The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

McCurtain County
Burial Index "O"
County Seat - Idabel


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Gene Phillips - McCurtain County Archivist

Gene Phillips - State Archivist

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Burial Index


OAKES Susie Canfield
OAKLEY Adair Forest Hill
OAKLEY Mat Locke Forest Hill
O'BANNON Andy Moran
O'BANNON Billy Ray Moran
O'BANNON Emma Hall Moran
O'BANNON Ethel Moran
O'BANNON Johnny Moran
O'BANNON Louisa Moran
O'BANNON Nancy E. Moran
O'BANNON Norcissa A. Moran
O'BANNON Robert K. Moran
O'BANNON Ruth Moran
O'BANNON William Robert Moran
O'BRIEN Harold Leo Watson Memorial
ODELL Alice Mae Denison
ODELL Emma Bokhoma
ODELL Evelyn Cavender Denison
ODELL Pierce L. Denison
O'DELL Evelyn Cavender Denison
ODOM Edwin Denison
ODOM Infant Denison
ODOM James P. Denison
O'DONNELL Mrs. County Line
O'DONNELL Ova Crown Hill
O'DONNELL William F. Crown Hill
OEHLER Alma A. Denison
OEHLER David Franklin Crown Hill
OEHLER Emily Crown Hill
OEHLER Ollie May Sweet Home
OEHLER Robert "Bob" Sweet Home
O'FARRELL Dorthy Lou Holly Creek
O'FARRELL Melvin Loyd Holly Creek
OGBURN Avarell Pollard
OGBURN Bobbye Dean Denison
OGBURN Carol Jean Pollard
OGBURN Ed Pollard
OGBURN Ledra Denison
OGBURN Lillian M. Pollard
OGBURN Wilda F. Pollard
OGDEN Bessie Mae Oakgrove
OGDEN Elvis Preston Oakgrove
O'HARA Anna Mae Rufe
O'HARA Hazel Elnora Holly Creek
O'HARA Oren Grant Holly Creek
OLD Anna Mae Denison
OLD W.J. Denison
OLD W.J. Mrs. Denison
OLD William Jenkins Sr. Denison
OLDHAM Mae Burch Denison
OLDHAM Slater L. Watson Memorial
OLDNER Earlene Ruffin Moran
OLIVE Dicky Boy Denison
OLIVE Richard Henry Denison
OLIVE Ruth Denison
OLIVER A.D. "Bud" Bokhoma
OLIVER Agnes Denison
OLIVER Bessie Glover
OLIVER Ed Glover
OLIVER Hoyt Denison
OLIVER Jiles C. Broken Bow
OLIVER Mable Broken Bow
OLIVER Nellie Fay Bokhoma
OLIVER Ollie Broken Bow
OLIVER Pinkie Jones Denison
OLIVER Troy E. Broken Bow
OLIVER William Earl Denison
O'NEAL Anna Marie Denison
O'NEAL Chester R. Denison
O'NEAL Chester R. Jr. Denison
O'NEAL Eunice Rachel Denison
O'NEAL Flouren L. Broken Bow
O'NEAL Jennie L. Denison
O'NEAL Jim Sweet Home
O'NEAL Millie Pine Creek
O'NEAL Oct Denison
O'NEAL Ruel Victoria Broken Bow
O'NEAL T.E. Denison
O'REAR James A. Jr. Denison
O'REAR Kenneth Ray Hochatown
O'REAR Lloyd W. Denison
O'REAR Sallie Holly Creek
O'REAR William H. Denison
ORR Ruby Crown Hill
OSBORN Arthur E. Holly Creek
OSBORN Clifford Bud Holly Creek
OSBORN Dad Redland
OSBORN James B. Eagletown
OSBORN Mattie Ray Canfield
OSBORN Sadako Holly Creek
OSTEEN Fred Broken Bow
OSWELL Carrie Dell Canfield
OSWELL William H. Sr. Canfield
OTTINGER Lona Mae Moran
OVERBEY Alvis M. Watson Memorial
OVERBY Vernon L. Pollard
OVERSTREET Altha L. Redland
OVERSTREET E. Josephine Redland
OVERSTREET Infant Son Holly Creek
OVERSTREET John R. Redland
OVERSTREET Karen Aleen Holly Creek
OVERSTREET Thos Jefferson Redland
OVERSTREET William E. Redland
OVERSTREET William I. Denison
OVERSTREET William R. Redland
OVERTURF Benj. Franklin Forest Hill
OVERTURF Colbert W. Denison
OVERTURF Ida May Canfield
OVERTURF Infant Bokhoma
OVERTURF John Robert Eagletown
OVERTURF Sadie M. Forest Hill
OVERTURF Thomas Grady Eagletown
OWEN Aubrey Haworth
OWEN Naoma Eagletown
OWEN Roy Lee Eagletown
OWENS Ada Denison
OWENS Alicia Lukfata
OWENS Annie Lee Beavers Denison
OWENS Arminda F. Denison
OWENS Billy Gene Rufe
OWENS Cody Hochatown
OWENS Courtney Rufe
OWENS David Crockett Redland
OWENS Floyd Denison
OWENS Jacob Reuben Rufe
OWENS James Clinton Denison
OWENS Kenneth C. Rufe
OWENS Kenneth Wayne Haworth
OWENS Leita Francis Broken Bow
OWENS Leo Slater Memorial
OWENS Leonard R. Rufe
OWENS Lucretia Redland
OWENS Marie Slater Memorial
OWENS Ruby Denison
OWENS Thomas Edward Redland
OWENS William F. Denison
OWENS William James Redland
OZEMENT Russell Broken Bow

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