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[Transcriptionist's note: Spelling and grammatical errors have been corrected where obvious. Options and/or meanings of archaic words are in brackets, other more difficult misspellings /meanings are left standing. Several different formats were originally used for this work and for the sake of orderliness and space all now are the same.]
[Gen. Sullivan's Expedition.]
June 19th, 1779, to July 30th, 1779.
Pennsylvania Archives, Sixth Series, Vol. XIV, pages 23-65.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 19th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Captain of the day from the German Regiment.Detail S-1, S-1, C-2, D-0, F-0, P-25.
Orderly sergt. 1.E. S. GOODWICH.
R. O. June 19th, 1779.
Capt. Bernard Hubley of the State of Pennsylvania is to take the command of the company late Capt. George Hubley's, & Capt. Michael Boyer of the State of Maryland is to take the commands, by which they will command companies of the state they respectively belong.
R. O. Wyoming, June 20th, 1779.
Lt. John Waidman is appointed adjutant to the German Regiment and it is requested that all officers and soldiers will respect him as such.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 20th, 1779.
Captain of the day from
Patrol Casu.Detail for Main Guard.
S-0, S-2, C-2, D-0, F-0, P-25.
Orderly serjt. from the German Regiment.The General is surprised and concerned to see the horses destined for the expedition so much abused as they are. He cannot walk out without seeing dozens of them scampering about goaded by redress equally inhumane and thoughtless when the poor animals should be at rest in the pastures. If the horses are not in proper order the expedition which has already cost so much money, and is so essentially necessary for the quiet of the frontiers, will of course terminate in nothing. He is therefore under the necessity of ordering that the Commanding Officer of Corps do not suffer the public horses to be made use of by any person under their respective commands except such officers as are allowed the use of horses by a General Resolution.
A sergeant, corporal and 9 privates to mount tomorrow morning at Mill Creek Bridge and continue until further orders. This guard is to prevent the horses put to pasture about the bridge from straying down and also to stop any non-commissioned officers or soldiers from passing up or down without a pass in writing from the commanding officer of the brigade or corps he belongs to. No general pass [is] to be allowed of the guard in the redoubt [a breastwork outside a fortification, to defend approaches, etc.] on the hill and that near the hospital to be discontinued for the present.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 21st, 1779.
Captain of the day tomorrow from Armand's.
S-0, S1, C-2, D1, F-1, Prvats.-25.
Orderly serjt. 1.The Baker General having occasion for six assistants, is at liberty to take such as are qualified from any corps in garrison.
Parole, Amiens. Countersigned, Antwerp.
A General Court Martial of the line to sit tomorrow morning at ten o'clock at Col. Butler's quarters for the trial of such prisoners as may be brought before them. A field officer, four captains and three subalterns from Col. Cortland's Brigade.
Detail for the Court Martial.
German Regt, . . . . . . . . . Capt-1, Sub-0
1st. Jersey Regt, . . . . . . . Capt-1, Sub-1
Spaldings, . . . . . . . . . . . Capt-0, Sub-1
Armands, . . . . . . . . . . . Capt-1, Sub-0
Total capt-3, Sub-2.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 22nd, 1779.
Parole, Annapolis. Countersigned, Amboy.
Captain for the day tomorrow from 1st Jersey.
Detail of the Guard.German Regiment, . . . . . . S-1, S-1, C-2, D-0, F-0, P-27.
1st Jersey Regiment, . . . . . . S-0, S-1, C-2, D-1, F- 1, P-29.
Armands, . . . . . . S-0, S-1, S-1, D-0, F-0, P-6.
Spaldings, . . . . . . S-0, S-0, C-0, D-0, F-0, P-3.
Total . . . . . . S-0, S-3, C-5, D-1, F-1, P-65.Orderly serjt. 2.
A Court of Inquiry consisting of one major and four captains to sit tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock to examine the state of the beef which the issuing commissary has reported unfit for use. If they find it unfit to be issued to the troops in garrison they are, after ascertaining the quantity and inquiring how it became damaged, to order it to be removed from the stores and disposed of for the use of the United States or destroyed according to the quantity of it.
Contrary, if the court find the said beef fit for men to eat, they will order it to be issued as such. The Issuing Commissary or his assistant will attend at the above inquiry.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 23rd, 1779.
Brigade Major—Rose.
Parole, Jersey. Countersigned, York.
At Col. Dayton's request Alexander Montgomery of the Third Jersey Regiment sentenced to receive fifty lashes, is forgiven and ordered to join his corps.Detail.
German Regiment, . . . . . . S-0, S-0, C-1, D-1, F-1, P-21.
Armands, . . . . . . S-0, S-0, C-0, D-0, F-0, P-5.
Total, . . . . . . S-0, S-0, C-1, D-1, F-1, P-26.Orderly Serjt.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 24th, 1979.
Officers of the day tomorrow—Lt. Col. Dearborn.
Parole, Countersigned, Dublen.
Brigade Major—Marchell.The soldiers are strictly forbidden to go into the water to swim or bathe except before troop beating in the morning, of Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays.—Officers are directed to apprehend such as may be guilty of the breach of this order in any instance.
The army and inhabitants of this place are cautioned against casting the least reflections upon those Indians who have already or may hereafter join us. The undoubted friendship & generous conduct of the few and others who are on their way to afford us every essential service merit a very opposite treatment.
The troops are forbid straggling from camp on any pretense whatever.
Detail for Guard.
German Regiment, . . . . . . S-0, S-1, C-0, P-16.
Armands, . . . . . . S-0, S-0, C-1, P-4.
Total, . . . . . . S-0, S-1, C-1, P-20.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 25th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field Officer for tomorrow—Major Titcomb.
Brigade Major—Sproat.The Quarter Master is directed to dismiss all the Continental and state wagons taken at Easton for transporting stores to this place.
A sergeant and 12 to be sent to Bottom wood to guard the cattle their who are to parade at two o'clock this afternoon and continue for one week of the drovers will attend on the parade to conduct the party. The sergeant guard at the block house over the river to be dismissed. A captain, two subalterns, three sergeants, three corporals and forty-eight privates to be sent to that post to secure the house and cattle on that side and to answer the other purposes for
which the guard was stationed there.A return of all the troops in this department to be made to the Adjutant General by tomorrow at six o'clock in the afternoon.
The stads of the several staff departments to make returns at the same time of every article now under their charges which belongs to the army. The general officers will make a return as soon as possible of the number of horses which may be necessary for themselves and families on the expedition.
All other officers possessed of Continental horses are to return them to the Quarter Master General as soon as possible, who is to make a proper return of the whole in order that a committee from the several corps may arrange and assign them to the several corps. At a General Court Martial held on the 8th of June, whereof Major Fish was president, Oliver Arnold of the 2nd New York Regiment was tried for desertion and sentenced to be shot to death. The General approves the sentence and orders it to [be] executed at the head of the regiment tomorrow afternoon at six o'clock. Edward Taylor of the same regiment tried by the same court for desertion, found guilty and sentenced to run the gauntlet through Cortland's, Spencer's & Cilley's Regiment with a sentinel at his breast to regulate his pace. The General approves the sentence and orders it to be executed at the head of the regiment tomorrow at six o'clock in the afternoon.
Lieut. Munday, Quarter Master to the 2nd New York Regiment, tried by the same court martial for behaving unbecoming the character of an officer and gentleman in accusing Capt. Greham, Hallet and Wright and Dr. Menema, of fraud and partiality in settling his rank after they had been specially appointed by him for that purpose, found guilty of the charges and sentenced to be reprimanded in orders and ask pardon of Capt. Greham, Hallet and Wright and Dr. Menema, wait on the gentlemen before mentioned tomorrow at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at Col. Cortland's marque and ask their pardon.
However mortifying this sentence may be to Lieut. Munday, the Commander-in-Chief cannot but consider it as a light punishment for an officer, who after submitting the decision and settlement of his rank to gentlemen of his own choosing will accuse them of fraud and partiality barely because their judgment did not compound with his. It is impossible that the judgment of men appointed to settle a controversy can be perfectly pleasing to both parties, and if the party dissatisfied may with impunity censor those who are appointed to determine the matter there must be an end of that useful method of settling disputes. Lieut. Munday must in this view of the matter be conscious of his own errors as well as sensible of the lenity of the court martial by which he was tried by a General Court Martial of which Lieut. Col. Smith is president, the following prisoners were tried and sentenced, viz —
John Thomas, of Spencer's Regiment charged with stealing hogs and found guilty is sentenced to receive fifty lashes and return the money he received for the hogs to the owner. Silas Simmons, Joseph Tucker and Thomas Cobun, of Celley's Regiment charged with straggling from camp and killing a number of hogs the property of the inhabitants found not guilty and sentenced to be released from confinement.
James Farmer, Charles McLaughlin, John Rush and Enoch Leonard of the 1st Jersey Regiment tried and found guilty of straggling from camp and killing a number of hogs the property of the inhabitants are sentenced to receive twenty-five lashes each.
Francis Walker and John Feittle tried for the same crime but found not guilty, are sentenced to be discharged from confinement. David Mamford, James Willhead and Josh Osborn, charged with the same crime and found guilty, are sentenced to receive each twenty-five lashes. The General approved the several sentences and ordered the punishment to be inflicted at the head of the regiment to whom they belong to at Roll Call this evening, he likewise orders the prisoners found not guilty to be immediately discharged from confinement.
The General Court Martial which of Lieut. Col. Smith is president to sit tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock for the trial of such prisoners as may be brought before them.
Officers commanding corps are requested to recommend a non-commissioned officer as a Clerk to the Commissary at this post.
Dr. Robert Henry of the General Hospital is appointed to do the duty of regimental surgeon to the 1st Jersey Regiment and to be respected accordingly.
Guard to parade at 2 o'clock.
Hand's Brigade, . . . . . . Sub-1, Serjt-1, C-0, P-12.
B. Orders.
Adjutant of the Day tomorrow: Lieut. Weidman.
All the drums and fifes of the brigade to attend on the Grand Parade tomorrow morning at Guard Mounting.
German Regiment, . . . . . . Sub-1, Serjt-1, C-1, P-14, Orderly-Serjt.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 26th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field Officer for tomorrow—Major Norris.
Brigade Major—Ross.Detail.
Hand's Brigade, . . . . . . C-1, S-1, S-2, C-2, D-1, F-1, P-20.
Until the whole army are assembled and a more extensive and general regulation can take place the following is to be observed—
Gen. Maxwell's Brigade to consist of Dayton's, Sheeve's, Ogdon's, Spencer's Regiments.
Gen. Poor's to consist of Cortland's, Scammel's, Celley's, Reed's Regiments.
Gen. Hand's to consist of Armand's, Shott's, Hubley's, German, Independent and Ranging Company Regiments.
Should the weather permit Gen. Poor will move with two regiments of his brigade tomorrow morning across the river and take post as nearly opposite where the other two regiments of his brigade are encamped as the ground will allow immediately upon his arrival there.
Col. Spencer will move his regiment to this place and join Gen. Maxwell's Brigade at which time the companies of Forman's Corps will join Col. Spencer's.
The Commissary on no pretense whatsoever is to issue bad provisions to the troops. He is to cause all the meat to be inspected and make report of what is damaged. He will serve two day's fresh provisions to the whole army, on the next drawing day. For the future should there be occasion of a Court of Inspection over provision it is to be appointed by the commanding officer of the regiment and report thereof to be sent to Head Quarters.
James Farmer, Charles McLaughlin, John Rosh, Enoch Leonard, David Munfort, James Whilepard and Joseph Osburn all of the 1st Jersey Regiment sentenced by a court martial, whereof Col. Smith is president, and directed to be punished by yesterday's orders, are in consideration of their former good behavior and the applications of their officers, ordered to be released from their confinement without punishment.
The President of the Court Martial will please to send for those prisoners who yet remain in the Provost Guard charged with the same crime but have not received their trial, and after giving them an admonition, order them to be released though the Commander-in-Chief is induced [persuaded] to believe that the crime of these persons was in some measure owing to ignorance. Yet ignorance of orders and articles of war is in itself a crime and such a one too, as the soldiers must not expect to have passed over in future with impunity.
Villainy which appears in the conduct of John Thomas induces the General to order his punishment to take place agreeable to the orders of yesterday.
Non-commissioned officers and soldiers are positively forbidden going without the line of the camp on any pretense whatever without a written pass their commanding officers. Dr. Henry is appointed to do the duty of surgeon to the 3rd Jersey Regiment and not the first as was mentioned in yesterday's orders, this [was a] mistake.
The troops (Gen. Poor's Brigade excepted) to attend divine service at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Gen. Hand's Brigade and Proctor's Corps near the Fort.
Maxwell's at their own Camp.
B. C.
Adjutant of the Day tomorrow.Detail.
German Regiment, . . . . . .C-1, S-1, S-1, C-1, D-0, F-0, P-13, Orderly-serjt.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 27th, 1779.
Parole, Virginia. Countersigned, Trentown.
Field officer for tomorrow—Col. Shreve
Brigade Major—Sproate.Detail.
German Regiment, . . . . . . C-1, S-2, S-3, C-3, D-1, F-1, P-40.
Thomas Twedy, Gunner, and Thomas Logue, Matross, in Col. Proctor's Regiment of Artillery tried for desertion by a General Court Martial where Col. Smith is president, were found guilty and sentenced as follows—
Thomas Twedy to receive fifty lashes, but on account of his former good behavior, the good character given him by his officers, the propriety of this behavior while on trial and the appearance of his being really sensible of his error, the Court beg leave to recommend him in the strongest terms to the clemency of the Commander-in-Chief— Thomas Logue to receive one hundred lashes on his bare back.
The General approves the sentence of the Court and orders Logue's punishment to take place this evening at the Park of Artillery, but in consequence of the request of the Court Martial and the favorable representation of Thomas Twedy's former behavior his punishment is remitted.
Brigade Orders.
Adjutant for the day tomorrow—Weidman.
German Regiment, . . . . . . C-1, S-1, S-1, C-2, D-1, F-1, P-31.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 28th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field officer for tomorrow—Col. Spencer.
Brigade Major—Ross.Detail.
Hand's Brigade, . . . . . . . . . C. sub. S. C. D. P.
Mr. Branon is appointed Issuing Commissary to the Commander-in-Chief, Adjutant General, Quarter Master General and those of his department and Col. Proctor's Regiment of Artillery. The Commissary at this place is permitted to employ until further orders James Stuart and Nathaniel Church, both of Col. Spencer's Regiment.
German Regiment, . . . . . . C-1, sub-1, S-1, C-2, P-36, 1 orderul-serjt.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, June 29, 1779.
Parole, Albany. Countersigned, Ringstown.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Col. Butler.
Brigade major—Sproat.Thomas Donaldson, corporal, and Jno. Allen, private, in Col. Spencer's Regiment tried by a General Court Martial of which Col. Smith is president, for stopping Capt. Hawkins, and Capt. Lieut. Chorry on the road and [threatening] their lives under pretense of authority, were found guilty of the charge and sentenced as follows to wit:
Corporal Thomas Donaldson to be reduced to the ranks and receive one hundred lashes.
John Allen run the gauntlet twice through Gen. Maxwell's Brigade. The General approves the sentences and orders them to be executed this evening at Roll Call.The sentence of death passed upon Lawrence Miller and Michel Roseberry [Rosebury or Roseburry], whereof Gen. Maxwell was president and approved of by the Commander-in-Chief at Easton in the orders of the sixth instant, is directed to be executed upon the said Lawrence Miller and Michel Roseberry the day after tomorrow in the afternoon between the hours of two and four o'clock. The Quarter Master General will cause a gallows to be erected at a suitable place for the purpose.
Brigade Orders.
Adjutant of the day tomorrow: Weidman.
All the drums and fifes of the brigade to attend on the Grand Parade at Guard Mounting tomorrow morning.After Orders.
Gen. Hand's Brigade will be mustered the day after tomorrow at 11 o'clock in the forenoon when the Muster Master is directed to attend on the Grand Parade the place appointed for muster.
By Gen. Sullivan's Command.
June 29th, 1779. F. BARBAR, Adjutant General.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, 30th June, 1779.
Parole, Newport. Countersigned, Boston.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Lieut. Col. Dehard.
Brigade Major— Ross.The officer who ordered Andrew Kneiabacker and Henry Elliot of the 2nd New York Regiment confined are desired to send their crimes with the names of the evidences [witnesses] in writing to the Capt. of Main Guard without sending at the same time his crime in writing. The Officers of the Guard to be very particular in furnishing the Officer of the Day and his relieving officer with an accurate return of his prisoners, their crimes, and by whom confined.
Col. Armand's Corps being directed by his Excellency Gen. Washington to join the army under his command is ordered to be in readiness to march tomorrow morning at seven o'clock.
Capt. Vananglen, late of the 1st Jersey Regiment is appointed Commissary to Gen. Hand's Brigade.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, Sub-0, S-1, C-2, D-0, F-0, P-21, orderly-serjt.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 1st. 1779.
Parole, Hartford. Countersigned, Farefield.
Field Officer for tomorrow—Major Conway.The regimental surgeons are in future to make weekly returns of their sick, on every Saturday, to Dr. Hagen, Senior Surgeon to the Flying Hospital.
The commissioned officers of this department are to draw as much soap as with what they are already allowed, will amount to four ounces per week. Commanding officers of corps who are not already possessed of the Order of Battle, with explanation annexed, will send their adjutants to Head Quarters tomorrow at 10 o'clock to take them.
The troops at this post will parade at half past 2 o'clock this afternoon to attend the execution of Michel Roseburry [Rosebury or Roseberry] and Lawrence Miller. The field officers of the day will order Michel Roseburry to be first executed and Lawrence Miller to be executed in fifteen minutes after.
Maxwell's Brigade, . . . . . .C-1, Sub-2, S-5, C-7, D-1, F-1, P-87.
Hand's Brigade, . . . . . . C-0, Sub-1, S-2, C-2, D-0, F-0, P-25.Brigade Orders.
Gen. Hand will receive the arms and accouterments of the Brigade himself on Monday morning at 10 o'clock.
Guard-0, Capt-0, Sub-1, Serjts-1. C-3, Privates-23.
After Orders.
For other reasons besides that of having the attendance of the Band of Music, the Grand Parade will hereafter be before the Park of Artillery.
F. BARBER, Adjutant General.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 2d, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field Officer for tomorrow—Major Piatt.
Brigade Major—Ross.Col. Butler will take charge of all the boats that now are or may at this post, no boat to be taken in future without his orders, he is directed to have them collected together, a proper guard placed over them, and sufficient number of settling poles made and put in store to be ready when required.
The Brigadier General will please to order small smoke houses erected for the purpose of smoking such damaged meat as may be drawn by their troops. [In] lieu of any such damaged beef or pork, they will give an order upon the Deputy Commissary of Issues for good meat to whom the damaged meat when smoked is to be delivered.
Col. Procter's Regiment will for this purpose be considered as connected with Gen. Hand's Brigade.
When the horses shall be assigned to the different brigades they are to be distinguished by the following initial letters, viz:
M. B. for Maxwell's Brigade; C. B. for Clinton's; P. B. For Poor's and H. B. for Hand's Brigade.
The Quarter Master General is directed to provide the several brands immediately. Horses Guards are not to suffer any horses in their custody to be taken away without a written order from a General Officer, the commanding officer of a regiment or the Deputy Quarter Master General. Capt. Fog is appointed Aid-de-Camp to Brig. Gen. Poor and is to be respected accordingly— Col. Proctor is permitted to fire for experiment sake the grasshopper which he has fixed in [one] of the boats at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
The General Court Martial whereof Lieut. Col. Smith is president is dissolved and another whereof Col. Ogden is appointed president is directed to sit at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning at Col. Butler's quarters.
Mr. Bemberton is appointed.
Judge Advocate: Gen. Maxwell.
Brigade will furnish three captains and six subalterns.
Capt-1, Sub-1, Serjt-2, C2, Df-2, P-18.
Brigade Orders.
All the armorers and carpenters of the brigade to attend at the Quarter Master General this afternoon at four o'clock and take his further directions.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 31st, [3rd] 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field officers for the day tomorrow—Col. Smith.
Brigade Major— Sprout.Such of the troop as indines are permitted to bathe after roll call this evening. The army are directed to attend divine service tomorrow at ten o'clock in the forenoon. They are also directed for the future while on this ground to exercise two hours in the day to wit: from five to six in the morning and from six to seven in the evening.
Maj. Sprout who has heretofore acted as Major of Brigade to Gen. Hand is to continue in that appointment for this campaign and Lieut. Snowden of the first Jersey Regiment is appointed Aid-de-Camp to the General during the same term. They are to be respected and obeyed accordingly.
Detail Guard.
Sub-1, Serjts-2, Corpls-2, P-20.
Fatigue, . . . . . . Corpls-1, P-4.Head Quarters, Wyoming, 4th of July.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Col. Shrive.
Brigade Major—Ross.Detail.
German Regiment, . . . . . . Capt-0, Sub-0, Serjt-1, C-3, D-0, F-0, P-22.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 5th, 1779.
Parole, Winchester. Countersigned, Frederick.
Field Officer for tomorrow—Col. Spencer.
Brigade Major—Sproat.Detail.
German Regiment, . . . . . . C-0, Sub-1, Srt-0, Cl-2, P-20.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 6th, 1779.
Parole, Williamsburg. Countersigned, Hampton.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Lieut. Col. Dehard.
Brigade Major—Ross.Notwithstanding the orders of the 24th of June with respect to bathing, which restricted the soldiers to certain hours, was designed alone to prevent those disorders which would otherwise issue.
The General is astonished to see it broken in such frequent instances, being however determined to prevent a practice so dangerous to the health of the troops, all officers are hereby directed to order and see that twenty lashes be inflicted instantly upon any soldier that they may find guilty of a breach of it in future.
The brigadiers will please to order a sentinel at the most suitable spots in order to detect delinquents of this kind. Those whose health may require their bathing more often than the order prescribed may obtain liberty for that purpose in writing from their regimental surgeon, an officer commanding the regiment that he belongs to.
The order forbidding the troops to straggle from camp being as little attended to as that the same immediate punishment to be inflicted on any soldier found beyond the picket without a written permission from the commanding officer of his regiment and the more effectually to prevent them from straggling and plundering the inhabitants he directs the roll to be called at noon as well as morning and evening.
Brigade (and not regimental) Quarter Master are to make returns for stationary and other articles in their departments. In this respect strict attention is to be paid to the allowance of Congress in the several articles. The Brigadier Generals are to make an accurate estimation of the number of horses necessary for their respective brigades to answer the acquances and demands for the Expedition from Tioga upwards. They are to notice that thirty days of flour and the tents are to be carried from there on horses which are to be included in this return.
German Regiment, . . . . . .Ct-1, Sub-0, Sert-1, Ct-2, D-0, F-0, Privt-20.
Fatigue, . . . . . . Privt-5______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 7th, 1779.
Parole, German. Countersigned, Frank.
Field officer for the day tomorrow—Major Conway.
Brigade Major—Sproat.A Court of Inquiry of which Capt. Bunner is appointed president to sit tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at Col. Butler's quarters to inquire into the complaint exhibited by Capt. Spalding against Major Munmond for beating and abusing Joseph Clark, a Continental soldier. All witnesses are desired to attend.
By a General Court Marital whereof Col. Ogden is president, Lieut. Munday of the 2d New York Regiment was tried, charged with behaving in a scandalous infamous manner unbecoming the character of an officer and gentleman in sending insulting and abusing note, while under sentence of a Court Martial to Capt. Jacob Wright, and for leaving his arrest before being set at liberty. The Court are of opinion the first charge against Lieut. Munday is not supported, then they conceive his note to be ill timed and improper, the Court are also of opinion that Lieut. Munday is not guilty of the second charge, and acquit him of both charges and had it not been for his note would have acquitted him with honor. The Commander-in-Chief approves the sentence and releases him from his arrest.
Elijah Rippee, soldier in Col. Spencer's Regiment, charged with desertion, was tried by the same Court and being found guilty was sentenced to one hundred lashes on his bare back. The General approves the sentence, but pursuant to the recommendation and request of the Court Martial his punishment, is remitted and he is ordered to join his regiment.
Andrew Kneckabacker of the 2d New York regiment charged with the desertion, was tried by the same court, who after considering the evidence produced by the prisoner in his own behalf, are of opinion he is entitled to the benefit of His Excellency General Washington's proclamation and should be discharged from confinement, the General approves the sentence and orders him to join his regiment.
Henry Elliott of the 2d New York Regiment charged with desertion was twice called before the same Court but no evidence appearing to support the charge is sentenced to be released from his confinement. The General orders him to join his regiment.
The court martial whereof Col. Ogden is president is dissolved.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, S-1, S-1, C-2, D-1, F-1, P-20, orderly-Serjt.
Adjutant for the day tomorrow—Weidman.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 8th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field officer for tomorrow—Major Piatt.
Brigade Major—Ross.It being beyond a doubt that parties of savages are hovering around camp, the troops are reminded of the order against straggling. They are also forbidden to discharge their muskets on any pretense unless liberty be obtained for that purpose from Head Quarters.
Those who are detected in breech of this order are to receive twenty lashes upon the spot.
Should the commanding officers of regiments judge the hour of exercise in the morning to be unsuitable on account of heavy fogs, they will change it to any other in the day.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, S-0, S-1, C-2, P-19.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 9th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned, Winser.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Col. Shreve.
Brigade Major—Sproat.It being impossible that the troops under their present circumstances should be supplied with complete ration as all the articles cannot be procured, a board of officers is directed to sit immediately to determine which additional quantity of such articles as can be furnished ought to be issued in lieu of those which cannot.
The members of the board are Gens. Maxwell, Poor and Hand, Cols. Shreve, Ogden and Spencer of the Jersey Brigade and Cols. Cortland and Cilley of the New Hampshire Brigade.
German Regiment, . . . . . . Sub-1, Serjt-1, Corp-2, P.G.-20, Fatigue-4.
As it may in some instances be improper for the troops to bathe in the mornings of those days which are pointed out in order on account of unwholesome fogs, they are therefore permitted to bathe either in the morning before troop beating or evening after retreat of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.A regimental court martial held at Wyoming July 10th, 1779, by order of Capt. Jacob Bunner, Comd't, whereof Capt. P. Boyer was president. Members: Lieut. Shugart, Lieut. Swartz, Ensign Diffenderfer, Ensign Cleckner.
Christian Castner, a soldier in the German Regiment, confined for speaking disrespectfully of Lieut. Grometh's character, pleads not guilty.
Capt. Myers, being duly sworn before the court says that Castner came to him and asked him what he should do about his sixty dollar bill that he lost when Lieut. Grometh struck him. He asked whether he had proper proof that Lieut. Grometh had it, if he had not he would better be still about the matter, and has not heard Castner say any more about the same.
Lieut. Shugart being sworn says that the evening after Castner had received his punishment, came to him and told him that he was punished wrongfully, whereupon he told him not to speak in that manner, whereupon Castner made answer that he ought to be righted and not to lose the sixty dollar bill that Lieut. Grometh took out of his hand, he told him to go to his tent and he would see further into the matter, Castner being at the time a good deal in liquor. Some days after he asked Castner whether he had received his money yet. His answer was not. He then asked him whether he was sure that Lieut. Grometh had it. His answer was he did not know but said he lost it when Lieut. Grometh struck him.
Serjt. Low, being duly sworn before the court, says that Castner accused Lieut. Grometh of taking a sixty dollar bill from him but says that he did not see Castner have a bill at all in his hand, and further said not.
Corp. Burk, being sworn before the court, says that about half an hour after Lieut. Grometh struck Castner that he saw Castner have a bill in his hand, but does not know the sum, and further says that he heard Castner accuse Lieut. Grometh for taking a sixty dollar bill from him.
David Robison, a soldier in the German Regiment, being duly sworn before the court, he says that Kaufman came to stand guard in Castner's place, whereupon Lieut. Grometh ordered Kaufman to lay down his accouterments and fetch Castner, whereupon Lieut. Grometh struck Castner a few strokes and bid him go in the guard house, and further says that he saw Castner have a bill in his hand when he came in, but to the best of his knowledge saw Castner put in his pocket. The prisoner having nothing to say in his defense, the court after Maturs, consideration and hearing the evidence are of an opinion that the prisoner is guilty of injuring Lieut. Grometh's character. The court therefore orders him to run the gauntlet once up and once down the regiment.
The above sentence was approved of and ordered to be put in execution this evening at roll call.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 10th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field officer for the day tomorrow—Col. Ogden.
Brigade Major—Ross.The Deputy Quarter Master General is directed to make an immediate return of all the Continental horses at this place.
A General Court Martial, whereof Col. Dayton is appointed president, to sit at Col. Butler's quarters on Monday morning at 9 o'clock for the trial of Major Murnond and such prisoners as may be brought before them.
Lieut. Willard and all the evidence will attend the Court at the time before mentioned. Lieut. Forrest is permitted to fire this afternoon at five o'clock for the sake of experiment the howitzer fixed in one of the boats.
Taken up on the 7th instant at Bullucks Tavern a bright bay mare about 15 hands high, trots and canters well, appears to be half-blooded, her off hind foot, white mane and tail lately trimmed, not branded, the proper owner may have her by applying to Lieut. Armitage of the Artillery.
German Regiment, . . . . . . C-0, Sub-0, S-1, C-2, D-1, F-0, P-19.
Brigade Orders.
The Brigade to attend Divine Service tomorrow morning at ten o'clock at the usual place.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 11th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Col. Spencer.
Brigade Major—Sproat.The Commissaries are to issue rations of the several species of provisions hereafter mentioned in the following quantities. The additional quantity being in lieu of such articles as during our present situation cannot be procured to with 1-1/4 lb. of soft bread or flour, or 1 lb. of hard bread per day, 1-1/4 lb. of fresh or sold beef or 1 lb. dried beef or pork per day—16 lb. of hard soap for one hundred men per week.
The commanding officers of the Corps to make a return to the Adjt. General of the names such soldiers under their command as does not belong to the State where the regiment was raised in order that some method may be devised to obtain for them the allowance made, either by the State to which they belong to, or that to whose troops they are annexed.
The Commissary is to take an exact account of all the cattle now on this ground have collected and sent to Gen. Poor's encampment who will furnish a captain guard over them. The commissary will furnish the captain with an exact list of the number of cattle, take his receipt for the same when any cattle are wanted for use. The Commissary will send an order for a particular number to the captain commanding the guard, who when his guard is relieved is to deliver to the relieving officer as may have been received. The officer commanding those guards [will] frequently have the cattle counted and see if any be missing and should there be, to report it immediately, he will consider himself answerable for any neglect.
The General again calls on the Quarter Master General for a return of the horses on the ground.
The soldiers strictly forbidden to burn the rails belonging to the inhabitants. Humanity dictates to every soldier that he should not all to their distress being already made miserable by a savage enemy.Detail.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, S-0, P-0, C-2, D-0. F-0, P-18.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, S-1, P-0, C-0, D-0, F-0, P-5.
Fatigue, . . . . . . P-3.Brigade Orders.
Wyoming, July 12th, 1779.
An officer and fifteen men from the Brigade, with axes to parade immediately and march to some convenient part of the woods in the neighborhood for the purpose of cutting about thirty scythe snaths or handles, the men of this command to be such as are acquainted with this kind of business.
Head Quarters Wyoming, July 12th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field Officers for the day tomorrow—Lieut. Col. Dehard.
Brigade Major— Ross.The Adjutant General will furnish the Brigade Major and they the Adjutants, with forms for the General Report of Guards. The officers of the day will acquaint themselves with those forms, as in the future no others will be received. All parties who are sent from camp are to make report to the officer of the day of their going out, of their return, and if they may have made.
The Commissary and Quarter Master will also make immediate report to him of the arrival of boats and wagons with stores. Whatever officer or soldier shall discover any party of the enemy is to report immediately the same to the Field Officer of the day, who is directed to take every possible method to acquaint himself with every material occurrence in camp or in any part of the army by night or day and accordingly make report thereof.
The Field Officer of the day is to give license for the discharging of firelocks that have been long loaded. He is permitted to charge and augment guards or sentinels, when he may judge it necessary as also to alter the countersign, when a sentinel deserts his post by night or on any other suitable occasion.
German Regiment, . . . . . . C-0, Sub-1, S-1, C-2, D-0, F-0, P-17.
Fatigue, . . . . . . P-3.
Court Martial, . . . . . . C-2.Brigade Orders.
One subaltern, one sergeant, one corporal and twenty privates to parade tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock. For command to be provided with three days provision this evening.
AD'M HUBLEY, Lieut. Col.
Comm'g 3d P. B.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 13th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Major Piatt.
Brigade—Ross.The pickets of the army being principally posted for the security of the camp, the Commander in Chief directs that the sentinels be ordered invariably to fare outwards when an officer is discovered coming towards them, they are immediately to halt and come to a proper shoulder facing outwards as before mentioned in which position he will remain until the officer passes them. If the officer passes in their front they are to present their arms to him, provided he be entitled to that complement but ought not to face to any other direction for that purpose. Officers commanding pickets whom they turn out their guards are constantly to parade them with their front outwards and bring them to a shoulder but are not to pay any other complement to an officer unless he passes in his front, there are to be established as invariable rules to be dispensed with in no instance but that of receiving the rounds at night which is to be practiced as usual, when the sentinel are directed to let no persons pass beyond their lines, they are to stop immediately upon passing it but not before and unless they have written authority for passing they are to be compelled to return within the line. No officer on any pretense whatever is to take any horse out of the pasture except such as has been assigned him for his own particular use. General and Field Officers are requested to pay particular attention to this order and see that it is not in any instance violated.
Guard, . . . . . . C-1, S-0, S-1, C-2, P-22.
Fatigue, . . . . . . C-0, S-0, S-1, C-0, P-2.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 15th, 1779.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Col. Dayton.
Brigade Major—Sproat.The following particulars are to be observed in relieving guards, the new guard will march past the old and form four paces on its right, both guards fronting the same way, viz: Towards the enemy when the new guard approaches the left of the old one, the latter will present arms, the new guard is to present their arms immediately upon their taking post and halting.
Officers commanding guards are upon no account whatever to leave their post except for the purpose of visiting sentinels and examining the ground around their guards.
All the tents of the army at this post are to be struck tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, the ground on which they stand to be swept and cleaned in the best manner, the brush and other filth burned, at one in the afternoon the tents are to be pitched regularly.
The commanding officer of the 1st Jersey Regiment will review the front of his encampment.
As wagons will not be wanting for this army the Commander-in-Chief directs that those which properly belong to the army be sent to the fort at Wyoming and left in the care of Col. Butler.
Col. Procter will take the bodies of the wagons belonging to the Commander-in-Chief and such other covered ones as he may find necessary for securing the ammunition in its passage up the river.
The brigadiers and officers commanding Brigade will call upon the Commissary of Military Stores for a sufficient supply of ammunition for their respective brigades, which they will have placed in a covered wagon and conveyed with the stores of the Brigade. The horses now annexed to those wagons will be used either as riding or pack horses and the enlisted wagoners employed as pack horsemen.
The Quarter Master General will immediately have all the horses of the army well shod and see that every thing in his department be in perfect readiness for the movement of the army.
Officers commanding corps will see that their men's arms are in the best order and that their cartridge boxes are filled with ammunition.
Fred'r Longbansh, John Smith and Fred Shoemaker, pack horse drivers, tried by a general court martial whereof Col. Dayton was president, were found guilty of desertion and sentenced each to receive fifty lashes on his bare back and each to pay twenty dollars as a premium to those who took them up. The General approved the sentence of the Court and ordered it executed this evening at roll call at the head of the main guard.
A roan horse with a Roman nose and marked "S. B.," the private property of one of the General's family has been removed from the ground on which he was turned to graze and it is supposed has been taken by some person on a presumption of his being public property. Whoever has possession of said horse is hereby desired to return him (either) to the place from whence he was taken or to Head Quarters and he may rely on a prosecution who hereafter uses him, without the owner's consent is first obtained.
Brigade Orders.
The several regiments and corps of the 3d Pennsylvania Brigade are immediately to make returns to the Major of Brigade of the quantity of ammunition wanting to complete their several corps to forty-three rounds exclusive of which a reserve of ammunition is to be drawn by the commander of military stores for the Brigade.
The Brig. Major is to digest the returns into a brigade return and deliver it to the Brigade Company who is to lose no time in having it executed.
S-1, S-0, C-2, D-0, F-0, P-22.
P-3 fatigue______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 16, 1779.
Field Officer of the day tomorrow—Col. Spencer
Brigade Major—Ross.Gen. Poor, Col. Cilley and Lieut. Col. Dearbourne are appointed to settle a matter of claim between Col. Spencer and Lieut. Col. Hubley to some soldiers who had belonged to late Malcolm's Regiment.
They are requested to sit tomorrow morning at ten o'clock at Col. Spencer's marquee.
C-0, S-0, S-2, C-2, DF-0, Pr-23.
C-1, 3 fatigue.______
Head Quarters. Wyoming, July 17, 1779.
Field Officers for the day tomorrow: Lieut. Col. D. Hart
Brigade Major: Sproat.
The drivers furnished at Easton for Col. Procter's Artillery from the 3rd Jersey and 2nd and 3rd New Hampshire Regiments are ordered forthwith to join their respective corps.Col. Procter will acquaint the Adjutant General of the number of drivers he shall require during the campaign, who are to be selected in due proportion from the several corps in the army.
Guard Detail.
C-0, S-1, S-1, C-1, D-0, F-0, P-14.
C-0, S-0, S-1, C-0, D-0, F-0, P-2.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 18, 1779.
Field Officer tomorrow—Lieut. Col. Smith.
Brigade Major— Ross______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 19, 1779.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Major Piatt.
Brigade Major—Sproat.Lieut. John Dennet of the 3rd New Hampshire Regiment is promoted to Captain Lieutenant. Vice Capt. Lieut. Simpson resigned.
Major Murnand having amicably settled the difference between himself and Lieut. Willard is released from his arrest.
Gen. Maxwell's Brigade will furnish eight drivers for the Artillery, Gen. Poor's eight and Gen. Hand's four.
Lost a few days ago a small polished steel sputr [spur], whoever has found the same and will deliver it at Head Quarters shall be thankfully rewarded.
C-0, S-0, S-1, C-2, DF-0, P-16.
3 Fatigue.
3 Waggoners.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 20th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field Officer for tomorrow—Col. Dayton.
Brigade Major—Ross.Agreeable to the report of Brig. Gen. Poor, Col. Cilley and Lieut. Col. Dearbourn are appointed to settle a matter of claim to some soldiers in dispute between Col. Spencer and Lieut. Col. Hubley. Late Capt. Henter's Company formerly belonging to Col. Malcomb's Regiment but since annexed to Col. Spencer are ordered to be transferred to the regiment now under the command of Lieut. Col. Hubley.
Officers commanding guards are to be particularly attentive to the instructions they may receive from those whom they relieve. They are to see that their non-commissioned officers likewise receive their proper order, are acquainted with the duty of sentinels, and possessed of the particular instructions to be delivered them. They are frequently themselves to visit their sentinels, and examine them as to their duty in general as well as the directions they have received for their particular post, in short they are to consider themselves accountable for the behavior of their guards and that their character are in some measure affected by it. The non-commissioned officers relieving sentinels are to listen attentively to the orders delivered to the relieving sentinel and see that they are accurate.
Officers are directed to acquaint themselves particularly with the mode prescribed for receiving the Grand Rounds.
Guard, . . . . . . C-1, S-1, S-1, C-1, P-16.
Weeks Command, . . . . . . S-1, S-0, C-0, P6.______
Head Quarters. Wyoming, July 21st, 1779.
Parole, Jamaica. Countersigned, Brooklin.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Col, Shreve.
Brigade Major—Sproat.The General congratulates the army on the glorious and important intelligence just received from His Excellency Gen. Washington's Head Quarters by a letter from one of his family of which the following is an extract—
Head Quarters, New Windser, 16 July, 4 0'clock.
Permit me to congratulate you on the success of our army in this quarter of a most glorious and interesting nature.
Brig. Gen. Wain with part of the Light Infantry surprised and took prisoners the whole of the Garrison Stony Point last night with all there, cannon, stores, mortars, howitz, tents, baggage, &c. without the loss of more than four or five privates - no other officer killed or badly wounded. Gen. Wain received a slight in the head with a musket ball.
The garrison consisted of British and Newlevies, with two or three companies of grenadiers besides artillery.
We have been able to obtain an exact list of the stores or prisoners but all account make near six hundred to have composed the garrison.
The Commander-in-Chief acquaints the army that had the Board of War complied with his request and their own engagement respecting cloding [clothing?] at this past would not now be suffering through want of any article in that way.
Although he has been disappointed from time to time and had almost despaired of receiving any suitable supplies of the kind yet, from late advice he promises himself the satisfaction of relieving at least the absolute necessities of the troops before they move from hence.
The honorable the Congress have been pleased to come to following resolutions:
In Congress, 22d June, 1779.
That majors in consideration of their extra duty as Brigade Inspectors and Majors of Brigade receive forty-four dollars per month in addition to their regimental pay.
That Congress entertain a grateful sense of the virtues and services of those engaged in the armies of this State during the war, and to encourage a continuance of their exertions, and as far as circumstances admit to put them on a footing pecuniary matters with the soldiers, Gen. Washington be empowered to order a gratuity of one hundred dollars each to be paid to the men so enlisted during the war, this gratuity to be paid only to such soldiers as enlisted before the 23d day of January, 1779.
That the Adjutant General for this time being, be also Asst. Inspector General.Details.
The days command, . . . . . .
C-0, S-0, S-0, C-0, P-3.Fatigue.
C-0, S-0, S-0, C-1, P-7.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, Subt-0, S-1, C-1, D-0, F-0, Privates-18.After Order.
A Special Court Marital of which Brig. Gen. Poor is appointed president to sit tomorrow morning at Gen. Hand's quarters to try a party of the German Regiment for mutiny and desertion.
Gen. Maxwell's Brigade will furnish as members two field officers and three captains, Gen. Poor, one field officer and four captains, Gen. Hand, two captains.
The Majors of Brigade will furnish Mr. Pemberton, the Judge Advocate, with the names of their respective members.
Details for Court Martial.
German Regiment, . . . . . . Captains-0.
Mth. P. Regiment, . . . . . . Captains-1.
Spaltings, . . . . . . Captain-0.
Selins, . . . . . . Captain-1.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 22d, 1779.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Col. Ogden
Brigade Major— Ross.
Parole, Stony Point. Countersigned, Wain.In consequence of the gratuity of one hundred dollars by Congress to each soldier enlisted for the war, before the 23th last January, commanding officers of regiments and corps are directed to make accurate return or list of the names of such soldiers as enlisted, as before described, distinguishing the company. As in other regimental returns those are to be given to the Muster Master Mr. Waid as soon as possible.
Guard, . . . . . . C-1, S-0, S-1, C-1, P16.
Fatigue, . . . . . . P-3.Brigade Orders, July 22d, 1779.
Returns to be immediately made out for the monthly allowance of writing paper for each regiment and corps in the Brigade, likewise for the number of Orderly Books wanting the same.
ADM. HUBLEY, J. Lt. Col.
Comt. 3rd. Pa. Brigade______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 23rd, 1779.
Field Officers for tomorrow—Lieut. Col. Smith.
Brigade Major—Sproat.
Parole, Newhaven. Countersigned, Stratford.In future no officer or soldier to have leave of absence except by special authority from the Commander-in-Chief.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, S-1, S-1, C-2, P-20.
Fatigue, . . . . . .Serjt-0, C-1, P-4.
Three days command.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 24th, 1779.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow— Col. Hubley.
Brigade Major—Ross.
Parole, Arn—. Countersigned, Morgan.The army to be in readiness to march on Wednesday morning. The Commissaries and Quarters to have everything in their department in perfect readiness, as no excuse will be admitted for delay.
The public horses of the whole army without any exception to be collected and assembled at the ferry on the west side the river on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock where an officer with a proper detachment from each brigade will attend to receive the horses assigned them respectively. It is expected that all the staff and all officers of whatever denomination who have public horses will turn them in, at the time and place before mentioned. Those who neglect to do it may expect to have theirs taken from them and be obliged to perform their duty on foot during the residue of the Campaign. The officers entitled to horses are all directed to attend in order to receive their horses which are to be taken out in the following manner, viz:
Two horses to be chosen for the Commander-in-Chief, two for Gen. Maxwell, two for Gen. Poor, and two for Gen. Hand, then two for Gen. Clinton, one for Col. Procter, one for the Adjutant General, one for the Quarter Master General, then one for the secretary and each of the Aid-de-Camps of the Brig. General and Brigade Majors, then one for each Colonel according to rank, then one to each Lieut. Colonel according to rank and to the Majors in the same manner, then one for the Surgeon General, then the Commissary General, then the Adjutants of each regiment, then Captains of the Artillery, then the Surgeons of the hospital, then Brigade Quarter Masters and Brigade Commissaries, then the Surgeons and Chaplains of the army, then such other of the staff as are entitled to horses, all officers of the line except those before mentioned are positively forbidden to ride as their place will be constantly with their platoons and divisions.
After the above distribution has taken place and twenty pack horses are selected for the Commander-in-Chief, the residue are to be distributed according to quality to Gens. Maxwell, Poor, Hand and Col. Procter in the manner as following, viz:
To Gen. Maxwell - 300.
To Gen. Poor - 300.
To Gen. Hand - 200.
To Col. Procter - 100.The rest of the horses to be employed in carrying the public stores of the army, the horses assigned to the brigades and corps to be furnished with pack horse men from the several corps to which they are assigned, and as the horses assigned to the several corps cannot all be employed between this and Tioga in carrying stores for their respective corps, they are to be located with the public stores of the army.
The commanding officers will appoint conductors to them who will apply to the Quarter Master and Commissary for slings, straps and halters, and every other thing necessary for their horses and take their loading on Tuesday afternoon, so as to be ready to move on Wednesday morning, the Quarter Master will see that a proper number of pack horses are assigned to the staff and together with the Commissary of Provisions and Military Stores will cause that every thing be properly collected and arranged against Wednesday morning.
Col. Band will see that all the horses are collected by the time prefixed for distribution.
The Commissary will have the cattle so disposed on Tuesday night that they might be ready to move on Wednesday morning. The Commissary, Quarter Master and Commissary of Military Stores will call upon the Adjutant General for such parties as may be necessary to carry their orders into execution.
Col. Bond will assign the pack horses [which] he has procured and such horses as are not assigned to Corps.
Gen. Poor's Brigade will move early on Tuesday morning to this post after which all the wagons belonging to the army will be sent to the front and left in charge of Col. Butler, the wagon horses will be turned in to serve as batt and pack horses and the wagons are to be employed as pack horse men. Two captains, six subalterns and one hundred men of those least able to endure a march to be draughted [drafted] for this garrison and put under the command of Col. Butler.
The Commander-in-Chief returns his thanks to Gen. Hand, Major Conway and Capt. Rice & Procter, Cummings & Meade & and the officers and soldiers under their command for their great exertions in bringing forward the stores of the army with such expedition and thereby giving such striking evidence of their orders in the cause of their country, as well as zeal for the present expedition, the care and attention and activity of Commis'y steel [Commissary Stores] in procuring and forwarding supplies for the army afford the most flattering prospect of what the army may expect from a man of his assiduity and at the same time demands the General's most grateful acknowledgments.
The Order of March from hence to Tioga will be in the orders tomorrow.
Gens. Maxwell, Poor and Hand are appointed to settle the rank of Lieuts. Munday, Freily and Hardenberg of Col. Cortland's Regiment. They are to meet for this purpose at Gen. Poor's Quarters on Monday morning at 9 o'clock.
The Company of Light Horses of Col. Hubley's Regiment to be immediately dismounted, their arms and accouterments to be delivered to the Commissary of Military Stores, and their horses to the Quarter Master. They are to join their respective companies and do duty as Infantry.
The Quarter Master and others who have in possession any military stores are to deliver them this day to Capt. Topham, the Commissary of Military Stores, who is to make a return of all the military stores to the Commander-in-Chief by 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The officers commanding corps to make returns of arms, accouterments and ammunition wanted for their troops against Monday ten o'clock forenoon.
The party of the German Battalion tried by a special court martial of which Brigadier Gen. Poor is president for mutiny and desertion were found guilty of the charge and sentenced as follows, viz:
Joseph Alexander, Frederick Kerls, Jacob Bottomer, Philip Cook and Georg Ottenberger to be shot to death.
Frederick Mosser, Frederick Sipperil, Corporals, to be reduced to the ranks and run the gauntlet through Gen. Maxwell's, Gen. Hand's Brigade and Col. Proctor's Regiment. All the rest to run the gauntlet as above.
The Commander-in-Chief approves the sentences and orders them executed on Monday next at four o'clock in the afternoon.
Lieut. Col. Forrest's camp equipage to be sold at five o'clock this afternoon in front of the park.
Head Quarters. Wyoming, July 25th, 1779.
Parole: France.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Major Conway.
Brigade Major—Sproat.The army will march in the following order for Tioga:
Gen. Hand's Brigade which is to be considered as the Light Corps of the army will move in three columns.
They will keep less than a mile in advance of the main army. Gen. Maxwell will advance by his left, then Gen. Poor by his right.
The Flank Guard on the right to consist of a field officer and two hundred men in two divisions. The Flank Guard on the left to consist of a captain and sixty men in two divisions.
The pack horses and cattle to follow in the rear of Gen. Poor's Brigade.
The Rear Guard is to consist of a complete regiment, taken alternately from Maxwell's and Poor's Brigade.
Those of Col. Proctor's Regiment who are not required in the Artillery in the boats will march in the rear of Maxwell's Brigade and form on his right. The main army will keep as nearly abreast of the boats as possible, the horns are to be frequently sounded in boats to give notice of their situation.
A captain and sixty men are to advance a mile in front of the boats, on the west side of the river to scour the country and give notice of ambuscades in case of their being attacked by superior number. They are to retreat across the river for which purpose four light boats are to be kept advanced of the fleet nearly abreast of the party, to transport them across in case of necessity. In the boats there are to be a trusty officer and twelve armed soldiers who are to be answerable for the conduct of the boats.
Col. Proctor will take post with his pieces of artillery which will be fixed in the boats and have the direction of the whole fleet. He will take such officers and men with him as he shall find necessary.
When a warm firing commences against the light party on the west side of the river, the armed boats will immediately proceed to the place to cover the party by their fire. Should fire begin with the main army, Col. Proctor will wait for orders. He is also directed to establish signals to notify the fleet how to conduct in case of attack or other emergency.
The Brigadiers to see that a covered wagon be filled with ammunition and put in to proper boats for their respective brigades.
Dr. William Kinnersly is appointed surgeon to those corps in Gen. Hand's Brigade, not already provided and is to be obeyed accordingly.
The Commander-in-Chief upon further consideration is convinced that the Light Horse commanded by Capt. Carbury may be of essential service in the present expedition. The order of yesterday for dismounting that corps is suspended until further orders. They are directed to do duty with the Light Corps under the command of Gen. Hand.
The not knowing the names of all the officers who assisted in forwarding the stores from Estherton and Sunbury mentioned in the orders of yesterday, the names of some and omitted others of equal and superior rank whom he did not then know, where concerned he therefore esteems it his duty to inform such that it was his intention to extend to all the officers and soldiers who assisted in forwarding the stores, being convinced of their merit and exertion, as well from Gen. Hand's letters as the short space of time they took to perform the arduous and important task. He means these explanatory orders, as an apology to those not mentioned yesterday and to express his thanks to all concerned.
Brigade Orders, Wyoming, July 25th, 1779.
The commanding officers of corps are desired to make a return to Gen. Hand as soon as possible of the number of men under their respective commands unfit to proceed on the present expedition, specifying the complaints which disqualify them for immediate service.
The Brigade Quarter Master is desired to see a covered wagon fixed on a good boat to carry ammunition for the Brigade, agreeable to General Orders of this day.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, S-1, S-1, C-1, P-18.
Fatigue, . . . . . . 2 Privates.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 26th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow: Major Piatt.
Brigade Major: Ross.The several corps to make a return of muskets, bayonets, belts, shot bags and other accouterments which may be wanted, also the number of shoes, blankets and other clothing deficient, in order that those articles on hand may be dealt out equally and others procured as soon as possible. These returns to be sent in by eight o'clock tomorrow morning to Head Quarters.
A quantity of buck shot may be had from Capt. Topham, Commissary of Military Stores. The conductor of horses of the several corps are to apply to the Quarter Master immediately for pack saddles, slings, &c. for the horses assigned to them respectively.
Agreeable to the order of the 24th all the troops at this post will parade at four o'clock this afternoon in order to attend the execution of the several punishments to be inflicted upon the criminals belonging to the German Regiment. The place of execution will be on the right of Gen. Maxwell's Brigade.
Col. Antis is appointed Conductor of Boats and is to be respected and obeyed as such. He is directed to parade all the boatmen under his command this afternoon and make accurate return of them to the Commander-in-Chief.
He will immediately examine the situation of the oars and setting poles, and make a return of the deficiency to Col. Butler.
Detail for the Garrison to be Left Behind.
Jersey Brigade, . . . . . . C-1, S-2, S-3, C-2, Df-2, P-40.
Poor's Brigade, . . . . . .C-1, S-2, S-2, C-3, Df--2, P-40.
Hand's Brigade, . . . . . . . C-0, S-2, S-1, C-1, Df-0, P-20.Detail for Guard.
Guard, . . . . . . . C-0, S-1, S-1, C-2, D-0, P-18.
Fatigue, . . . . . . P-2.
Horse Guard, . . . . . . . C-0, S-1, S-0, C-1, D-0, P-8.Brigade Orders.
The Brigade Quarter Master and Commissary are desired to apply to the Quarter Master General for boats to carry the stores in their several departments. The officers of the Brigade entitled to horses by the order of the 24th instant are desired to attend at the time and place where mentioned, as will to receive their horses assigned them as to assist the Brigade Quarter Master who is to attend and see that the horses delivered to the Brigade are equal in quality to those assigned other brigades and to have the whole branded agreeable to General Orders of the 2d instant. A subaltern, a sergeant and corporal and twenty privates from the Brigade to be ready to take charge of the horses until they are distributed to the different corps. When that is done each corps will take of and drive their own.
Serjt. Thos. Balding of Capt. Spalding's Independent Company, who was lately reduced by the sentence of a General Court Martial is restored by the particular request of Capt. Spalding.
Return of shoes wanting in the different corps in the Brigade to be given in immediately. The Brigade Quarter Master who will apply to the Commander-in-Chief for an order for them without delay.
After Orders.
On account of the unsettled situation of the weather the execution of the several sentences of the court martial upon the criminals of the German Regiment is postponed until tomorrow afternoon at five o'clock.
F. BARBER, A. Gen.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 27th, 1779.
Parole, King's Brigade. Countersigned, New York.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Edwards
Brigade Major—Sproat.A General Court Martial to sit this morning at 9 o'clock for the trial of all prisoners under the Main Guard not sentenced already. Lieut. Col. Hubley is appointed president of the court who are to sit at his quarters.
Gens. Maxwell, Poor and Hand have examined the claims of rank between Lieut Munday, Fauly and Hardenberg of Cortland's Regiment and reported that their rank had been settled by mutual consent upon an arrangement of the regiment was made, and sent to the Board of War, they are therefore of opinion that any alteration would produce confusion and general dissatisfaction. The Commander-in-Chief directs that the arrangement made out by mutual consent and in consequence thereof transmitted to the war office be established.
All the men belong to Capt. Spalding's Company and German Regiment, however they may be employed, are ordered to repair immediately to their respective corps.
All officers except the field to be supplied with fuses, or other firelocks, immediately, such Field Officers as choose will likewise supply themselves.
The camp kettles wanted for the several corps to be drawn immediately. The commanding officers of the regiment and corps will forthwith draw axes and slings to the rate of two for each company. They are also to furnish their troops with knapsacks, haversacks and canteens, complete every article in every department that can be carried on pack horses is to be for that purpose carried in that manner.
The Court Martial whereof Lieut. Col. Hubley is president is to sit all hours when the members can possibly alter until all the prisoners in the Main Guard are tried.
Officers commanding regiments will order regimental court martials for the trial of all prisoners under their Quarter Guards.
The pack horses have not arrived from Carlisle with flour and the wagons with stores from Easton, [but] the march of the army commences tomorrow as proposed. As they are hourly expected, the Commander-in-Chief requests the officers of every department to see that everything is in the most perfect state of readiness.
The horses will be divided and designated this day when the Commander-in-Chief and other general officers according to rank will choose for themselves and families, then Col. Proctor, the Adjutant and Quarter Master General, then field officers according to rank, the Engineer drawing with the Major according to the rank he holds. It is not intended that general officers
should draw batt. Bortman [battalion boatman?] due or pack horses before all officers have their riding horses.Horses for their own riding and that of military assistance being desired, all other officers are to throw [move rapidly] in the course in the order described in the 24th immediately upon the horses being assigned to the corps. They are to be branded respectively.
The troops are to be served with a gill of spirits this afternoon.
The Commander-in-Chief having received a petition from the prisoner of the German Battalion now under sentence manifesting their consciousness of the crimes of which they have been condemned and promising in case of pardon to distinguish themselves in future as brave and obedient soldiers which petition being laid before a Board of General Officers.
In hopes that an act of leniency may have a proper effect upon their future conduct as well as that of others, they have unanimously advised a pardon of all the offenders without discrimination. The General wishing to extend mercy where it can be done without injury to the public service has accordingly consented to pardon each and every of the offenders, tried and sentenced by the General Court Martial whereof Brig. Gen. Poor was president and directs that they be immediately released and restored to their duty, lest this unfair act of leniency should be abused and soldiers take the same unjustifiable measures hereafter.
The Commander-in-Chief absolutely declares he will not in future pardon a deserter or one who though his time be expired shall quit his corps without a proper discharge from his commanding officer.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, S-0, S-1, C-1, P-15.
Fatigue, . . . . . . C-0, S-0, S-0, C-0, P-3.After Orders.
Many of the field officers have represented that they have horses which they wish to ride during the campaign, the Commander-in-Chief directs that they keep such horses as they have in possession provided they keep each but one riding horse.
After, After Orders.
The conductor of horses will see all the public horses of the army paraded precisely at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Those officers who have by the order of this day been permitted to keep those they have had are to parade them on the Grand Parade at 9 o'clock in the morning.
A person from the Quarter Master General to attend and take the names of all those officers who keep their horses and return a list of them to the Commander-in-Chief. The Quarter Master General will attend himself at same time where the other horses are paraded and take an account of all the horses delivered out to the officers and corps. He is to be very particular in charging the horses to the respective officers and corps to whom they are delivered and send a return thereof to Head Quarters. All officers who may be possessed of horses and do not comply with these requisitions may depend on having them taken away and turned into the common stock.
Col. Proctor will have horses of the artillery paraded before the park at the time above mentioned, these to remain till the division of horses is made.
The Field Officer of the day is to be furnished with two captains, two subalterns and eighty men with whom he is to examine the camp and its environs and to bring in all the horses not upon either of the parades before.
Those officers who as yet have not had horses assigned them are instead of riding them to the parade return them into the Common Drove, unsaddled and unbridled, that they may have no greater advantage than others in the choice of horses.
No officers of the line or staff to be out of camp tomorrow but by special leave from the Commander-in-Chief.
All officers entitled to horses will attend tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock to receive them. A detachment from each brigade to attend to receive the horses assigned them.
All public horses in possession of any officer not permitted by the After Orders of this day to retain in them are to be returned into the common stock except the horses particularly assigned to the artillery.
The general officers will order their horses to be paraded on the Grand Parade and return an account of them to the Quarter Master General.
Detail for Horse Guards.
To take up horses, . . . . . . C-0, S-0, S-1, C-1, P-6.
To take horses in charge, . . . . . . C-0, S-0, S-0, C-1, P-6.______
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 28th, 1779.
Parole. Countersigned.
Field Officer for the day tomorrow—Col. Dayton
Brigade Major—Ross.Mr. Samuel Read, Volunteer in the 11th Pa. Regiment, is appointed Ensign in the same, and is to be obeyed accordingly.
A sufficient number of large boats to be designed for the conveyance of all liquors belonging to the several state stores.
At a General Court Martial whereof Lieut. Col. Hubley is president the following prisoners were tried and sentenced as follows, viz:
John Brayon charged with relisting and found guilty was sentenced to receive fifty lashes and go into detachment of Lieut. Gore.
Elijah Egses of the 2d New Jersey Regiment, charged with desertion, found guilty and sentenced to receive one hundred lashes.
Thomas Fitsworth of the same Regiment, charged with desertion, found guilty and sentenced to receive one hundred lashes.
Philip Snyder, Corporal in the German Regiment, charged with insolence and mutiny, was sentenced to be reduced to the ranks and receive one hundred lashes.
The Commander-in-Chief approves the sentences and orders them to take place this evening at roll call before their respective corps.
The detachment ordered to remain as a guard to the garrison at this post to parade tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock on the Grand Parade where Col. Butler will attend to receive them. The Commander of the garrison is committue [has committed?] to Col. Butler [that] he will furnish the main guard in future from his command which is to consist of a subaltern and twenty-four only.
The present Main Guard will march off tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, the officer previously to his departure notifying Col. Butler that he may immediately send on the new guard to prevent the escape of prisoners.
As the army will move the moment the horses arrive from Carlisle with the kegs of flour, the officer will see that everything be in a perfect state of readiness for marching. The Brigade Quarter Master will make a return to the Quarter Master General of the number of boats necessary to transport such articles as cannot possibly be carried on horseback.
It is expected that everything will be carried on horseback which can be transported that way.
The Commander-in-Chief has not established a guard for himself as it would tend to weaken the army. He recommends it therefore to all other officers to make their guard as small as possible.All the boats and pack horsemen to be furnished with arms and accouterments, their conductor to see this order put immediately in execution.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, S-0, S-1, C-1, P-8.
Garrison Detachment, . . . . . . C-0 S-1, S-0, C-1, P-8.
3 days command, . . . . . . C-1, S-1, S-0, C-0, P-3.
Fatigue, . . . . . . C-0, S-0, S-0, C-0 P-2.
Total C-1, S-2, S-1, C-2, P-16.After Orders.
It having been represented to the Commander-in-Chief that John Brown of the 1st Jersey Regiment had about two years ago deserted to the enemy, given them intelligence respecting the movement of the American army, remained with them for a long time, and lately returned under pretense of taking the benefit of Gen. Washington's proclamation, but supposed for the purpose of acting as a spy for the enemy that sent him to join the regiment, he has robbed and murdered a soldier of said corps, that upon the whole he is too dangerous a person either to continue with the army or be sent to any post of the United States.
It is therefore directed that a Court of Inquiry to sit tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at Gen. Hand's Quarters, composed of all the brigades, Col. Dayton, Col. Ogden, Lieut. Col. Dehart and Major Piatt, in order to examine the foundation of those representations and make report thereof of the Commander-in-Chief.
All persons who know anything respecting said charges are desired to attend the court and at the time and place before mentioned.
All Read's detachment to attend at his quarters tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock where they will be served with a gill of rum.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 29th, 1779.
Parole, Leghorn. Countersigned.
Brigadier of the day tomorrow—Gen. Maxwell.
Field officers—Col. Shreve & Major Fish.
Brigade Major: Marchall.The guards and fatigue party to parade tomorrow at six o'clock.
The fatigue for loading the boats and pack horses is to consist of four hundred men, one hundred and seventy men are to be drafted from the line, who will also parade with the other parties, Col. Proctor and Col. Antis will arrange and assign them to several boats, Col. Proctor will please to examine the cannon of the garrison, and see the suitable quantity of ammunition be left for them, he will at the same time assign such men for them as he may judge necessary.
The Commissary and Quarter Master will attend to the loading of the necessary articles in the boats and pack horses. The brigadier and field officers of the day, will give every necessary direction for having things in proper readiness for the army to move early on Saturday morning, they will also give directions for such guard as are necessary to secure the boats and their loading.
All sutlers [settlers] are directed forthwith to quit the army and Col. Butler is positively ordered not to suffer any at his post during the expedition.
The Commissary is ordered to receive what liquor they may have on hand, and pay them a reasonable price for the same. Should any sutler [settler] after those orders offer to sell, he may expect to have his liquor taken from him without pay. The Quarter Master General will attend to the immediate removal of such as are not inhabitants of this place. Such inhabitants as hereafter to see liquor may also expect to be removed.
Col. Cortlandt, Lieut. Col. Smith and Major Norris are appointed as a Board of Officers to inquire into a dispute of rank between Lieuts. Swartz and Cremer of the German Battalion and report accordingly, the Board will sit at Col. Cortlandt's Quarters at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
The Commissary is directed to collect from sutlers [persons following an army to sell food, liquor, etc. to its soldiers] and borrow from State Store a considerable quantity of run or spirits which is to be issued in proper proportion to the officers of the army previous to their march.
Guard, . . . . . . C-0, S-1, S-1, C-1, P-10.
Fatigue, . . . . . . . C-0, S-1, S-1, C-2, P-27.
Total, . . . . . . C-0, S-2, S-2, C-3, P-37.After Orders.
The arms of the army to be cleaned in the best manner for which purpose permission is given to discharge this evening at Roll Call such of them as may be judged necessary by the commanding officers of the corps.
The Court Martial whereof Lieut. Col. Hubley is president to sit tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at his quarters for the trial of Capt. Lieut. Piatt for abusing in a wanton and cruel manner John Philips, a soldier in Capt. Howkin's Company 3rd New Hampshire Regiment. The evidences [testifiers] are desired to attend.
As the Light Corps of the army are excused from furnishing a quota of boatmen, Maxwell's Brigade will furnish a subaltern, a sergeant and nineteen men and Poor's a subaltern, a sergeant and fifteen men in addition to the number ordered this morning.
Head Quarters, Wyoming, July 30th, 1779.
Brigadier, Boor—
Field Officers for the day tomorrow—Col. Spencer & Major Titcomb.
Brigade Major— Ross.The army will march at 8 0'clock tomorrow morning in order pointed out in General Orders of the 25th.
The whole of Col. Proctor's Regiment will go in the boats.
Capt. Gifford of the 3d Jersey Regiment is appointed to command the party on the west side of the river.
Lieut. Horn of the same regiment will command the four light boats destined to take of the party in case of necessity.
The guard of the Commander-in-Chief will compose the armed party under his command who are to prevent the boats deserting the party under Capt. Gifford.
Col. Proctor will have the whole direction of the fleet and is to be obeyed accordingly.
He may when he thinks necessary assign any other tower [person that tows] of duty to Lieut. Horn and his party which he may think more advantageous to the service.
The Quarter Master and Commissary will apply to Col. Proctor for every assistance in the boat way which they may stand in need, while on passage this day they will apply to the brigadier and field officers of the day for such troops as they may stand in need of for loading the stores.
Maxwell's Brigade will furnish a regiment for the rear guard tomorrow morning.
The troops will breakfast early in the morning that they may not be under the necessity of halting until they arrive at Lackawanick, the place of encampment for tomorrow night.
The General will beat at half-past seven for striking tents, the assembly for parading at 8 o'clock.
A cannon from Col. Proctor's will notify when the march is to commence.
All the pioneers [originally a member of a military engineer unit trained to construct or demolish bridges, roads, trenches, etc.] of the army will be formed into a company and proceed under cover of Gen. Hand's Light Troops to clear the road, they will receive and obey such instructions as they may receive from them.
The Commander-in-Chief returns his sincere thanks to Col. Proctor and the officers of this corps for the attention they have had to every order and the very great assistance they have given him in making preparations for the expedition, he also returns his thanks to Lieut. Col. Read, the officers and soldiers of his detachment for their zeal and activity in forwarding the stores from ______ (illegible) ______.
He also returns his thanks to Lieut. Horn and his party for the expedition with which they took of the garrison and stores from Fort Jinkins.
While the Commander-in-Chief is expressing his thanks to these gentlemen for particular services, justice obliges him to declare that the attention and ______ (illegible) afford him the most pleasing prospects of a successful campaign and he assures them he is convinced while he has the happiness to command such troops victory must be certain and opposition can only serve to add fresh laurels to the American army.
The General reminds the officers commanding corps that the horses assigned them cannot be all loaded having their own baggage. The Public Stores of the army are to be put on such as can be spared for that purpose.
Balance of the book missing.
Alexander, Joseph, German Regiment
Allen, John, Private in Col. Spencer's Regiment
Col. Antis, Conductor of Boats
Col. Armand
Lieut. Armetage, Artillery
Arnold, Oliver, 2nd NY Regiment
Serjt. Thomas Balding of Capt. Spalding's Independent Co.
Barbar, F., Adjutant General
Bemberton [probably Pemberton]
Col. Bond [Band]
Bottomer, Jacob, German Regiment
Capt. Michael Boyer
Capt. P. Boyer
Branon, Mr., Issuing Commissary
Brayon, John
Brown, John, 1st Jersey Regiment [may be same as above]
Capt. Jacob Bunner
Corp. Burk
Col. Butler
Capt. Carbury
Castner, Christian, German Regiment
Capt. Lieut. Chorry
Church, Nathanial, Col. Spencer's Regiment
Col. Cilley [Ciley]
Clark, Joseph
Ensign Cleckner
Clinton's Brigade
Cobun, Thomas
Major Conway
Cook, Philip, German Regiment
Col. Cortlandt
Lieut. Cremer, German Battalion
Col. Dayton
Lieut. Col. Dearborn [Dearbourne]
Lieut. Col. Dehard [D. Hart]
Lieut. John Dennet, 3rd New Hampshire Regiment, promoted to Capt. Lieut.
Ensign Diffenderfer
Corp. Thomas Donaldson
Edwards, Field Officer
Egses, Elijah, 2ns NJ Regiment
Elliot, Henry, 2nd NY Regiment
Farmer, James, 1st Jersey Regiment
Lieut. Fauley, Cortland's Regiment
Major Fish
Feittle, John
Fitsworth, Thomas, 2ns NJ Regiment
Capt. Fog, Aid-de-Camp to Brig. Gen. Poor
Lieut. Col. Forrest [Forrist]
Capt. Gifford, 3rd Jersey Regiment [Gifferd]
E. S. Goodwich
Capt. Greham
Lieut. Grometh
Dr. Hagen, Senior Surgeon to Flying Hospital
Capt. Hallet
Gen. Hand
Lieut. Hardenberg, Cortland's Regiment
Capt. Hawkins [Howkin] 3rd NH Regiment
Dr. Rebert [Robert] Henry
Capt. Henter's Company
Lieut. Horn, 3rd Jersey Regiment
ADM Hubley, J., Lieut. Col., Comt. 3rd Pa. Brigade
Capt. Bernard Hubley
Capt. George Hubley
Kerls, Frederick, German Regiment
Dr. William Kinnersly, surgeon of Gen. Hand's Brigade
Kneiabacker, Andrew, 2nd NY Regiment [Kneckabacker]
Leonard, Enoch, 1st Jersey Regiment [Enuh]
Logue, Thomas, Matross, Col. Proctor's Regiment
Longbansh, Frederick, pack horse driver
Serjt. Low
Col. Malcolm's Regiment
Mamford, David [Munfort], 1st Jersey Regiment
Major Marchell
Gen. Maxwell
Mclaughlin, Charles, 1st Jersey Regiment
Dr. Menema
Miller, Lawrence [Lorance]
Alexander Montgomery, 3rd Jersey Regiment
Corp. Frederick Mosser, German Regiment
Lieut. Munday, 2nd NY Regiment
Major Munmond [Murnond, Murnand]
Capt. Myers
Major Norris
Col. Ogdon [Ogton], Jersey Brigade
Osborn, Josh, 1st Jersey Regiment
Ottenberger, Georg, German Regiment
Mr. Pemberton, Judge Advocate
Philips, John, Capt. Howkin's Company, 3rd NH Regiment
Major Piatt, [Capt. Lieut. also]
Gen. Poor
Col. Proctor
Lieut. Col. Read
Capt. Rice
Rippee, Elijah, Col. Spencer's Regiment
Robinson, David, German Regiment
Roseberry, Michel [Roseburry]
Major Ross [Rose]
Rush, John [Rosh], 1st Jersey Regiment
Shoemaker, Fred, pack horse driver
Col. Shreeve [Shrive, Shreve], Jersey Brigade
Lieut. Shugart
Simmons, Silas
Capt. Lieut. Simpson
Corp. Frederick Sipperil, German Regiment
Lieut. Col. Smith
Smith, John, pack horse driver
Lieut. Snowden, 1st Jersey Regiment, Aid-de-Camp to Gen. Hand
Corp. Philip Snyder, German Regiment
Capt. Spalding, Independent Company
Col. Spencer, Jersey Brigade
Major Sproat [Sproate, Sprout]
Stuart, James, Col. Spencer's Regiment
Gen. Sullivan
Serjt. Patrick Sullivan
Lieut. Swartz, German Battalion
Taylor, Edward
Thomas, John
Major Titcomb
Tucker, Joseph
Capt. Vananglen, 1 Jersey Brigade, Commissary to Gen. Hand's Brigade
Gunner Thomas Twedy, Col. Proctor's Regiment
Mr. Waid, Muster Master
Brig. Gen. Wain
Lieut. John Waidman [Weidman]
Walker, Francis
His Excellency Gen. Washington
Lieut. Willard
Willhead, James [Whilepard] 1st Jersey Regiment
Capt. Jacob Wright.THE END.
* * * * * *