This page is maintained for the Oklahoma U S Gen Web Archives Project by: Jeff Smith
Oklahoma State File Manager -
Gene Phillips

Raymond Calvert Jopling, of the firm of Jopling & Whiteside, conducting a
real estate, insurance and loan agency in Tulsa, has the quality of
determination and perseverance so necessary in the attainment of success.
Actuated by a laudable ambition, he is making steady progress in his
business career and is winning satisfactory results. He was born at Italy,
Ellis county, Texas, April 28, 1891, and is a son of Benjamin L. and Leonore
(Calvert) Jopling, both of whom were natives of Texas. The father was born
in Tarrant county, near Fort Worth, his birthplace being Johnson Station, a
military post, for his father, George W. Jopling, went to Texas with General
Worth and established the military post at Fort Worth. He served as a
soldier of the Confederate army during the Civil war. He also built the
first cotton gin in Tarrant county and was one of the prominent and
influential men of Texas in his day. He likewise owned the first house
erected in the county, the construction
work being done by the Indians. Benjamin L. Jopling became a cattleman
and acquired extensive land holdings, devoting his entire attention to
cattle raising for many years. He removed to Bellevue, Texas, and in 1908
came to Oklahoma, where again he continued to concentrate his efforts and
attention upon the raising of cattle. His religious faith is that of the
Presbyterian church and fraternally he is connected with the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows.
Raymond C. Jopling spent his youthful days in Bellevue, Clay county,
Texas, where he attended the public schools and at sixteen years of age
started out to provide for his own support. He is truly a self-made man,
inasmuch as his success has come as the direct reward of industry,
perseverance and integrity. In his boyhood his attention was given to cattle
raising on the plains of Texas and he served as straw boss on the Bar X
ranch in that state for two years. He then turned his attention to the
banking business at Ryan, Oklahoma, becoming assistant cashier of the
People's Bank & Trust Company, a position which he occupied for four years.
On the expiration of that period he entered the employ
of the Waurika (Okla.) National Bank, where he spent two years. Because
of impaired health he then returned to Texas and for a year was in charge of
the pavilions of the Crazy Well Water Company at Mineral Wells. He then
started out as a public auditor in the Texas oil fields and in 1913 came to
Oklahoma, establishing his home at Tulsa, where he was connected with Carr &
French in the insurance business as general manager. In October, 1917, he
removed to Wichita, Kansas, where he conducted business as a member of the
firm of Jopling & Whiteside, general insurance agents, handling all kinds of
insurance. It was in March, 1918, that he formed his partnership with C. B.
Whiteside and their
operations have covered Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Mr. Jopling had his
initial experience as an insurance man when in Ryan in connection with the
banking business. The firm of Jopling & Whiteside enjoys a liberal patronage
and Mr. Jopling is also the president of the R. C. Jopling Company, real
estate dealers, engaged in city building of medium-priced houses. They also
conduct a real estate brokerage business, having a department that handles
real estate on commission. Thus the activities of Mr. Jopling have
constantly broadened in scope and importance and the energy which has been
back of his operations has been a most forceful factor in producing
gratifying results. Mr. Jopling belongs to the Real Estate Exchange of
Tulsa, also the state and national organizations.
In St. Louis, Missouri, July 20, 1917, Mr. Jopling was married to Miss
Virginia Bell Wiet, a native of St. Louis, her father being a contractor
there. One child has been born of this marriage, Raymond Calvert. During the
World war Mr. Jopling was very active in support of many war measures and
gave much time to the sale of Liberty bonds. His wife is very active in club
circles and in church work. They both hold membership in the First Baptist
church and Mr. Jopling is serving on its board. His political endorsement is
given to the democratic party and he is much interested in its success. He
belongs to the Lions Club, of which he is a past secretary; to the
Automobile Club, having served on its first board of directors; to the City
Club, of which he was one of the first six members; to the Elks Lodge, No.
946; to Delta Lodge, No. 425, A.
F. & A. M.; to the Knights of Pythias; and to the Chamber of Commerce.
All of these associations are indicative of the interests of his life and
the trend of his thought and progress. His helpfulness is a valuable asset
in many measures for the general good and he is interested in all those
activities which feature in the material, social, intellectual and moral
advancement of the community.
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