Directory where images are stored:
amcclelland.jpg - McCelland, Andrew
bhscott.jpg - Scott, Benjamin H.
cerinehart.jpg - Rinehart, Cora E.
escott.jpg - Scott, Ewing
fjamessr.jpg - James
Sr., Floyd
hsdouglas.jpg - Douglas,
Herman Saxton
imscott.jpg - Scott,
Iola M.
lamcclelland.jpg - McClelland,
Lovi Ann Estus Saxton
sadouglas.jpg - Douglas,
Sarah Ann Saxton
wcreeves.jpg - Reeves,
William C.
wrinehart.jpg - Rinehart,
This Project is about remembering our dead and
preserving our history!
To register a cemetery, just send me a message telling me
the name
of the cemetery, the county and state where the cemetery is located
and the names of the people who will be doing the transcribing. If
you have already transcribed cemetery data and would like for your
work to become part of this project, just let me know.
Register a cemetery
Oklahoma Tombstone Project Manager
Ariana Alfaro
Please use "Cemetery Registration" as the
subject line of your message.