The Oklahoma

USGenWeb Archives

Cimarron County
Burial Index "B"
County Seat - Boise City

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Welcome to Cimarron County of The Great State of Oklahoma !!

© 2010 by Gene Phillips for the USGenWeb Archives Project

To make this project grow please submit your information to the Archives.

We are looking for transcriptions of cemeteries, deeds, federal census (free, slave, mortality, agriculture, veterans...schedules), state census, vital records (marriage, birth, death), court records (county, federal, civil, circuit, probate....), church records (membership lists, baptisms...), prison records, military records (rosters, muster rolls, service records, pension applications...), land records (deeds, land transfers, federal land grants, surveyor's records..), tax records (land, property, state, federal, local....), newspaper articles (obits, marriage & birth announcements, local events...), family histories, biographies, obituaries, photos and etc. that pertains to Cimarron County, Oklahoma, please send them to us for inclusion here. This information needs to be in plain text.

Gene Phillips - Cimarron County Archivist

Gene Phillips - State Archivist

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Burial Index


BACON Bobby Lee Willowbar
BACON Jabez L. Willowbar
BACON Mary Jewell Willowbar
BADGLEY Benson Dale Willowbar
BADGLEY Bernie D. Willowbar
BADGLEY Otto L. Willowbar
BADGLEY Velma L. Willowbar
BAIN Herman W. Willowbar
BAKER Aubrey T. Willowbar
BAKER Iva M. Willowbar
BAKER Stella Inez Willowbar
BAKER William Cleo Willowbar
BARKER Alfred Willowbar
BARKER Arthur M. Willowbar
BARKER Charles Alfred Willowbar
BARKER Frieda B. Willowbar
BARKER Frieda Bell Willowbar
BARKER Guy Edmond Willowbar
BARKER Lenora Jo Willowbar
BARKER Margaret B. Willowbar
BARKER Shirlene R. Willowbar
BARNES Blanche W. Willowbar
BARNES Glen M. Willowbar
BARR Charles Earl Bertrand
BARRICK Esther E. Willowbar
BARRICK Hiram W. Willowbar
BARRICK Inez M. Willowbar
BARRICK Neil O. Willowbar
BARRICK Ralph V. Willowbar
BARTON Lewis M. Willowbar
BATIE Doug Willowbar
BEGLEY Ada F. Bertrand
BEGLEY Delbert W. Bertrand
BEGLEY James D. Bertrand
BEHRENDT Chas. Willowbar
BEHRENDT Elmer J. Willowbar
BEHRENDT Fern I. Willowbar
BEHRENDT Fred C. Willowbar
BEHRENDT Katie E. Willowbar
BELLOMY Astera C. Willowbar
BELLOMY Glen E. Willowbar
BELLOMY Glenna Yvonne Willowbar
BELLOMY Irena Willowbar
BELLOMY J. T. Willowbar
BELLOMY James H. Willowbar
BELLOMY Louie Arnold Willowbar
BELLOMY Ruth E. Willowbar
BEMIS Lydia Garrett
BEMIS Madaline Garrett
BENSON Wyatt Daniel Willowbar
BERGMAN Ida M. Wheeless
BERGMAN John W. Wheeless
BERGMAN Sarah M. Wheeless
BERRY William Henry Mexhoma
BERTRAND Gladys R. Bertrand
BLACK Grant Bertrand
BLACK Lula Bertrand
BLEVINS Samuel B. Garrett
BOLDT Baby Willowbar
BOLDT James E Willowbar
BOLDT John H. Willowbar
BOLIN Austin Willowbar
BOLIN Clarisa Willowbar
BOLIN Leonard L. Willowbar
BOLIN Leroy Willowbar
BOLIN Lewis M. Willowbar
BOLIN Minona R. Willowbar
BOYD Catherine "Cass" Wheeless
BOYD Jesse W. Wheeless
BOYD Lawrence Wheeless
BOYLS Albert Flournoy Wheeless
BOYLS Edmund C. Wheeless
BOYLS Sidney George Wheeless
BRIGGS Theordore F. Garrett
BRISTOL Frank L. Garrett
BRISTOL Nell Kohler Garrett
BRISTOW Jack Willets Willowbar
BRISTOW Marjorie R. Willowbar
BRITE A. Howard Garrett
BRITE Alfred H. Garrett
BRITE Fred Carl Garrett
BRITE Onia A. Garrett
BRITE Oscar Garrett
BRITE Viola Garrett
BROCKMAN Joseph L. Garrett
BROOKS Geneva Helen Bertrand
BROWN Brandon Kent Willowbar
BROWN Henry Grady Garrett
BROWN Mary A. Willowbar
BROWN Roy J. Willowbar
BRUNER Lieut. T. N. Garrett
BRUNER M. B. Garrett
BRUNING Augusta M. Willowbar
BRUNING Louis J. Willowbar
BRYAN Donald C. Bertrand
BRYANT George Clarence Willowbar
BRYANT Nettie E. Willowbar
BUCK Arthur E. Willowbar
BUCK Katherine Woode Willowbar
BUCK Robert John Willowbar
BUIRNETT T. D. Garrett
BULLS Georgia Alma Wheeless
BULLS Nola F. Wheeless
BULLS William F. Wheeless
BULLS William Herman Wheeless
BURCH Bertha Willowbar
BURCH Charles A. Willowbar
BURCH Emilie Charlotte Willowbar
BURCH Wesley Willowbar
BURCH Wesley Willowbar
BURDETT James F. Willowbar
BURDETT Lola M. Willowbar
BURDICK James Edward Willowbar
BURGEMAN J. P. Wheeless
BURGOYNE Mary Willowbar
BURNETT J. W. "Pete" Garrett
BURNETT Lona Garrett
BURNETT Marie Novetta Garrett
BURNETT Mary Ruth Garrett
BURNETT Robert D. Garrett
BURNS Albert G. Willowbar
BURNS Alvin H. Willowbar
BURNS Clara A. Willowbar
BURNS Henry Willowbar
BURNS Infant daughter Willowbar
BURNS Lena E. Willowbar
BURNS Ora Willowbar
BURROW David Willowbar
BURROW Juanita Willowbar
BURROWS Irene M. Rice Garrett

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