The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

Cimarron County
Burial Index "M"
County Seat - Boise City

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Welcome to Cimarron County of The Great State of Oklahoma !!

© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to Cimarron County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - Cimarron County Archivist

Gene Phillips - State Archivist

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Burial Index


MABRY Woodford N. Wheeless
MANESS Kyle Mexhoma
MANESS Parker D. Mexhoma
MANNAN Larry Lewis Willowbar
MARSH Arthur Lee Willowbar
MARSH Edwin A. Willowbar
MARSH Kenneth G. Willowbar
MARTIN Helen M. Willowbar
MARTIN Merle L. Willowbar
MAUPIN William P. Willowbar
MAXFIELD Cecil C. Bertrand
MAXFIELD Elmer M. Bertrand
MAXFIELD Mother Bertrand
MAY Amelia R. Mexhoma
MAY Benetta E. Willowbar
MAY Charley Willowbar
MAY Elizabeth Ann Bertrand
MAY Robert M. Mexhoma
MAY William Mexhoma
MAY William B. Mexhoma
MAY William Rutledge Wheeless
McBRIDE Ben K. Willowbar
McBRIDE James D. Willowbar
McBRIDE James T. Willowbar
McBRIDE Lois Willowbar
McBRIDE M. Estella Willowbar
McBRIDE Orris L. Willowbar
McBRIDE R.L. Willowbar
McBRIDE Robert Connelly Willowbar
McBRIDE Ruth Emmajane Willowbar
McBRIDE Vera L. Willowbar
McBROOM Chas W. Willowbar
McBROOM Sarah F. Willowbar
McCABE Baby Boy Willowbar
McCABE Ida D. Willowbar
McCABE James R. Willowbar
McCABE James Robert, Willowbar
McCALL Eddie L. Garrett
McCARL Edith M. Willowbar
McCARL Wesley Wes Willowbar
McCOY Alta J. Willowbar
McCOY Hollace E. Willowbar
McCOY Ida A. Willowbar
McCOY Leon Willowbar
McCOY Verre Otto Willowbar
McCREA Becky Renee Willowbar
McCREA Evelyn L. Willowbar
McCREA Jackie Willowbar
McCREA Melvin L. Willowbar
MCDANIEL (infant) Bertrand
MCDANIEL Dorcus C. Bertrand
MCDANIEL Evolena Bertrand
MCDANIEL Flora Bertrand
MCDANIEL Harriett Bertrand
MCDANIEL James Bertrand
MCDANIEL Karen Ann Bertrand
MCDANIEL Lloyd James Bertrand
MCDANIEL Loren Bertrand
MCDANIEL Mitchell Bertrand
MCDANIEL Olie Bertrand
MCDANIEL Orval H. Bertrand
MCDANIEL Pattie Bertrand
MCDANIEL Robert Bertrand
MCDANIEL Russell Bertrand
MCDANIEL William T. Bertrand
McGOWAN Bertha Garrett
McGOWAN Dorothy J. Garrett
McGOWAN Edwin H. Garrett
McGOWAN Henry Garrett
McGOWAN Henry Bert Garrett
McGOWAN India Pearl Garrett
McGOWAN Melvina Garrett
McINTYRE Hallie Jewel Willowbar
MCKEEVER John A. Bertrand
McQUIRK Pat Willowbar
MESSERSMITH Nell Marie Willowbar
METCALF Henry A. Garrett
MILES Baby Boy Willowbar
MILES Baby Boy Willowbar
MILES Howard Leamon Willowbar
MILES Leamon Glover Willowbar
MILES Wayne T. Willowbar
MILLER Albert Willowbar
MILLER Bessie K. Willowbar
MILLER Beverley Coble Bertrand
MILLER Cleo Edward Willowbar
MILLER Elsie C. Willowbar
MILLER Elsie Miles Willowbar
MILLER Ernestine B. Willowbar
MILLER Estella R. Willowbar
MILLER Frank V. Willowbar
MILLER Fretia (Young) Willowbar
MILLER Herman G. Willowbar
MILLER Keith R. Willowbar
MILLER Kenneth N. Willowbar
MILLER Marjorie Willowbar
MILLER Maxwell E. Willowbar
MILLER Nadine (Rhoton) Willowbar
MILLER Nadine (Rhoton) Willowbar
MILLER Ralph G. Willowbar
MILLER Robert E. Willowbar
MILLER Rosettie Willowbar
MILLER Roxie Bernice Willowbar
MILLER Warren Gerald Willowbar
MILLER Warren Gerald Willowbar
MILLER Zida Willowbar
MILLIGAN Letha Ann Willowbar
MINNS Harry Willowbar
MINNS Lena M. Willowbar
MIRANDA, Charles E. Wheeless
MIRANDA, O. Leroy Wheeless
MIRANDA, Sadie M. Wheeless
MITCHELL Ellen M. Garrett
MITCHELL Sgt. James D. Jr. Garrett
MOBRAY Billy Willowbar
MOBRAY Charlie Willowbar
MOBRAY Elaine Willowbar
MOBRAY Gertie Willowbar
MOBRAY Glenn Willowbar
MONTGOMERY Gladys Coots Bertrand
MONTGOMERY Oscar Harrison Bertrand
MOORE Thelma Wheeless
MOORE Little Buddie Wheeless
MORFORD Edgar L Willowbar
MORRIS Clark Willowbar
MORRIS George E. Willowbar
MORRIS Jesse R. Willowbar
MORRIS Margaret (Miller) Willowbar
MORRIS Mary B Willowbar
MORRIS W. Maud Willowbar
MORROW Mary No Willowbar
MORROW Walter W. Willowbar
MOYER Edward Willowbar
MOYER Eva G. Willowbar
MUNSON Helene Willowbar
MURDOCK Ethel T. Bertrand
MURDOCK Tigh Douglas Bertrand
MURDOCK William J. Bertrand
MUSIC John W. Willowbar
MUSIC Mary L. Willowbar

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