The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

Cimarron County

County Seat - Boise City

Welcome to Cimarron County of The Great State of Oklahoma !!

© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to Cimarron County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - Cimarron County Archivist

Gene Phillips - Oklahoma State Archivist



Willowbar Cemetery Tombstone Pictures

We owe Nareen Lake a big thank you for all the hard work she has done to bring these pictures to all of us.

schneiderpeterchristina.jpg (59831 bytes)    Schneider, Peter & Christina

schneiderpeterjlenam.jpg (58978 bytes)    Schneider, Peter J. & Lena M.

schnoorernestjohn.jpg (60571 bytes)     Schnoor, Ernest John (military)

scottvinitafaye.jpg (61170 bytes)     Scott, Vinita Faye

sellersronalde.jpg (60991 bytes)     Sellers, Ronald E.

sharpshadlee.jpg (60945 bytes)     Sharp, Shad Lee

shieldsethellorainefredlee.jpg (59152 bytes)     Shields, Ethel Loraine & Fred Lee

shieldsnadinefredleejr.jpg (60609 bytes)    Shields, Nadine & Fred Lee Jr.

sizemoredanielwneva.jpg (60794 bytes)     Sizemore, Daniel W. & Neva

slimpannaalice.jpg (63613 bytes)     Slimp, Anna Alice

slimplouisl.jpg (65820 bytes)     Slimp, Lewis L.

slimpthomasj.jpg (63861 bytes)     Slimp, Thomas J.

smaltscarlalynn.jpg (62526 bytes)     Smalts, Carlin Lynn

smaltsjamesw2.jpg (63970 bytes)     Smalts, James William

smaltsjamesw.jpg (62389 bytes)     Smalts, James W.

smaltsjraymondnadineb.jpg (47474 bytes)    Smalts, J. Raymond & Nadine B. (front)

smaltsnadineraymondback.jpg (61918 bytes)    Smalts, Nadine & Raymond (back)

smithlouie.jpg (62230 bytes)     Smith, Louie

smithwillard.jpg (62115 bytes)     Smith, Willard

sniderdavidwm.jpg (60916 bytes)     Snider, David W. (military)

snidergormanemilyback.jpg (64700 bytes)    Snider, Gorman & Emily (back)

snidergormanemilyfront.jpg (63372 bytes)    Snider, Emily & Gorman H. (front)

snidermariec.jpg (62033 bytes)     Snider, Marie C.

spearevac.jpg (65773 bytes)     Spear, Eva C.

spradlincarriewilliam.jpg (61590 bytes)    Spradlin, Carrie B. & William H.

spradlinwrightmilitary.jpg (62500 bytes)    Spradlin, Wright (military)

staffordcharlottelj.jpg (61007 bytes)     Stafford, Charlotte M. & L. J.

staffordhazelclovis.jpg (60209 bytes)     Stafford, Hazel A. & Clovis T.

staffordvestac.jpg (56780 bytes)     Stafford, Vesta C.

staffordwilliambm.jpg (64732 bytes)     Stafford, William B. (military)

stallarddarreldeanm.jpg (42511 bytes)     Stallard, Darrel Dean (military)

stallarddeankaren.jpg (55762 bytes)     Stallard, Dean & Karen (front)

stallarddeankarenback.jpg (53452 bytes)    Stallard, Dean & Karen (back)

stallarddonaldvm.jpg (41508 bytes)     Stallard, Donald V. (military)

stallardgeorgecatherin.jpg (61689 bytes)    Stallard, George & Catherin

stallardmalverna.jpg (58715 bytes)     Stallard, Malvern

stallardwardemilitary.jpg (58848 bytes)    Stallard, Ward E. (military)

stamperbessie.jpg (58840 bytes)     Stamper, Bessie

starkmildredclifton.jpg (59609 bytes)     Stark, Mildred & Clifton

stewartbertedna.jpg (58378 bytes)     Stewart, Bert & Edna

stewartdonaldm.jpg (62200 bytes)     Stewart, Donald M.

stewartearla.jpg (65703 bytes)     Stewart, Earl A.

stewartelizabethm.jpg (63609 bytes)     Stewart, Elizabeth M. (front)

stewartjohnniec.jpg (61535 bytes)     Stewart, Jonnie C. (front)

stewartjohnnyelizabethback.jpg (62178 bytes)     Stewart, Jonnie C. & Elizabeth M. (back)

stewartethelmae.jpg (60453 bytes)     Stewart, Ethel Mae

stewartfrankt2.jpg (61263 bytes)     Stewart, Frank T.

stewartfrankt.jpg (54136 bytes)     Stewart, Frank T.

stewartjohngeorgia.jpg (47325 bytes)     Stewart, John & Georgia M.

stewartleslieeugene.jpg (62156 bytes)     Stewart, Leslie Eugene

stewartroy.jpg (60799 bytes)     Stewart, Roy

stilesalicegeorge.jpg (62632 bytes)     Stiles, Alice C. & George W.

stjohncliffordtemple.jpg (58592 bytes)    St. John, Clifford & Temple

stocktonjohngrahamjr.jpg (62730 bytes)    Stockton Jr., John Graham

strothervivianmjamesw.jpg (48119 bytes)    Strother, Vivian M. & James W.

swisherdennisg.jpg (60676 bytes)     Swisher, Dennis G. (military)

swisherdwightburton.jpg (61154 bytes)     Swisher, Dwight Burton (military)

swishergeorgew.jpg (62723 bytes)     Swisher, George W. (military)

symonspearlraymond.jpg (62948 bytes)     Symons, Pearl & Raymond

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© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

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