Joseph A. Schmitt, August Rausch, Markus
Reuss, Philip Zeus, Karl Mayer, Joseph A. Winter, Joseph Spinnen-weber,
Joseph A. Mahler, Benjamin Hildebrand, John Hickel, Karl Steedle, J. E.
Eberle, Joseph Heitz. The Diocesan organization infused new life into the
ST. AUGUSTINE'S YOUNG MEN'S LITERARY SOCIETY and at the same time put an end
to the organization founded by Fr. Gregory Nazianz Schneiders by changing it
from an English into a German society, in which German was the official
language and English was only tolerated within a restricted sphere. Indeed
the newly reorganized literary society was regarded as an entirely new
organization which on January 6, 1901, celebrated its tenth anniversary of
foundation with great solemnity in church and in the hall. In February,
1902, the St. Augustinus Juenglings-Verein had a membership of about 90. The
officers were: Fr. Clement Pfeifer, O.M.Cap., Director; Mr. John Zeus,
President; Mr. Philip Kreckler, Vice-President; Mr. J. George Hager,
Financial Secretary; Mr. William Stapf, Corresponding Secretary; Mr. William
Busch, Librarian. Two years later the St. Augustinus Juenglings-(Jungmaenner-)
Verein was reorganized and received from the place of meeting the name St.
Augustine's Casino.(49)
ST. AUGUSTINE'S CASINO as an organized society was
founded on February 7, 1904, and took its name from the building in which
the society meets. The Casino building is the old school hall which was
built in August, 1879, to have the necessary place for meetings on Sundays
and schoolrooms on weekdays. The hall was opened with a play on November 5,
1879. After the dedication of the new church the old church was changed into
a parish hall which was opened on October 22, 1901, with a great dramatic
play staged by the Dramatic Circle of the St.
(48) Constitution and By-Lazes of St. Augustine's Young Men's Literary
Society of Pittsburgh, Pa., Pittsburgh, Knapp, (1885), pp. 18, (a copy in
the parish archives). Minute-Book of St. Augustine's Young Men's Literary
Society, from August 27, 1888, till October 7th, 1890. MS. (in parish
archives). St. Augustinus, 1925, pp. 13, 71, 167. Annales Provinciae
Pennsylvanicae MS., vol. I, pp. 109-110, 443. Letter of information by Past
President A. W. Lieblcr, dated Sept. 17, 1938.
(49) ferhandlungen der Fierten Allgemeinen Fersammlung der Katholiken
deutscher Zunge der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika in Pittsburgh, Pa.
herausgegeben von Rev. A. Fischer und Chas. J. Jaegle. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1890,
pp. 41-44, 101-106, 112, 152. Handbuch des Pittsburger Beobachters, pp.
35-36, 37-38. St. Augustinus, October, 1899, p. 2, March, 1900, p. 3;
September, 1900, p. 5; January, 1901, p. 3; September, 1901, p. 4, October,
1901, pp. 5, 8; January, 1902, p. 4; February, 1902, p. 2; December, 1903,
p. 4; May, 1927, p. 93.
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Augustine's Young Men's Society. The old Parish Hall was remodeled
changing the one-story building into a two-story building with different
meeting-rooms for the societies and a bowling-alley in the basement. On the
first meeting of the Casino the election of officers took place with the
result: Rev. Clement Pfeifer, Director; Mr. F. L. Kress, President; E. A.
Halli, Financial Secretary. A committee was appointed to draw up the rules
and regulations of the society, composed of the Messrs. P. J. Scholl, J. J.
Noulett, Philip Krekler, Joseph Irlbacher, George Hager, Frank Dittman, John
Fritch, Philip J. Zeus and Frank Besselman.
A second committee was appointed to supervise the
repairs to be made in converting the one-time parish hall into a casino. The
Messrs. Peter Kerner, Charles Fuchs, Anton Lackner, Louis Kwozalla and Mat.
N. Werries were elected to serve on this building committee. It was decided
at the same time that the amount to be expended on these repairs should not
exceed two thousand dollars.
The meeting of March 7, 1904, ordered the constitution
and by-laws to be drawn as read. This constitution with the by-laws was
printed soon after. The reprint of the Constitution of St. Augustine Casino
of 1912 is in the parish-archives. The constitution comprises 16 articles
with 29 sections and the by-laws 15 articles with 20 sections. The revised
Constitution and By-Laws printed at Pittsburgh in 1921 comprises 17 articles
with 34 sections of constitution and 9 articles with 24 sections of by-laws.
Finally the Constitution and By-Laws were reprinted in 1928 (17 articles and
35 sections of Constitution and 19 articles and 46 sections of By-Laws).
The members constituting the Casino on February 7,
1904, were the following: Adelman, Frank; Alland, Jos.; Besselman, Frank;
Besselman, Lawrence; Bauer, Elmer; Bich, George, Sr.; Berger, August;
Bieneman, A.; Boberg, W.; Bracht, Henry; Brennan, Patrick; Brunner, Charles
F.; Bush, Wm.; Buster, Charles; Buster, George; Dittman, F. D.; Doemling,
George; Dorn, M.; Dresbach, Joseph; Eberlein, George; Eichenlaub, Edw. D.;
Eichenlaub, Eugene E.; Eichenlaub, Frank; Eichenlaub, B.; Engel, And.;
Farmerie, Wm.; Fey, Lawrence; Fey, Rob., Sr.; Fey, Rob., Jr.; Fisher, AL;
Fisher, Otto; Fortwengler, Jos.; Fortwengler, Wm.; Fritsch, John; Fuchs,
Charles; Fuchs, Frank; Fuchs, Louis; Fuhrer, Wm.; Gauscheman, F.; Gerlach,
John; Gerstbein, A.; Girty, Thomas; Golden, J.; Gottschalk, Henry;
Gottschalk, John; Haag, John; Haber, George; Haeckler, Stephan; Halli, A.
L.; Halli, Ed. A.; Halli, P. A.; Halli, P. J.; Hart, Mich.; Hoffman, L.,
Sr.; Hoffman, L., Jr.; Irlbacher, Jos., Sr.; Jacobs, H.; Kalchthaler, Frank;
Kalchthaler, Wm.; Keiser, Nic.; Kelly, D. J.; Kemp, Edw.; Kiester, F. J.;
Kerner, A.; Kerner, Frank; Kerner, Peter, Sr.; Kerner, Peter, Jr.; Klavon,
J. A.; Kramm, Philip; Kreckler, Philip; Kress, Frank L.; Kuntz, Wm.;
Kwozalla, L.; Lackner, Anton; Larkin, F. X.; Leas, Paul; Leisman, Edw.;
Leisman, George; Leisner, Frank; McCabe, Frank; McGee, John; Meier, John;
Meisner, Jos.; Meisner, Syl.; Nickel, George; Nickel, Jos.; Nieman, Ferd.;
Nieman, L.; Noulett, And.; Noulett, John J.; Pottmeyer, Edw. M.; Pottmeyer,
Harry; Pottmeyer, Jos.; Reckhaus, Henry; Reible, F.; Reiman, John; Riehl,
Edw. P.; Reisinger, John; Schaffer, C. F.; Schaffer, George; Schaffer, Jos.;
Schaffer, Will.; Schiffhauer, Frank; Schmidthammer, L.; Scholl, Frank;
Scholl, Leo; Scholl, P. J.; Schultz, Frank M.; Skonetzi, A.; Skonetzi, C.;
Schwer, Walter; Speth, Jos.; Stapf, Will. J.; Stehle, Louis; Steinkirchner,
Edw.; Stierer, George; Strieber, Will.; Thiery, J.; Voelker, Fred.; Voelker,
Frank; Voelker, Jos.; Vogel, Edw. J.; Walter, Charles; Weber, Frank; Weber,
N. P.; Werries, Mat. N.; Westerman, Bernard; Wirth, Leo; Wolf, Math.;
Wolfensberger, Victor; York, Charles; Zeus, John; Zeus, Phil. J.;
Zinsmeister, L. A., Dr.; Zinsmeister, Will. J.; Zoeller, Edw. A total of
136. Possibly one or the other name is omitted through an oversight.
On September 1, 1938, St. Augustine's Casino
numbered 96 male and 53 female members, a total of 149. The officers for the
1938-1939 term were: Adolph Lutz, Jr., President; Henry Kins,
Vice-President; Otto H. Werries, Financial Secretary; E. H. Hoellerman,
Treasurer; R. J. Hinchcliff, Recording Secretary; Leo Schmolder, Marshall;
Board of Directors is composed of the Messrs. Al. Weismiller, A. F. Lutz,
Chas. Riedel, Leonard Dongweck, Walter Schwer, Jr., John C. Burlett, Airs.
Cath. Rixner, Miss Ann Lakits and Miss Mary Rita Werries. Up to April 8,
1907, the meetings were con-
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Page 159
ducted in German and the minutes entered in German. With
next following meeting, 37th Meeting of May 3, 1907, English was employed
and kept up to date. On December 6, 1909, the Casino decided to affiliate
with the County Federation of Catholic Societies but before long the County
Federation of Catholic Societies was a thing of the past. In the course of
time a number of standing and temporary committees were organized to manage
the social, musical and literary affairs of the Casino.
The Casino contributed in the course of time large sums
to the support of St. Augustine's Church, school and other charitable works
sponsored by the parish. For the last thirty years the Casino gave a treat
to the school children of St. Augustine's during the Christmas season. Among
the charitable works performed by the society to outsiders stands
preeminently the sum of five hundred dollars contributed in 1923 to the
Endowment Fund of the Central-Verein of America at St. Louis, Mo. The
financial standing of the Casino had always been good. On January 1, 1921,
the treasurer reported $1,193.40 cash balance.(50)
The ST. AUGUSTINE'S DRAMATIC CLUB was organized in
1904. Dramatic plays proved a source of paying revenues to the church and
school from the earliest years of existence of St. Augustine's parish. As
early as 1868 the children of the school staged a play and the different
parish societies followed suit ever since that date. The societies of men,
young men and young ladies, the religious as well as the beneficial and
social societies, formed dramatic clubs among their members from time to
time to stage certain plays. These clubs formed units of longer or shorter
duration, just as eventualities demanded.
Twice a regular company of professional players was
hired (1875, 1879) to attract people to the fair held for the benefit of the
the oldest Dramatic Club of St. Augustine's. A bill amounting to $20.75 for
advertisements of the plays staged by that club during the church fair was
presented by the manager of Der Republikaner in February, 1870, and was paid
by the parish. This seems to prove that the Germania Dramatic Club of
Lawrenceville was a parochial society; yet on the other hand it is possible
that the parsih hired an outside dramatic club and paid for the
advertisements. The St. Augustine's Young Men's Society was the first
society which had formed a permanent Dramatic Circle within its society.
This must have been done in 1891, when that society was first firmly
organized. This Dramatic Circle became an independent parish society on the
formation of the Casino in 1904. However, on October 16, 1921, the Dramatic
Circle was incorporated into the Casino and ever since it is called the
dramatic circle were elected at the same meeting and they were: Mat. N.
Werries, General Manager; Jos. 0. Vogel, Stage Manager; Anthony F. Haas,
Secretary; Joseph Trakofler, Treasurer; the Messrs. Al. J. Nagel, L. H.
Hufnagel, and E. J. Vogel, Directors. The Rules and Regulations of the
Casino Dramatic Club comprise nine articles and limit membership to members
of the Casino. These rules were never printed.
Up to June 5, 1924, the secretaries would call the
dramatic organization with the name Dramatic Circle. On June 12, 1924, they
speak of the Dramatic Club for the first time, and kept this name
consistently after that date. Finally on December 28, 1924, the Board of
Directors decided that since there had "been a little confusion as to the
correct name of our club, it shall be known as the 'CASINO DRAMATIC CLUB OF
ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH' and this title is to be used on all
(50) Minutes of the Meetings of the St. Augustine's Casino. MS. From
February 7, 1904 till December 7, 1919. Minutes of the Meetings of the Board
of Directors of the St. Augustine's Casino. MS. From February 21, 1917 till
October 19, 1921. Constitution and By-Laws of the St. Augustine's Casino,
Pittsburgh, 1912, 1921. 1928. Report of the Secretary Otto H. Werries, dated
September 13, 1938. MS. The files of the St. Augustinus records the doings
outside the meeting rooms from 1904 to date, although in very irregular
order. The Catholic Year Book of the Diocese of Pittsburgh carries a summary
notice of St. Augustine's Casino. 1908. p. 133, 1910, p. 63, 1913, p. 194,
1917,p. 150. Of the numerous reports about the Casino in the St. Augustinus,
we quote only February 1921, p. 9, 1923, pp. 56. 57. On the County
Federation see: St. Augustinus, April, 1922, p. 8, and June, 1922, p. 8 .
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St. Augustine's Dramatic Club 1918
First Girls of the Academy, about 1894
Camilla Frauenheim, Frances Hug, Clara C. Bastian, Mary Frauenholtz, Rose
Rehbein, Louise Kerner, Josephine Jaegle. Bottom: Stella Pechstein, Cecelia
Westermann, Anna Fey, Elizabeth Heyl, May Fay, Mary Kempen.
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
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tickets." According to an agreement made with the pastors of St.
Augustine's parish the Casino pays all expenses and the Church receives 75
percent of the net proceeds and the Casino 25 percent. As a rule the plays
staged proved a financial success. Yet it happened that the play was a
failure financially and then the Casino and the Church paid the deficit. The
club holds a picnic every year for the club members exclusively but since
1925 Casino members are also invited.
The club gives also a treat to the acting members after
every play. It had to be stated repeatedly that other club members who did
not serve in the play, are not entitled to participate in the treat. The
club staged as many as five plays and two sketches a season (1924-1925). One
year it did not stage any play. Yet on the average it stages two plays in a
season. The revision of the Constitution was accepted by the club on
September 24 ,1934. According to this new constitution the parish is to
receive 75 percent and the Casino 25 percent of the net profit of all public
plays. The club has a Requiem and three low Masses celebrated at the death
of a member.
The meeting of February 6, 1922, ordered a sign-canvas
to be stretched from the monastery walls across the street to the
Casino-building and to post signs in front of the Casino building. Later the
large sign-board on top of the monastery wall was erected which is still up
for service.
In December, 1923, the Rev. George A. Metzger, pastor
of Holy Trinity Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., inquired about the plays staged by
the club and information was forwarded. The officers of the Casino Dramatic
Club for the year 1938-1939 were the following: Charles Riedel, General
Manager; Hildegard Maisel, Recording Secretary; Otto H. Werries, Treasurer;
the Directors were: Adolph Lutz, Jr., Edgar Fry, Walter Schwer, Jr., and
Mary Rita Werries.(51)
On February 11, 1910, the meeting of the Casino decided
to establish a literary club as a branch and Mr. Mat. Werries was appointed
chairman of the committee entrusted with the foundation of this new venture
of the Casino. In December, 1910, nothing was done yet in that matter.
However, in April, 1919, we read of a debate between two teams of the Casino
on the merits and demerits of National Prohibition. In May, 1919, we read of
a debate between the members of the Casino and Laetitia Club on the problem
of equal rights. According to the verdict of the pastor the ladies should
have proved superior, which would be an unusual feat of intellectualism. How
long this literary branch of the Casino showed signs of life, was never told
to the public.(52)
The LAWRENCE PLAYERS were a body of unorganized
volunteer players who were engaged by Fr. Clement Pfeifer, O.M.Cap., to
raise funds for his mission of Avella, Pa. They were at one time or another
members of the St. Augustine's Dramatic Club. Some time in 1915 they began
their charitable work in behalf of the country missions. Later they staged
also some plays in behalf of the Missionary Confraternity of Christian
Doctrine of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. On June 18 and 22, 1917, they gave
"The Seal of Confession" at Epiphany Hall, Pittsburgh. Some time after they
disappeared from the scene.(53)
ST. AUGUSTINE'S LAETITIA CLUB was founded on September
19th, 1913, to serve as a Casino society for the ladies of the parish. The
officers elected at that constitutive meeting were: Mary Fey, President;
Anna Hufnagel, Vice-President; Lizzie Burlett, Recording Secretary; Anna
Kuester, Treasurer. The meetings were scheduled for every third Thursday of
the month. On March 11, 1914, a board of directors was elected in the
persons of Mary Fey, Minnie Berger, Cath. Besselman, Lizzie Raible, Lizzie
Burlett, and Loretta Sweeny. At the same time the first Bowling Teams were
formed. Regular gymnasium classes were held, basket ball playing and euchres
and dances were on the
(51) St. Augustinus, 1924, January, 1923, p. 4. Minutes of the Dramatic Club
from October, 1921 to date. MS. The St. Augustinus carries many notes about
the dramatic performances of the club, as f. i. October, 1901, p. 8, November,
1901, p. 1, etc., February, 1910, p. 10, etc., December, 1922, pp. 9, 11,
etc., February, 1923, p. 17, etc., etc.
(52) St. Augustinus, December, 1910, p. 9: April. 1919, p. 9; May, 1919, p.
8. Minutes of the Casino. MS. February 11, 1910.
(53) St. Augustinus, May, 1917, p. 8.
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program of the Laetitia Club. Banquets were had from time to time, as
also socials of various kinds, old-fashioned sewing circles, an annual
picnic, trips to different cities for sightseeing, Valentine receptions. The
members assisted the Casino members time and again in arranging their
socials. In January, 1918, the first joint meeting of the Casino and
Laetitia Club was held, at which the newly elected officers were installed,
and on July 4th following the Laetitia and Casino Clubs had a joint picnic.
When a number of Casino young men had gone to war, the Laetitia Club had to
keep the Casino open, and to "come across," as the President of the Casino
expressed it. On May 9, 1919, a move was made by the Casino to have the
Laetitia Club united with it, but on account of the opposition of the latter
the movement failed. Finally on December 15, 1920, the Casino voted to
consolidate with the Laetitia Club. Two days later the Laetitia Club held
its last meeting as an independent society and made arrangements for the
consolidation. According to the terms of union the Laetitia Club has two
members on the Casino Board of Directors who are elected from among their
club members. The Misses Catherine Berner and Margaret Legath were the first
members of the Laetitia Club to sit in the Board of Directors. The pastor,
Fr. Philip Knupfer, wrote in the Augustinus in January, 1921: "We heartily
endorse this consolidation and we sincerely believe that it is to the
advantage of both Clubs. We earnestly invite all the members of the parish
to become affiliated with the St. Augusttine's Casino." The Constitution of
1921 changed the section regulating the Board of Directors raising the
number from seven to nine and the Constitution of 1928 raised it to ten
members. On September 1, 1938, the Laetitia Club counted S3 members.(54)
The choir of St. Augustine's Church was organized
into a regular society under the name of ST. AUGUSTINUS MAENNERCHOR in
January or February, 1892. The society gave a concert on New Year's Day
(1894) for the benefit of the poor, the proceeds of which amounted to $147.
Similar entertainments were given by the society in the course of time and
no small sums were realized for the church or charitable works. The election
of officers in the first week of December, 1901, had the result as follows:
Charles F. Stuedle, President (re-elected unanimously); Francis Johannbroer,
Vice-President; Richard Rinscheid, Secretary; Joseph Joos, Treasurer;
Mathias Meis, Director. The Board of Directors was composed of the Messrs.
Constantine Waldvogel, Charles Fuchs, John Nickel, and John Fink. Membership
of the society was 67. On February 2 and 3, 1902, the society celebrated the
tenth anniversary of its foundation in the church as well in the hall. On
New Year's Day, 1904, the society gave a social for the benefit of the poor.
In April, 1911, the St. Augustinus Maennerchor was reorganized and changed
from a German organization into an English one under the name of: ST.
AUGUSTINE'S CHORAL CLUB. On May 8. 1911, the newly organized society gave a
concert for the benefit of the church. Two more concerts were given for the
same purpose later in the year. The officers for the year 1915 were: A.
Lutz, President; Joseph Trakofler, Vice-President; Frank Trakofler.
Secretary and Treasurer; John Zawart, Librarian; Rudolph Christof, Organist
and Choir-Director. On June 4, 1929, the following officers were elected:
John Bienemann. President; Joseph Trakofler, Vice-President; Francis
McLaughlin, Financial Secretary; August Rattay, Librarian; Adolph Lutz,
Assistant Librarian; Lawrence Fitz, Organist and Choir Drector. At the
electon on January 12, 1934, these officers were constituted: Charles
Moffat, President; Leo Schakmar Vice-President; Francis McLaughlin,
Secretary and Treasurer. On April 13, 1934, the last meeting was held and
ever since the organization is in abeyance.(55)
(54) Minutes of the Meetings of St. Augustine's Laetitia Club, from
September 19, 1913 to August 19, 1919. MS. St. Augustinus, May, 1914. p. 6;
January, 1916. p. 12; July. 1919. p. 8; September, 1919, p. 8; October,
1919, p. 9; December, 1919, p. 8: January, 1921, p. 8, etc.
(55) On the organizations of the choir see: St. Augustinus, December. 1901.
p. 4; February, 1902. pp. 2, 4; January, 1904, pp. 4-5; April, 1911 p. 8:
December. 1911. p. 9; January, 1915, p. 8; January, 1927, pp. 14, 16; May
1928, p. 90; July, 1929, p. 129. Minutes of Meetings, MS. 1929-1934.
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
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established about 1875. It was an organized society, apparently mostly
composed of the church choir. The society had an annual excursion and grand
concerts on their program in 1877. No other data are available about this
society which may have continued to exist till 1892 and be merged with the
St. Augustinus Casino founded a Singing Society on
February 11, 1910, as a branch of the Casino. The new society was called
CASINO CHORAL CLUB and was recruited only from members of the Casino. In
order to have a mixed choral club, including soprano and alto, it was
necessary to have the ladies incorporated; yet the latter were regarded only
as guests or outside talent. In December, 1910, the Casino Choral Club had
an enrollment of 35 members. On December 29, 1910, the club gave its first
concert for the benefit of the church. This effort was very reassuring. Mr.
Louis Imgrund was director of the choir of singers and a band of musicians
took part also in the concert. This seems to have been the first and last
appearance of the Casino Choral Club.(56)
1927, for the purpose of keeping up a spirit of fellowship among the
graduates of St. Augustine's High School. Any graduate of that school is
eligible to membership. The association meets every three months in St.
Augustine's School. At the quarterly meeting on January 8, 1928, the
following officers were elected for the year 1927: Al Nieman, President;
Armella Dunmire, Vice-President; Annette Creighton, Recording Secretary; Leo
Andres, Financial Secretary; Gerard Boberg, Treasurer. The pastor of St.
Augustin's Church invited all former pupils of the High School to join the
association. On February 15, 1928, the members of the association gave a
social which proved very successful. This was the second social given by the
association. During the ten years of its existence the association has
raised handsome sums for the benefit of the school from which they had
In April, 1905, the Boys Choir of St. Augustine's
Church was founded, and assisted the men's choir under the direction of
their common choir directors. On September 17, 1917, however, the boys'
choir was organized in regular form by the able organist John Baptist Grilly
and was called the PEROSI BOYS CHOIR OF ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH. The name was
suggested by Mr. Grilly who was a great admirer of his compatriot Lorenzo
Perosi, the famous Italian composer and choir director. The regular election
constituted the following officers of the society: Joseph Aschenbrenner,
President; Joseph Polk, Vice-President; Edwin Wagner, Secretary; Paul Benz,
Treasurer. At that time the Perosi Boys' Choir numbered about 50 members.
The director of the choir Mr. Grilly was to realize his expectation to
increase the efficienty of the choir with the great number of good voices he
had at his command. He was confident that a little encouragement given to
the young singers would put greater zest into the work of the boys, since
they were so willing to do their utmost in the use of their gifted voice for
the greater edification of liturgical service. The blessing he invoked on
the parents, patrons and well-wishers of the Perosi Boys' Choir was surely
realized in God's own time. Probably the resignation of Mr. Grilly as
organist was attended with a disorganization of the once flourishing Perosi
Boys' Choir of St. Augustine's Church.(58)
The members of the Juenglingsvereines (Young Men's
Society) have been charged with the office of ushers in St. Augustine's
Church. This arrangement dates back to 1899 and probably to earlier years.
The society selected the young men who were willing and capable to fill that
office either for a definite period or only for special occa-
(56) St. Augustinus, April, 1910, p. 9; December, 1910, p. 9; January, 1911,
p. 8; 1924, p. 82. Minutes of the Casino. MS. February 11, 1910, and October
3, 1910.
(57) St. Augustinus, January, 1928, p. 8; February, 1928, pp. 28-29; April,
1928, p. 68; May, 1928, p. 88; January, 1929, p. 9.
(58) St. Augustinus, March, 1905, p. 7: May, 1905. p. 6; October, 1905. pp.
9, 10: September, 1917, P. 8.
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Altar Boys, 1885
Standing, left to right: Anthony Vilsack, Charles Heyl, (Father Edward),
John Werries, Joseph Frauenheim, Christ Limpert, August Vilsack, John Land,
Seated: M. N. Werries, Joseph Limpert, George Zerr, Joseph Emerich, Albert
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
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sions. To obtain more concerted action the pastor, Fr. Philip Knupfer,
suggested the formation of a regular society. Accordingly on November 22,
1926, a new organization was introduced at St. Augustine's Church under the
name of "ST. AUGUSTINE'S USHER CLUB". The members constituting the new
organization were the following young men: Louis Dadowski, Jr., Francis J.
Dadowski, Ralph J. Dadowski, Joseph T. Peoples, Joseph Hungerman, Leo
Hungerman, Al. J. Nagel, Edmund Werries, Matthew Werries, Jr., Aloysius
Pottmeyer, Charles E. Benz, Joseph Frueh, Clem. Burlett, Leo Schmolder,
Joseph Grimm, Ralph Stehle, Joseph Doemling, and Joseph Schmitt. At their
first meeting these eighteen members elected from among their ranks the
following officers: Charles E. Benz, President; Louis Dadowski, Jr.,
Secretary; Mat. Werries, Jr., Treasurer. The purpose of the club is to
furnish efficient men who are able to keep order during services in church
and to curb all disturbers in every emergency. The pastor exhorted the
parishioners to cooperated with the ushers and not create any difficulties
to them. The members of the club meet once a month to discuss the best ways
and means towards maintaining order and well behavior in church. The annual
election of officers in December, 1927, resulted in the constitution of the
following men: Al. J. Nagel, President; Clem. Burlett, Vice-President; Matt.
Werries, Jr., Treasurer; Al. Pottmeyer, Secretary. The pastor, Fr. Gilbert
Stickelmeier, was not stinting in the praise he gave to these men writing:
"This club is certainly to be congratulated for the wonderful work it has
achieved the past year. Loitering in the rear of the church during services
is a thing of the past. We hope that they will continue the good work in the
future." The officers for the year 1938 are the following: Francis S.
Dadowski, President; Michael S. Rixner, Vice-President; Louis Dadowski, Jr.,
Secretary, and Leo Andres, Treasurer. The society meets every last Monday of
the month, in the Parish Library. The club counts at present eighteen
The late Titus Berger wrote in 1875 that "America, the
land without pilgrimages, is deluged with secular societies and clubs". He
deplored the fact that many Catholic parishes were not yet blessed with
Catholic societies or only with such which had a semblance of Catholic
societies harboring many members of bad repute. Yet the establishment of
really Catholic societies did not prevent Catholic men and women from
joining secular societies and clubs for various reasons. At present most of
the members of secular or inter-denominational societies are at the same
time also members of Catholic societies. Naturally the Germans hailing from
various parts of the fatherland were drawn to join the societies or clubs of
their racial kin and so we find the parishioners of St. Augustine's
fraternizing with their Bavarian, Hessian, Alsatian, Badenian, Suevian,
Austrian, German-Hungarian kinsmen in ever so many societies. The location
of such clubs induced others to join the near-by German society. This is
evidently the case with the "SINGING-SOCIETY "ElNTRACHT OF LAWRENCEVILLE (Gesang-Verein
Eintracht von Lawrenceville). This society was founded on January 6, 1866,
for the purpose of cultvating singing and music among the Germans of
Lawrenceville. The Society met in the parish school of St. Augustine's from
1870 till 1872 and paid annually $36 rent. After that time they had their
meeting-room in the bank-building on the corner of 34th Penn Avenue and
Butler Street. Since 1900 the society owns a building on 36th Street in the
rear of St. Augustin's Church. In 1899 the society had a membership of 212,
a singing club of 28 voices and an orchestra of 16 men. At that time Anthony
Schillo was President and Henry Frecker, Vice-President, and Emmanuel
Schillo, Treasurer, all three were parishioners of St. Augustine's. The
society is still in a flourishing state. See on this society, Handbuch des
Pittsburger Beobachters, p. 40. Mr. Berger in: Stimme der Wahrheit, 1875.
St. Augustinus, January, 1923, pp. 4, 5.
This multiplicity of societies and clubs was partly the
result of a need and partly
(59) St. Augustinus, November, 1899, p. 3; December, 1926, p. 240; December,
1927, p. 244; December. 1928. p. 288. Report of the secretary Louis Dadowski.
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 166
the creation of convenience and good fellowship. As long as they lasted
they served a purpose and surely one or the other of the defunct societies
or clubs will be resurrected in future under one form or another. Yet after
all these societies and clubs exerted a beneficial influence on the
parishioners and repressed the movements appealing to lower instincts
springing up in various corners of the district. Naturally individual
members belonged to various societies simultaneously, whilst others did not
belong to any at all. St. Augustine's Casino has such a broad scope that it
can minister to all possible recreational needs and tastes. A striking
instance is the formation of the defunct BROTHERS' CLUB, a glee club, formed
in 1912 under the direction of the Director of the Casino and dissolved in
1919. Naturally it was composed of members of the Casino and may be revived
some future day. See: St. Augustinus, January, 1916, p. 9.
The societies which we described in the present chapter
were all established in St. Augustine's parish, partly at the church, partly
at the hall and Casino. We may add two societies which were established at
St. Augustine's Monastery, and not at the church. The first society of this
kind is the SERAPHIC WORK OF CHARITY. The object of this society is to care
for destitute children and to provide for their Catholic education by
placing them in homes managed by the society, called SERAPHIC HOMES, or
other Catholic institutions or, when feasible, with Catholic families. A
second object is to assist boys and partly young men of poor families
financially, or otherwise, to receive a training for a. future useful career
in life. The Seraphic Work of Charity was a venture of the Third Order of
St. Francis into the field of social welfare; it was a work of charity
sponsored by the spiritual children of the Seraphic St. Francis and this is
the meaning of the name. The Seraphic Work of Charity was founded on January
6, 1889, by the Tertiary Congregation at Ehrenbreitstein in Germany and was
taken up in rapid succession by many other Tertairies' Congregations in
Germany. Within the first four years the society had cared for three hundred
children. In 1894 the society spent already $13,500 in support of destitute
children in Germany. In 1893 the society was divided into two sections:
North and South
Germany. On January 1, 1898, a third section was established for Switzerland
at Luzerne and on January 1, 1899, a fourth section at Herman, Pa. for North
America. In 1934 no less than 25 sections in Germany, Switzerland, United
States, Austria, and Czechoslovakia had a membership of more than 500,000
and published 15 periodicals in behalf of the work and many thousands of
Catholic children have been saved to the church and Christian civilization
by the society. A long list of indulgences were granted by Pius X. in 1914
to the members of the society. To become a member of the society the name
must be enrolled and some small contribution in money must be paid to the
society. Moreover members share in the benefits of 4,000 Masses which are
celebrated annually for the living and dead members of the society. The
different sections issue 15 periodicals with a subscription of a half a
million. The Seraphic Work of Charity is no confraternity and the consent of
the diocesan bishop is not needed for erection of any branch. It may,
however, be erected like a confraternity with the consent of the bishop and
then the indulgences and spiritual benefits are bestowed upon the branch as
such. The Seraphic Work of Charity was introduced into the United States by
the late Fathers Pancratius Dockler (died September 17, 1932) and Godhard
Friedmann (died June 14, 1919), at Herman, Pa. On December 3, 1898, these
two Fathers received the letter of approval of the General of the Capuchin
Order, the late Bernard of Andermatt and on January 1, 1899, they formally
established the branch for the United States. The boys cared for by the
society were first placed into a private family at Herman, Pa., and later a
sort of separate home was acquired. During the first five years (1899-1903)
the Seraphic Work of Charity had distributed $2,697.88 in the United States.
In August, 1906, the headquarters of the Seraphic Work of Charity were
transferred from Herman, Pa., to the St. Augustine's Monastery at Pittsburgh
and reorganized on a broader basis.
At the Directors' Meeting of the Order of Catholic
Knights of St. George on February 26, 1908, the Order decreed to assist the
Seraphic Work of Charity in the Juvenile Court and the Grand President,
Joseph Reimann, appointed a special committee to act
St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
Page 167
in this matter. On January 22, 1911, the Constitution of
the Seraphic Work of Charity was passed constituting a society governed by a
Board of Directors and the officers of President, Vice-President, Recording
Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and three consultors.
At the same time By-Laws were passed governing the
LADIES' AUXILIARY SOCIETY. These constitution and by-laws were printed at
Pittsburgh in 1911. pp. 8. When on November 11, 1914, the present Toner
Institute was assigned to the care of the Seraphic Work of Charity and the
number of boys to be cared for was rapidly jumping from 71 to 125, the
organization was not adequate any more to support the institution. Other
means were resorted to, as drives, tag days, bazaars and especially the
Juvenile Court, and naturally the organization lapsed, although many members
continued to support the work to this day and enjoy the spiritual benefits
in their fullest extent. The late Mrs. Mary C. Freker proved the greatest
inspiration to the Ladies Auxiliaries. In 1907 she espoused the cause and
for well nigh fifteen years she cared for the neglected boys of the Home as
a real "Mother", even going so far that she performed the menial work of
"maids" in the spirit of true and genuine charity. Through her efforts the
work of the ministering ladies was organized to achieve greater efficiency.
Naturally she was elected First President of the society and on resigning
the post of trust, she continued the charitable work as ever before. In the
"Home" the name of Mrs. Freker stood for real care and the sight of her was
hailed by boys who had never experienced the charm of maternal love with
greatest delight. Besides these personal services she was indefatigable in
raising funds for the Home, by a great number of socials, euchres and
collections. All this work was done by her when she had past already the
sixty mark of age. .Yet even old age did not put an end to her charitable
work for the boys in the Home. Through a concurrence of external
circumstances the good work of the Ladies Auxiliaries was suspended and Mrs.
Freker was deprived of the opportunity to carry on her ministrations to the
neglected boys of the Seraphic Home. She died on March 16, 1932 at the ripe
old age of 84 years and 7 months; her memory will remain fresh for many a
year to come at the Home which she served so well. Mrs. Harry Acker was a
valiant companion and support of Mrs. Freker for many years in the care for
the neglected boys in the Home. She likewise was an officer of the society
and proved a zealous and active member to the last. One of the principal
means of propagating the Seraphic Work of Charity are the periodicals issued
in its behalf. These monthlies bear the title of: SERAPHIC FRIEND OF
CHILDREN. The periodical of the section of Northern Germany had at one time
more subscribers than any other Catholic periodical of the Fatherland. The
founders of the American section of the Seraphic Work of Charity, the
Fathers Pancratius and Godhard, founded also a periodical called
SERAPHISCHER KINDERFREUND, which appeared first in January, 1899, and is
still in the field. For the last twenty-six years, since March, 1912, this
periodical has been ably edited by Fr. Joseph Leonissa Trageser and has won
many supporters of the Seraphic Work of Charity to this day.
With January, 1902, the Seraphischer Kinderfreund began
to insert an English section under the title of Child of Mary, which in
September, 1904, was changed to Seraphic Child of Mary. With January, 1905,
the Seraphic Child of Mary was issued separately up to January, 1912, when
the title was changed to Seraphic Home Journal. Since January, 1931, the
periodical is issued under the title of St. Francis Home Journal.(60)
The second society established at St. Augustine's
Monastery is the SERAPHIC MASS ASSOCIATION. This society was founded in 1899
by the Tertiary Miss Frieda Folger in Switzerland for the purpose of
(60) The files of the Seraphischer Kinderfreund and of the Seraphic Child of
Mary contain numerous articles and notes on the Seraphic work of Charitv in
Europe and the United States, f.i. vol. I, 1899, pp. 3-5, 47-48, 100-102,
118-120, 132-135, 143-144, 148-152, vol. II, pp.16, 178-179, 192, vol. Ill,
pp. 222, 224-226, 239, etc. On the spiritual benefits of the work see
Beringer, op. cit., pp. 284-286.
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Altar Boys, 1892 Beginning at top row, left to right: First
row, Jos. Leisman, John Fey, Aloysius Emmerich, Frank Besselman, Lawrence J.
Fey, Harry Frauenheim, Edward A. Pottmeyer, Edward D. Eichenlaub. Second
row: John Zimmer, Joseph F. Steedle, August Berger, John Zeus, George F.
Hager, Clement Risacher, Charles Aufman, Edward Zunsmeister. Third row:
Robert Fey, Frank Scholl, Father Joseph Anthony; O.M.Cap., John Kalchthaler,
William Stapf, Brother Elsy, William Hager, John Welty.
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Page 169
the Foreign Missions which are in charge of the Capuchin
Fathers. To become a member the name has to be enrolled and a stipulated sum
to be paid once which will be used to support the Capuchin Foreign Missions.
The members share in a number of Masses and prayers and good works during
lifetime and after death.
At first the members participated in the Masses
said for all benefactors of the Order every day in every monastery church or
chapel all over the world. These Masses amounted from 1899 till 1908 from
669 to 733 daily. In 1908, however, a number of Masses was stipulated to be
said for the members of this association exclusively and the participation
in those other Masses was maintained at the same time. This number of Masses
was increasing with the increase of the missionaries and Fathers of the
Order. Today the total number of Masses said for the members of the Mass
Association amounts to more than 188,500 annually; besides the members share
in the prayers and good works of over 13,000 members of the Capuchin Order,
not counting the affiliated Friars and Sisters.
In 1903 this association was introduced into all
the Capuchin monasteries in the United States in accordance with the
directions given by the General of the Order. An alms of fifty cents enrolls
a person into the association for one year, may the person be living or
deceased. Two dollars entitles deceased persons to perpetual membership and
five dollars entitles a living person to perpetual membership during
lifetime and after death. The Directors of the association established at
St. Augustine's Monastery were Joseph Anthony Ziegelmayer (died May 25,
1919), Fidelis Maria Meier, Ansgar Zawart (died October 19, 1934), Patrick
McGann, Cuthbert Schoeppner, and Cecil Nally. Naturally the association grew
slowly at first but by the untiring zeal of the various directors it has
spread all over the United States. At present the association established at
St. Augustine's counts a membership of approximately 250,523 perpetual
deceased members, 185,675 perpetual living members and 125,000 annual
members. These figures include only the members enrolled since 1927. The
older records were sent to headquarters in Rome and it is impossible to give
an estimate of membership during the twenty-four years 1903-1927. In 1933
the headquarters of the association acquired a small office-room on the
parish premises which proved inadequate within a year's time. To provide for
larger office-room, the Director of the. Mass Association was graciously
granted the present quarters by the pastor and the church trustees. This
office-room was obtained by renovating the old Parish library room which on
account of its height could well be divided into two stories, so that the
present office is snugly perched above the library room. In February, 1935,
the work of repairs was begun and came to an end towards the latter part of
April, 1935.
The Director of the association had also assumed the
burden of having the approaches to the new library room remodeled. The new
office of the association has a floor space of thirty-two by thirty-four. It
contains complete files of all the records of the past nine years and the
necessary office equipment of desks, typewriters and multigraph, mailing
machine and the like. At present the Director employs seven stenographers to
make the entries into the records and to handle the correspondence.(61)
(61) On the Seraphic Mass Association in general see: Analecta O.M.Cap., vol
.XVII, 1901, pp. 104-105, XIX, pp. 166-167, XXV, pp. 39-42, XLVII, pp.
176-177, etc. On the association at St. Augustine's see: Seraphischer
Kinderfreund, vol. VI, pp. 10-13, vol. VIII, pp. 103-105, etc. and a number
of reports issued by the various Director and the Mission Almanac published
during the last twenty years. St. Augustinus, May, 1925. pp. 81-83.
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