The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

Cimarron County

County Seat - Boise City

Welcome to Cimarron County of The Great State of Oklahoma !!

© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to Cimarron County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - Cimarron County Archivist

Gene Phillips - Oklahoma State Archivist



Willowbar Cemetery Tombstone Pictures

We owe Nareen Lake a big thank you for all the hard work she has done to bring these pictures to all of us.

haganbessiem.jpg (65496 bytes)   Hagan, Bessie M.

haganhenrya.jpg (58200 bytes)     Hagan, Henry A.

haganhenrya.m.jpg (66072 bytes)    Hagan, Henry A. (military)

haganurahn.jpg (60326 bytes)     Hagan, Urah N.

haleeffie.jpg (57216 bytes)     Hale, Effie

hammontreecharleswonai.jpg (58423 bytes)     Hammontree, Charles W. & Ona I.

hammontreeelizabethwilliamh.jpg (61816 bytes)     Hammontree, Elizabeth & William H.

hammontreegeojuanita.jpg (57304 bytes)     Hammontree, Goerge Walter & Juanita M.

hammontreehelenn.jpg (61245 bytes)     Hammontree, Helen N. Gorby

hammontreejamesrachel.jpg (59012 bytes)     Hammontree, James Henry & Rachel Caroline

hammontreemelvindorothy.jpg (56565 bytes)     Hammontree, Melvin Charles & Dorothy Delia

hammontreemrsfrancis.jpg (55984 bytes)     Hammontree, Mrs. Francis

hammontreerosajameso.jpg (57146 bytes)     Hammontree, Rosa & James O.

hammontreevesterlee.jpg (65257 bytes)     Hammontree, Vester Lee

hammontreewilliamdale.jpg (60594 bytes)     Hammontree, William Dale

hammontreewilliamdm.jpg (61022 bytes)     Hammontree, William D. (military)

hanesdorothymae.jpg (61691 bytes)     Hanes, Dorothy Mae

hanesjoanroyce.jpg (58854 bytes)     Hanes, Joan & Royce

hanesotisljuneh.jpg (61520 bytes)     Hanes, Otis L. & June H.

hanesrosamsamuelg.jpg (61650 bytes)     Hanes, Rosa M. & Samuel G.

hanesrubyroy.jpg (50586 bytes)     Hanes, Ruby L. & Roy B.

hansonharrietngeraldo.jpg (65144 bytes)     Hanes, Harriet N. & Gerald O.

hanveydonnajean.jpg (60864 bytes)     Hanvey, Donna Jean

hanveyroberte.jpg (61862 bytes)     Hanvey, Robert E.

hardingbuddie.jpg (60836 bytes)     Harding, Buddie

harmanwilliamg.jpg (64971 bytes)     Harman, William G.

harrimandarleneleo.jpg (64931 bytes)     Harriman, Darlene Wiggins & Leo Fredrick

harrimanleofm.jpg (62633 bytes)     Harriman, Leo F. (military)

harrimanmarya.jpg (64682 bytes)     Harriman, Mary A.

harrimanomerb.jpg (65955 bytes)     Harriman, Omar B.

harrimanwilliamafrancesf.jpg (59404 bytes)     Harriman, William A. & Frances F.

harrisdillonray.jpg (67618 bytes)     Harris, Dillon Ray

harrisestherjedwin.jpg (64738 bytes)     Harris, Esther J. & Edwin (Ed) W.

harrismirandarae.jpg (65867 bytes)     Harris, Miranda Rae

harrymanmaryelizabeth1.jpg (59228 bytes)     Harryman

harrymanmaryelizabeth2.jpg (62682 bytes)     Harryman, Mary Elizabeth

harrymanwirvingmlorena.jpg (65687 bytes)     Harryman, W. Irving & M. Lorena

heathcocklawrenceopal.jpg (62435 bytes)     Heathcock, Lawrence M. "Curley" & Opal Oma "Mama"

heckartluellafonzo.jpg (58084 bytes)     Heckart, Luella & Fonzo

heckartmatildajosepht.jpg (55879 bytes)     Heckart, Matilda & Joseph T.

hennennancy.jpg (56012 bytes)     Hennen, Nancy

henrycharlesn.jpg (63101 bytes)     Henry, Charles N.

henryolennoble.jpg (61400 bytes)     Henry, Olen Noble

henryolennoblem.jpg (60767 bytes)     Henry, Olen Noble (military)

hickmanthomasl.jpg (64592 bytes)     Hickman, Thomas L.

hicksroberteugene.jpg (59555 bytes)     Hicks, Robert Eugene (military)

hillelsieorasmalts.jpg (61201 bytes)     Hill, Elsie Ora (Smalts)

hillelsiesmalts2.jpg (65190 bytes)     Hill, Elsie Smalts

hiltonharveyjosephine.jpg (62752 bytes)     Hilton, Harvey & Josephine

hiltonmrsd.jpg (63324 bytes)     Hilton, Mrs D.

hindscliffordm.jpg (39770 bytes)     Hinds, Clifford M.

hindsdorafrancescliffordm1.jpg (40010 bytes)     Hinds, Frances & Clifford

hindsdorafrancis.jpg (42019 bytes)     Hinds, Dora Frances

hineridaewilliec.jpg (58269 bytes)     Hiner, Ida E. & Willie C.

hinerlorene.jpg (62587 bytes)     Hiner, Lorene

hinernaominorville.jpg (65820 bytes)     Hiner, Naomi J. & Norville R.

hinerwilliamearnest.jpg (64672 bytes)     Hiner, William Ernest

hochedelvisharryvickery.jpg (61907 bytes)     Hoch, Edelvis & Harry V.

hochharryvickerym.jpg (62274 bytes)    Hoch, Harry Vickery (military)

 hoffopalmalendis.jpg (58255 bytes)    Hoff, Opal Melendia

 hollandfrank.jpg (63372 bytes)     Holland, Frank

 hollidayednahammontreeback.jpg (61829 bytes)    Holliday, Edna Hammontree (back)

hollidayednahammontreefront.jpg (43669 bytes)     Holliday, Edna Hammontree (front)

hollishazelmay.jpg (61373 bytes)     Hollis, Hazel May

hollisleonardlee.jpg (62271 bytes)     Hollis, Leonard Lee

hommertannac.jpg (64994 bytes)     Hommert, Anna C.

hommertarthurh.jpg (64265 bytes)     Hommert, Arthur H.

hommertarthurhenry.jpg (54677 bytes)     Hommert, Arthur Henry

hommertwilliamf.jpg (64156 bytes)     Hommert, William F.

houdyshellglenne.jpg (60240 bytes)     Houdyshell, Glenn E.

howellgeorgew.jpg (65070 bytes)     Howell, Geo. W.

hoxiebonnieavisshowalter.jpg (63029 bytes)     Hoxie, "Gammy" Bonnie Avis (Showalter)

hoxiejock.jpg (61132 bytes)     Hoxie, Jack

hudgensalvielmilitary.jpg (60364 bytes)     Hudgens, Alvie L. (military)

hudgensalvielsusane.jpg (60044 bytes)     Hudgens, Alvie L. & Susan F.

humphriesvergiev.jpg (63677 bytes)     Humphries, Virgie V.

huntchrisgrace.jpg (60571 bytes)     Hunt, Chris & Grace E.

hutchersonmaryjames.jpg (63958 bytes)     Hutcherson, Mary Hildred & James Haney

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© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

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