Multnomah County |
 Viaduct near Multnomah Falls, Columbia River Highway |
 View in Front of Multnomah Falls, Columbia River Highway |
 Multnomah Falls, Benson and Highway Bridges |
 Multnomah Falls, 620 ft., Columbia River Highway |
 Cape Horn, Columbia River |
 Fish Ladder at Bonneville Dam |
 Beautiful Oregon - Celito Falls near Portland |
 Flood Destruction, Vanport |
 Columbia River Highway showing Vista House in foreground, near Portland |
 Horsetail Falls, 205 feet, Columbia River Highway |
 Latourelle Falls, Banks of the Columbia River |
 Cape Horn on Columbia River |
 Eagle Creek Bridge, Columbia River Highway |
 Columbia Gorge Hotel, Finest Hotel on Columbia River |
 Chapel, Monastery of the Precious Blood, Montavilla |
Portland |
Rose Festival, Portland |
 Portion of Business Section |
 Business Section |
 Front Street Commission District |
 Front St., The Market District |
 Third Street |
 Morrison Street Looking East |
 Seeing Portland, Photographer's Studio |
 New Home of Sprouse-Reitz Co., Inc., 400 North 22nd Street |
 Union Depot |
 Union Depot |
 West Side High School |
 Jefferson High School |
 Mt. Hood from Portland |
 Mt. Hood from Portland |
 Mt. Hood and Portland |
 Mt. Hood from Portland Heights |
 Portland Hotel |
 Court, Hotel Portland |
 Lobby, Nortonia Hotel |
 The Norton, 163 Twelfth Street [1912] |
 The Monastery, Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother |
 The Grotto, Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother |
 Grotto, Cliff and Statue, Sanctuary O. S. M. |
 Laurelhurst Park |
 Port of Portland, Airport, Formerly Swan Island |
 Harbor Scene |
 Harbor Scene |
 Loading Wheat with Automatic Conveyors |
 Hotel Multnomah |
 Journal Building |
 Corbett Building |
 Sacajawea, City Park |
 Equitable Building |
 Equitable Building |
 Washington Street |
 Temple Beth Israel |
 W. O. W. Bldg. |
 Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A Buildings |
 The Oaks |
 Courthouse [1909] |
 Morrison Street Bridge [1911] |
 Steel Bridge [1908] |
 Yachting on the Willamette River |
 Weitzel Bros., Heating & Plumbing |
 Memorial Monument, Plaza Park |
 Forestry Building |
 Railway Express Building |
 Union Stock Yards |
Lewis & Clark Exposition, Portland [1905] |
 Bridge of All Nations |
 Electricity, Machinery and Transportation Building |
 Forestry Building |
 Promotion card for The Meier & Frank Store |