of the
Dedication of Most Holy Name Church
Troy Hill
North Side - Pittsburgh
1868 1928
Sixtieth Anniversary Celebration
Sixtieth Anniversary Celebration
Rev. Edwin P. Fussenegger, Chairman
Rev. Alphonse G. Mihm, Secretary
Rev. Godfrey Pfeil, Treasurer
Mr. William Best
Mr. Patrick Graham
Mr. Edward Heid
Mr. Adolph Hepp
Mr. George Hubert
Mr. August John
Mr. Peter Melcher
Mr. Aloysius L. Ober
Mr. John J. Schmidt
Mr. Henry E. Simon
Mr. Joseph W. Snyder
Mr. Edward H. Wittig
Sixtieth Anniversary Celebration
Sunday - July 3, 1928
The Rt. Rev. Hugh C. Boyle, Bishop of Pittsburgh, Celebrant
The Rev. Godfrey Pheil Arch-Priest
The Rev. Joseph Meyer Deacons of Honor
The Rev. Leo Meyer Deacons of Honor
The Rev. Edwin P. Fussenegger Deacon
The Rev. Alphonse G. Mihm Sub-Deacon
The Rev. John Greiner Master of Ceremonies
The Rev. Paul Wiesmann Assistant Master of Ceremonies
Sermon by the Rev. Hubert Ostermann, O.M.C.
The Rt. Rev. Aurelius Stehle, O.S.B., Archabbot of Saint Vincent’s Celebrant
Speakers - The Rt. Reverend Aurelius Stehle, O.S.B.; the Hon. Charles H. Kline, Mayor of
Pittsburgh; the Rev. Godfrey Pfeil, Pastor; Mr. Adolph Hepp Rendition by the Saint Cecilia
MONDAY - July 9, 1928
9:00 A. M. Solemn High Mass for the members of the parish and benefactors. The Rev.
William Reith, Celebrant
1:30 P. M. Entertainment for the school children in the auditorium
8:00 P. M. Card Party, under the auspices of the Frauenbund and Young Ladies’ Sodality.
TUESDAY - July 10, 1928
9:00 A. M. Solemn Requiem High Mass in the Saint Anthony Chapel for all deceased
parishioners and benefactors. The Rev. John Imhof, Celebrant
7:30 P. M. Solemn Services in the Chapel. Sermon by the Rev. Hubert Ostermann,
Patrons of the Sixtieth Anniversary Celebration
Confraternity of Christian Mothers
Frauenbund - Catholic Women’s Union
Holy Name Society
Knights of Saint George, Branch 39
Ladies’ Catholic Benevolent Association, Branch 105
Most Holy Name Beneficial Society
Saint Anthony Lyceum
Most Holy Name Dramatic Club
Saint Cecilia Choir
Saint John Berchmans Acolyte Society
Young Ladies’ Sodality
Pupils of Most Holy Name School
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Abmayr
Mr. William and Miss Margaret Abmayr
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Alberth
Mr. Richard Alberth
Misses Anna and Mary Ambrein
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Andres
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Andres
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Auth
Mr. and Mrs. J. Babilon
Mr. and Mrs. Wm E. Bachman
Miss Anna Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balock
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Baur
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. M. Baur
Mrs. Margaret Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond N. Baum
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bauman
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Baur
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Beck
Mrs. Mary Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bedek
Mr. John Benedick
Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Berg
Mr. Frank J. Berner
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Berner
Miss Marie and Mr. Regis Berner
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Best
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Bickert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Biendl
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blume
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boch
Mr. and Mrs. Hedwig Bogaski
Mr. William F. Boglitsch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boglitz
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bolster
Mrs. and Mrs. George Border
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brehm
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Breinig
Mrs. Anna Brennfleck
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brennfleck
Mr. and Mrs. John Brennfleck
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bruecken
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Brueckner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brueckner
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buechele
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burk
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr
Mrs. Rose Cherpryak
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Chraska
Mr. and Mrs. John Christ, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Clady
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins
Mr. C. P. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Craft
Mrs. Josephine Dall’ Olivo
Miss Mary E. Defino
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Degenhardt
Mr. and Mrs. John Deuerling
Mr. William H. Deuerling
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dezort
Mr. and Mrs. John Didia
Mr. Louis Diener
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Diettinger
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Doerfler
Miss Lena Dorsch
Miss Mary and Mr. John Dorsch
Mr. and Mrs. William Doyle
Mrs. Mary T. Dryer
Mr. George J. Dumrauf
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ehlinger
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ehrhart
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eichler
Mr. and Mrs. John Elm, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elm
Mr. John H. Engelbach
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Enz
Mr. George Falsey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Feist
Mrs. Minnie Feist
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fichter
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fleck
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Flick
Mrs. Katherine Fortun
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Franz
Mr. John Freinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freisel
Mrs. Christina Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frisch
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frochly
Mr. and Mrs. John Frolnapfel
Mr. Oscar Frohnapfel
Mr. Albert Fuchs
Mr. Charles Fussenegger
Rev. Edwin P. Fussenegger
Miss Elfreda Fussenegger
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ganz
Mr. Joseph C. Gartner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gassner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gebhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gebhardt
Mrs. Catherine Gehrein and Daughter
Miss Julia Gehringer
Mr. Victor Geibel
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Geiger
Mr. Otto and Mrs. Mary Gerstbrein
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gerstner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Geyer
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gigler
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gmuer
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goettman
Miss Rose M. Goettman
Mr. Albert A. Goetz
Mrs. Apollonia Goetz
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Good
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Braham
Mr. Francis and Miss Loretta Guehl
Mr. and Mrs. John Guehl
Miss Rosalia Guehl
Mr. George Haas
Mr. and Mrs. John Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haas
Mrs. Mary A. Haas
Mr. Albert J. Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Harsch
Mr. Joe and Mrs. Johanna Hartle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob P. Hartung
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heid
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Heid
Mrs. Maria Heid
Misses Mary and Eda Heid
Mr. Emil Heidenreich, Sr.
Mrs. Minnie Heil
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heiles
Misses Elizabeth and Bernetta Heiles
Mr. John C. Hein
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Helbling
Mr. Wm. J. and Mrs. Margaret Hemke
Mr. William Hennigan
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hepp
Miss Cecilia M. Hepp
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hepp
Joseph A. Hepp, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John Heurich
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hackle
Miss Anna C. Hackle
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hildenbrand
Mr. Leo and Miss Margaret Hildenbrand
Mrs. Mary Smith Hildenbrand
Mrs. Mary Hock
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoff
Mr. John J. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hohman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hohman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hohman
Mr. Jos. and Mrs. Rose Hohman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hohman
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin E. Holand
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Horn
Mrs. Otillia Horn
Mr. John Hosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hosenfeld
Mr. Walter and Isabel Hosenfeld
Mrs. Emilie Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hubert
Mr. and Mrs. George Hubert
Mr. and Mrs. George Hubert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hubert
Mr. Leo A. Huckestein
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Huckestein
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Huebster
Miss Marie Huetter
Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Hunkele
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hunkele
Mr. and Mrs. John Imhof
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Imhof
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Jacob
Mr. and Mrs. Casper W. Jockel
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Jockel
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jockel
Mr. and Mrs. August John
Miss Dorothy T. John
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Joos
Mr. and Mrs. George Kabel
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kablach
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kain
Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Kaintz
Miss Elizabeth Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Katelan
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph P. Kaule
Mr. and Mrs. John Kirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ketterer
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus N. Ketterer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kinzel
Misses Carrie and Henrietta Karen
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Klingmann
Mr. Charles Klorer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klug
Mr. and Mrs. George Knoth
Mr. and Mrs. John Kocar
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kocar
Miss Helen and Mr. Karl C. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Koch
Mr. Lawrence and Mr. George Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kozar
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kozar
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kramm
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krenn
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kreutzer
Mrs. John L. Krome
Mr. and Mrs. Fridolin Kunz
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kunz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kunzmann
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lacher
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lahr
Miss Anna and Mr. Henry Lang
Mrs. Jos. F. and Mrs. Cecilia Lang
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Lang
Mr. and Mrs. John Lang
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lathrope
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. B. Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lauer
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Leinendecker
Mr. and Mrs. John Leister
Mrs. Rose Lenz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Ley
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lieb
Mrs. Ida Link
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Linkenheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linkenheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Lober
Mr. John Loch
Mr. Peter Loch
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Loeffler
Mr. and Mrs. C. Joseph Lofink
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lunz
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lunz
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Lunz
Miss Mary A. Luna
Mrs. K. Lunz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lutty
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Lutty
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. D. Lyons
Mrs. Anna Mages
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mages
Miss Mahard
Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Malich
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mang
Mr. and Mrs. Marak
Mr. and Mrs. George Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonnel
Mr. and Mrs. George McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Melcher
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Melcher
Mr. Charles Merkle
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mertz
Miss Clara A. Meyer
Mr. James Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meyer
Mr. Christ Michels
Rev. Alphonse G. Mihm
Mrs. Cecilia Mihm
Mrs. Anna Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller
Mr. and Mrs. O. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mittelmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moeller
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moller
Mr. and Mrs. John Mosler
Misses Ella and Stella Mott
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moul
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Muenz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mukitsch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mura
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Naab
National Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. John Neckar
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Nickel
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nist
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nist
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Nist
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nist
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ober
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Oberst
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Oberst
Mr. Valentine Oberst, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Valentine P. Oberst, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ochsenhirt
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oldham
Mr. E. Oswald
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Pabst
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Padden
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Papencordt
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius A. Pappert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Pappert
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pasziernyck
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepperncy
Mr. and Mrs. I. Persohn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Petanovits
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Petry
Mr. and Mrs. G. Pfeifer
Rev. Godfrey Pfeil
Mr. and Mrs. L. Pickel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Plantz
Mr. C. J. Plantz
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Plantz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poslik
Dr. John Priestess
Mrs. Augusta Prince
Mr. Michael W. Puharic
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raab
Mr. and Mrs. Rochus Rapp
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Reber
Miss Alma Rebholz
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rebholz
Mrs. Sophia Reiber
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Reiners
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reith
Mr. and Mrs. George Reith
Miss Johanna Reith
Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Riegelmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ritter
Mrs. Barbara Roos
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Roos
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roos
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Roos
Mrs. Joseph Roos
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Max Ruf
Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Schabel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schad, Sr.
Mrs. Catherine Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. William Schaupp
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scheffler
Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Schell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schieck
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schild
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Schild, Jr.
Mrs. Minnie Schillick
Misses Kathryn and Anna Schlachter
Mrs. Mary Schlachter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schlereth
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schlereth
Mrs. Mary T. Schlereth
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schlereth
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schloesslein
Mrs. Christina Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schmidt
Mr. John W. Schmidt
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Carolina Schmidt
Mr. Leo and Miss Pauline Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer M. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. L. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schmittlein
Mr. and Mrs. Pancratius Schmittlein
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Schneider
Mr. Joseph A. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. J. Schoeppner
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schratz
Mr. and Mrs. Justus Schroedel
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Schroeffel
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Schroeffel
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeffel
Mr. John A. Schroeffel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schuessler
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Schwartz
Mr. Clemens Schweiger
Mr. and Mrs. Fidel Schweiger
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Schweiger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schweiger
Mr. Otto Schweiger
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seidenstricker
Mr. and Mrs. George Seubert
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sheeby
Mr. and Mrs. George Siefert
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sikovsek
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. John Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simon
Mrs. Margaret Simon
Mrs. Susan Simon
Mrs. Gertrude Sirlin
Mr. and Mrs. William Sirlin
Sisters de Notre Dame
Sisters of the Good Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith
Mrs. Elizabeth Kelsch Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Snyder
Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder
Miss Helen Snyder
Mr. Henry Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Snyder
Miss Margaret Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder
Miss Rose Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Spilecki
Mrs. Agatha Sporrer
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Stehle
Miss Elizabeth Steinbrunner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steinbrunner
Mrs. Christina Steinle
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Steinmetz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steinmetz
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinmiller
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephen
Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Mary Stern
Mrs. Catherine and Robert Jr. Straka
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Straub
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Sturm
Mr. and Mrs. George Sukits
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sukits
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tauber
In memory of Joseph and Rose Thoma
Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Thoms
Mr. Jackson Toogood
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Traub
Mrs. Antonia Tremel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Tremel
Mr. and Mrs. John Urbanek
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Vielibeck
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogrin, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Volk
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vorndran
Mrs. and Catherine Wakelin
Mr. J. E. Wakelin
Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Walter
Mrs. Margaret Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Severin Wegerich
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Wehrle
Mrs. Barbara Weidner
Mrs. Catherine Weidner
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Weidner
Mr. Harry Weidner
Mr. J. A. Weidner
Mr. and Mrs. John Weidner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weidner, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Weidner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weidner
Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Anna Weidner
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Weidner
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Weier
Mr. and Mrs. M. Weiberer
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Weitershausen
Mr. John Adam Weitz
Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph Weitz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wendel
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Werth
Mr. James Wettach
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiegand, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiegand
Mrs. Anna N. Wiesmann
Misses Colette and Mildred Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Windisch
Miss Mary Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Witsch
Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Wittig
Mrs. Mary M. Wochner
Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius Wohleber
Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Wohleber
Mr. John R. and Mary Anna Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Woolley
Workingmans Savings Bank & Trust Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wunderlin
Mrs. Mary and Miss Loretta Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Zang
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zentgraf
Mr. and Mrs. William Zentgraf
Mr. Emil N. Ziegler, Jr.
Mrs. Teresa Ziegler
Mr. Albert Zimmerman
Misses Louise and Margaret Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Zinkand
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zoelle
Mr. Marzellus Zoelle
Mr. and Mrs. S. Zrim
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The Cover Design
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The Cover Design
The embossed design on the cover of this Souvenir Book is not without artistic merit and appropriate significance. The lettering and symbols are executed to represent the fundamental ideas in the organization of Most Holy Name Church. The central monogram gives prominent emphasis to the tutelage of the church. I H S of the Greek alphabet are the first three letters of
the Saviour’s Holy Name under which title our church and congregation have been sacredly dedicated. To its right is a monogram of the blessed name Maria, and to its left are the three letter of the name Joseph: Jesus, Mary and Joseph! "Ubi Jesus, ibi Maria” and the mystics: “Where Jesus is, there also is Mary.” With the Holy Name, then, as the central figure, we must place at the right the sweet name of Jesus’ Mother; and with both these saving names shall we ever forget to link the name of the humble Carpenter who was the foster father of the One and the chaste spouse of the other?
The union of these holy names, however, has another and deeper significance upon the occasion of this Anniversary. The name of Mary is place next to the name of Jesus to render filial homage and respect to Saint Mary Church, the mother congregation; and the name of the Saviour’s Protector is added as a fraternal tribute to Saint Joseph Church, which was founded
simultaneously with our own. (Cf. “the Establishing of the Church of the Most Holy Name” in the Parish History.)
Above the name of Mary is the Coat of Arms of the Supreme Pontiff, and opposite it the escutcheon of our Rt. Revernd Bishop Boyle. The clergy and the people of Most Holy Name Church seek hereby to acknowledge lawfully constituted authority and to proclaim their love, honor, and obedience to the Holy Father and the dear Bishop.
The faithful Catholic, however, is also a faithful patriot. Indeed fidelity to Mother Church engenders faithfulness and loyalty to both City and State, and we emphasize this in the lower circles of our cover design, in which are placed the Great Seal of the United States and the Seal of the City of Pittsburgh. As true Catholics and as true citizens we shall ever herald as our motto of loyalty the cry, “Pro Ecclesia et pro Patria.” “For Our Church and Our Country.”
[Embossed cover]
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A Project of the Allegheny County, PA USGenWeb Archives
Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Braund, Toni Carnahan, Jamie Danker, Margaret DeFazio, Joseph Gartner, Carol Harris, Paul Hepp, Schannon McCloud, Rebecca Miller, Char Miller-Jones, and Pat Stough .
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Allegheny County, PA - USGenWeb Archives