Tecopa Cemetery
photographs donated by Fred Jorgensen of Pahrump, Nevada
(November, 2006 Copyright) unless indicated otherwise
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N | ||
NAGLITSCH, Frank | 4/6/1911 | 3/6/1977 |
NELSON, Robert W. | 1924 | 1999 |
NELSON, Virginia MOORE, Sophie |
1928 1902 |
1984 1981 |
NEWLAND, Terrance | 8/22/1936 | 5/21/2008 |
NEWMAN, Alva Lee | 9/10/1911 | 2/1/1985 |
NEWMAN, Rose Hope | 10/6/1919 | 9/13/1998 |
NICHELSON, Robert L. | 11/3/1931 | 7/6/1997 |
NICHOLS, Richard W. | 9/28/1930 | 6/22/1988 |
NICHOLSON, Baby | ||
NICHOLSON, Dennis | ||
NICHOLSON, Louise | 1922 | 1973 |
NICHOLSON, Loupie C. | 1912 | 1970 |
NICKOLSON, Dennis | ||
NICKOLSON, Roger J. | ||
4/14/1915 11/17/1923 |
11/14/1989 10/8/1989 |
NIELSEN, Robert H. | 5/17/1931 | 2/2/1999 |
NILSON, Claudia | 4/4/1952 | 1/29/1998 |
NILSON, Teresa | 4/15/1925 | 6/15/2002 |
NOE, Lee Woodson NOE, Ruth Mary |
1/24/1921 11/12/1922 |
6/1/1994 12/18/2000 |
O | ||
O'BRY, Audrey M. | 6/12/1899 | 6/17/1982 |
OLIVER, Rusty | 3/23/2000 | |
OPSITNICK, Joseph W., Jr. | 9/6/1944 | 2/24/1997 |
OSTRANDER, Edwin J. | 4/26/1927 | 10/5/1982 |
P | ||
PADEN, Maryann | 10/1/1946 | 5/4/2005 |
PADILLA, Salvador | 12/1999 | |
PALLAN, Andrea PALLAN, Castulo |
11/1/1924 3/26/1922 |
3/2/1999 8/7/2001 |
PALLAN, Dillon David | 4/16/1992 | 6/29/1992 |
PALMER, George E. | 10/16/1911 | 6/12/1999 |
PARKER, Emma | 1/27/1907 | 11/11/1983 |
PARKER, Victoria | 7/30/1923 | 9/23/1999 |
PARKS, Howard C. | 11/27/1928 | 3/6/1995 |
PARSON, Almeta E. PARSON, Chester F. |
3/23/1917 6/28/1915 |
1/24/1997 10/4/1980 |
PARSONS, Thomas M. | 4/30/1906 | 11/20/1987 |
PASKVAN, Mary H. | 6/1/1952 | 10/16/2006 |
PASSOS, Edward S., Sr. | 1/19/1911 | 5/27/1985 |
PAT, Jim | 1887 | 1961 |
PATTERSON, Callie E. PATTERSON, Woodrow C. |
6/7/1914 7/20/1913 |
12/7/1992 6/15/1981 |
PATTON, Althea "Sam" | 10/7/1933 | 7/24/2007 |
PAYNE, Frances | 11/28/1921 | 11/27/2001 |
PAYTON, Argyl PAYTON, Erna |
10/29/1922 9/16/1924 |
4/5/1991 8/1/2001 |
PEARCE, May Marie | 6/13/1944 | 10/2/2001 |
PEDERSON, Walter Edwin | 6/11/1907 | 6/22/1975 |
PEER, Rosa Lee | 1/19/1924 | 10/2/1998 |
PERKINS, Annie Mae | 3/6/1912 | 8/6/1986 |
PERKINS, James Kelleam | 6/14/1910 | 8/5/1988 |
PERTL, John | 1913 | 1975 |
PETERSEN, Clarence | 1907 | 1995 |
PETERSEN, Virginia Aline | 1914 | 1994 |
PETERSON, Ethel C. | 1917 | 1995 |
PETERSON, Jason Lee | 3/26/1984 | |
PETERSON, Pamela K. | 12/21/1943 | 8/20/1980 |
PETERSON, Priscella | 1941 | 1985 |
PETTIT, William J. | 1893 | 1980 |
PHILLIPS, LaDonna | 9/18/1960 | 4/28/1992 |
PHILLIPS, Tracy | 1969 | 1971 |
PILETTE, Joseph Anthony "Tony" | 10/31/1940 | 1/17/1971 |
PINON, Heriberto | 4/6/1951 | 12/27/1995 |
PIRO, Tim | 1958 | 2003 |
PITTMAN, Adabell Blanche | 4/3/1909 | 4/25/1990 |
PLASSMEYER, William | 11/18/1932 | 5/16/2000 |
POE, Kodi | 11/10/1995 | |
POE, Louis M. | 1926 | 1988 |
PORTER, Eugene | 6/19/1913 | 12/23/2001 |
POWELL, Sarah | 1913 | 1984 |
POWELL, William Madison | 6/3/1915 | 1/2/1986 |
PRITCHARD, Joseph W. PRITCHARD, Virginia |
11/14/1930 11/14/1930 |
4/4/1996 4/4/1996 |
PRITCHETT, Caron R. | 7/15/1909 | 6/11/1982 |
1911 1912 |
2004 1997 |
PURDY, Vesta | 5/22/1908 | 2/11/1996 |
Q | ||
QUEENAN, Richard E. | 10/18/1922 | 6/27/1996 |
R | ||
RAEP, Faith | ||
RAGSDALE, Kenneth "Bud" Back of stone |
6/9/1928 | 5/10/1999 |
RANDOLPH, Dilsey Starks | 10/26/1897 | 8/4/1989 |
RASMUSSEN, Melvina T. | 3/6/1989 | |
RAUCH-DENNIS, Elizabeth | 1927 | 1989 |
RAYMOND, John | 1965 | 4/25/1991 |
REDMAN, Harold Ray | 1921 | 1974 |
REDMAN, Jesse Ray | 1959 | 1975 |
REDMAN, Mary Ellen | 1930 | 2001 |
12/27/1922 1/28/1969 |
3/31/1985 8/27/1979 |
3/13/1908 5/10/1911 |
1/20/2000 7/8/1994 |
RENO, William F. | 1/24/1930 | 5/23/1990 |
REUL, Richard | 1921 | 1998 |
REUSS, Heinrich F. | 12/12/1912 | 9/15/1979 |
REYNOLDS, Shirley | 1928 | 2001 |
RICE, Robert | 8/22/1938 | 8/19/2004 |
RICHARDS, John J. | 5/12/1994 | |
RICHARDSON, Billie | 11/27/1993 | |
RICHARDSON, Elwyn H. | 11/28/1911 | 10/7/1984 |
RICHARDSON, Stacy Jane | 11/6/1964 | 3/27/2007 |
RIEHL, Betty Mae | 2/2/1904 | 4/11/1978 |
RILE, John H. | 1914 | 1974 |
12/27/1922 1/28/1969 |
3/31/1985 8/27/1979 |
ROBERGE, Doria Joseph | 3/10/1915 | 8/31/1973 |
ROBERTS, Glen F. | 8/4/1926 | 2/4/1994 |
ROBINSON, George Howard | 9/2/1931 | 3/16/1999 |
ROBINSON, Beverley J. | 8/16/1933 | 2/4/1997 |
ROBINSON, Jimmie M. | 1937 | 1979 |
ROBINSON, P. D. | 3/21/1912 | 2/6/1996 |
ROBINSON, Patricia Jean | 5/7/1937 | 12/7/2005 |
ROGERS, Hazel McLaughlin | 1/11/1910 | 9/3/1994 |
ROSE, Robert Allin | 11/29/1921 | 5/28/1995 |
ROUH, Regina J. ROUH, Wayne E. |
11/8/1925 10/11/1924 |
9/20/1997 12/5/1990 |
ROW, Lucy F. ROW, William |
3/13/1909 7/25/1907 |
6/20/1978 3/24/1987 |
ROWLAND, Edna H. | 8/13/1922 | 1/26/2008 |
ROWLAND, Marvin L. | 12/8/1919 | 2/22/2007 |
ROYSTER, James | 1905 | 1976 |
RUBLE, Clair T. | 1916 | 1975 |
RUDDELL, Robert Bruce | 5/22/1921 | 8/29/1996 |
RUIZ, Emilio Jose | 8/23/1998 | 1/9/1999 |
RUPNIK, Elvira A. | 1953 | 1993 |
RUSHFORD, Ann | 8/3/1908 | 1/13/2008 |
RUUD, Robert H. | 12/18/1928 | 7/24/1983 |
RYBACK, Raymond | 6/21/1913 | 10/24/1989 |
For inquiries about Nevada
Cemeteries, burials and/or this project, or about this page or
the pictures,
contact Gerry Perry, Nevada
Tombstone Project Manager
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This page was last updated August 19, 2009
Copyright © 2009 USGenWeb Tombstone Project, Gerry Perry
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