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How to Submit Files About the Obituary Project
Want to Contribute?
These are the guidelines
Transcriptions of obituaries published before December 31, 1934 can be posted. Obituaries posted after December 31, 1934 must meet the following criteria to be posted:
- you were the original author of the obituary, or
- the newspaper in question grants permission to reprint the obituary, or
- the obituary is that of a family member (you must give the relation), or
- you submit an abstract/INDEX of your obituaries.
You can submit an obituary using the on-line form or
by e-mailing the text file to the county coordinator
(check the WI archives page)
Wisconsin Obituaries listed alphabetically
Wisconsin Obituaries listed by County
Obituary Indexes
Antigo Journal
Beaver Dam Republican
Burr Oak (Juneau, WI)
Dodge County Gazette (Juneau, WI)
Galesville Independent
Journal Time (Racine, WI)
Marshfield News Herald
Milwaukee Journal
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Obituary Archives Project Coordinator -
Special Projects Representative - Rebecca Maloney