Cumberland School Group Photo ca. 1951

Submitted by: Tammy R. Jones

The teachers are Mr. and Mrs. Holland. Mrs. Holland later taught in Madill. Names of students: Four people in the back are: Mrs. Anna Hazel Holland, Mr. Sam Holland, Charles Ray Eddington, Jimmy Poole Next row: Carolyn Jones, [Girl in dark dress; Margaret Bumpass], Joy Duncan, Patrica Doverspikes, [Girl with hand on little girls shoulder; Christine Maxwell], Pat Duncan, Janice Rutledge, [Girl with face not shown; Janell Long (my mother)], Janice Curly, Janice Eddington, Jr. Maxwell, Loran Ray McClendon, Guy Curly, Wendle Pool, Jo Johnson, George Duncan. Next row:
Brenda Eddington, Dixie Lue Keltner, Judy Jones, UNKNOWN, Carylen Bates, [Girl with scarf Bonnie Wallace], Linda Sue Johnson, [girl with fingers in her mouth; Bobbie Johnson], Joan Duncan, [Little girl with suspenders; Barbra
Johnson], Jo Ann Bryans, Jimmy Eddington, Worley Wallace, Paul Long, James McClendon, Eddy Eddington, Dexter Goodman, [Ronald Gene Eddington, with arms around Curtis McClendon]. Four boys in front: Donny Keltner, Tommy McClendon, Rudy Lynn Eddington and Keith Long.

I am related to many of these children and have information to share
Tammy Dice Jones
112 W. Ash
Duncan OK 73533


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