of the

Dedication of Most Holy Name Church

Troy Hill

North Side - Pittsburgh


1868                                             1928


Parish Societies

      The Pastor of a large and prosperous parish is dependent to a great extent upon the assistance extended to him by the various parish organizations.  It is a well-established fact that members of parish societies are foremost in promoting any project in the interest of the parish.


     A parish can exist by itself without the support of societies, but for a complete coordination of the members of a parish and the sustaining of an active spirit, certain societies are necessary.  A parish prospers according to the number of its societies and their activities.  In their own life, activity, and sociability, societies reflect the spirit of the parish, and to an extent serve as means to an end in promoting the spiritual welfare of souls.  The coordination of several societies in a harmonious plan of educational, recreational, social, charitable, religious and spiritual activities, all under the direction of the Pastor and Assistants, reaches immeasurably far in the accomplishments of the primary purpose of the church, which is to bring God into the hearts of men.


     There must be as many societies in a parish as there are particular needs to be supplied, or special objects to be accomplished or ends attained.  In their relative positions, all societies are equally important.  A society that encourages the weakest member in a parish is as important as the one that instructs, entertains, or uplifts the multitude.  Social life is as necessary as spiritual existence, and each society in its sphere is a part of the great chain which links the parish into one.  Neither are two societies exactly alike, for unless their objects and purposes be different, no valid reason could be assigned for their separate existence.  The members of each society must harmonize for the attainment of their specific purposes, and all societies must cooperate one with another for the furtherance of the common good, without trespassing upon the rights of another.


     In this regard, the Clergy of Most Holy Name Church consider their parish most fortunate.  Their societies, existing in sufficient numbers to meet the various parish needs, both spiritual and temporal, or social, are a real factor in promoting parish welfare.  Their activities harmonize and blend to create a healthy spirit, and this stabilizes the parish.  It makes it firm and loyal, constituting one great organization that is alive with the spirit of the Church.  That these societies may continue to accomplish the good for which they have been singly organized, and ever flourish under wise direction and counsel, may well be our prayer on this Jubilee Day.  In the following chapters we will give an outlines of each society’s work.


The Altar Society

 “I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of Thy house; and the place where They glory dwelleth” - Psalm 25, 8.


     This society was organized in April, 1922, by the late Father Mueller.  As the name implies, its object is the proper maintenance of the Altar and whatever pertains to it.  Decorations, mending vestments, making new vestments, sewing cassocks and surplices for the Altar boys, making the cloths and linens required for divine service, etc., etc., come within the scope of the members’ activities; and with an unqualified statement we may say that this society is one of the most valuable of the parish.


     There are two classes of membership: contributing and active members.  The former, consisting of both ladies and gentlemen, pay an annual fee of one dollar for which materials and supplies are purchased.  The active members are the ladies who lend their services in sewing, mending, or in whatever capacity they may be required.  The School Sisters receive the dies from the members and direct all the activities of the



 society, and merit great credit for the sacrifice of their own time and energy.  The spiritual benefits of membership are a yearly High Mass for all members and a Requiem High Mass after the death of a member.  The following active members must be especially commended for coming faithfully every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons to sew: Mrs. Margaret Bauer, Mrs. Cecilia Bruccken, Mrs. Cokar, Miss Rosella Guehl, Mrs. Emma Schmidt, Mrs. Mary Simon, Miss Lena Snyder, Miss Marcella Snyder, and Mrs. E. Wittig.


The League of the Sacred Heart

“Thy Kingdom Come”

      The pious Association of the Apostleship of Prayer in League with the Sacred Heart of Jesus is so universally known that an attempt to describe its purpose or to explain its three degrees would be utterly useless.  Suffice it to say, that the local branch was canonically erected November 22, 1908, and at present counts about three hundred associates.  These pay twenty-five cents a year, which is used chiefly for the application of Holy Masses.  A High Mass is offered on the first Friday of each month, according to the intentions of the members.  The following have been serving as Promoters:

          Mr. Edward Wittig

          Mrs. Joseph Walter

          Miss Mary Heid

          Miss Teresa Leister

          Miss Catherine Lutty

          Miss Martha Paul

          Miss Magdalen Rebholz

          Miss Mary Reith

          Miss Delphine Roos

          Miss Mary Roos

          Miss Catherine Wakelin


The Poor Souls Society

“Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least you, my friends, because the hand of the Lord hath touched me.” - Job 19, 21.


     To respond to this touching appeal is the purpose of the Pour Souls Society.  The members strive to aid the Suffering Souls by their prayers and good works, and chiefly by the application of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  Each member pays an annual assessment of fifty cents, which is devoted to Mass purposes, and at the death of a member a Requiem High Mass is offered for the repose of that particular soul.


     The Society’s Collectors are: Mrs. Catherine Ehrhardt, Miss Mary Enz, Mrs. Apolonia Goetz, Mrs. Catherien Lunz, Miss Pauline Schmidt, Miss Catherine Wakelin.


     May these faithful workers and all contributors of the society be rewarded with the supplications of the souls into whose sufferings they have brought solace and alleviation.



The Rosary Confraternity

“Ave Maria Gratia Plena”

      This society was canonically erected during the pastorship of Father Mollinger.  It is a unit of the pious association which was founded by Saint Dominic in the thirteenth century.  The members, numbering about two hundred, pledge themselves to honor the Blessed Mother of God by the continuous recitation of the Rosary.  Any person twelve years of age or over may become a member and participate in the general spiritual benefits of the association and the particular benefits of the local unit.  The latter consists chiefly in the Holy Masses offered for the members and a Requiem High Mass after death.  A concession of numerous indulgences has been granted to the Confraternity and are applicable to the souls in Purgatory.  The yearly dues are sixty cents and are paid to the School Sisters.  The Sisters also attend to the distribution of the monthly leaflets.


The Holy Name Society

“Fair, Flowery Name! in none but Thee

And Thy nectareal fragrancy

Hourly there meets

A universal synod of all sweets “

                                                                               - R. Crawshaw


     The story of the Holy Name Society is so well known as to need no recapitulation here.  It goes back into history more than 650 years to September 29, 1274, when Pope Gregory XI, in answer to the challenge of the Albigensian heresy to all authority, both civil and religious, called upon all Christian men to rally round the banner of the Holy Name of Jesus, for God and State.


     Since that time, the Holy Name Society has ever been a force for good in the world, proving a formidable barrier against the ravages of irreligion and immorality.  Its two ideals - cleanness of speech and monthly reception of the Sacraments - make it the rallying point of all real men, and its single-mindedness of purpose keeps it ever true and faithful to all that is good in Catholicism.


     In our own parish, the Holy Name Society has ever done wonderful work.  True to its purpose, it has instilled into the hearts of old and young alike a respect for the Holy Name and a love of the Sacraments.  The Holy Name Society of Most Holy Name Church was organized at the conclusion of the Mission, on October 21st, 1917.  The society prospered as well as most societies in the diocese, the men still clinging to the custom of going to the Sacraments only a very few times a year.  The seed was sown, however, and it needed only a little impetus.  This was given when the Right Reverend Bishop Hugh C. Boyle assumed leadership, and backed up the Diocesan Director, the Reverend James M. Delaney, in his campaign of monthly Communion for all Holy Name men.  The program of attack was definite; the monthly reception of the Sacraments was made the point of focus, and men were made to realize that in all things which pertained to the Blessed Sacrament, they were to lead the way.  The response to this invitation was quick and whole-hearted, and there

came reports of hundreds of men receiving the Heart of Jesus into their hearts every month.  Our branch felt this quickening, and not being satisfied with being classed as good, is carrying on to dizzy heights.


     In our parish, every man is enrolled in the society, and every boy is put on the mailing list as soon as he comes out of grade school.  Each month of the year, the school boys deliver to the home of every man a little card, bringing a message and an invitation to lay aside, for a few hours, the world and its attractions and allurements, and to sojourn in Holy Communion with Jesus.  On



special occasions, and at least once a year, a letter is sent from the Spiritual Director.  There are no dues, the financial end being taken care of by a voluntary and anonymous contribution, taken up once a year.  Meetings, other than that at the Communion rail each second Sunday of the month, form no part of the society, and to faithful members at their demise there is given the honor of public recitation of the Rosary at their homes, and the additional solace of two Requiem High Masses and fifteen Low Masses for the repose of their souls.


     But the success of the society, - which during the year 1927, averaged over 350 men at the Communion rail each second Sunday, - may be attributed principally to the efforts of the men themselves.  More and more are the men beginning to realize that the society is their affair, theirs to work at, theirs to benefit by, and theirs to spread.  The parish is divided into twenty-five districts, and at the head of each district there are two chairmen, whose particular work it is to approach those men who are a bit backward in joining the society at Communion.  This personal contact has spelled the success of the society, and it is this whole-hearted interest that will sustain it in its great work of sanctification among the men, which, after all, is its chief purpose.


     The high spot of the Holy Name Society was reached when, during a three day Retreat held during March, 1928, the men of the parish approached the rail and received Holy Communion 1,564 tomes, a wonderful average of over 500 a day.  Much as we would desire to do so, space forbids us to lost all the District Chairmen, to whom, in great part, goes the credit for this wonderful work, work which will assure not only their eternal salvation, but that of every man who remains true to the ideals of the society, especially in its object of making every Holy Name man of Most Holy Name Parish a regular Monthly Communicant.


The officers of the Holy Name Society for the year 1928 are the following:

          The Reverend Alphonse G. Mihm, Spiritual Director

          Mr. Adolph Hepp, President.

          Mr. Edward Heid, Vice-President

          Mr. H. Edward Wittig, Treasurer

          Mr. Patrick Graham, Secretary


The Christian Mothers’ Confraternity

  “The mother, in her office, holds the key

Of the soul; and she it is who stamps the coin

Of character, and makes the being who would be a savage,

But for her gentle cares, a Christian man.”

                                                                                               - An Old Play


     The influence wielded by the Christian mother in the home is, beyond question, of the greatest importance.  The home is the sanctuary of the family life; it is the foundation of all human society.  If the family life were all that could be desired, we would never need fear for the future of the Church in America nor for the safety of our beloved country.  It is, therefore, of paramount importance that the home life in the parish should be safeguarded, and this duty and responsibility devolve to a great extent upon the mother.  One of the greatest evils of the day is the utter disregard for the sanctity of the home.  On all sides it is attacked and threatened.  The Christian mother must be a woman who patterns her life after the great model, our Blessed Mother, the patroness of the Christian wife and mother.


     Recognizing the necessity of uniting the Catholic mothers in the parish for the purpose of mutual edification and encouragement in the proper discharge of their duties, a branch of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers, commonly known as the Women’s Conference, was established at a very early stage in the existence of the parish.  The members meet once a month to receive special instructions and exhortations from their spiritual guide, so that they may per-



form more efficaciously their duties in regard to their respective families.  The meeting day is the fourth Sunday of each month, which is known as the day of the Conference.  In the morning the members assemble to receive Holy Communion, and in the afternoon they meet for the instruction.  Members pay annual dues of sixty cents, for which Masses are said for the living and  deceased of the Confraternity.  The congregation is indebted to this society for a number of handsome donations.


The officers are:

          The Reverend Godfrey Pfeil, Spiritual Advisor and Treasurer

          Mrs. Scholastica Walter, President

          Mrs. Emilia Huber, Vice-President

          Mrs. Catherine Ehrhardt, Secretary.


Collectors: Mrs. Caroline Debes, Mrs. Catherine Ehrhardt, Mrs. Salome Elm, Mrs. Apolonia Goetz, Mrs. Mary McDonald, Mrs. Gertrude Sirlin, Mrs. Mary Viehbeck, Mrs. Scholastica Walter.


The Young Ladies’ Sodality

“Earth’s noblest thing, a woman perfected.” - Lowell


     The Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the grandest and most venerable institutions existing within the Catholic Church.  The Holy Virgin has been honored for centuries through this society, and until the end of time will receive from it the love and veneration of devoted children.  Pontiffs and Saints, holy men and women, have been zealous in promoting this time-honored body; and how many uncanonized Saints have attained their eternal salvation through it will be a matter for revelation at the end of time.


     Popes, Bishops, and all who ever had the care of souls were anxious that their spiritual children should be members of this band.  The late beloved Archbishop Canevin was most concerned about it.  Seeking the spiritual well-being of the young women and growing girls of the diocese, he urged vigorously the establishing of the Sodality in all parishes of his jurisdiction; and after his resignation from the Episcopal Office his successor, our Rt. Reverend Bishop Boyle, showed that he was equally convinced of the expediency of his predecessor’s efforts.  He also realized the necessity of a Sodality in every parish and every girl a member of it.  The first official letter from His Lordship was his Pastoral on the Sodalities of the Blessed Virgin.  In this, given on the Feast of All Saints, November 1 ,1921, he wisely indicated the manifold dangers that beset the ways of young women, the many perils that attend them daily.  As the Chief Pastor of the diocese, he could not be blind to the welfare of the young women.  But merely to see a danger avails little:  it is necessary to point

out the manner by which the danger can be best avoided, and Bishop Boyle did this by declaring the Sodality as the means.  Young women go out to meet common dangers, to face the same common enemies, and, therefore, they must be protected and safeguarded by common effort.  “Can we make that effort for them,” asks the Bishop, “in any better fashion than by offering them for their imitation the Virtues of Our Lady, by proposing her vividly to them for their pattern, and so securing them from the dangers with the traditional safeguards of their sex?”


     The Young Ladies’ Sodality wields a powerful influence in raising young womanhood to that degree of Christian nobility and supernatural loveliness for which Christ and His Church has destined the daughters of Eve.  It cultivates in their susceptible hearts those special virtues which are the adornment of the Catholic maiden.  That this influence has not been lost is evident, first, from the large number of young ladies in every parish who have left the world and its vanities and consecrated their young lives to the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Convent; and, secondly, it is seen in the fact that the great majority of those who are good Christian mothers, valuable members of human society in the



married state, were once members of the Young Ladies’ Sodality.


     Our local branch of this world-wide aggregation of young women was organized many years ago and always has been a factor for good, but on April 7, 1926, it was canonically erected as a unit and aggregated to the First Primary Sodality of the Roman College.  This affiliation or union gives it the right to all the spiritual benefits, good works, prayers, indulgences and privileges of the Roman Primary Sodality.  A High Mass is offered for the local members on the Feast of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception and her Assumption, and also on the Feast of Saint Agnes.  During the month of November a Requiem Anniversary Mass is offered for all deceased Sodalists and a particular Mass upon the death of an individual member.


     The Sodality also enjoys many social features.  It has furnished a cozy room for the members; it maintains a select library; has the use of the Lyceum every Thursday evening; and engages itself in numerous activities that sustain the interest of the young ladies and unites them in a wholesome manner.  There are nearly three hundred members enrolled, and of these only a very small percentage cannot be classed as active.  Any girl who is fifteen years of age may become a member.  The meeting dates are the following:  On the first Sunday of each month the members receive Holy Communion during the 7:30 Mass, and assemble again the afternoon for a spiritual conference.  The monthly Communion and attendance at the conference are obligatory upon all members.  The business meeting is held on the second Monday, and the social meeting on the fourth Monday of each month.  Many additional social gatherings are arranged for during the year, according to the seasons and holidays.


The officers of the Sodality are:

     The Reverend Edwin P. Fussenegger, Spiritual Director

     Miss Helen Snyder, President

     Miss Alma Rebholz, Vice-President

     Miss Norma Lofink, Secretary

     Miss Madelen Rebholz, Recorder

     Miss Margaret Snyder, Treasurer


Librarians:  Miss Emma Diettinger, Miss Catherine Moeller.


Home Committee:  Miss Margaret Gigler; Miss Stella Lofink, Miss Gertrude Paul.


The Saint Cecilia Choir

“Cantate Domino . . .”


     For the celebration of High Mass and may other liturgical functions, choir singing is not only an inspiring accompaniment of the divine service, but an integral part of the sacred liturgy.  Sacred song reflects the very spirit of the Church Liturgy—now sad, now joyful, now penitential, now jubilant, now dirgeful, now filled with life, but always devotional.  No wonder, then, that the Church has legislated clearly what may be rendered; no wonder that she has forbidden compositions that are worldy in their spirit. 


     Good singing, of the nature prescribed by the Church, inspires devotion and assists in lifting up the heart and mind to God; but operatic singing, whilst it may please as a concert, does not incite the soul to a prayer.  It may delight the ear, but it does not enkindle the soul.  Church music must be appropriate, dignified, and worshipful.  “To sing is to pray.”  Our churches are not concert halls nor places of worldly amusement, nor theatres of entertainment; they are “the House of God.”  The church choir, therefore, that sets this idea as the measure and standard of is renditions is to be congratulated, for such a choir is modeled after the mind of the Church.


     From the beginning, Most holy name Church had its choir—modest at first, and unpretentious as the little harmonium that sustained the voices.  Father Mollinger



recognized the advantage and importance of good singing, and to encourage it he installed a new organ in less than four years after the church dedication.  The work was completed in 1872, at the cost of $2,063.00, of which $125.00 was a personal donation by the Pastor.  The instrument now in use was built in 1881.  Professor John Vogel, who later took charge of the splendid choir for which old Saint Philomena’s was so justly famous, was one of the early organist, and the erstwhile schoolmaster, Professor John Knollinger, held the position for many years.  He was engaged by Father Mollinger and continued in service under Father Duffner until his death in January, 1902.


     After this, Miss Rose M. Goettman secured the position, and holding it ever since, has rendered invaluable service for the glory of god and the beauty of divine liturgy.  As mistress of the Saint Cecilia Choir, she has been most faithful and efficient in offering excellent Church music, always keeping in mind the requirements of the Church.  The organ’s peal at her skillful touch and the singer’s response to her masterful direction have given solemnity to our church services that is unsurpassed by many.


     With the approval of Father Duffner, Miss Goettman organized the present church choir on July 3, 1903, as a constitutional society and placed it under the patronage of Saint Cecilia, the Patroness of Music.  It consists of two divisions:  the male choir, numbering at present twenty-two, which functions at the Sunday High Mass and specified services, and the girls’ choir of thirty, which renders devotional singing during Low Masses and evening devotions.  The liturgical chant at Mass on week-days is rendered in unison by the school children, and their training under the patient efforts of the organist and the venerable Sisters is of excellent standard.  The Saint Cecilia Choir enjoys a repertoire of twenty-four Masses, insuring variety and quality, according to the seasons and feasts.


     Before the Dramatic Club was brought into existence, the choir won great fame in several unexcelled theatrical performances under the stage direction of Reverend Edwin P. Fussenegger and the choral direction of Miss Goettman.  With a

carefully chosen cast and a chorus of fifty voices, three plays were

successfully staged, vis.:  “An Old Fashioned Mother,” May 22 – 24, 1922; “Quo

Vadis,” February 18-22, 1924; “A Celebrated Case,” February 17-21, 1925.


The officers of the Saint Cecilia Choir are:

     Miss Rose M. Goettman, Organist and Directress

     Mr. Adolph P. Kaule, President

     Mr. Ferd C. Harsch, Vice-President

     Mr. Fidelis A. Schwieger, Secretary and Trearurer

     Mr. Clement Schweiger, Librarian

     Miss Mary Hubert and Miss Augusta Prince, Librarians of the Girls’ Choir.


The Catholic Women’s Union


“Charity is the scope of all God’s commands” – St. Chrysodom


      The Catholic Women’s Union, more popularly known as the Frauenbund, is he local branch of the great National Catholic Women’s Union, which in turn is the Women’s Section of the Central Verein of the United States of America.  The object of the National Organization is:


1.  To promote participation in charitable activities.

2.  To furnish Catholic women opportunity to cooperate in Catholic public action.

3.  To create wholesome public opinion according to Christian principles.

4.  To arouse and encourage self-reliance and leadership amongst Catholic women.

5.  To instruct and train Catholic women in the correct use of the ballot.



     In order to systematize and coordinate the governing of so extensive an organization, and to study particular needs and local conditions, the Union is divided into State, City and District Leagues.


     The local branch was organized and affiliated with the Union on May 6, 1923, by the suggestion and encouragement of the Reverend Pastor, Father Pfeil.  It is unquestionably a very active unit.  A number of District Meetings have been held under its auspices, and local representatives are always present at similar meetings in other parishes.  Each year, too, a delegate has been sent to the State Convention.


     The great good that is being accomplished by the Frauenbund as a parish society are its works of charity.  The members realize that charity, like “the quality of mercy is not strained….It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes; ‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest.”


     Imbued with the spirit of Christ Who commends the poor and needy to our sincerest solicitude, saying, “As long as you did it to one of these My least brethren, you did it to Me.”  (Matt. 25, 40) these women have harkened to the cry of the stricken, and no deserving case is ever refused.  Labor and self-sacrifice are he only means whereby they gather funds necessary to accomplish this great work.  The annual dues from each member are only twenty-five cents, and from this little quarter a per capita assessment must be paid to the County Section, leaving therefore not even a pittance for the poor.  Nevertheless, the cause has been financed, and chiefly through small socials and card parties.  The officers and members who have planned these little revenue gathering affairs, or who have donated out of their resources to the success thereof, deserve a great share of credit.


     This society is also one of the foremost in promoting parish affairs which are held for the purpose of gathering funds for church use.


     The Frauenbund meets on the third Thursday of each month.  The membership at present is about 350.  Let us hope that this notice will induce many others to join and aid in this good work; especially should the young ladies give their names, and lend a willing hand, for the membership in this society is not restricted to married ladies.


The officers serving the present term are:

     The Reverend Godfrey Pfiel, Spiritual Advisor

     Mrs. Cecilia Bruecken, Honorary President

     Mrs. Emma A. Schmidt, President

     Mrs. Teresa Baur, Vice-President

     Mrs. Millie Ketterer, Marshal

     Trustees:  Mrs. Betty Andres, Mrs. Louise Didia, Mrs. Mary Hubert, Mrs. Emma

                      Phillips, Mrs. J. Walter.


Saint Anthony Lyceum

“Character is the measure of the man.”—Old Proverb


      Whenever a few of the older men of the parish get together, invariably the talk drifts to the St. Anthony Literary, Dramatic and Musical Society.  The “Old Literary,” it is fondly called, and it brings up memories of old times, and therefore, good times.


     Moving day came often for the old society, founded by Father Mollinger, and it found quarters first in the old school, then in a remodeled stable, and then back in the school again.  But always they kept going.  Always there was a desire, both in the minds of the priests and the men, not only to furnish a place of recreation amid wholesome surroundings, but also to raise the intellectual standard of the men.  For that reason, debates formed a regular feature of the old organization.  Then, in 1917, there came a lapse, a sort of interregnum, when both quarters and activities ceased.  But



the soul of the society lived on, and again came to life in 1923, when the present St. Anthony Lyceum came into being.


     The St. Anthony Lyceum, like all Catholic lyceums, has a greater purpose than merely to furnish the men, both young and old, with place for recreation.  That, of course, is one of its objects, but rather than an end in itself, it is a means to an end.  An organization having that as its final purpose could not get, and certainly would not deserve, the support of any parish church.  The society goes deeper than hat.  Man is a creature of environment, and his surroundings influence his every action, and consequently his character also.  The purpose of the Church of Christ is to make of men saints—that, and nothing else.  Various and often devious are the means used to accomplish that end, but they must follow the trend of the times.  That trend leads us in the present day invariably toward pleasure, amusement and recreation.  With modern methods of efficiency, man has, or at least seems to have, more time than ever for leisure.  He will spend that time at any place that gives him the opportunity and facility, and therefore it is, that a wise Mother Church seeks to direct him to obtain it where it will do not only the least harm, but also the most good.


     To form a unit in that scheme of things is the aim of the St. Anthony Lyceum.  To become a member, a man or boy over sixteen years of age must not only be a member of the Most Holy Name Parish, but must also be a good, practical Catholic.  The society is a purely social one, having no spiritual obligations other than those demanded by the Church, and although out Holy Religion is not brought to the fore, it is never very far in the background., forming a solid foundation for the whole structure.  The facilities of the Lyceum consist of four first-class bowling alleys, a pool table, radio and lounging room, car tables and showers.  The same facilities (though not at the same low cost) might be obtained elsewhere in public places, but wise parents realize that only in a Catholic atmosphere can they and their sons both enjoy many of the pleasures and escape the dangers of the present day.


     The Lyceum moved into its present quarters in 1923, after making many and extensive repairs and improvements.  Every year saw more and more added, and the final touch was given in the summer of 1927, when the dream of many was realized and a beautiful Radio and Lounging Room were installed.  The made the Lyceum about as complete as is possible in the present quarters, and also one of the best equipped in the diocese.  In addition to the facilities listed above, the officers are continually seeking new ways of affording pleasure and recreation to the members.  During the past year, notable successes along these lines were the Banquet, the Mushball League, the Bowling League, the Baseball team and the Christmas treat.  The members are kept informed of activities by means of the LYCEUM CHATTER, a publication which goes to the home of each member once a month.  There are now close to 300 members in the Lyceum, and what is pleasing to note, young men under twenty years of age are flocking to it in ever increasing numbers.  The present officers, for the year 1928, are the following:


The reverend Alphonse G. Mihm, Spiritual Advisor

Mr. John F. Schmitt, President

Mr. Peter Bayich, Vice-President

Mr. Gilbert Stehle, Treasurer

Mr. William Abmayr, Financial Secretary

Mr. Edward Breinig, Recording Secretary

Mr. Edward Kunzmann, Corresponding Secretary

Mr. Leo Ketterer, Guard

Mr. John B. Schmitt, Marshal

Board of Directors:  Messrs. J. B. Roos, George Hubert, Lawrence Koch, and

   Norbert Kelsch.



The Most Holy Name Dramatic Club

“The play’s the thing.”—Hamlet


     This society is composed of interested young ladies and gentlemen who are eager to secure culture along lines of intellectual endeavor.  At present there are nearly fifty members enrolled who are no longer tyros in the art of staging plays.  Their productions have been of a nature and standard that raises them above the class of mere amateurs, and the proof thereof lies in the large patronage they enjoy at all performances, a patronage not only of friends and local enthusiasts, but of strangers and critics.


     Since the adoption of the Constitution, a little over two years ago, the club has successfully staged the following plays:  “A Regiment of Two,” “Looks Like Rain,” “Putting It Over,” “Mary Magdalen,” “The Rosary,” “David Garrick,” “Where the Land Turned,” “Golden Days,” “The Path Across the Hill,” “Pollyanna,” “Lena Rivers,” “Turn to the Right,” “A Night Off.”  Each one of these plays was staged in a beautiful and artistic manner, and not a role was enacted that was not handled in a thorough and pleasing style.  All presentations have been produced under the direction and coaching of either the Spiritual Director or Mr. Harry J. Williamson.


     By their efforts in staging these plays, the players have made the parish the recipient of handsome financial returns.  The proceeds of all plays are devoted exclusively to church use, the club itself receiving no compensation for its labors and sacrifices.  This, however, is in accordance with the Club’s own Constitution, and its ennobles the Club even more than the fame of its productions.  To maintain a lively dramatic club and to stage plays frequently, means a great sacrifice of time and effort, together with much study and labor on the part of all interested members—a sacrifice far greater than the uninitiated can possibly appreciate; but when the plays are a success and win the applause of friends and patrons, a genuine pleasure results.  Yet, to receive no remuneration, other than the favor of the audience, and, nevertheless, to work cheerfully and willingly for the benefit of the church, I the acme of a goodwill and perfect spirit.  Such is the Most Holy Name Dramatic Club.


     The usual society expenses and the social functions of the Club are defrayed by the members themselves, who pay an initiation fee of one dollar and annual dues amounting to three dollars.  The social funds constitute one of the Club’s features, and are the means of cementing the fraternity and sociability which are so characteristic of the members.  Because this very spirit has been so manifestly part and parcel of the Club, the members have adopted a motto expressive of their dramatic efforts and fraternal relations.  This motto is written in the Greek characters, “Phi Kappa Delta,” or the initials of the words, “Philia Kai Drama,” which, being translated, means “Friendship and Drama.”  The ensign on which these letters appear is a shield of blue and white, the adopted colors of the Most Holy Name School; and the gold lettering on the white bar reveals the combination of the Papal Colors.


“Friendship and Drama.”  A grand motto of a grand society!

“Friendship, peculiar boon of Heaven,

The noble mind’s delight and pride;

To men and angels given,

To all the lower world denied.”



     And Drama!  “The drama is not a mere copy of nature, not a facsimile.  It is the free running hand of genius, under the impression of its liveliest wit or most passionate impulse, a thousand times adorning or feeling all as it goes.”  (Leigh Hunt.)  “The drama embraces and applies all the beauties and decorations of poetry.  The sister arts attend and adorn it.  Painting,



architecture, and music are her handmaids.  The costliest lights of a people’s intellect burn at her show.  All ages welcome her.”  (Willmott)


     May the Most Holy Name Dramatic Club ever maintain its high standard and prosecute its lofty ideals; may perennial success attend its presentation of plays.


     The officers serving during the present term are: 

The Reverend Edwin P. Fussenegger, Spiritual Director

Miss Marcella Elm, President

Miss Eleanore Ziegler, Vice-President

Miss Pauline Schmidt, Secretary

Miss Margaret Hildenbrand, Recorder

Mr. Francis Guehl, Secretary


Most Holy Name Beneficial Society

“Olme Bruder kann man leben nicht ohne Freund”—Old Proverb


     The first society organized in our parish was the “Namen Jesu Verein,” which was changed later to the “Holy Name Beneficial Society,” so as not to be confused or to conflict with world-wide organization of Catholic men under the title of the Holy Name Society.  The society was formed seven months after the dedication of the church and the first regular meeting was held on January 5, 1869. At this meeting the Constitution was adopted and the first officers 1870. elected.  These were:  Frank Kress, Preident; Joseph Schneider, Vice-1871. President; Michael Lunz, Secretary; Lawrence Walter, Treasurer; John 1872. Weiter, Marshal; Valentine Freinstein, Jacob Paul, Nicholas Kaiser, 1873. Leopole Herbert, Permanent Committee.


     The original Constitution was a lengthy document of seventeen Articles, and each Article subdivided into numerous sections.  The conditions required for admission into the society were;  (1)  That the applicant be a Catholic; (2)  That he be able to speak the German language; (3)  Between the ages of 20 and 45; (4)  That he be not afflicted with illness of mind or body; (5)  Not a member of any secret (forbidden) society; and (6)  That his character be without blemish.


     That there were plenty who could qualify under these conditions is evident from the large roster the society had within a single year; and succeeding years saw a steady growth in membership.  Needless to say, the Constitution has undergone revisions in the course of time, and at least Number 2 is no longer in force!


     The title of this organization gives an indication of its aims and purposes.  It is a fraternal society established for the purpose of rendering mutual aid to its members in sickness and death.  It maintains sick and death benefit funds.  At present there are 228 members.


     In the early days nearly every parish had its own mutual aid society.  We might mention the Pius Verein of Staint Mary’s, the St. Joseph Liebesbund von Manchester, the St. Joannes Verein, the St. Joseph Verein, and the St. Valentinus Verein.   Of all these old societies the Holy Name Beneficial is the sold surviving member, at lest to the extent of our knowledge in the matter.  Parish insurance societies saw their day passing when societies of larger scope were organized, such as the Knights of St.



George, the C. M. B. A. (disbanded), the Knights of Columbus, and similar groups; and the solid establishment of insurance companies has been even a greater factor in hastening the demise of small societies.


     The Holy Name Beneficial Society is to be congratulated for its success during these many years.  It has by no means concluded its day, but survives in full strength and vigor with promise of prolonged existence.  This speaks well for the sincerity and loyalty of the officers and members, and tells that the management of the finances has always been sound and healthy.  The society conducts it business meeting on the first Tuesday of each month in the Lyceum Meeting Room.  The present officers are:

Mr. Peter J. Kunsmann, President

Mr. Lawrence Kunzmann, Vice-President

Mr. August John, Financial Secretary

Mr. Oscar A. Miller, Corresponding Sec’y

Mr. Theodore Miller, Treasurer

Mr. Anthony Baur, Marshall and Guard.

Trustees:  Messrs. John B. Schmitt, Edward Snyder, Fred Gigler, Frank Lokar.


                       The Knights of St. George, Branch 39

                     “The force of union conquers all.”—Homer


     This association was formed for the purpose of united Catholic men in a fraternal union which lends every possible moral and material support to its member assisting them in the fashion of true brotherly love.  It maintains a death benefit for the widows and orphans of deceased members and a sick benefit for disabled brothers.  There is also a Women’s Death Benefit Fund for members who desire to insure the wives.  At Wellsburg, W. Va., the Knights have a wonderful home where aged members may spend their declining years in comfort and happiness. 


     Branch 39 was established December 13, 1891, and from the very start has been active in promoting Catholic interests and the welfare of its members.  The present enrollment is 342.  The monthly meeting is held on the second Sunday.  The following officers guide the organization at the present time:

Mr. Peter J. Kunzmann, President

Mr. Michael Pfeffer, Vice-President

Mr. Matthias J. Winbauer, Recording Secretary

Mr. Pancratius Lunz, Secretary and Treasurer

Mr. Anthony Baur, Marshal

Trustees:  Messrs. John B. Schmitt, Alois L. Stephen, Edwin Kunzmann.


The Ladies’ Catholic Benevolent Associations

L. C. B. A., Branch 1

“Benevolent people are always cheerful”—Father Taylor

     The L. C. B. A. is a first-class fraternal insurance society for Catholic women.  With numerous branches in all parts of the country, it has proven a great factor in uniting the women and offering them a safe protection for the important problems of old age, sickness, and dependency.  The insurance feature is perfectly sound and safe.  Any Catholic woman in good health is eligible to join the society.


     The Pittsburgh Senate of the L. C. B. A. is an affiliation of various parish branches, and chapter-like, promotes the general activities of the Association in these parts.  The chief work of the Senate is the assistance it renders to the Saint Rita Home for Infants on Tannehill Street, Pittsburgh.



The Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Francis are in charge of the institution and have about 150 infants under their care. 


     Branch No. 105 was established as the Most Holy Name of Jesus Branch on April 19, 1892, with the approval of the Pastor, Father Mollinger.  Today is has a membership of 268 and is affiliated with the Pittsburgh Senate.  Branch meetings are held every month on the second and fourth Thursdays.  The society is very active in all parish concerns as well as in the affairs of the Association.  The members are very active and render able assistance at the various benefits conducted in the interests of the parish; most of the women belong to other societies as well, and so we always find them engaged in one capacity or another for the promotion of parish concerns.


     The presiding and subordinate officers of the present term are:

Mrs. Mary Simon, President

Miss Marie I. Fischer, 1st Vice-President

Mrs. Rose Weitz, 2nd Vice-President

Mrs. Julia Scheetz, Assistant Recorder

Mis Kathryn Schlachter, Financial Sec’y

Mrs. Margaret Simon, Treasurer

Mrs. Eleanore Schuetz, Marshal

Mrs. Josephine Frisch, Guard

Trustees:  Mrs. Catherine Ehrhart, Mrs. Luella Leiendecker, Mrs. Rose Weitz,

   Mrs. Eleanore Schuetz, Mrs. Margaret Simon.


The Saint Joseph Filial-Verein

 (Affiliated Society of the Saint Joseph Orphanage)

“For my father and my mother have left me; but the Lord Hath Taken me up.”—Psalm 26,


     As explained elsewhere under the title of Troy Hill’s Catholic Institutions, the support of the Saint Joseph Orphanage proceeds entirely from charity and a great bulk of this is made up of the small contributions from the members of the Filial-Verein as existing in may parishes.  Each member is expected to pay the minimum of ten cents a month, payable in the one sum of $1.20 per annum.  Each contributing parish is divided into certain districts to which collectors are assigned.  During the past year our own collectors gathered the total of $460.70 from 288 members, which places the average contribution per member above the usual annual donation, and this speaks for the credit of the collectors and the charitable spirit of the members.  May God reward them.


     The officers of our affiliated branch are:

The Reverend Godfrey Pfeil, Spiritual Director

Mr. Joseph G. Tremel, President

Mr. Adolph Hepp, Secretary

Mr. Edward H. Wittig, Treasurer

Board of Directors:  Messrs. Otto Gerstbrein, Edward H. Wittig, Adolph Hepp.

Collectors:  Messrs. John W. Erhart, Lawrence Pickel, William Schweitzer,    Fidelis Schweiger, Jr.; Wilfred A. Schohn, Goerge J. Schneider, Joseph Bindl, Fincent Fohl.



The Saint John Berchmans Acolyte Society

"I will go to the alter of God, to God who giveth joy to my youth"-Psalm 42


     The last to receive mention, but by no means the least among our parish societies, is the aggregation if earnest and zealous boys who are handed together for the purpose of Assisting the priest at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and other Divine Services


     These boys deserve great praise for their faithfulness to duty and their alacrity in its discharge.  In summer or winter, in heat of cold, rain or shine, morning, noon and night, These willing and cheerful lads are at the Alter of God-and how rarely it occurs that one fails to attend!  In testimony of the credit due to them, we record their names below, and add a prayer that the Lord will aid them to remain always His true and faithful servants: and we hope that when the historians on the occasion of these names, prefixed with the word Reverend.  Most priests who have entered God's Holy vineyard were Alter boys: and so we hope that many of the present Servers, and many of the boys who will follow them, may find in the Saint John Berchmans Society the remote Preparation for the sublime office and dignity of the Priesthood. 


     The Society has at the time fifty members under the direction of Reverend Edwin P Fusenegger.  The members are George Ball, William Best, Robert Rogaski, Vernon Evens, Andrew Fichter, Frank Fichter,* Anthony Fortun, Anthony Franz, Clarence Gassner, Raymond, Gebhardt, Patrick Graham, Joseph Heurich, Edward Hohman, Joseph Hohman, Phillip Jacob, Charles John, Norbert Koch, John Leister, Robert Meyer, Lawrence Moul, Conrad Mukitsch, Robert Osterreider, Henry Pappert, Francis Pepperuey, William Pfeiffer, Robert Rebholz, Charles Reith, William Reith, Edward Roos, Joseph Roos, Anthony Ruf, Carl Ruf, Louis Schlereth, Edward Schmidt, Joseph Snyder, Ralph Snyder, Clement Schratz, Edward Simon, Frank Sukits, Joseph Thoma, Anthony Thompson, Albert Vogrin, Charles Young, Joseph Zrim, Stephen Zriem.

                                                                                                                    *Died June 8, 1928


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[The Memorial Tablet}



The Memorial Tablet

     To commemorate the self-sacrificing spirit and patriotic enthusiasm, and to perpetuate the names of the two hundred and six sons of Most Holy Name Parish, who rendered service to our beloved country in the great crisis of the World Conflict a handsome bronze tablet was dedicated on the afternoon of Sunday, November 23, 1924.  The Saint Anthony Lyceum was the donor of this beautiful memorial. 


     For the occasion of the dedicatory services the tablet was placed in the Sanctuary and draped with American flags.  After the unveiling, the names inscribed thereon were read, and as each name was called, the man bearing it arose and remained standing until a white carnation had been placed by a little girl upon the Altar of God.  Five sons, however were not present to receive the honor and recognition for their services, and for these "boys" five red roses, symbolical of supreme sacrifice, were placed before the Tabernacle,  As the dark clouds of war were lowering over the land, five young men, in the bloom of health and in the vigor of manhood, left the Parish, and the five are asleep in a soldier's grave, giving mute testimony of loyalty, fidelity, and devotion to a flag which is worthy of the greatest sacrifice.  May these brave lads sleep in sweet repose until the final summons shall sound for the just to rise unto glory!


     The services of the dedication of the memorial tablet were conducted by the Pastor, Father Pfeil, assisted by the Reverend Fathers Edwin P. Fussenegger and William F Bey.  The Reverend James Delaney, ex-Chaplain of the Army, delivered a very oratorical and impressive sermon.  Services were concluded with Solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and the singing of the Te Deum.


     On the eleventh of next November, Armistice Day, will be commemorated the tenth anniversary of the cessation of hostilities and the restoration of peace among the nations that were engaged in that terrible war.  As that day approaches, let us recall with grateful hearts the glorious victories of "our boys," and pry that Almighty to preserve us in continual peace and tranquility, that we may ever be spared the anxieties. heartaches, tears, privations and sufferings that inevitably accompany the horrors of war. 


     The very grief, sorrow, and inauspicious days that prevailed ten years ago were the very reasons why the Golden Anniversary of or church was not commemorated; hence, with hearts all the more grateful, do we celebrate today the Sixtieth Anniversary. 


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