Education: The Normal Herald, Forty-Seventh Annual Catalogue, Indiana Normal School of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Indiana County, PA, 1922-1923 - School, Administration
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The Normal Herald

Forty-Seventh Annual Catalog


State Normal School, Indiana, Pennsylvania







Board of Trustees

John S. Fisher - Term expires, 1923

Summers M. Jack - Term expires, 1923

Judge J. N. Langham - Term expires, 1923

John A. Scott - Term expires, 1924

A. Ralph Moorhead - Term expires, 1924

Mrs. Geo. J. Feit - Term expires, 1924

Thomas Sutton - Term expires, 1925

Wm. S. Daugherty - Term expires, 1925

Mrs. James Mack - Term expires, 1925

Officers of the Board


PRESIDENT: Thomas Sutton


SECRETARY: J. Wood Clark

TREASURER: Harry White, Jr.






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