The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

Cimarron County

County Seat - Boise City

Welcome to Cimarron County of The Great State of Oklahoma !!

© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to Cimarron County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - Cimarron County Archivist

Gene Phillips - Oklahoma State Archivist



Willowbar Cemetery Tombstone Pictures

We owe Nareen Lake a big thank you for all the hard work she has done to bring these pictures to all of us.

mannanlarrylewis.jpg (35381 bytes)     Mannan, Larry Lewis

marsharthurledwinakennethg.jpg (58439 bytes)     Marsh, Arthur L. & Edwin A. & Kenneth G.

marsharthurlee.jpg (62772 bytes)     Marsh, Arthur Lee

martinhelenmmerlel.jpg (58516 bytes)     Martin, Helen M. & Merle L.

martinmerlelm.jpg (62409 bytes)     Martin, Merle L. (military)

maupinwmp.jpg (62250 bytes)     Maupin, Wm. P.

maybenettae.jpg (59119 bytes)     May, Benetta E.

maycharley.jpg (54761 bytes)     May, Charley

mcbridebenk.jpg (62675 bytes)     McBride, Ben K.

mcbridebenkm.jpg (63919 bytes)     McBride, Ben K. (military)

mcbridejamest.jpg (64505 bytes)     McBride, James T.

mcbridemestellajamesd.jpg (61288 bytes)    McBride, M. Estella & James D.

mcbrideorrislveral.jpg (61577 bytes)     McBride, Orris L. & Vera L.

mcbriderllois.jpg (58811 bytes)     McBride, R. L. & Lois

mcbriderobertcm.jpg (62441 bytes)     McBride, Robert C. (military)

mcbriderobertconnelly.jpg (59308 bytes)    McBride, Robert Connelly

mcbrideruthemmajanejohnsonhammontree.jpg (60228 bytes)    McBride, Ruth Emmajane Johnson Hammontree

mcbroomchaswsarahf.jpg (62480 bytes)     McBroom, Chas. W. & Sarah F.

mccabebabyboy.jpg (61749 bytes)     McCabe, Baby Boy

mccabecaptjamesrobertjr.jpg (61763 bytes)    McCabe Jr., Capt. James Robert

mccabejamesridad.jpg (60826 bytes)     McCabe, James R. & Ida D.

mccabejamesrobertm.jpg (61995 bytes)     McCabe, James R. (military)

mccabejamesrobertm.jpg (61995 bytes)     McCabe, James Robert (military)

mccarledithwesleyback.jpg (62490 bytes)     McCarl, Edith M. & Wesley "Wes" G. (back)

mccarledithwesleyfront.jpg (62261 bytes)    McCarl, Edith M. & Wesley "Wes" G. (front)

mccarlwesleymilitary.jpg (65041 bytes)    McCarl, Wesley Gale (military)

mccoyhollacee.jpg (62737 bytes)     McCoy, Hollace E.

mccoyidaverreotto.jpg (57718 bytes)     McCoy, Ida A. & Verre Otto

mccoyleonaltao.jpg (59886 bytes)     McCoy, Leon & Alta O.

mccreabeckyrenee.jpg (63879 bytes)     McCrea, Becky Renee

mccreajackie.jpg (63127 bytes)     McCrea, Jackie (military)

mccreamelvinlm.jpg (61874 bytes)     McCrea, Melvin L. (military)

mcintyrehalliejewell.jpg (63964 bytes)    McIntyre, Hallie Jewell

mcquirkpat.jpg (65869 bytes)     McQuirk, Pat

messersmithnellmarie.jpg (64494 bytes)    Messersmith, Nell Marie

milesbabyboy2.jpg (63288 bytes)     Miles, Baby Boy

mileshowardleamon.jpg (61899 bytes)     Miles, Howard Leamon (military)

milesleamonglover.jpg (58363 bytes)     Miles, Leamon Glover

mileswaynet.jpg (61754 bytes)     Miles, Wayne T. (military)

millerbessiek.jpg (61501 bytes)     Miller, Bessie K.

millercleoedward.jpg (62570 bytes)     Miller, Cleo Edward

millerelsiec.jpg (57947 bytes)     Miller, Elsie C.

millerelsiemilesfrankv.jpg (66614 bytes)    Miller, Elsie Miles & Frank V.

millerernestineherman.jpg (62818 bytes)    Miller, Ernestine B. & Herman G.

millerestellar.jpg (61425 bytes)     Miller, Estella R.

millerfretiayoung.jpg (62594 bytes)     Miller, Fretia Young

millerkeithmarjorie.jpg (57590 bytes)     Miller, Keith R. & Marjorie

millerkennethnm.jpg (64814 bytes)     Miller, Kenneth N. (military)

millermaxwelle.jpg (61000 bytes)     Miller, Maxwell E.

millermaxwellem.jpg (62296 bytes)     Miller, Maxwell E. (military)

millerralphgm.jpg (63363 bytes)     Miller, Ralph G.

millerroberte.jpg (61347 bytes)     Miller, Robert E.

millerrosettie.jpg (63060 bytes)     Miller, Rosettie

millerroxiebernice.jpg (56363 bytes)     Miller, Roxie Bernice

millerwarrengeraldnadine.jpg (61394 bytes)    Miller, Warren Gerald & Nadine (Rhoton)

millerzidaalbert.jpg (59413 bytes)     Miller, Zida & Albert

milliganruthmay.jpg (67187 bytes)     Milligan, Ruth May

minnslenamharry.jpg (59278 bytes)     Minns, Lena M. & Harry

minnslethaann.jpg (62685 bytes)     Minns, Letha Ann

mobraybillback.jpg (62035 bytes)     Mobray, Bill (back)

mobraybillfront.jpg (62366 bytes)     Mobray, Bill (front)

mobrayelaineglenn.jpg (61421 bytes)     Mobray, Elaine & Glenn

mobraygertiecharlie.jpg (58189 bytes)     Mobray, Gertie & Charlie

morefordedgarl.jpg (60221 bytes)     Morford, Edgar L.

morrisclarkmargaret.jpg (62983 bytes)     Morris, Clark & Margaret

morrisgeorgee.jpg (65112 bytes)     Morris, George E.

morriswmaudjesser.jpg (61746 bytes)     Morris, W. Maud & Jesse R.

morrowmary.jpg (64808 bytes)     Morrow, Mary

morrowwalterw2.jpg (62707 bytes)     Morrow, Walter W.

morrowwalterw.jpg (55692 bytes)     Morrow, Walter W. (military)

moyerevaedward.jpg (63331 bytes)     Moyer, Eva G. & Edward

munsonhelene.jpg (66068 bytes)     Munson, Helene

musicmaryljohnw.jpg (61635 bytes)     Music, Mary L. & John W.


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