of the

Dedication of Most Holy Name Church

Troy Hill

North Side - Pittsburgh



1868                                             1928




To the memory of the sturdy and loyal PIONEERS of Most Holy Name Parish who labored so zealously to make Catholicity flourish on our beloved mount and to all PARISHIONERS of the PRESENT DAY with the hope that it will serve them as an incentive to emulate the good deeds of their forbears THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED





     In compiling this Souvenir Book, able services were rendered by a number of interested persons, all of whom are deserving of especial thanks.  Acknowledgment must be given to the School Sisters for painstaking efforts to supply valuable information and data concerning the Most Holy Name School and the Order deNotre Dame.  The Rev. John Canova, of Monaca, Pa., Diocesan Historian, has supplied a great deal of historical information, and the Reverend Monsignor P. C. Danner, Chancellor of the Diocese, very kindly allowed inspection of documentary papers preserved in the Chancery archives.  The Rev. Pastor lent every possible encouragement to the work, and Rev. Father Mihm graciously consented to submit the articles pertaining to the Holy Name Society and the St. Anthony Lyceum.  Mr. Peter Schlereth contributed all pictures of the parish buildings, excepting the reproductions of the original church and school, which were donated by Mr. Frank Berner.  The members of the Executive Committee proffered able support by their counsel and by obtaining the subscriptions of the Esteemed Patrons.  Many individuals were prompt to supply whatever information might be of worth and value.  To each and every one of these the Compiler extends sincerest thanks and most heartfelt gratitude.

                                                                                                       --Rev. Edwin P. Fussenegger, Compiler


     The following works were consulted in gathering the historical data herein contained:

“Gedenkbuch des Goldemen Jubillacums St Marien Kirche,” by the Rev.      Constantine Leher, O.S.B  1898.


“Diamond Jubilee Celebration of St. Mary’s Church,” by Rev. Lambert Daller,      O.S.B.  1923.


“Foundation Stones of a Great Diocese,” by Rev. A. A. Lambing, L.L.D  1923


“Die Redemptoristen In Pittsburgh,” by Rev. Bernard Beck, C.S.S.R 1889



[His Holiness Pope Pius XI]


Our Holy Father


 Bishop of Rome and Vicar of Jesus Christ

Successor St. Peter, Prince of all the Apoltles

Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church.

Patriarch of the West, Primate of Italy

Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province

Sovereign of the Temporal Dominions of the Holy Roman Church


Now Gloriously Reigning



[Rt. Rev. Hugh C. Boyle, D.D., Bishop of Pittsburgh]



The Right Reverend Hugh C. Boyle, Bishop of Pittsburgh


     Amid the festivities attendant up on the Sixtieth Anniversary Celebration of Most Holy Name Church  -  the rejoicings of parishioners who hearts swelt in grateful praise to God Almighty for the blessings of three score years  - the fervent thanksgivings of the surviving pioneers, faithful and true, in whose eyes glitter reminiscent tears - amid the liturgical splendor of the Pontifical High Mass, the Clean Oblation which alone expresses worthy praise and thanksgiving to the Father of Mercies, we must needs bespeak gratitude to His Lordship, the Right Reverend Bishop, who so graciously consented to honor this occasion by his presence to offer the Holy Sacrifice.


     The Right Reverend Hugh C. Boyle, worthy successor of His Grace, Archbishop Regis Canevin, whose memory lives in the hearts of the Catholics of the Pittsburgh Diocese, has given ample evidence of his ability as a leader among men, and signal manifestation of his zeal as the shepherd of the flock.  Both the clergy and the lay members of the Diocese acclaim his remarkable enthusiasm and untiring efforts for the promotion of every Catholic concern.  From all sides they laud his efforts for the advancement of personal sanctification among the people, and his appeals have elicited a hearty response.  The men of the Diocese, above all, acknowledge his leadership, and hundreds acclaim their confidence in him by receiving Holy Communion each month in every parish.  This great feat has been accomplished by the impetus the Bishop has given to the Holy Name Society, a movement that is characterizing the Diocese at the present time.  His appeal, his power of persuasion, his earnestness and sincerity, have rejuvenated this time honored organization of Catholic men, and the results achieved are marvelous.  His Lordship may well be styled “The Holy Name Bishop,” and feel just pride therein.


     Our Bishop, furthermore, understands what things are fundamental and vital for the preservation, as well as for the promotion of the Catholic cause.  Before his elevation to the Bishopric he served for many years as Superintendent of Catholic Schools and therefore understands their needs.  His experience constitutes him an authority in educational matters and he does not lack courage and strengths to attempt great undertakings.  Five years ago he inaugurated the great Educational Campaign for the purpose of raising several millions of dollars for the erection of schools and high schools in the Diocese.  This was a venture which only a man of prudent foresight and indomitable courage would assail, but the Bishop sacrificed time, energy, labor and effort to bring it to a successful issue.  All of his plans in regard to the erection of high schools have not yet matured, but with the payment of the pledges the enterprise will finally materialize.


     His Lordship is a man of the hour, alert to every phase of the huge task of ruling a great Diocese.  By his attention to detail and by his personal interest in every problem that comes within the scope of his direction, he has made the Diocese progress to greater limits than ever before; and with the good will, love and devotion of the priests and of the people, he will continue to accomplish great things, and when the final chapter shall have been written, it will be one of glorious achievement and everlasting



     The Right Reverend Hugh C. Boyle was raised to the incumbency of the See of Pittsburgh and consecrated on June 29, 1921.  He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on July 2, 1898, and offered his First Holy Mass on the following Sunday.  Let us note by this that he celebrates his thirtieth sacerdotal anniversary conjointly wit the sixtieth anniversary of the dedication of our church.  By reason of this happy coincidence, we cannot refrain from including him in our joyful festivities, and we beg to assure His Lordship that the Clergy and Members of the parish felicitate him today and wish him God’s help and blessing for many more fruitful years.  The children of the Most Holy Name Church and School take the occasion to bespeak their love, and in token thereof present him with an affectionate Spiritual Bouquet.


Ad multos annos!


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[Rt. Rev. Aurelius Stehle, O.S. B., Archabbot of St. Vincent’s College]


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