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Trumbull County
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OHGenWeb Archives Logo

This page was last updated Monday, 18-Apr-2011 19:44:44 EDT

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Green Lawn Cemetery, Green Township. South of state route 87, west side of Dennison-Ashtabula road.
File Description Size Date Submitter
Barry, Dora Arena Shuester Image 134K Apr 2008 Jim Barry
Barry, Ellen Fobes Image 244K Apr 2008 Jim Barry
Barry, Emily Nee Vanik Image 156K Apr 2011 Jim Barry
Barry, Francis Milton "Milt" Image 155K Apr 2008 Jim Barry
Barry, Lloyd C. & Hazel W. Image 247K Apr 2008 Jim Barry
Barry, Marian Viola Image 210K Apr 2008 Jim Barry
Shuster, E(mor) Lloyd Image 246K Apr 2011 Jim Barry
Shuster, Katie Anna Nee Weber Image 193K Apr 2011 Jim Barry

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Background & Archives Logo created by : Maggie Stewart,
The file manager for this county is: Debra Crosby The Registry - Temporary, Volunteer Needed.