The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

Cimarron County
Burial Index "S"
County Seat - Boise City

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Welcome to Cimarron County of The Great State of Oklahoma !!

© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to Cimarron County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - Cimarron County Archivist

Gene Phillips - State Archivist

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Burial Index


SAMPSON Charlie Bertrand
SAMPSON Louisa Bertrand
SAMPSON Mary Alice Bertrand
SCHNAUFER Emaril Exona Bertrand
SCHNAUFER Phyllis W. Bertrand
SCHNAUFER Russell N. Bertrand
SCHNAUFER Timothy A. Bertrand
SCHNEIDER Christina Willowbar
SCHNEIDER Herman A. Garrett
SCHNEIDER Lena M. Willowbar
SCHNEIDER Mary D. Garrett
SCHNEIDER Peter Willowbar
SCHNEIDER Peter J. Willowbar
SCHNOOR Earnest John Willowbar
SCHULTZ Harriet A. Cozby Garrett
SCOTT Vinita Faye Willowbar
SELLERS Ronald E. Willowbar
SEWELL Anna Mae Wheeless
SEWELL Baby Wheeless
SEWELL Lewis Calvin Wheeless
SHANNON Jesse Dean Bertrand
SHANNON Melvin Jack Bertrand
SHANNON Sylvia Savilla Bertrand
SHARP Dorothy May Bertrand
SHARP Grady W. Bertrand
SHARP Shad Lee Willowbar
SHARP Thomas J. Bertrand
SHAW Sidney Frederic Wheeless
SHIELDS Ethel Loraine Willowbar
SHIELDS Fred Lee Willowbar
SHIELDS Fred Lee, Willowbar
SHIELDS Nadine Willowbar
SHULTZ Harriet A. Cozby Garrett
SIMMONS Tom Garrett
SINCLAIR Bobby O. Garrett
SIZEMORE Daniel W. Willowbar
SIZEMORE Neva L. Willowbar
SLIMP Anna Alice Willowbar
SLIMP Louis L. Willowbar
SLIMP Thomas J. Willowbar
SLOAN Dudley C. Garrett
SLOAN Neva Garrett
SMALTS Carla Lynn Willowbar
SMALTS J. Raymond Willowbar
SMALTS James William Willowbar
SMALTS Nadine B. Willowbar
SMITH Louie Willowbar
SMITH Willard Willowbar
SNIDER Albert Wheeless
SNIDER David W. Willowbar
SNIDER Emily Willowbar
SNIDER Gorman H. Willowbar
SNIDER Marie C. Willowbar
SPARKMAN Dorsey R. Garrett
SPARKMAN Ethel J. Garrett
SPARKMAN Mary Lou (Shultz) Garrett
SPARKMAN Wesley A. Garrett
SPEAR Eva C. Willowbar
SPENCER Margaret Jane Mexhoma
SPENCER Robert Major Mexhoma
SPRADLIN Carrie B. Willowbar
SPRADLIN William H. Willowbar
SPRADLIN Wright Willowbar
ST. JOHN Clifford Willowbar
ST. JOHN Temple Willowbar
STAFFORD Charlotte M. Willowbar
STAFFORD Clovis T. Willowbar
STAFFORD Hazel A. Willowbar
STAFFORD L. J. Willowbar
STAFFORD Vesta C. Willowbar
STAFFORD William B. Willowbar
STALLARD Catherin Willowbar
STALLARD Darrel Dean Willowbar
STALLARD Donald V. Willowbar
STALLARD George Willowbar
STALLARD Karen Willowbar
STALLARD Malverna Willowbar
STALLARD Ward E. Willowbar
STAMPER Bessie Willowbar
STARK Clifton Willowbar
STARK Mildred Willowbar
STEMRIDGE John Wheeless
STEWART Bert Willowbar
STEWART Donald M. Willowbar
STEWART Earl A. Willowbar
STEWART Edna Willowbar
STEWART Elizabeth M. Willowbar
STEWART Ethel Mae Willowbar
STEWART Frank T. Willowbar
STEWART Georgia M. Willowbar
STEWART John Willowbar
STEWART Johnny C. Willowbar
STEWART Leslie Eugene Willowbar
STEWART Roy Willowbar
STILES Alice C. Willowbar
STILES George W. Willowbar
STOCKTON John Graham, Willowbar
STRATTON Charles A. Wheeless
STRATTON Clarence C. Wheeless
STRATTON Hattie I. Wheeless
STRATTON Katherine Wheeless
STRAUB Irma Wheeless
STRAUB Noblin Wheeless
STRONG Bertha M. Garrett
STRONG C. E. (Cy) Garrett
STRONG Camella Garrett
STRONG Howard Garrett
STRONG John R. Garrett
STRONG John Riley Garrett
STRONG Lou Ellen Garrett
STRONG Virginia May Dickey Garrett
STRONG William A. Garrett
STROTHER James W. Willowbar
STROTHER Vivian M. Willowbar
STUBBLEFIELD Charles Bertrand
STUBBLEFIELD Dorothy O. Bertrand
STUBBLEFIELD Ollie Mae Bertrand
SUDDARTH Bertha E. Garrett
SUDDARTH Roy L. Garrett
SUMMERS Cora M. Bertrand
SUMMERS Wallace E. Bertrand
SUMMERS Wally Jr. Bertrand
SWISHER Dennis G. Willowbar
SWISHER Dwight Burton Willowbar
SWISHER George W. Willowbar
SYMONS Pearl Willowbar
SYMONS Raymond Willowbar

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