Tecopa Cemetery
photographs donated by Fred Jorgensen of Pahrump, Nevada
(November, 2006 Copyright) unless indicated otherwise
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T | ||
TABET, Anna TABET, Gabe N. |
2/17/1913 9/15/1911 |
4/28/2000 8/4/1994 |
TAFOYA, Jason Ariel | 6/14/1972 | 2/1/1993 |
TANKERSLEY, Cyrus W. | 8/10/1923 | 7/12/1998 |
TAYLOR, James | 8/26/1945 | 3/5/2003 |
TEACOPA, Charlie | ||
TECOPA, Chief | 1905 | |
TECOPA, Unknown | ||
TENBERG, Alan J. | 1/30/1932 | 2/23/1987 |
TENNANT, James J. | 6/23/1922 | 7/4/2000 |
TERRY, Eldon Dynes | 1911 | 1990 |
THEIN, John E., Jr. THEIN, Theresa A. |
1929 1934 |
1990 1988 |
THOM, John Dayer | 7/18/1925 | 12/2/1991 |
THOMAS, Anna Marie | 10/15/1919 | 4/30/1995 |
THOMAS, Ivan A. | 9/7/1914 | 4/20/1981 |
THOMAS, Margaret S. | 5/23/1913 | 9/17/1994 |
1927 1924 |
9/9/2004 2002 |
THRASHER, Nellie MILLER, Hallie |
3/7/1915 3/27/1935 |
12/27/1999 12/10/2004 |
TINSEY, George | ||
TOM, Donald V. | 2/15/1930 | 3/4/1996 |
TOM, Roscoe | 8/8/1928 | 4/13/1948 |
TORRES, Juan T. | 3/5/1998 | |
TOUCHTON, Herman H. Back of Stone |
7/14/1930 | 4/2/1999 |
TOWNSEND, Phylis | 8/1/1930 | 4/2/1999 |
TRACY, Jack | 5/9/1996 | |
TRAVER, George I TRAVER, Joyce L. |
1/28/1929 4/15/1932 |
1/18/1998 3/27/1993 |
TREVINO, Feliciano G. | 1927 | 2002 |
TROUT, Gladys I. | 4/3/1925 | 2/8/2004 |
TROUT, Jesse Luther | 5/23/1924 | 4/29/1997 |
TROUT, Terry W. | 3/1/1922 | 5/19/1998 |
TRUAX, Barbara Jean | 2/2/1948 | 11/8/1995 |
TURNER, Anita I. | 1956 | 1980 |
TURNER, Alvin L. | 11/3/1922 | 6/10/1990 |
TURNER, Frances "Dutch" | 3/5/1923 | 12/28/1992 |
TURNER, Robert V. | 1930 | 1994 |
TURNER, Walter George | 4/13/1943 | 8/12/1969 |
U | ||
V | ||
VAN DE WEGHE, Richard W. | 10/24/1955 | 3/16/1975 |
VANDEGRIFF, Robert E. | 1921 | 1995 |
VAN RONK, Ruth | 11/23/1926 | 3/21/2005 |
VanSANT, Billy Howard | 3/23/1936 | 11/10/2004 |
VARDIMAN, Bernard E. VARDIMAN, Margaret K. |
9/3/1923 1/20/1924 |
12/4/1991 9/7/2004 |
VARELA, Albert John "Sonny" | 7/21/1945 | 4/4/1960 |
VARELA, Gail "Scorp" VARELA, Harriet "Helen" |
4/16/1947 3/4/1950 |
4/7/2002 4/9/2002 |
VELAZQUEZ, Jose | 1924 | 1975 |
VENEMAN, Albert H. | 11/14/1916 | 11/26/1991 |
VENEMAN, Marvin E., Sr. | 11/29/1938 | 7/16/1994 |
VILLA, Gonzalo J. | 12/4/1989 | |
W | ||
WAGNER, Fran Bernadette (disinterred) | 7/18/1980 | 1/23/1999 |
WAGNER, George | 1908 | 1984 |
WAGNER, Vera | 5/7/1909 | 8/27/2001 |
WARD, Bobbie Jeanette | 7/7/1932 | 6/6/1999 |
WARD, Frances E. WARD, Tom F. |
10/29/1904 2/14/1900 |
7/24/1999 11/22/1980 |
WARD, James Lavern | 1/25/1928 | 10/12/2004 |
WARD, John B. | 5/23/1926 | 3/25/2000 |
WARD, Kathleen | 1/25/1919 | 4/12/1993 |
WATKINS, Helen | 11/14/1923 | 2/14/1997 |
WATRUS, Florence Ruth | 5/15/1917 | 9/21/1997 |
WATSON, Everett L. | 1/21/1916 | 12/13/2001 |
WATSON, Maudie Mae | 8/3/1910 | 8/22/1995 |
WEBB, Mildred C. | 2/14/1917 | 2/9/2001 |
WEBBER, WES L. | 1/8/1911 | 5/9/1984 |
WEBSTER, Eva L. | 5/12/1908 | 1/22/1996 |
WEED, Amy Lilly | 10/27/1909 | 4/14/1950 |
WEED, Jeff | ||
WEED, John | ||
WEED, Mutt | 1906 | 1975 |
WEED, Sarah | 1905 | 2/5/1962 |
WEED, Tom Bob | 6/18/1904 | 8/19/1952 |
WEIMER, Paul Dean | 9/30/1926 | 3/20/2003 |
WELBORN, Joyce Charles | 4/22/1990 | |
WELLER, Ronald Eugene | 7/18/1958 | 11/26/1998 |
WERLY, Robert G. | 4/18/1925 | 4/27/1992 |
WERSTLER, Connie Elaine | 5/5/1945 | 5/3/1996 |
WHEELER, Jacqueline McDaniel | 4/18/1922 | 10/13/2001 |
WHEELER, Russell | ||
WHITE, Gertrude B. WHITE, Wesley Daniel, Jr. |
9/20/1916 4/6/1925 |
7/10/1998 5/25/1995 |
WILHAM, Eva WILHAM, James A. |
3/4/1920 5/5/1915 |
9/26/2002 8/6/2001 |
3/4/1920 5/5/1915 |
9/26/2002 8/6/2001 |
WILLIAMS, Barbara M. WILLIAMS, Stevie E. |
7/11/1905 12/1/1910 |
4/15/1970 3/6/1963 |
WILLIAMS, Carl E. | 2/6/1910 | 4/23/1998 |
WILLIAMS, Florence | 1937 | 1996 |
2/14/1922 1/31/1927 |
1/18/2002 3/22/2003 |
WILLIAMS, Robert E. | 5/27/1927 | 4/23/1999 |
1965 1960 |
1998 1981 |
WILLSON, Kenneth Wayne | 9/13/1951 | 10/26/2002 |
WILLSON, Kimberley | 1971 | 1971 |
WILSON, Betty I. WILSON, Robert Eugene |
2/19/1925 8/24/1923 |
10/11/2000 4/26/1995 |
WILSON, Marvin D. | 3/4/1948 | 3/3/1973 |
WILSON, Stephanie | 7/20/1925 | 12/31/1993 |
WILSON, Stephen Ligon | 5/26/1931 | 3/16/1996 |
WINEIGER, Ester | ||
WINEIGER, Roy | 10/2/1918 | 3/1/1998 |
WINDHOLZ, Frances A. | 7/19/1921 | 10/29/1984 |
WINDHOLZ, Robert J. | 1932 | 7/2/1989 |
WIRTH, Barbara Ann | 3/7/1932 | 1/22/1991 |
WOLF, Melvin Edward | 2/20/1925 | 3/1/1997 |
WOLF, Rachael Renee | 10/29/1979 | 5/17/1999 |
WONER, Mildred E. | 12/31/1909 | 9/28/1990 |
WORTHEN, Arlene A. WORTHEN, Junior C. |
12/18/1937 11/20/1926 |
5/3/1990 10/20/1984 |
WRIGHT, Earl L. | 1912 | 1988 |
WRIGHT, June | 6/11/1921 | 5/4/2003 |
WYKES, Grace May | 5/10/1931 | 11/11/1993 |
Y | ||
YARDLEY, Juanita Grace | 4/22/1928 | 2/7/1999 |
YEAMANS, Judy A. | 11/3/1942 | 8/22/1995 |
YOUNG, Atha | 3/8/1940 | 6/2/2003 |
YOUNG, Robert G. | 3/6/1921 | 7/8/1988 |
YOUNG, Veronica Call | 4/5/1911 | 9/5/1983 |
YOUNT, J. B. | 1872 | 1937 |
Z | ||
ZAMBITO, Domenick, Jr. | 5/7/1940 | 4/23/2002 |
ZAMBITO, Frances J. | 10/3/1934 | 12/15/1999 |
ZISKE, Lauretta Lucille | 9/14/1917 | 5/17/1986 |
ZUCCHERO, Daniel James | 7/9/1969 | 1/8/1999 |
ZUCCHERO, Thomas | 6/6/1960 | 3/8/2006 |
ZUCCHERO, Vincent Alfred | 12/18/1962 | 1/24/2007 |
For inquiries about Nevada
Cemeteries, burials and/or this project, or about this page or
the pictures,
contact Gerry Perry, Nevada
Tombstone Project Manager
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This page was last updated August 21, 2009
Copyright © 2009 USGenWeb Tombstone Project, Gerry Perry
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