{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Medina County Gazette Fri Nov 5, 1875 p. 3\par At his residence in Granger, Medina county, Oct. 31st 1875, Dr. Stacy Hills, aged 61 years and 12 days.\par He was born in Bristol, Ontario county, New York, Oct 19th 1814. With his parents and their family of ten children, he the youngest, came into Granger in the fall of 1818. He commenced very young going to school, attending diligently the short terms of those early wilderness times. When old enough to render a boy\rquote s help at home, his schooldays were limited to the inevitable three months\rquote winter school. From reading the school books of those time\emdash Websters Spelling, Americas Preceptor, Columbian Orator, and the English Reader, imbibing all the contained, he acquired a thirst for much and varied reading until an opportunity offered the study of medicine, to which, and its practice, he gave his utmost energies, until obliged to succumb through the breaking up of a remarkably vigorous mental and physical constitution. Dr. Hills graduated at Willoughby Medical College in Feb 1842. Married in July the same year to Miss Naoma Hatch. They have had three children, two, a son and a daughter, are yet living. Of his character as a man, husband, father, physician, and neighbor, I leave to all who knew him, to speak. His sufferings, the last few year have been great and pitiable.\par \ldblquote After life\rquote s fitful fever, he sleeps well.\rdblquote\par \par His parents were Elizur and Abigail (Codding) Hills.\par }