The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

McCurtain County
County Seat - Idabel


Welcome to the USGenWeb Archive files for the McCurtain County of The Great State of Oklahoma!!

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to McCurtain County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - McCurtain County Archivist

Gene Phillips - State Archivist

The information found below has been submitted to The USGenWeb Archive Project. It is offered free to all who visit. The ownership / copyright stays with the submitter. Please read and respect the copyright on all submittals.


For those cemeteries submitted by Sandy Welch go to the following link
She has made many updates and also has links to headstone pictures.

File Submitted by Date Size
Battiest Cemetery Ola Mae (Griffin) Trout Apr. 26,2000 57KB
Beachton Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sept 99 4KB
Beaver's Bend State Park Joyce Mar. 14, 2006 2KB
Bethel Cemetery Lou Ann Lunsford Oct. 11, 2002 20KB
Big Lick Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sept 99 2KB
Big Cedar Cemetery Mary A. Ray Oct. 12, 1999 12KB
Bohanan Cemetery Kathy Pitts Oct. 13, 1999 2KB
Bokhoma Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 19,2003 16KB
Broken Bow Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 20,2003 93KB
Buffalo Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sept 99 2KB
Canfield Cemetery / Fairview Cemetery Annette Ditto Aug. 28,2003 3KB
Canfield Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 19,2003 43KB
Crownhill Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 19,2003 25KB
Cusher Cemetery Kathy Pitts Apr. 26,2001 2KB
Eagletown Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 19,2003 38KB
Glover Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 19, 2003 24KB
Harris Cemetery Mary Martin Thomas Jul. 10, 2000 16KB
Hochatown Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 19, 2003 37KB
Holly Creek Cemetery Sandie Welch Nov. 30, 2003 (updated) 61KB
Joel Dyer's Burial Ground Cindy Young Sept. 10, 2003 2KB
Kolli Tuklo Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sept 99 3KB
Kolli Chito Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sept 99 8KB
Nanih Chito Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sept 99 6KB
Oakgrove Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 19, 2003 2KB
Octavia Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sept 99 2KB
Old Bohanan Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sept 99 2KB
Old Ringold Cemetery Tammy Sharp June 3, 2002 9KB
Old Smithville Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sep. 99 13KB
Old Valliant Cemetery Lou Ann Lunsford Sep. 11, 2002 4KB
Parson Cemetery Jesse & Ola Mae (Griffin) Trout Apr. 2000 5KB
Philadelphia Cemetery Mary E. Watson Apr. 14 2004 10KB
Pruitt's Field Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sep. 99 2KB
Redland Cemetery Mary A. Ray Oct. 7, 1999 2KB
Rock Creek Cemetery Kathy Pitts June 3, 2002 3KB
Rock Hill Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 19, 2003 7KB
Sherwood Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 19, 2003 7KB
Smithville Cemetery Kathy Pitts Sep. 99 23KB
Sweethome Cemetery Sandie Welch Oct. 19, 2003 4KB
Valliant Cemetery Lilla Slater Sep. 99 2KB
Valliant Upton Cemetery Lou Ann Lunsford Sep. 11,2002 2KB
Watson Cemetery Mary L. Lewis and Janet S. Jewell Jan. 28,2002 25KB
Watson Memorial Cemetery Sandie Welch Nov. 30,2003 24KB
Joe Slater Memorial Cemetery Tammy Sharp and Karla K. Willis Sharp Oct. 30,2000 19KB

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Copyright 2003 for the USGenWeb Archives Project

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