The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

Cimarron County

County Seat - Boise City

Welcome to Cimarron County of The Great State of Oklahoma !!

© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to Cimarron County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - Cimarron County Archivist

Gene Phillips - Oklahoma State Archivist



Willowbar Cemetery Tombstone Pictures

We owe Nareen Lake a big thank you for all the hard work she has done to bring these pictures to all of us.

baconbobbyleegardner.jpg (55592 bytes)     Bacon, Bobby Lee Gardner

baconjabezl.jpg (62674 bytes)     Bacon, Jabez L.

baconmaryjewell.jpg (62812 bytes)     Bacon, Mary Jewell

baconstoneformaryjewellandjabez.jpg (57240 bytes)     Bacon,Mary Jewell & Jabez L. (back)

badgleybensondale.jpg (62161 bytes)     Badgley, Benson Dale

badgleyberniedmilitary.jpg (63124 bytes)     Badgley, Bernie D. (military)

badgleyottol.jpg (63727 bytes)     Badgley, Otto L.

badgleyvelmal.jpg (64293 bytes)     Badgley, Velma L.

bainhermanw.jpg (37259 bytes)     Bain, Herman W.

bakerivamaubreyt.jpg (57162 bytes)     Baker, Iva M. & Aubrey T.

bakerwilliamcleostellainez.jpg (63541 bytes)     Baker, William Cleo & Stella Inez

barkerarthurmargaretalfredfrieda.jpg (54708 bytes)    Barker, Arthur M.: Margaret B.: Alfred: Frieda B.

barkercharlesalfred.jpg (64196 bytes)     Barker, Charles Alfred

barkerfriedabell.jpg (63797 bytes)     Barker, Frieda Bell

barkerguyedmondmilitary.jpg (63127 bytes)     Barker, Guy Edmond (military)

barkerguyshirlene.jpg (63601 bytes)     Barker, Guy & Shirlene

barkerlenorajo.jpg (65962 bytes)     Barker, Lenora Jo

barkermargaretb2.jpg (64183 bytes)     Barker, Margaret B.

barnesglenmblanchew.jpg (59512 bytes)     Barnes, Glen M. & Blanche W.

barrickestherneilo.jpg (62725 bytes)     Barrick, Esther & Neil O.

barrickhiramwmilitary.jpg (61066 bytes)     Barrick, Hiram W. (military)

barrickinezandhiram.jpg (62017 bytes)     Barrick, Inez & Hiram

barrickralphvmilitary.jpg (62402 bytes)     Barrick, Ralph V. (military)

bartonlewis.jpg (63894 bytes)     Barton, Lewis

batiedoug.jpg (60727 bytes)     Batie, Doug

behrendtchasaugust.jpg (60885 bytes)     Behrendt, Chas August

behrendtelmerj.jpg (62178 bytes)     Behrendt, Elmer J.

behrendtferni.jpg (60186 bytes)Behrendt, Fern I.

behrendtkatieefredc.jpg (63938 bytes)Behrendt, Katie E. & Fred C.

bellamyjt.jpg (63725 bytes)Bellamy, J. T.

bellomygleneasterac.jpg (60470 bytes)Bellomy, Glen E. & Astera C.

bellomyglennayvonne.jpg (64109 bytes)Bellomy, Glenna Yvonne

bellomyjamesirena.jpg (61787 bytes)Bellomy, James H. & Irena

bellomylouiearnold.jpg (63046 bytes)Bellomy, Louis Arnold

bellomyruthe.jpg (61745 bytes)Bellomy, Ruth E.

bensonwyattdaniel.jpg (63913 bytes)Benson, Wyatt Daniel

boldtbaby.jpg (59785 bytes)Boldt, Baby

boldtjamese.jpg (60407 bytes)Boldt, James E.

boldtjohnh.jpg (58975 bytes)Boldt, John H.

bolinclarisaaustin.jpg (62021 bytes)Bolin, Clarisa & Austin

bolinleonardl.jpg (62311 bytes)Bolin, Leonard L.

bolinleroy.jpg (62490 bytes)Bolin, Leroy

bolinlewism.jpg (63427 bytes)Bolin, Lewis M.

bolinminonar2.jpg (63497 bytes)Bolin, Minona R.

bolinminonar.jpg (63439 bytes)Bolin, Minona R.

bristowjackwilletsmilitary.jpg (66358 bytes)Bristow, Jack Willets (military)

bristowmarjorier.jpg (60994 bytes)Bristow, Marjorie R.

brownbrandonkent.jpg (62521 bytes)Brown, Brandon Kent

brownmarya.jpg (61534 bytes)Brown, Mary A.

brownroyj.jpg (61196 bytes)Brown, Roy J.

bruningaugustalouisj.jpg (62894 bytes)Bruning, Augusta M. & Louis J.

bryantnettieegeorgeclarence.jpg (58833 bytes)Bryant, Nettie E. & George Clarence

buckarthure.jpg (62813 bytes)Buck, Arthur E.

buckrobertjohnkatherine.jpg (60392 bytes)Buck, Robert John & Katherine "Woode"

buckrobertjohnmilitary.jpg (61204 bytes)Buck, Robert John (military)

burchbertha.jpg (61031 bytes)Burch, Bertha

burchcharlesamilitary.jpg (64554 bytes)Burch, Charles A. (military)

burchemiliecharlotte.jpg (63690 bytes)Burch, Emilie Charlotte

burchwesley.jpg (52139 bytes)Burch, Wesley

burdettlolamjamesf.jpg (64557 bytes)Burdett, Lola M. & James F.

burdickjamesedward.jpg (65722 bytes)Burdick, James Edward

burgoynemary.jpg (66059 bytes)Burgoyne, Mary

burnsalvinh.jpg (64486 bytes)Burns, Alvin H.

burnsalvinhmilitary.jpg (65420 bytes)Burns, Alvin H. (military)

burnsclaraa.jpg (61761 bytes)Burns, Clara A.

burnsinfantdaughter.jpg (66321 bytes)Burns, Infant Daughter

burnslenaalbert.jpg (60240 bytes)Burns, Lena E. & Albert G.

burnsorahenry.jpg (58026 bytes)Burns, Ora & Henry

burrowdavid.jpg (63628 bytes)Burrow, David

burrowjaunita.jpg (64472 bytes)Burrow, Jaunita

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© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

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