
Tombstone Project

McClain County - Hillside Cemetery Tombstones
Not all of the tombstone images are available at this time for this cemetery.
Submitted & © 2001-03 by Susan Gabel

Directory where images are stored: http://usgwarchives.net/ok//tombstones/mclain/hillside/

Boudreau - B36

b3600001.jpg - Boudreau, Mador

b3600002.jpg - Boudreau, Fluevie
b3600003.jpg - Boudreau, Louis Jude
b3600004.jpg - Boudreau, Adwidge
b3600005.jpg - Boudreau, Paul
b3600006.jpg - Boudreau, Emma Marquis
b3600007.jpg - Boudreau, Lena Anne
b3600008.jpg - Boudreau, John A.
b3600009.jpg - Boudreau, Josephine
b3600010.jpg - Boudreau, John H.
b3600011.jpg - Boudreau, Rosana
b3600012.jpg - Boudreau, Joseph Phillip & Carmen Sylvia
b3600013.jpg - Boudreau, Joe P. Jr. & Martha Neil
b3600014.jpg - Boudreau, Alda J.
b3600015.jpg - Boudreau, Medis
b3600016.jpg - Boudreau, Irene Rebecca
b3600019.jpg - Boudreau, Homer F. & Hazel F.
b3600021.jpg - Boudreau, Homer & Vera A.

This Project is about remembering our dead and preserving our history!

To register a cemetery, just send me a message telling me the name
of the cemetery, the county and state where the cemetery is located
and the names of the people who will be doing the transcribing. If
you have already transcribed cemetery data and would like for your
work to become part of this project, just let me know.

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Oklahoma Tombstone Project Manager
Ariana Alfaro

Please use "Cemetery Registration" as the subject line of your message.

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This page was last updated Tuesday, 18-Nov-2008 23:57:52 EST

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