
Allegheny County
Diamond Jubilee
1863 - 1938
Saint Augustine Church
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Transcribed and contributed by
Nan Smith
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St. Augustine Church Diamond Jubilee
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The Monastery—1889
In whom you also are built together into an habitation of God. —Eph. II, 22.
When the Capuchin Fathers assumed the pastorship of St.
Augustine's Parish in 1874, they found the old rectory a very poor substitute
for a Capuchin cloister. True, some years before, Father Tamchina had remodeled
the house at a cost of $8,000.00, but nevertheless it remained a simple rectory
wholly unsuitable to serve as a friary. Hence when enlarging the church, it was
decided to remodel the rectory in keeping with the Capuchin requirements.
Accordingly, two three-story wings were added, one to the right and one to the
left, with the original building in the middle. Since it would have been unfair
to burden the congregation with this added expense for the friary, the Capuchin
Fathers, through contributions from abroad and through the fruits of their
labors, contributed the sum of $3,000.00 toward the enlargement of their friary.
The friars dwelt in this cloister from 1875 till 1889
when again it became necessary to provide better accommodations. In those years
many friars had come from abroad and, residing at St. Augustine's they acted as
chaplains to various religious communities and as assistants to the diocesan
clergy. As already noted, Father Maurice Greek, O.M.Cap., was pastor of the
church from 1887-1890, and as he had just finished building the new school in
March, 1889, he lent his co-operation to Father Francis Wolff, O.M.Cap.,
Provincial, who at that time planned to build a friary a part of which should
provide offices and parlors. Messrs. Moeser and Nickel, architect and contractor
of the school, were also employed for the erection of the Capuchin monastery.
During the week of March 31, 1889, the friars vacated the old rectory and took
up provisional residence in a brick house on the north side of the school. On
June 13, 1889, Father Francis Wolff, O.M.Cap., laid the corner stone of the
monastery in the presence of the Capuchin family and of the church committee.
The monastery was finished on November 21, 1889, and
the parish was invited to visit it before the Papal enclosure should go into
effect. The women of the parish spent days cleaning the corridors and rooms,
making the monastery presentable for the friars who would shortly take up
residence. During the week of November 3, and even after, many people availed
themselves of the rare privilege of entering beyond the enclosure of a Capuchin
friary. Wondering eyes gazed on the utter simplicity of this large convent, with
its bare wooden floors and utter lack of anything superfluous. There was the
Capuchin choir or chapel, with simple brown altar and curious stalls where the
friars would assemble five times daily for chanting the office, the canonical
prayer of the Church; there, too, was the refectory with long monastic tables
running along the walls, and there were the cells, the little rooms measuring
seven by twelve, with bed, desk, chair and crucifix, where the individual friar
would work and pray in silence.
On November 21, 1889, Father Hyacinth, delegated by the
Father Provincial, blessed the monastery in the presence of the local Capuchins:
Fathers Maurice, Guardian and Pastor; Gregory Maria, Vicar; Fidelis, Lect. Em.,
Irenaeas, Leo, Charles; and the brothers, Elzear and Guido. The total cost of
the Capuchin convent was $35,000. Of this sum $25,000 were contributed by the
Capuchins who through parsimonious living and through donations of friends were
enabled to raise this money. The other ten thousand dollars were the
contribution of the parish toward its rectory. The Capuchins moved into their
monastery on November 26, 1889.(1)
(1) Hyacinth Epp, Kinderfreund, IX, 141-143. In 1905 a third story was added to
the monastery.
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Besides the erection of the school and of the Capuchin
Monastery, this second pastorate of Father Maurice was noteworthy for other
significant happenings. On December 25, 1888, Father Benedict Wich, O.M.Cap.,
another son of the parish, celebrated his first solemn Mass and had the unusual
distinction of administering first communion to his father, a recent convert.(2)
The same day marked the close of a triduum commemorating the beatification of
Blessed Felix of Nicosia, a Capuchin. A patriotic celebration was held on
Tuesday, April 30, 1889, when the centenary of the inauguration of George
Washington as first President of the United States was commemorated with solemn
Mass, sermon and Te Deum. Before the Mass the church bells were rung for half an
The sympathy and charity of Father Maurice, the public-spirited Franciscan, are
also seen in the solemn Requiem on June 4, 1889, for the victims of the
Johnstown flood, and also in the collection ordered for the relief of the
surviving sufferers. He announced the collection in the following words:
You have already heard of the terrible disaster that has befallen Johnstown. In
order to bring quick relief to these unfortunate people, we shall take up a
collection at all the Masses. Those who are unprepared for the collection are
requested to bring their offering to the rectory this afternoon. Dear
Parishioners, I beg you to do your very best on this occasion and you will earn
not only a great reward but also, under God, the grace of protection from
similar calamities.(3)
The collection amounted to $470.00. From its earliest days St. Augustine's never
lacked generous souls whose solicitude for the things of God prompted generous
benefactions. In 1889, Mr. Joseph Vogel presented an imported monstrance valued
at $800.00. The gems and lunula for the latter were worth $200.00 and were the
gifts of Mr. Michael McCullough, the benefactor of the school. In 1890, Mr.
Edward Frauenheim presented a set of gold-embroidered red vestments for solemn
Masses. Other gifts of vestments, chalices and statues were presented from time
to time so that both church and sacristy were well equipped for all occasions.
Father Maurice retired from the pastorate in August, 1890. He spent the next six
years as superior and pastor of St. Alphonsus' Church in Wheeling, returning to
Pittsburgh in 1897, where he died on March 17, 1898.
The next pastor was the well-known and well-beloved Father Hyacinth. However, he
remained pastor only from August, 1890, till October, 1891, when the chapter in
the presence of the Most Reverend Bernard Christen of Andermatt, General of the
Order, unanimously elected him Provincial. During his brief pastorate there
occurred from September 22-25, 1890, the fourth celebration of German Catholic
Day in Pittsburgh. On Monday evening after the Angelus the pastor ordered St.
Augustine's bells to be rung for fifteen minutes in joyful welcome of the event.
Hundreds of priests crowded the city, and among the prelates were: Bishop
Frederick Katzer of Green Bay; Bishop John Janssen of Belleville; Bishop John
Kain of Wheeling; Bishop Joseph Rademacher of Nashville; Bishop Kilian Flasch of
Fort Wayne, and Bishop Leo Haid, O.S.B., of Belmont, North Carolina. Among the
distinguished Catholic laymen was Dr. Ernest Lieber, a member of the German
Father Joseph Anthony Ziegelmayer, O.M.Cap., succeeded Father Hyacinth in
October, 1891. Born in Augsburg, Bavaria, on April 9, 1854, he entered the
Capuchin Order on April 12, 1872. Desirous of joining his brethren in the
American mission, he came as deacon to the United States in
(2) Very Rev. Benedict Wich was born on Jan. 24, 1866, at Pittsburgh. Invested
with Capuchin habit on Oct. 14, 1882. Ordained Dec. 22. 1888. Studied at the
University of Innsbruck from 1889-1891. From 1891-1931 he was lector of moral
theology at Sts. Peter and Paul's Monastery. Cumberland. Md. Provincial of the
Capuchin Province of Pennsylvania from 1909-1915 and from 1918-1921. Since 1936,
guardian of the Cumberland Monastery, and since 1937, definitor of the Province.
(3) Announcement Book, June 2, 1889.
(4) The Report of this convention was published under the title: Verhandlungen
der Vierten Allgemeinen Versammlung der Katholiken Deutscher Zunge der
Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika in Pittsburgh, Pa. Sept. 22-25, 1890.
Herausgegeben von Rev. A. Fischer und Chas. Jaegle. Druck des Beobachters.
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1876 and was ordained by the Most Rev. John Tuigg in St. Paul's Cathedral,
Pittsburgh, on September 23, 1876. His ability as a practical administrator
was soon recognized as is evident from the important offices of Guardian,
Master of Novices, and Provincial, one or the other of which he almost
constantly filled.
One of the first things Father Joseph did as pastor was
to take up a complete census of the parish. 740 families with 3800 souls
were reported. He then undertook many improvements, notably the frescoing of
the church at a cost of $1,200 and the erection of new Stations. He also had
the interior of the school painted for $485.00. In the spring of 1892,
Father Joseph purchased the ground for the cemetery. Hitherto the parish had
buried its dead in St. Mary's Cemetery, Forty-sixth Street, but as space was
becoming scarce and the price of lots correspondingly high, the pastor
obtained the Bishop's permission to acquire thirteen and one sixth acres in
Shaler Township as burial ground for St. Augustine's Parish. The price was
$290.00 per acre. After laying out .the roads and planning the lots, the
pastor had an iron fence erected at the cost of $583.63. On August 26, 1892,
a massive iron cross with gold-plated corpus was erected for $491.00, the
gift of Mrs. Mary Regina Frauenheim.(5)
The spirit of demonstration in behalf of the
faith—typical of those days—was clearly in evidence on September 18, 1892,
when the cemetery was solemnly dedicated. To the observer of this distant
day, the great parade that marked the occasion might be suggestive of a
great army going out for conquest. Fully aware that the parish would turn
out en masse, and distrusting the safety of the Forty-third Street bridge,
the pastor warned the people from the altar not to walk in step while
crossing the bridge so as to prevent its rocking. Reading the chronicle of
Father Hyacinth, we can readily understand the reasonableness of the
warning. He says: "The ceremony was imposing. Amid the music of bands,
eighty horsemen, one hundred and sixty carriages and more than three
thousand people came in procession to the cemetery to witness the blessing
of their last resting-place and to pray for the grace of a happy death."(6)
Father Hyacinth, delegated by the Bishop, blessed the cemetery and Father
Joseph Anthony delivered the sermon. The latter also started the pious
custom still in vogue, of a parish visit to the cemetery for an All Souls'
devotion in the early part of November.
Since there had been no mission in the parish for eleven
years, the pastor invited the Jesuits—Father Peter Schnitzler, Francis X.
Neubrand and Louis Buchholz—to conduct a mission from January 29-February
12, 1893.(7)
Towards the end of 1893, our country passed through the
great depression of the "nineties" which meant difficult days for the
parish. The church's debt was still $45,136.63, and the pastor saw no
prospects of reducing it according to his hopes. Indeed, there was question
as to whether the parish would be able to meet its ordinary obligations.
Convinced that among the parishioners there were some whose financial
outlook was quite favorable, he made an earnest appeal to them to do more
than their share in this present crisis.
But Father Joseph did not rest with appealing in behalf
of the church. In true Franciscan spirit he urged the parish as a unit to
take up the cause of the poor. For this reason he started the St.
Augustine's Benevolent Society which organized as follows: President, Father
Joseph; Vice-President, Mr. William Eichenlaub; Treasurer, Mr. A. Reiman;
Secretary, Mr. Peter Ritter. Other active members were: Wm. Helbling, Caspar
Boberg, Ferd. Voelker, Titus Berger, Peter Halli, Louis Krekeler, Robert
Fey, Joseph Bienemann, John Fink, Peter Kerner and Martin Hager.
As in apostolic times, the parish was divided into
districts, each district having its responsible captain. These captains
studied the needs of their districts, making sure that the cases were
deserving, collected alms in money, food and clothing and de-
(5) Total cost of cemetery was $3,788.00 exclusive of lawyer's fee of
$124.31. Expenses on dedication day were $95.85.
Account Book of Cemetery.
(6) Hyacinth Epp, MS., II Abschnitt, pp. 99, 100.
(7) On Fathers Schnitzler, Neubrand and Buchholz, cf. Enzlberger, op. at, p.
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First St. Augustine Parish School, 1861
used for temporary church (First Mass celebrated here February
2, 1862
School Enlarged and used till 1889
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livered them at the rectory. Every Wednesday from two till
six o'clock, the rectory was open to receive articles of every description
for the needy. Once a week the committee met with the pastor and reports
were made as to the work done and the work to be done. During the winter
months of 1893 and 1894, more than sixty families of the parish received
support. Noted among the disbursements are: 775 bushels of coal, 70 sacks of
flour, 46 bushels of potatoes and similar portions of substantial food,
besides plenty of clothing. In this way the society brought immediate and
substantial relief to the needy families of the parish.(8)
At the time it was intended that the St. Augustine's
Benevolent Society be absorbed by the St. Vincent de Paul's Society, but it
seems that the organization disbanded with the betterment of working
conditions. Generosity to the poor meant also generosity to the church for
Miss Clementine Frauenheim who, in this period, donated a sanctuary lamp
valued at $500.00.
Father Joseph Anthony completed his term as pastor in
August, 1894. His successor was Father Herman Joseph Peters, O.M.Cap. Born
in Breberen in the Rhineland on October 5, 1850, he entered the Carmelite
Order and was ordained on December 8, 1873, at Zenderen, Holland. In 1877,
he came to the United States and was stationed at Holy Trinity Church,
Pittsburgh, till 1882, when he obtained Papal permission to transfer to the
Capuchin Order.(9) Previous to his appointment to St. Augustine's, he had
been active in Pittsburgh, Cumberland, Peoria, Wheeling and Dover.
On assuming office Father Herman found the church debt
to be $43,479.92. With energy becoming his great physical powers he
determined to reduce that debt. A tea party in 1895 cleared $2,710.99;
another in 1896 netted $4,501.94, while various picnics enriched the
treasury by several thousands. In 1897, he started a house collection and
although unable to complete it before the expiration of his term, succeeded
in collecting $2,700,19. When he retired from office after three years, he
had the satisfaction of knowing that he paid off $15,219.73, leaving the
parish debt at $28,260.19. Among the interesting expense items of 1895 is
the donation of $55.20 for the Apostolic Delegation in Washington, D.C.
Desirous of fostering Capuchin devotions, Father Herman
arranged for a triduum from February 1-3, 1895, to commemorate the
beatification of Blessed Didacus Cadix. Three different preachers were
engaged for the occasion, Father Anthony Joseph Zielenbach, C.S.Sp., Father
Christopher Schiesl, C.P., and Father Patrick Leinsle, O.M.Cap.(10) The
triduum was well attended and twelve hundred communions were distributed on
the three days. On May 30, 1897, the Third Order fraternity commemorated the
silver jubilee of Pope Leo XIII as a tertiary of St. Francis. A solemn Mass
was celebrated and the tertiaries took up a collection amounting to $362.00
which they sent to the Holy Father.
Another gesture indicative of devotion to the Papacy in
those days was the protest of all Catholic societies against the unjust
spoliation of the Holy See by the Italian Government. In 1895, it was
twenty-five years since this injustice had been committed, and by order of
Bishop Phelan all Catholic societies were asked to sign a protest.
Accordingly, after the Mass on September 22, the presidents and secretaries
of all the societies in St. Augustine's met at the rectory and signed the
official protest.(11)
(8) St. Aug., Jan., 1927, pp. 13, 17, 95. Announcement Book, Dec., 1893.
(9) Hyacinth Epp, MS., I Teil, p. 84.
(10) Rev. Anthony J. Zielenbach, C.S.Sp., was born on Jan. 28, 1855 at
Wendershagen, Prussia. Ordained on Oct. 27, 1878. Came to the United States
on Oct. 8, 1879 and was connected with Holy Ghost College, now Duquesne
University. Rev. Christopher Schiesl, C.P., was born on Dec. 20, 1848, at
Buffalo. Joined the Passionists on July 5, 1872. Ordained Sept. 8. 1878.
Curate at St. Michael's, Southside and other places. Died at Dunkirk, N.Y.,
on Aug. 29, 1913. Rev. Patrick Leinsle was born on May 6, 1856. at
Ober-Kammlach, Bavaria. Came to the United States on Aug. 4, 1875. Ordained
on May 20, 1880 at Pittsburgh. Labored as curate at St. Augustine's,
Pittsburgh, at Dover, O., and Hays, Kans. Died at Hays on Sept. 26, 1912.
Enziberger, op. cit., pp. 237, 239.
(11) Announcement Book, Sept. 22, 1895. St. Aug., Sept., 1927, p. 183
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Undoubtedly, it was just such and similar
reminders coming constantly from the Catholics of Italy and periodically
from those of the outside world that bore ultimate fruit in the Lateran
Treaty of 1929.
After three years of untiring service to the parish
Father Herman Joseph was transferred to the pastorate of St. Joseph's,
Dover, Ohio. Later he spent some years as pastor m Wheeling and in Munjor,
Kansas, where he died on June 9, 1911.
Father Peter Kemper, O.M.Cap., was the next pastor of
St. Augustine's, assuming office in August, 1897. He was born in Clearfield,
Pa., on December 7, 1862, and was ordained priest on August 25, 1889. Before
his appointment to St. Augustine's, he had spent fruitful years in the
parishes of Cumberland, Wheeling, and Dover. His pastorate lasted but one
year during which time he reduced the parish debt by $1,189.86. The debt
reduction is all the more remarkable, since in addition thereto Father Peter
acquired the property of the present Sisters' convent at a cost of
$4,829.50. A new convent was indeed badly needed, for the Sisters, using the
top floor of the hall (present Casino) as dormitory, were constantly
disturbed by the celebrations in the hall below. With unanimous approval
Father Peter began the erection of the convent and during his brief term of
office saw the laying of the corner stone on May 15, 1898. The Most Rev.
Richard Phelan officiated at the ceremony. Father Didacus Rottlaender,
O.M.Cap., preached in German and Father John T. Murphy, C.S.Sp., in
The following priests sang their first solemn Masses in
1898: Father Augustine Noelle, O.M.Cap., on June 19; Father Bon-aventure
Becker, O.M.Cap., on June 26. Father Felix M. Lex, O.M.Cap., preached for
Father Augustine, and Father Joseph Anthony Ziegelmayer, O.M.Cap., for
Father Bonaventure.
Father Charles Speckert, O.M.Cap., succeeded Father
Peter. Born at Langenbruecken, Baden, Germany, he entered the Capuchin
Order in May, 1880, and was ordained priest on December 20, 1884. About 1887
he came to America and labored in the Capuchin parishes of Peoria, Wheeling,
Herman, Cumberland and Pittsburgh. The five years of his pastorate at St.
Augustine's were crowded with apostolic activity and significant
celebrations. On December 18, 1898, the Sisters' convent, begun by Father
Peter, was dedicated. A plain, substantial building, the convent has a neat
chapel and rooms for twenty Sisters. Including the price of the ground, the
cost was $20,530.08.
With the Sisters housed in their spacious convent, the
upper floor of the hall which they had occupied as dormitory, reverted to
the parish for purposes of entertainment. For a few years, however, part of
this hall was used for a kindergarten. In 1900, the pastor had both the hall
and the school painted for the sum of $443.00. Two drinking fountains were
also installed in the school. The month of August, 1898, brought to a close
a very successful tea party and contest that netted $11,817.10. In 1898,
Miss Rose Frauenheim donated $400.00 for an artistic crib purchased in
The years 1899 and 1900 witnessed many celebrations
significant of spiritual progress. On April 3, 1899, solemn Mass was offered
to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the coming of the Capuchin
Fathers to St. Augustine's. A large crowd attended and joined in the
grateful Te Deum following the benediction. Father Joseph Anthony,
Provincial, preached the commemorative ser-
(12) Rev. Didacus Rottlaender was born on Oct. 11, 1837, at Roesrath,
Prussia. Served in the Prussian Army and took part in the war against
Denmark in 1864. Came to the United States on Sept. 8, 1875. Solemn
profession as Capuchin on Aug. 31, 1878. Ordained May 20. 1883. Labored in
Wheeling, Cumberland and Pittsburgh where he died on Feb. 27. 1900, while
hearing the confession of a sick man. Enzlberger, op. cit., p. 315. MS.,
Annales, Parish archives. Rev. John T. Murphy, C.S.Sp., was at this time
President of Holy Ghost College. He enjoyed a high reputation as an orator.
Later stationed at the Apostolic College of his congregation at Cornwells,
Pa. Nominated Bishop of Port Louis of the island of Mauritius on July 8.
1916. Died April 16, 1926. Cf. Acta Ap. Sedis, Rome, vol. VIII, 1916, pp.
321, 475, and vol. XVIII, 1926, p. 248.
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mon. In the evening both priests and parishioners gathered in the hall to
exchange greetings and well-wishing for the years to come. Among the guests
was the first pastor, Father Hyacinth Epp, O.M.Cap.
The month of May, 1900, marked the silver jubilee of
the establishment of the Ladies' Sodality. On May 6, the members assembled
in the hall and marched to the church for the Mass of thanksgiving. On the
following day there was a solemn requiem for the deceased members. A banquet
and entertainment in the hall on May 8, concluded the festivities.
About this time the following sons of the parish
returned to sing their first solemn Masses: Father Bernard Nickel, O.M.Cap.,
on June 25, 1899; Father Edward Heyl, O.M.Cap., on June 24, 1900; Father
Francis X. Vogel, O.M.Cap., on July 1. The preachers on these three
occasions were, Fathers: Agatho Rolf, O.M.Cap., Charles Speckert, O.M.Cap.,
and Augustine Noelle, O.M.Cap.
These were days of holy joy both for the Fathers and
for the members of the parish, for they were eloquent proofs of deep
spiritual growth. These priests, too, were the last to confer such
distinction upon the old church. For by this time the old period in the
parish history was passing and a new was dawning. A new church—whose sudden
rise and haunting beauty the pioneers of forty years before had never
dreamed— was under construction. To the new church we must now give
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