The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

Cimarron County

County Seat - Boise City

Welcome to Cimarron County of The Great State of Oklahoma !!

© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to Cimarron County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - Cimarron County Archivist

Gene Phillips - Oklahoma State Archivist


Willowbar Cemetery Tombstone Pictures

We owe Nareen Lake a big thank you for all the hard work she has done to bring these pictures to all of us.

walkerstelladeefry.jpg (63007 bytes)     Walker, Stella Dee Fry

walkerwynemajean.jpg (63483 bytes)     Walker, Wynema Jean

wallaceelizabeth2.jpg (54507 bytes)     Wallace, Elizabeth

wallaceelizabethlewis.jpg (60343 bytes)    Wallace, Elizabeth & Lewis M.

wallacelewis1.jpg (63253 bytes)     Wallace, Louis

wallacewilliam2.jpg (58753 bytes)     Wallace, William

wallacewilliam.jpg (64625 bytes)     Wallace, William

waltonomiebert.jpg (56231 bytes)     Walton, Omie & Bert

waltonstephaneeg.jpg (50612 bytes)     Walton, Stephanee G.

westcottjerrywalter.jpg (62537 bytes)     Westcott, Jerry Walter

whisennandguyallenmilitary.jpg (64867 bytes)     Whisennand, Guy Allen (military)

whisennandroycclauddie.jpg (61997 bytes)    Whisennand, Roy C. & Clauddie

whitemanacmaude.jpg (60544 bytes)     Whiteman, A. C. & Maude

whitemanchesterlouis.jpg (61177 bytes)    Whiteman, Chester Louis

whitemanshirleyruth.jpg (64336 bytes)     Whiteman, Shirley Ruth

whitfielddarrellalan.jpg (60351 bytes)    Whitfield, Darrell Alan

whitfieldemma.jpg (59052 bytes)     Whitfield, Emma

whitfieldervinearlgoldiemae.jpg (59547 bytes)     Whitfield, Ervin Earl & Goldie Mae

whitfieldwilliamearl.jpg (60286 bytes)    Whitfield, William Earl

wigginsbert.jpg (60344 bytes)     Wiggins, Bert

wigginsdalee.jpg (62799 bytes)     Wiggins, Dale E.

wigginsfayewill.jpg (60908 bytes)     Wiggins, Faye McBride & Will Worth

wigginsgaryleon.jpg (41351 bytes)     Wiggins, Gary Leon (military)

wigginsgeorgewayne.jpg (58917 bytes)     Wiggins, George Wayne

wigginsjoanbill.jpg (58794 bytes)     Wiggins, Joan & Bill

wigginsjohnshirleyb.jpg (58789 bytes)     Wiggins, John & Shirley (back)

wigginsjohnworthshirleygean.jpg (63897 bytes)     Wiggins, John Worth & Shirley Gean (front)

wigginsmildred.jpg (60197 bytes)     Wiggins, Mildred

wilcoxvere.jpg (52541 bytes)     Wilcox, Vere

wileyedgarwlolaf.jpg (60574 bytes)     Wiley, Edgar W. & Lola F.

wileyleonaleota.jpg (61471 bytes)     Wiley, Leona & Leota

wileythomasdalesarahcorine.jpg (65266 bytes)     Wiley, Thomas Dale & Sarah Corine (James)

wilkinsonclaralharryo.jpg (62879 bytes)    Wilkinson, Clara L. & Harry O.

williamdelbertdwaine.jpg (63188 bytes)    Williams, Delbert Dwaine

williamscharleyhhestere.jpg (60584 bytes)    Williams, Charley H. & Hester E.

williamsearlm.jpg (63124 bytes)     Williams, Earl M.

williamsjw.jpg (62677 bytes)     Williams, W. J.

williamsmidredlloydf.jpg (63843 bytes)    Williams, Mildred A. & Lloyd J. (front)

williamsmildredlloydb.jpg (60410 bytes)    Williams, Mildred A & Lloyd J. (back)

williamsstella.jpg (56997 bytes)     Williams, Stella

willliamscharlesfm.jpg (55111 bytes)     Williams, Charles F. (military)

wilmarthac.jpg (55723 bytes)     Wilmarth, A. C.

wilmarthclarencebertha.jpg (63973 bytes)    Wilmarth, Clarence A. & Bertha

wilmarthclarencel.jpg (66855 bytes)     Wilmarth, Clarence L.

wilmarthdavidlee.jpg (62804 bytes)     Wilmarth, David Lee

wilmarthhattiea.jpg (59191 bytes)     Wilmarth, hattie A.

wilmarthleonardgm.jpg (59372 bytes)     Wilmarth, Leonard G. (military)

wilmarthrubyvkennethr.jpg (62536 bytes)    Wilmarth, Ruby V. & Kenneth R.

wilsonlettiea.jpg (55793 bytes)     Wilson, Lettie A.

winghb.jpg (66785 bytes)     Wing, H. B.

woodannieoalvey.jpg (61228 bytes)     Wood, Annie O. & Alvey

woodannieoralvey2.jpg (63088 bytes)     Wood, Annie O. & Alvey

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