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Independent Order of Odd Fellows Information

Gene Phillips - IOOF Archivist
Gene Phillips - Oklahoma State Archivist

Welcome to IOOF Archives! Everything in the archives is organized alphabetically and by soundex whenever possible. What is new at the Archives? Whenever, I update a file or add a new file, the date at the bottom of the page is automatically updated and the date in the index will be in red. It will stay red for at least one month.

Since I live in Mississippi, I cannot personally do any research for you. However I will try to direct you to someone who may help you if you can't find what you want here.

The information found on these pages has been submitted to the Oklahoma USGenWeb Archives Project. It is offered free to all who visit. The ownership - copyright stays with the submitter. Please read and respect the copyright on all submittals.

Please consider submitting your information, as it may help other researchers. What kind of files are accepted? transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photographs and etc. Please read The USGenWeb Archives Project Guidelines, and submit your information to help other researchers.

Oklahoma I. O. O. F. Rosters 
File Name Description Size Date Submitted by
caddo1.txt Odd Fellow Lodge Roster
Caddo Lodge # 1 - 1875
23kb July 27, 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
1893it.txt Odd Fellow Lodge Roster
Indian Territory - 1893
7kb March 24, 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
1893ot.txt Odd Fellow Lodge Roster
Oklahoma Territory - 1893
9kb March 24, 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
cmit.txt Odd Fellow Lodge Roster
Charter Members of Indian Territory
A - G
98kb Oct 4, 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
cmit2.txt Odd Fellow Lodge Roster
Charter Members of Indian Territory
H - M
83kb Oct 4, 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
cmit3.txt Odd Fellow Lodge Roster
Charter Members of Indian Territory
N - Z
102kb Oct 4, 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
lodges.txt Oklahoma I. O. O. F. Lodges 87kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
achecotahhome.txt Adults in the Checotah Home 124kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian

Oklahoma I. O. O. F. Cemeteries 
File Name Description Size Date Submitted by
ioof7.txt IOOF Odd Fellows Norman Lodge #7 Cemetery
Cleveland Co. Oklahoma
656kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian

Oklahoma I. O. O. F. Military Records 
File Name Description Size Date Submitted by
wwihonorroll.txt World War I Honor Roll 162kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
mfallen.txt War Record of Manual F. Allen 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
hvbaird.txt War Record of Harry Vern Baird 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
ewbass.txt War Record of Edgar W. Bass 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
cmberry.txt War Record of Charles M. Berry 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
abrooks.txt War Record of Arthur Brooks 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
drbuoy.txt War Record of Delmar R. Buoy 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
hedougherty.txt War Record of H. E. Dougherty 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
lagordon.txt War Record of Lee A. Gordon 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
cchaughey.txt War Record of Claud C. Haughey 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
raholt.txt War Record of Roy A. Holt 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
ljones.txt War Record of Louis Jones 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
wlvkeen.txt War Record of Walter L. V. Keen 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
rflecrone.txt War Record of Robert Franklin LeCrone 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
rmilton.txt War Record of Ralph Milton 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
cerattan.txt War Record of Chas E. Rattan 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
rwspear.txt War Record of Roy W. Spear 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
rhunderwood.txt War Record of Raymond H. Underwood 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
lrwilliams.txt War Record of Lee R. Williams 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian

Oklahoma I. O. O. F. Obit Information

Oklahoma I. O. O. F. Photo Gallery 
File Name Description Size Date Submitted by
ioofok.jpg Seal of the Grand Lodge
Jurisdiction of Oklahoma
69kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
ioofit.jpg Seal of the Grand Lodge
of Indian Territory
79kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
jnalexander.jpg J. N. Alexander
Member 1st Lodge
Caddo # 1
13kb July 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
ocblack.jpg Oliver C. Black
Deputy Grand Master 1911
40kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
jgblackwood.jpg J. G. Blackwood
Grand Chaplin 1911
36kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
bbrewer.jpg B. Brewer
Past Grand from Sallisaw
Grand Lodge of Indian Territory 1911
29kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
rabrown.jpg Ralph A. Brown
Asst. Grand Secretary 1911
36kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
bbburnett.jpg Bates B. Burnett
Grand Treasurer 1911-12
Grand Lodge of Indian Territory 1911
28kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
carmenhome.jpg Carmen I O O F Odd Fellows Home
Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Territory
53kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
cacarney.jpg C. A. Carney
Member 1st Lodge
Caddo # 1
11kb July 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
chechome.jpg Checotah I O O F Odd Fellows Home
Grand Lodge of Indian Territory
47kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
jmcreamer.jpg J. M. Creamer
Past Grand Secretary
28kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
dnfrazier.jpg David Newton Frazier
Grand Master OT 1894-1895
25kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
jafulp.jpg J. A. Fulp
Sapulpa, Oklahoma 1911
43kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
gagallie.jpg G. A. Gallie
Member 1st Lodge
Caddo # 1
10kb July 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
wtgardner.jpg W. T. Gardner
Grand Master 1901-02
Grand Lodge of Indian Territory 1911
32kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
hggrinslade.jpg Henry G. Grinslade
Grand Guardian 1911
44kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
lhawkins.jpg Logan Hawkins
Grand Trustee 1911
37kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
gahenshaw.jpg George A. Henshaw
Grand Master 1910-11
Grand Lodge of Indian Territory
40kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
rjhogue.jpg R. J. Hogue
Member 1st Lodge
Caddo # 1
15kb July 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
anleecraft.jpg A. N. Leecraft
Deputy Grand Master
Grand Lodge Indian Territory 1911
46kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
irmason.jpg I. R. Mason
PG Secretary & Representative
39kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
jbmcdonald.jpg J. B. McDonald
Grand Representative
Grand Lodge of Indian Territory 1911
45kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
smmoore.jpg S. M. Moore
P G Representative
32kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
gmorgan.jpg George Morgan
Crescent, Oklahoma 1911
38kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
lamorris.jpg L. A. Morris
Member 1st Lodge
Caddo # 1
13kb July 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
gdmoss.jpg G. D. Moss
Grand Master OT 1904-1905
28kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
gwmowbray.jpg George W. Mowbray
Grand Master 1908-09
Grand Lodge Indian Territory 1911
44kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
jbmurphy.jpg J. B. Murphy
Grand Lodge Conductor 1911
31kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
wnoble.jpg William Noble
Grand Master 1896-97
Grand Lodge Indian Territory 1911
38kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
eenorvell.jpg E. E. Norvell
Chairman Home Board 1911
36kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
jcpowers.jpg J. C. Powers
Grand Hearld 1911
39kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
jlroberson.jpg J. L. Roberson
Last Grand Master of O T
46kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
iwrush.jpg I. W. Rush
Grand Master OT 1899-1900
39kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
gwschlegel.jpg G. W. Schlegel
Past Grand Representative
52kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
asjshaw.jpg A. S. J. Shaw
Grand Conductor 1911
40kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
caskeen.jpg C. A. Skeen
Grand Warden 1911
40kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
ddslocum.jpg D. D. Slocum
Deceased Before Session
46kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
hlstrough.jpg H. L. Strough
Past Grand Secretary
42kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
bjvan.jpg Ben J. Van
Member 1st Lodge
Caddo # 1
14kb July 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
twildey.jpg Thomas Wildey
Brought Odd Fellowship to America in about 1817
40kb Mar. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
awilson.jpg Angie Wilson Comission 189kb Oct. 4, 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian

Oklahoma I. O. O. F. Vital Records 
File Name Description Size Date Submitted by
1916d.txt 1916 Death Information 3kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
1960d.txt 1960 Death Information 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian
1970d.txt 1970 Death Information 2kb Feb. 2002 Floyd A. Dobbs
Oklahoma I O O F Historian

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