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Cayuga County New York
Cemeteries Table of Contents
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>Anyone wishing to volunteer to canvas and/or transcribe and/or update records of any cemetery including these ones, please contact New York State Coordinator
(<date) = surveyed before the date)
Column 1 = File Name
Column 2 = Description
Column 3 = File Size
Column 4 = Date Filed
Column 5 = Submitter (email addresses are listed on the files)
oldwestbury.txt Old Westbury, Town of Victory (LDS-1957, closed *) 21 Jun 2003 W. D. Samuelsen
oddsevens01.txt Pine Hill, Old Mentz & Old Port Byron 3 Jan 2004 W. D. Samuelsen
Known cemeteries not transcribed or surveyed.
Baker, Moravia
Bird, Moravia
Chestnut Hill, Union Springs
Cold Spring, Auburn
Conklin, Owasco
Cornwall, Scipio Center
Cranebrook, Cayuga
Crosman, Weedsport
Eddy, Scipio Center
Evergreen, Union Springs
Fleming, Auburn
Fort Hill, Auburn
French, Victory
Genoa, Venice Center
Gifford, Union Springs
Hewitt, Owasco
Howland, Union Springs
Indian Mound, Moravia
James, Spafford
Kelloggsville, Moravia
Lakeview, Cayuga
Lickville, Moravia
Maplewood of Five Corners, King Ferry
Martville, Martville
McArthur, Cayuga
Meech, Weedsport
Monaghan, Moravia
Montezuma, Montezuma
Mosher, Hannibal
Mount Pleasant, Weedsport
Oak Glen, Union Springs
Oak Ridge, Cayuga
Old Quaker, Union Springs
Old Quaker, Union Springs
Old Quaker, Union Springs
Old Quaker, Union Springs
Overacre, Fair Haven
Parsell, Skaneateles
Pine Hill, Auburn
Quaker, Sheldrake
Scipio Rural, Scipio Center
St. Bernard, Scipio Center
St. Joseph, Auburn
St. Joseph's, Auburn
St. Patrick's, Moravia
St. Patrick's, Union Springs
Sand Hill, Moravia
Soule, city of Auburn (active)(including Phelps burying grounds)
Throopsville Rural, Auburn
Twelve Corners, Owasco
Union, Cayuga
Van Etten, Skaneateles
Venice Center Rural, Venice Center
Weedsport Rural, Weedsport
West Genoa, King Ferry
West Niles Rural, Moravia*
Blodgetts Mills, Aurora*
Cato Union, Cato*
East Venice, Moravia*
Friends, Auburn*
Ira Union, Cato*
Mentz Church, Port Byron*
Monument Grove, Cato*
New Hope, Moravia*
North Street, city of Auburn (active)
Owasco Rural, Auburn*
Poplar Ridge, Aurora*
Ridgeway, King Ferry*
Sennett Rural, Auburn*
Spring Brook, Fair Haven*
Sterling, Sterling*
Victory Union, Cato*
Westfall, Auburn
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