Tecopa Cemetery
photographs donated by Fred Jorgensen of Pahrump, Nevada
(November, 2006 Copyright) unless indicated otherwise
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M | ||
MAINS, George W., Jr. | 1923 | 1979 |
MAIOLO, Frank | 10/22/1925 | 4/4/2001 |
MANKINS, Leslie "Bill" Back of Stone |
1926 | 2001 |
10/31/1903 9/24/1905 |
3/10/1996 7/2/1989 |
MAPLES, Angelina Phyllis | 5/18/1926 | 1/8/1997 |
MARCHMONTE, Hughlon C. | 5/20/1913 | 11/23/1981 |
MARTENESS, Doris M. | 1908 | 2001 |
MARTENESS, Velvie G. | 2/14/1912 | 6/2/1982 |
MARTIN, Florence E. | 1920 | 1992 |
MARTIN, Lester E. | 5/4/1905 | 9/15/1981 |
MARTIN, Ron | 11/1938 | 1/2006 |
MARTIN, Shelby "Jack" | 1909 | 1990 |
MARTIN, Wendell Kieth | 8/7/1946 | 12/21/1975 |
MARTIN, Willard Ray, Jr. | 3/1945 | 3/1983 |
MARTINEZ, Felix Covarrubias | 5/18/1920 | 1/23/2007 |
MARTINEZ, Jose Velasquez | 3/17/1903 | 3/7/1998 |
MARTINEZ, Patricia MARTINEZ, Pinky |
2/26/1939 8/2/1942 |
4/8/2005 10/18/2000 |
MATHEWSON, William A. | 5/9/1922 | 7/13/2003 |
MAURER, Katriese Marie | 11/25/1985 | 12/9/2001 |
MAXWELL, Jack I. | 4/1/1915 | 9/25/1985 |
MAXWELL, Loretta M. | 9/14/1915 | 1/3/2005 |
McCORMACK, Albert | 11/14/1910 | 3/14/1985 |
McCOY, Ethel Mae | 4/9/1906 | 5/22/2002 |
McCOY, Otto Benton | 10/19/1895 | 8/16/1991 |
McCUTCHEON, Jackie Lee` | 8/3/1935 | 7/13/1996 |
McDANIEL, Edward Harry | 9/6/1925 | 1/4/1994 |
McDANIEL, John W. | 4/25/1958 | 3/13/1999 |
McDANNALD, Roy A. | 9/13/1960 | 6/27/1982 |
McDONALD, George A. McDONALD, Nancy J. |
10/4/1909 6/1/1916 |
10/11/1980 9/8/1987 |
McDONALD, Gladys | 11/20/1912 | 8/25/2000 |
McDONALD, Robert L. | 1909 | 1969 |
McKINNEY, Melba J. | 7/2/1949 | 11/10/1998 |
McLAUGHLIN, Clara B. | 11/28/1920 | 6/11/1988 |
McLAUGHLIN, Sam | 12/20/1905 | 10/29/1994 |
McMANUS, Lylis Flo | 9/27/1913 | 4/27/1983 |
McMANUS, Malcolm Wesley | 6/20/1915 | 12/6/1980 |
McMURRY, Andrew Frank McMURRY, Sarah Alber |
6/23/1918 5/17/1904 |
6/28/1998 12/2/1996 |
McNAIR, Edith A. "Edie" McNAIR, William "Earl" |
11/11/1921 12/12/1916 |
4/19/1993 7/19/2003 |
McQUILLIN, Nancy | 12/14/1940 | 3/1/1998 |
MEAD, Donald Lee | 11/10/1966 | 9/21/1994 |
MEAD, Thomas Michael | 12/26/1963 | 3/23/1992 |
MEAD, Twin Babies | 12/28/1983 | |
MECHAM, Betty Jean | 1/23/1929 | 5/10/2001 |
MEEK, Lawrence Allen | 8/2/1956 | 12/1/1991 |
MEEK, Mary Jane | 8/28/1937 | 2/2/2008 |
MEEKS, Raymond P. | 11/3/1907 | 2/11/1987 |
MEIDELL, Charles O. | 1896 | 1970 |
MEIER, Fred H. | 3/3/1916 | 8/12/2001 |
METZ, Donald | 3/10/1979 | 9/10/2006 |
MIELZYNSKI, Richard | ||
MIKE, Nellie | ||
MIKHALCHUK, Jacquelyn Gayle | 3/2/1938 | 2/17/2008 |
MILBURN, Ruby | 12/8/1921 | 1/24/2008 |
MILER, Dotty | 7/23/1999 | |
MILLER, Alberta | 7/7/1993 | |
MILLER, Alfred E. | 7/21/1916 | 5/22/1989 |
MILLER, Connie | 3/28/1926 | 1/13/1988 |
MILLER, Dandy | 4/29/1997 | 4/29/1997 |
MILLER, Donald | 3/12/1923 | 3/13/2001 |
MILLER, Evelyn A. | 10/7/1929 | 5/16/1995 |
MILLER, Hallie THRASHER, Nellie |
3/27/1935 3/7/1915 |
12/10/2004 12/27/1999 |
MILLER, Iona Myers | 9/23/1920 | 6/15/1990 |
MILLER, Joseph D. | 12/10/1987 | |
MILLER, Josephine E. | 3/18/1920 | 2/28/2005 |
MILLER, Phillip S. | 11/9/1948 | 10/8/1999 |
MILLER, William | 1965 | 2001 |
MILLER, William H. | 12/23/1926 | 3/6/2004 |
MILLS, Daniel T. | 6/28/1959 | 4/16/2003 |
MINCEMEYER, Dorothy HUNT, Charles A. |
4/11/1921 2/4/1919 |
1/15/2002 12/10/2002 |
MISTRATA, Carl J. | 12/3/1917 | 1/31/1990 |
MISTRATA, Lucille | 5/15/1917 | 3/25/1990 |
MITCHELL, Richard MITCHELL, Shirley E. |
4/27/1927 1/26/1926 |
6/15/1985 2/15/198? |
MIXON, John F. | 8/18/1922 | 1/27/1999 |
MOCK, Melody Lynn | 1/31/1974 | 2/21/1976 |
MONAHAN, Patrick R. | 3/20/1938 | 8/16/1992 |
MONGEON, Jean Marilyn | 7/21/1944 | 8/17/1996 |
MOORE, Art | ||
MOORE, Barbara Marie | 7/19/1932 | 4/30/2002 |
MOORE, Earl Wilson WILSON, Katherine (Jackie) |
1910 1918 |
1992 2003 |
MOORE, Henry MOORE, Marie |
9/4/1923 2/4/1915 |
1/22/2000 1/28/1999 |
MOORE, Kenneth Doyle | 6/12/1939 | 2/12/1999 |
MOORE, Rufus L., Jr. | 5/1/1932 | 2/21/2002 |
MOORE, Sophie NELSON, Virginia |
1902 1928 |
1981 1984 |
MOORE, Wayne | 1938 | 1994 |
MORALES, Cora | 1920 | 1983 |
MORGAN, Clyde L. | 1/20/1932 | 9/13/2005 |
MORGAN, George L. | 6/30/1915 | 7/17/1985 |
MORGAN, Mary Elizebeth | 9/20/1938 | 8/17/1995 |
MORRIS, Gallenas Rollin | 6/30/1916 | 3/24/1996 |
MORRISON, Virgil Lee | 11/15/1913 | 11/12/1998 |
MORTON, Richard A. | 6/27/1933 | 10/21/1995 |
MOSSMAN, Edward F. | 7/5/1914 | 7/29/1989 |
MULVANEY, Cecil John MULVANEY, Evelyn Arlene |
3/14/1919 12/16/1921 |
3/23/1997 10/1/1995 |
MUNGER, Marge | 3/31/1911 | 11/7/1993 |
MUNROE, Marshal | 10/5/1910 | 11/1974 |
MURILLO, Jimmy R. | 10/26/1948 | 1/2/1998 |
MURILLO, Joe M., Sr. | 6/29/1925 | 4/24/2001 |
MURPHY, Ryan Scott | 11/11/1994 |
For inquiries about Nevada
Cemeteries, burials and/or this project, or about this page or
the pictures,
contact Gerry Perry, Nevada
Tombstone Project Manager
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This page was last updated August 19, 2009
Copyright © 2009 USGenWeb Tombstone Project, Gerry Perry
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