The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

Cimarron County
Burial Index "H"
County Seat - Boise City

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Welcome to Cimarron County of The Great State of Oklahoma !!

© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to Cimarron County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - Cimarron County Archivist

Gene Phillips - State Archivist

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Burial Index


HAGAN Bessie M. Willowbar
HAGAN Henry A. Willowbar
HAGAN Urah N. Willowbar
HAINES Inez Maxfield Bertrand
HALE Effie Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Charles W. Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Dorothy Delia Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Elizabeth Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Geo. Walter Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Helen N. Willowbar
HAMMONTREE James Henry Willowbar
HAMMONTREE James O. Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Juanita M. Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Melvin Charles Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Mrs. Francis Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Ona I. Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Rachel Caroline Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Rosa Willowbar
HAMMONTREE Vester Lee Willowbar
HAMMONTREE William Dale Willowbar
HAMMONTREE William H. Willowbar
HANES Dorothy Mae Willowbar
HANES Joan Willowbar
HANES June H. Willowbar
HANES Otis L. Willowbar
HANES Rosa M. Willowbar
HANES Roy B. Willowbar
HANES Royce Willowbar
HANES Ruby L. Willowbar
HANES Samuel G. Willowbar
HANSON Gerald O. Willowbar
HANSON Harriet N. Willowbar
HANVEY Donna Jean Willowbar
HANVEY Robert E. Willowbar
HARDING Buddie Willowbar
HARMAN William G. Willowbar
HARMON George B. Garrett
HARRIMAN Darlene Wiggins Willowbar
HARRIMAN Frances F. Willowbar
HARRIMAN Leo Fredrick Willowbar
HARRIMAN Mary A. Willowbar
HARRIMAN Omer B. Willowbar
HARRIMAN William A. Willowbar
HARRIS Dillon Ray Willowbar
HARRIS Edwin (Ed) Willowbar
HARRIS Esther J. Willowbar
HARRIS Miranda Rae Willowbar
HARRYMAN M. Lorena Willowbar
HARRYMAN Mary Elizabeth Willowbar
HARRYMAN W. Irving Willowbar
HEATHCOCK Lawrence M. Willowbar
HEATHCOCK Opal Oma Willowbar
HECKART Fonzo Willowbar
HECKART Joseph T. Willowbar
HECKART Luella Willowbar
HECKART Matilda Willowbar
HEIN Candy Garrett
HEIN Mary Helen Garrett
HENNEN Nancy Willowbar
HENRY Charles N. Willowbar
HENRY Olen Noble Willowbar
HEWITT Cecil A. Bertrand
HICKMAN Thomas L. Willowbar
HICKS Robert Eugene Willowbar
HILL Elsie Ora Willowbar
HILTON Harvey Willowbar
HILTON Josephine Willowbar
HILTON Mrs. D. Willowbar
HINDS Clifford M. Willowbar
HINDS Dora Frances Willowbar
HINER Ida E. Willowbar
HINER Lorene Willowbar
HINER Naomi J. Willowbar
HINER Norville R. Willowbar
HINER William Ernest Willowbar
HINER Willie C. Willowbar
HOCH Edelvis Willowbar
HOCH Harry Vickery Willowbar
HOFF Opal Malendia Willowbar
HOLLAND Frank Willowbar
HOLLIDAY Edna Hammontree Willowbar
HOLLIS Hazel May Willowbar
HOLLIS Leonard Lee Willowbar
HOMMERT Anna C. Willowbar
HOMMERT Arthur H. Willowbar
HOMMERT Arthur Henry Willowbar
HOMMERT William F. Willowbar
HOUCHIN Viola Bertrand
HOUCHIN William Bertrand
HOUDYSHELL Glenn E. Willowbar
HOUTS Earl F. Garrett
HOWELL Bessie Bertrand
HOWELL Charlie M. Bertrand
HOWELL Geo. W. Willowbar
HOWELL Irene Eiland Garrett
HOWELL Victor Garrett
HOXIE Bonnie Avis Willowbar
HOXIE Jack Willowbar
HUDGENS Alvie L. Willowbar
HUDGENS Susan F. Willowbar
HUMPHRIES Vergie V. Willowbar
HUNT Chris Willowbar
HUNT Grace Willowbar
HUTCHERSON James Haney Willowbar
HUTCHERSON Mary Hildred Willowbar
HUTCHISON David Mexhoma
HUTCHISON Frances Mexhoma

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