The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

McCurtain County
County Seat - Idabel


Welcome to the USGenWeb Archive files for the McCurtain County of The Great State of Oklahoma!!

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to McCurtain County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - McCurtain County Archivist

Gene Phillips - State Archivist

The information found below has been submitted to The USGenWeb Archive Project. It is offered free to all who visit. The ownership / copyright stays with the submitter. Please read and respect the copyright on all submittals.



File Submitted by Date Size
Oley Baggs/Miss Matilda Rind Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Joe Cross/Miss Johnny Walker Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Everett Craddock/Miss Cora Williams Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
J. R. Craddock/Mrs. Della House Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Ben Carterby/Mrs. Sima Watson Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Larden Carney/Miss Florence McFarland Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Wilson Fuller/Miss Mattie Johnson Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Clark Ferguson/Miss Beadie Cook Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Arthur McClurg/Miss Mattie Craddock Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
W.P. Massey/Laura Wheat Harold D. Massey Mar. 24,1997 4KB
W.P. Massey/Senia Altom Harold D. Massey Mar. 24,1997 3KB
Thomas Laney Massey/Vera Ethel Blaylock unknown Jan. 21,2002 1KB
Bayard Massey/Velma Johnson Sandie Welch Aug. 31, 2003 3KB
R. A. Monroe/Miss Ethel Strickler Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Virgil Morris/Miss Ruth Booth Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
George Niblett/Miss Daisey Donaldson Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
James Pickens/Miss Edith McClurg Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Dave R. Plumley/Miss Stella E. Warfford Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Jeff Rind/Miss Mamie Walker Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
John W. Sprencer/Miss Ellen Thompson Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
Edmond Wesley/Mrs. Caroline Hudson Teresa Young Aug. 29, 2003 2KB
McCurtain Co. Marriages Nov. 20, 1907-July 15-1910 Charlotte Manuel Sep. 1999 50KB
McCurtain Co. Marriages - Book Numbers and Dates See Partial List below Doris Irons Greer Jan. 4, 2002 3KB
McCurtain Co. Marriages - Partial List See Book Numbers above Doris Irons Greer Jan. 4, 2002 13KB



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