Known Tombstone Carvers
of Pennsylvania
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Andrew Fesler Conrad Hilligas (Biographies and Photographs contibuted by Bill Plack) (additional information by Ellis Michaels) Andrew Fesler and Conrad Hilligas were tombstone carvers who lived in West Middletown, Washington County. Their work appears in the local area from ca. 1825 to 1847. They were two of the best known carvers in Washington County at that time. They were brothers-in-law, that is to say, Conrad Hilligas was married to Andrew Fesler’s sister. Andrew Fesler was a very popular carver and I have found his stones, dated 1825 to 1834, in eleven cemeteries in Washington County. I have only found one stone signed by Conrad Hilligas during this same period. Sometime around 1834-1835, Andrew Fesler moved to Belmont County, Ohio, where he continued in the stone carving trade. He is believed to have died before the 1850 Census. After Andrew Fesler moved to Ohio, the stone carving career of Conrad Hilligas took over where Fesler had left off. Conrad Hilligas was also quite popular and I have found his stones (dated 1828 to 1847), in eight different cemeteries in Washington County. Although some of his stones show the obvious influence of Fesler, others show somewhat more imagination, flamboyancy, and skill. He was one of the few carvers in Western Pennsylvania who was capable of carving sandstone obelisks, like the one shown below for Jane Marquis. Additional Information 1820 Census Cross Creek Twn, Washington County: Andrew Fesler, (1) male aged 16-26yrs; (1) female aged <10yrs; (1) female aged 16-26yrs. 1830 Census Hopewell Twn, Washington County: Andrew Fisler, (1) male aged <5yrs; (2) males aged 5-10yrs; (1) male aged 30-40yrs; (2) females aged <5yrs; (1) female aged 10-15yrs; (1) female aged 30-40yrs. printable text version of biographies Known Examples of Andrew Fesler's stone carvings
Cross Creek Presbyterian Cemetery Cross Creek Township, Washington County
Grove United Presbyterian Cemetery West Middletown, Hopewell Township, Washington County
Unidentified Cemetery Donegal Township, Washington County
Known Examples of Conrad Hilligas' stone carvings
Bethel M. P. Church Cemetery Jefferson Township, Washington County
Chartiers Hill Cemetery North Strabane Township, Washington County
Cross Creek Presbyterian Cemetery Cross Creek Township, Washington County
Grove United Presbyterian Cemetery West Middletown, Hopewell Township, Washington County
Tombstone Carver Page maintained by Ellis Michaels
this page was last updated 27 Apr 2011
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