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Belmont County
Table of Contents
OHGenWeb Archives Logo

This page was last updated Tuesday, 19-Jun-2012 01:32:33 EDT




Census Records

Church Records

Court Records


Land Records

Military Records


Newspaper Articles



Vital Records


Submission Forms

Photos of Tombstones
Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Bellaire, Ohio.
Browning, Cyril John - Image 157K
Lynskey Browning, Praxadese - Image 152K
Lynskey, Ellen (Cahill) - Image 163K
Lynskey, George A "Guy" - Image 161K
Lynskey, Hattie - Image 164K
Lynskey, John Thomas - Image 163K
Lynskey, Margaret (Marx) - Image 116K
Lynskey, Michael - Image 119K
Lynskey, Patrick - Image 169K
Lynskey, Prudence (Frost) - Image 155K
Lynskey, Thomas Martin - Image 116K
Neff, Edward - Image 178K
O'Malley, Anna (Walters) - Image 155K
O'Malley, Bryan R - Image 157K
O'Malley, Edgar - Image 124K
O'Malley, James J - Image 162K
O'Malley, John A. - Image 149K
O'Malley, Linnie - Image 161K
O'Malley, Margaret Anna - Image 156K
O'Malley, Martha (Mensore) - Image 157K
O'Malley, Michael - Image 124K
O'Malley, Sarah (McDonough) - Image 123K
O'Malley, Stephen J - Image 135K
O'Malley, Thomas M - Image 155K
O'Malley, Thomas D - Image 123K
O'Toole, Ann (O'Malley) - Image 249K
O'Toole, Bridgit - Image 143K
O'Toole, Darby - Image 249K
O'Toole, Gerald Leo - Image 187K
O'Toole, Martin - Image 143K
Sitar, John G & Ida Narcisi - Image 87K
Zaccagnini, Patsy & Natalie Narcisi - Image 105K


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and other research assistance are located on the following page.

You may search the OHGenWeb Archives by any keyword (Surname, etc.) at the the Ohio Archives Search Engine.

SUBMISSION FORMS: The forms at allow you to type your record and submit it. This will create a file in a format acceptable for OHArchives and ready for posting. These forms are not mandatory and if you have data already typed please send it in text format to the Archives File Manager.

If you have files to submit, please go to the following forms: Ohio submissions page.

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Background & Archives Logo created by : Maggie Stewart,
The file manager for this county is: Debra Crosby The Registry - Temporary, Volunteer Needed.