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The USGenWeb Project
Oklahoma Archives
Okmulgee County 
County Seat - Okmulgee
Oklahoma Archive Logo

Gene Phillips - Okmulgee County Archivist
Gene Phillips - Oklahoma State Archivist


To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives:
Types of files accepted:
Cemetery Transciptions Deeds State Cenus
Federal census (including freeslave, mortality, agriculture, & veterans shedules) Vital records (marriage, birth, & death) Court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate)
Church Records (membership lists, baptisms) Prison Records Military Records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications)
Land Records (deeds, transfers, grants, surveys) Tax Records (Land, property, state, federal, local) Newspaper articles (obits, marriage and birth announcements, local events)
Family Histories Biographies Photographs
Other records may be accepted as well, please email the coordinator to check.

PLEASE NOTE: Ascii text (.txt) files are required. Non-text must be converted to text before sending to the archives. If you have created a .doc, .wri, .xls, .dbf, etc. file, please save it "as text" in your software program, and assign a ".txt" extension to the filename. Hard "tabs" are not encouraged, as they do not translate the same on all browsers. Please use "5 hard spaces" in place of tabs. Before you send files, please read these two Guideline files:

Guidelines Page 1

Guidelines Page 2


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© 2012 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

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This page last updated on --Friday, 16-Dec-2016 22:25:54 EST