The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

Cimarron County
Burial Index "W"
County Seat - Boise City

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Welcome to Cimarron County of The Great State of Oklahoma !!

© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to Cimarron County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - Cimarron County Archivist

Gene Phillips - State Archivist

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Burial Index


WALKER Annabel Lee Wheeless
WALKER Bernice J. F Wheeless
WALKER Charles Harvey Bertrand
WALKER Clara Mae Wheeless
WALKER Clarence R. Wheeless
WALKER Donald W. Wheeless
WALKER Dorothy B. Wheeless
WALKER Earney Wheeless
WALKER Edna May Wheeless
WALKER Gale M. Wheeless
WALKER Gerald L. Wheeless
WALKER H. T. "Todd" Wheeless
WALKER Harold L. Wheeless
WALKER Henry Lee Wheeless
WALKER Ida Mae Wheeless
WALKER James A. Jiggs Bertrand
WALKER James S. Wheeless
WALKER Janet V. James Bertrand
WALKER Kent L. Wheeless
WALKER Leona Olive Wheeless
WALKER Marie Louise Wheeless
WALKER Ollie R. Mar Wheeless
WALKER Raymond Leon Wheeless
WALKER Stella Dee Willowbar
WALKER Thomas E. Wheeless
WALKER Warren Lee Wheeless
WALKER Wynema Jean Willowbar
WALLACE Elizabeth (Dodrill) Willowbar
WALLACE Lewis M. Willowbar
WALLACE William Willowbar
WALLS Glenna Fay Bertrand
WALTON Bert Willowbar
WALTON Omie Willowbar
WALTON Stephanee G. Willowbar
WARNER Joe Al Mexhoma
WATKINS Tom Garrett
WELLA Hubert Earl Bertrand
WESTCOTT Jerry Walter Willowbar
WHEELESS Baby Wheeless
WHISENNAND Clauddie Willowbar
WHISENNAND Guy Allen Willowbar
WHISENNAND Roy C. Willowbar
WHITE Mary Ann Garrett
WHITE Mary Etta Garrett
WHITE Royal K. Garrett
WHITEMAN A. C. Willowbar
WHITEMAN Chester Louis Willowbar
WHITEMAN Maude Willowbar
WHITEMAN Shirley Ruth Willowbar
WHITFIELD Darrell Alan Willowbar
WHITFIELD Emma Willowbar
WHITFIELD Ervin Earl Willowbar
WHITFIELD Goldie Mae Willowbar
WHITFIELD William Earl Willowbar
WHITNEY Forest J. Bertrand
WHITNEY Lottie M. Bertrand
WHITNEY Phyllis A. Bertrand
WIGGINS Bert Willowbar
WIGGINS Bill Willowbar
WIGGINS Dale E. Willowbar
WIGGINS Faye McBride Willowbar
WIGGINS Gary Leon Willowbar
WIGGINS George Wayne Willowbar
WIGGINS Joan Willowbar
WIGGINS John Worth Willowbar
WIGGINS Mildred Willowbar
WIGGINS Shirley Gean Willowbar
WIGGINS Will Worth Willowbar
WILCOX Vere Willowbar
WILEY Edgar W. Willowbar
WILEY Leona Willowbar
WILEY Leota Willowbar
WILEY Lola F. Willowbar
WILEY Sarah Corine Willowbar
WILEY Thomas Dale Willowbar
WILKINSON Clara L. Willowbar
WILKINSON Harry N. Willowbar
WILLIAMS Charles F. Willowbar
WILLIAMS Charley H. Willowbar
WILLIAMS Chester H. Willowbar
WILLIAMS Delbert Dwaine Willowbar
WILLIAMS Earl M. Willowbar
WILLIAMS Hester E. Willowbar
WILLIAMS Hester E. Willowbar
WILLIAMS J. W. Willowbar
WILLIAMS Lloyd J. Willowbar
WILLIAMS Mildred A. Willowbar
WILLIAMS Stella Willowbar
WILLIAMSON Kimberly Wheeless
WILMARTH A. C. Willowbar
WILMARTH Bertha Willowbar
WILMARTH Clarence A. Willowbar
WILMARTH Clarence L. Willowbar
WILMARTH David Lee Willowbar
WILMARTH Hattie A. Willowbar
WILMARTH Kenneth R. Willowbar
WILMARTH Leonard G. Willowbar
WILMARTH Ruby V. Willowbar
WILSON Lettie A. Willowbar
WING H. B. Willowbar
WOOD Anne Willowbar
WOOD Babies Wheeless
WOODS Gladys Susan Bertrand
WOODS John Ivan Bertrand
WOOLRIDGE Unknown Wheeless

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